Chapter 11

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Roman's POV

In Roman's opinion, yesterday had been one of the best nights of his life. Everything about it was magical and getting to spend it with Lana was the cherry on top.

He sighed in contentment with a smile on his face. Roman was currently walking down the corridor of the university to his economics class. He unfortunately didn't have any latin class today so he wouldn't be seeing Lana today.

'You can keep it in your pants for one day. You are a big boy Roman.' His wolf said snickering.

'I was worried on your behalf because you clearly can't keep it in your pants for one day.' Roman snappily replied back. His wolf's only reply was a disgruntled sound.

As Roman was walking, he felt the hairs on his nape stand up and the eery feeling of someone's watching him captured all his senses. He quickly looked over his shoulder. Normal college students, minding their own business and walking to their classes. Nothing seemed out of place and no one was directly looking at him. Finding no danger, Roman shrugged to himself and made his way to his class.


After a few hours of going in and out of lesson, all Roman wanted to do was jump into his bed and pull the covers over his head. Unfortunately he had countless assignments, projects and essays to finish. Thinking that the bed in his apartment would silently call to him if he tried to work there, he made up his mind to go to the university's library.

He climbed the stairs to the second floor of the library and found a secluded mahogany table to study on. He would definitely need to come back here soon because his mid terms were closing in on him.

Roman diligently threw himself into work and didn't lift his head from his textbooks for an hour. Right then he felt that someone was watching him again. He lifted his head and looked around. There were just bookshelves other long tables and 3 other students who were reading books.

None of the students seemed to be minding him or watching him. Roman shook his head from left to right. He felt like he was slowly losing his mind. Turning back to his assignment, he continued writing for another half an hour.

He needed a specific book for his next study so he got up to search the bookshelves for it. Just as he was looking at the row that his book was supposed to be, a girl came around the bookshelf. As she came closer, he noticed from her red hair that she was Jessica. They had shared a couple classes last year and talked at a couple of parties but Roman wouldn't call them friends. Especially considering how she had tried making a move on him when she was drunk at multiple parties.

Jessica saw him and came to stand beside him. "Hello Roman. How are you?" She asked looking up to him.

"Good Jessica how are you?" Roman asked and then continued searching the shelf for his book.

"I'm good. We don't have classes anymore. We don't get to talk as often anymore." She said pouting.

"Yeah." Roman said. He didn't think it was really a shame though. She was a nice girl, smart but she really did come on too strong sometimes. Even though he had clearly made an obvious point in telling her he was not interested.

"So I was thinking..." Jessica started and lifted her left hand to his arm to touch his biceps. She started making patterns on his arm with her finger. "Maybe we can make up for the lost time by going to dinner together." She said while fluttering her eyelashes.

"Jessica I have told you before, I think you are a great girl but I really have to decline your offer. Also, I have a girlfriend now." Roman tried to explain while taking her hand away from his arm.

Jessica blushed when she heard the mention of Roman's girlfriend but Roman couldn't figure out whether it was from embarrassment or frustration. Without another word, Jessica turned away from Roman and stormed away with quick steps.

Roman felt bad about how he rejected her. He must have hurt Jessica's feelings. But his words were the truth. Even before Roman had met Lana, he didn't think Jessica and him were right for each other. And now that he had met Lana, Roman didn't think he would ever look at anyone else ever again.

Roman found the book he was looking for and got back to the table. After another half an hour of working, he concluded that his brain has stopped working and no more information would get through his skull. So he collected his books and belongings and left the library.

On his way to the apartment, Roman felt like he was being watched for the third time this day and again looked around. The street was crowded and people were walking around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But just as he was turning around to continue walking, Roman's eyes met a red pair of eyes.

His werewolf sight made it easier for him to see the little red dots from the long distance but the person's body was cloaked in the darkness of the alley. He took a step forward to confront whoever or whatever was watching him but when Roman blinked, the eyes were gone.

Roman stood there for a second wondering whether he had imagined the eyes or not. He didn't think he imagined it. When the feeling of being watched and the red eyes were added together, the results were not that comforting. Something was wrong.

Roman turned around and quickly made his way back to his apartment.

Lana was older than him and indisputably wiser. She may know more about red eyes than I do, Roman thought and made up his mind to ask her about it tomorrow after class.


Red Eyes's POV

Red Eyes walked into the covenant leader's office. The leader was sitting in his chair, dealing with paperwork and he looked up when Red Eyes came to stand in front of him.

"Did you find him Devon?" The leader asked to Red Eyes.

Devon answered, "Yes sir I did. Like you said she led us right to him."

"Great news Devon. Is there anything else I should know about?" The leader asked.

"Two more things sir. The first is that he saw me. I know you said to keep my distance but he sensed me and saw me." Devon said.

"Don't worry. Now she will bring her beloved closer to her, in order to protect him. It will make my job harder but the victory will be all the more sweeter because of that." The leader stopped and thought for a second and said, "You said he sensed you Devon. How? You are a vampire."

"Yes that is the second thing I wanted to tell you sir. Her beloved isn't human. He is a werewolf." Devon said and feared for the covenant leader's reaction. If he didn't like what he heard, he could lashed out very viciously.

But to Devon's bewilderment, the leader started laughing.

"A werewolf?" The leader continued laughing.

"Y-yes sir." Devon stuttered.

"Never in a million years would I have expected that." The leader said when he stopped laughing. His red eyes were shining with mischief and that sent a dreadful shiver down Devon's spine. "That was quite unexpected." Then the leader added,

"It's a good thing I love surprises."


Hey buddies it's been a while since I last wrote on this story. I had exams and other excruciating stuff going on.

Also I have started another story called 'Heart Before Badge' it is a police romance book and I'll update these two books simultaneously.

As always, please keep me in the loop about your opinions on my story. I love reading comments.

I love you dearies 💙

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