Chapter 10

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*I added the music so that you may listen to it if you'd want during the dance scene.*

Lana's POV

It was Saturday evening and Lana was driving to the address Roman had texted her. She didn't know what had made Roman change his mind about a cinema date but the setting of it wouldn't matter to her anyways. This surprise date or the cinema or just sitting somewhere and spending time with each other. Any of that would be great in Lana's opinion.

The address was quite far and it was on a country side, covered with green as long as the human eye could see. It was hard to find such empty fields and this scenery change reminded Lana how much she preferred nature to city.

After a while of driving, Lana came to find a relatively large building in the middle of the grasslands. She immediately recognised what it is. From the large dome of it with a retractable ceiling, it was without a doubt an observatory. It made sense why it was away from settlement areas now. Otherwise the light from the buildings would obscure the view of the stars. From cinema to star gazing Lana thought to herself while smiling and shaking her head.

The unpredictableness of Roman was not something Lana was used to. She was used to patterns. The universe and the life had patterns, some interchangeable instincts etched into genes that made the cycle tick and turn. And the gears always turned the same way for the cycle to process. Adaptations and the crawl of evolution ever present but stretched over a tedious million years. Never this fast. The change and the defiance to the usual pattern was never this quick as it is with Roman. When a gear turned to the other direction, would the cycle stop turning? Would Lana want it to become undone?

The unpredictableness of life was something humans experienced. With their short life span, they only witnessed every thing once. But Lana had lived long enough to see that life was unimaginative enough that it repeat itself.

Lana snapped out of her deep thoughts and parked her Camaro on to the side of the observatory. She came out of the car and walked to the entrance of the building. There, at the threshold of the observatory's door, was Roman waiting for her. Roman saw her looking at him and gave a joyful smile. The happiness that Roman radiated hit Lana like a ton of bricks and nocked the breath out of her lungs. He was, with the energy in him and the power, life itself. The embodiment of it. And Lana felt for the first time that she was truly and dearly close to living.

This bundle of joy, seemed to have the energy and will to live enough for both of them in him. The little pup that Lana had claimed as hers was slowly becoming the brightest star in her sky. And she noticed that even if he was a glitch, her glitch, in the cycle of life and eventually made the cycle stop or dysfunction, Lana would do anything to protect him.

She would make sure that bright spark of life would never extinguish.

The realisation of these new feelings toward Roman brought a sweet smile onto Lana's face though her smile could never match with Roman's.

She made her way towards Roman, they were both dressed casual for their evening. When Lana reached Roman, she leaned out with her right hand and grabbed him at his nape to pull him down the few inches of height difference they had. She kissed him possessively, roughly and deeply, full of passion. Lana heard Roman gasp from the sudden, unexpected kiss.

His sweet innocent shock and reaction to the kiss made Lana grin against his lips. When Lana pulled back, Roman was frozen on the spot, looking like he was trying to gather his whereabouts.

"Hi." Lana said to Roman while still grinning.

"Uh- hello" He replied a little dazzled.

Seeing Roman get this affected because of her was deeply satisfying to Lana. Both men and women had always been attracted to Lana and gave reactions similar to Roman's, mostly because of her heritage and appearance that came from being a vampire. But only when Roman does it, a warmth spreads through Lana.

Roman shook his head to clear it and when he got his bearings he said, "Come on, the event is just about to start." With that he reached to Lana's hand and took her inside.

The inside of the observatory looked beautiful. The circular room was illuminated by the soft moonlight that was coming through the already open ceiling. The telescope was pointing up to the night sky; like it wanted to touch the stars but couldn't, so made do with only admiring them from afar.

A human with glasses and a name tag that said 'Brian', was standing next to the end of the telescope, explaining things to the other people in the room. All of them human, Lana detected.

Roman lead Lana towards the small group and stood next to them. Brian, who seemed to be their tour guide and a worker at the observatory explained the basics of astronomy, how in the past humans used the stars to travel and calculate time.

As Brian kept on talking, Roman leaned down to Lana's ear to whisper something.

"I remember you telling me how much you like learning new things so I signed us up to this event at the observatory. There also happens to be a meteor that we will be able to see through the telescope."

Lana smiled at Roman's thoughtfulness. He really did know what Lana would like.

"Admit it. This is way better than going to the cinema." Roman said cockily.

Lana chuckled and agreed, "Yes this is better than cinema."

They then turned their attention back to Brian. Sometime later, Brian finished talking and motioned them all towards the telescope to see the meteor. The attenders lined up to take their turns with the telescope, Lana and Roman along with them. One by one everyone looked through it.

When it was their turn, Lana looked through the eyepiece to see the meteor. The stark visual of the colour of the meteor with the night sky was creating radical sight.

Then Roman took his turn and Lana watched his expressions. The awe clearly written on his handsome face, the slight rise of his eyebrows and a hint of a smile on those full delicious lips. She could watch him forever. Lana would gladly spend all of her eternity watching Roman.

But there was a problem with that idea. A problem that had not came to Lana's mind until just now. And it brought fear alongside it.

Roman wasn't immortal. Werewolves didn't have an eternity to live. And as much as Lana wouldn't want Roman to have immortality, because it was a curse more so than it was a blessing, she could not stop herself but want him to be immortal.

The promise of a day that Roman would no longer be alive, cracked something deep inside Lana.

One day death would come between her and his beloved and as powerful as she was, Lana couldn't match with death. She could and would protect him from anything but old age was not something Lana could stop.

She didn' care about his hair getting white or his appearance changing. Those things would never change what Roman means to her. The problem was losing him. Lana knew that her mate would die and she couldn't do a damn thing about it.

This helplessness that came over her was soul crushing. Desperation. Lana had never felt this helpless in her life. And that pitch black fear she never felt before rooted in her heart, weighing her down.

Roman finished looking through the telescope and turned those blue eyes full of wonder towards Lana. He frowned when he saw her face. Lana quickly masked the emotions from her thoughts that were probably visible on her face.

She gave a smile to Roman but it didn't reach her eyes. Fortunately Roman didn't ask Lana what was wrong when he came to her side. Lana didn't want to ruin their evening. Roman just took her hand in his and held their entwined hands tightly together. Silently sending power to her to cast away the shadows in her gaze and give her energy. No pity in his eyes, no sadness. He just gave her his support because he felt like she needed it.

Lana had lived all her life alone. Being her own anchor was all she knew. So when Roman gave her his support without doubt and without making her feel like she is weak to need assistance, she was touched beyond words could ever begin to explain.

This seemingly small gesture meant a lot to Lana. Without words, Roman was telling her that she can lean on him for support and he would prop her up without a question or subjecting her to condescension because of her inability to do it herself.

Roman was telling her that she could trust him. And she did. Lana squeezed Roman's hand back in gratitude.

The people followed Brian as they went around inside the observatory. There were many research rooms, classrooms that were used when schools visited for lessons or trips. There was even a large library filled with books and without doubt that was Lana's favourite room in the whole observatory.

When the group was making their way back to the main rooms, Roman lead Lana away from them as he kept holding her hand.

"Aren't we going to stay with the group?" Lana asked curiously.

"No. I had something else planned." Roman said. The door that Roman opened, led to the back of the observatory. It was a calm serene scene with the hazy moonlight hitting the slightly damp grass. The hills with soft curves beckoning from far away and the crickets creating a symphony. Stars shining brighter because they were away from civilisation and fireflies trying to imitate them. It was paradise on earth.

Roman led Lana away from the building and towards the middle of the grasslands. Then he took out his phone and played a song. It was Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy. Putting the cell phone back into his pocket as the song continued playing, Roman turned to Lana and asked:

"Can I have this dance love?"

When Roman used that endearment, butterflies appeared in Lana's stomach.

She smiled and took his hand. They slowly started dancing and Lana gave off a little laugh.

"What is it?" Roman asked smiling.

"I love Debussy. I swear you are a man after my own heart Roman Denvar." Lana replied slightly shaking her head.

"Glad to know my intentions are clear Lanakila." Roman said using her full name. Lana would never get used to hearing her own ancient name coming out of those lips. It made Lana want to drag Roman to her bed and claim him as hers.

They danced together as the song played. More than once Roman stepped in the wrong direction or couldn't follow up. Lana was experienced in dancing, she had attended many balls in her time. Those times were filled with porcelain skins, powders, clinking of heels on marble and the visions of colourful gowns. Lana was glad that no one wore a corset in 21st century. Those things could kill a person from suffocation.

Roman kept looking at his feet to follow the steps of the dance with a look of concentration etched into his face. The crease from his frown from frustration and concentration is adorable, Lana thought. Although he was deeply focused on it, Roman slipped up and stepped on Lana's right foot.

"Damn it!" Roman said under his breath angrily.

"Hey." Lana said softly as she put a finger under his chin to make him look up to her. "What's wrong?"

"I just stepped on your foot." He replied as a matter of factly.

"I know." Lana said smiling. "I'm a vampire you remember that right? You can't hurt me easily. Certainly not by stepping on my foot."

"It's not only that. I practised hard to be able to dance with you tonight. I even had to dance with my friend Trevor." Roman said that last part in a murmur, ashamedly.

The fact that Roman had worked to impress her was more than enough. And he had danced with his friend nonetheless. She knew what two  males dancing with each other could do to prides.

"That was really thoughtful of you Roman. I am honoured to know that you would dance with another male to impress me. Trevor is your roommate right?" Lana asked.

"Yeah he is. You should have seen us. It was ridiculously embarrassing." Roman admitted and they both laughed together.

Lana leaned her head on Roman's shoulder, her forehead against the side of his neck. Every time she breathed in air, his woody snow pine smell that gave her a feeling of a cozy home filled her lungs, making her dizzy and overwhelmed.

Roman leaned his head on top of her head and they swayed to the music like that for sometime.

When the music came to an end, they didn't separate but continued to slowly dance to the silent music of the forest.

Lana's mind kept wandering back to her curse: immortality. She usually prided herself on being strong, in every sense of the word possible, mentally and physically. She had to become strong in order to survive this long in life. But she didn't know where all that strength would go if Roman died and she lived on.

The rest of her eternity would be little different than torture.


Hello lovelies

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