Chapter 2

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Roman's POV

Roman couldn't breathe. She had walked in to the classroom five minutes earlier and Roman had stopped breathing the moment he had laid eyes on her. He had no idea he could hold his breath for five minutes and still manage to be alive. Roman's friend Trevor elbowed him from the side and made him snap out of the trance that he had been in while making him suck in a handful of air.

"Dude you have been staring at the professor since she walked on without blinking. I thought you were dead for a second there." Trevor remarked with humour evident in his eyes.

"Though I cannot blame you. The new professor is HOT. I myself couldn't take my eyes off of her either since she walked in-" a deep growl from Roman's chest vibrated out before he could stop it. Both he and his wolf didn't like Trevor calling her hot even if he was his friend. A possessiveness Roman had never felt before settled in to his bones when he looked at the faces of the students and saw that every male in the class was drooling over the new professor, Lana.

"What's wrong Roman? You seem like you want to kill anyone and your eyes are starting to glow gold. Your wolf is coming out during a class, you need to contain your wolf there are humans here." Trevor warned.

"Mate." Roman whispered along with a deep growl. That caught the eye of the professor for a second and Lana turned those beautiful green eyes on Roman like she heard what he whispered all the way over the end of the classroom but then quickly turned her attention away and she continued her lecture on latin origins. Roman's wolf made whimper when his mate didn't pay attention to him by quickly averting her eyes.

"Roman bro get yourself together you just whimpered like a newborn pup." Trevor said incredulously. Roman had to agree with him, he himself was acting like a child right now. Whimpering was not acceptable.

Still Roman couldn't stop his eyes from roaming the figure of her mate. He thought to say she was a goddess but even that didn't begin to cover Lana. Her legs looked so good in those black heels and made her look like a perfect model ready for runway. She was very tall Roman noted even without the heels. And that green dress. It made him want to groan with pain and pleasure at how delectable she looked in it. It was simple but her curves and perfect ass made it look like the most expensive dress ever made. And the green colour of the dress matched her magnificent emerald green eyes, making them more prominent.

Roman couldn't even swallow with his dry throat because all of his drool had dripped out of his mouth. His wolf was doing the same thing in the back of his mind, with his tongue out howling for him to jump on her not caring that they are in the middle of a class. And those jet black hair looked so silky, he just wanted to run his hands over and over through it. Under a perfect nose, Roman's death was hidden. The full red lips. They would surely kill him if he did not cover them with his own or if he never got to kiss them. He was losing handle on what was real while imagining her lips on his and those mile long legs wrapped around his waist.

Damn Roman was getting hard thinking about these dirty thoughts. He stopped them before they could get to a place where there would be no turning back. He was in public for Christ sake! He shook his head from side to side and with great reluctance pulled those thoughts away from his mind.

The goddess was still talking in front of the class giving information about how latin came to be and how many of the languages originated from ir. But Roman couldn't pull himself together enough to digest the information. Her melodic voice had a lulling effect and Roman decided he could listen to her voice all day. And the rest of the class as well, he added. He hadn't seen the energetic class this quiet since forever. The rest of them were captured, tranced and enamoured as much as he, Roman thought with distaste. He did not like the fact that other people were looking at his mate like he was looking at her.

He simply wanted to rip their eyes out.

But he restrained his wolf for that would cause a scene not because it was morally and ethically wrong or anything.

A whole hour passed and Roman didn't once separate his eyes from Lana. At the end of the lesson Lana said:

"Thank you everyone and I will see you tomorrow at class." In a voice that Roman was slowly becoming addicted to.

Students made their leave, gathering their notes and bags while Lana was collecting her coursework from her desk at the front of the class as well. Roman wanted to talk to his mate before she left so he turned to his friend Trevor.

"I will catch up with you later Trevor. You go ahead." Roman said.

"Okay." Trevor said unsurely and added, "I can see from your eyes what you are planning to do and man please just don't make a fool of yourself. You already looked like you're whipped." And before Roman could make a remark at him or punch him in the face, Trevor was out the door.

There were no students left in the class now and it was only Roman and Lana left. As Roman made his was down the steps to the front of the classroom from where his seat was situated, he could smell mate's scent. It was a combination of roses freshly cut grass. The scent made his wolf go crazy and Roman himself couldn't get enough of the smell.

He reached Lana's desk and stood in front of it. His presence made made her look up and their eyes locked.


So they meet... *gives a smirk while sitting at a leather chair and petting a dog on her lap*

And by the way Roman doesn't know Lana is a vampire because well werewolves has a distinct smell which makes it able for Lana to detect him but vampires don't have a distinct smell.

So unless he sees her fangs or she tells him, Roman doesn't know his mate is a vampire.

Thanks for reading lovelies.

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