Chapter 5

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Roman's POV

The first thing that Roman had done was go to a flower shop in the early morning. His mother had raised him as a gentleman and if he recalled correctly, the first go to romantic items were flowers and chocolate. Yes when he thought about it it seemed cheesy but Hollywood had done many many romantic movies and they involved flowers and chocolate one way or another. So he thought, why not give it a try?

The only thing was Roman didn't know was whether vampires ate anything or not. He hadn't exactly spent anytime with one of them. Before he came to study at the university, Roman was living among a small pack that consisted of his town. And they only had learned about a vampire from their families. So Lana was the first one he had seen in flesh.

Would she eat chocolate if he bought some for her? He would soon learn.

Yes he also bought one single rose because she smelled like roses and it just seemed fitting. He was bad at romance at least he was admitting it. With a deep sigh he left the flower shop before he could give in to his doubts and lose his mind. If Lana happened to not turn him down immediately for some miracle, he would have to watch more romance movies or read more books on it. Because flowers and chocolate was seriously laughable.

He made his way to the university, Lana's class was the first on his schedule today and he was thrilled about it. Not about the lesson but about seeing her. Yes he loved learning latin but he wouldn't have picked the class if it weren't for Trevor. 'The chicks dig bilinguals' he had said. 'Idiot' he had replied at the time but now, he was grateful to his horny friend because signing up to the class had brought him to Lana.

Roman reached class and made his way to take his seat next to Trevor. He was already seated and doodling on his notebook. Trevor looked at Roman when he sat next to him. And then looked at the half concealed single rose and box of chocolate and chuckled.

"Nice Romeo. Good going. Chocolate and roses but you still have much to learn grasshopper." He said while rubbing an imaginary beard at his chin.

"What do you mean Trevor?" Roman asked.

"Didn't you say she told you she was 'old'? We don't know how old she may be so she may have already received a thousand roses and thousand chocolates from other admirers. Going with generic stuff is not going to help you with this girl Roman."

At the mention of a thousand admirers, Roman's blood started to boil and red anger from jealousy started to cloud his vision. But also he started to feel self-conscious. What if Trevor was right? What if Lana had received many gifts like this and this seemed boring and dull to her. He had never been this unsure of himself, he was so nervous.

"Do not fret my boy, I being the good friend I am will be the cupid on your shoulder and guide your actions from now on so you will not make a fool of yourself on my watch." Trevor announced with conviction and pride.

Before Roman had time to reply, a silence fell on the students because he noticed, his mate had entered the class. She was as beautiful as ever. Today Lana was wearing a white blouse and a black skirt that hugged her hips so perfectly. Roman wanted to take her into his arms and whisk her away to a secluded place to admire her only himself, he did not want any body else to gaze upon her even if what she was wearing was very normal and no this train of thought was not ridiculous. 'No it is not. It is perfectly reasonable.' His wolf agreed with him with a huff.

The lesson started with Lana's melodic voice. She was teaching about the basics of the language now. Since the class had newcomers such as Roman himself, before continuing on to more complex topics, Lana had wanted to go over the basics. She made something so simple easily elegant and like a sonnet. Roman was enchanted.

At the half of the class, a guy that was sitting in front of Roman started talking to the guy next to him. "The new teacher has the most amazing ass that I have ever seen dude. What I wouldn't do to have that all to my self." The two guys were lustfully talking about his mate and Roman lost it.

He grabbed the collar of the shirt of the guys so forcefully that they almost got out of their seats. Then Roman leaned in and said, "You don't look at her that way, you don't think about her that way hell you don't even mention her name in your thoughts. You understand me?" He growled and with Trevor's warning hand on his shoulder, Roman pushed them back into her seats.

Roman waited to see if the two arrogant ass would turn around to say something but they kept quiet. At least they were smart enough to understand a threat, Roman thought.

When Roman settled back into his chair and looked at the front of the class, he made eye contact with Lana. She was looking directly at her. No doubt she had heard what these jerks had said and then the exchange between himself and them with her vampire hearing. Though Roman couldn't decipher what that gaze meant, what that emotion in her eyes was and before he could even get close, Lana turned her gaze and kept on going with her lesson.

The rest of the class sped on uneventfully. At the end of the class, again Roman stayed back to wait until all of the students filed out of the classroom. And Trevor left him with a simple 'good luck' before running along.

A little nervous and with a sheepish grin on his face, Roman made his way to the front of the classroom. This time Lana was almost like expecting him to stay behind so she spoke first when Roman came to stand in front of her desk.

"I was not aware that my honour needed protection Roman." Lana said with a hint of amusement.

"Those guys had no right talking about you like that." Roman replied still angry about the whole incident.

"Well thank you, you're a real gentleman." Lana said. Roman felt his chest swell and puff out from pride.

After a moment of silence, Roman remembered the rose and chocolate in his bag and quickly took them out giving them to Lana. "Here, these are for you. I didn't know vampires ate chocolate or not but I bought them anyway and flower seemed like a good idea..." Roman nervously rambled on which Lana seemed very amused by it.

"Yes we can eat chocolate. We don't need to but we can. And the rose looks really beautiful. Thank you." Lana said with a smile while taking the box and the flower from Roman's outstretched hand. He seemed to let out a deep sigh of relief when she accepted them. She took the gifts and settled them on her bag.

"I am guessing this means you are not letting go the idea that we are mates." Lana said.

"No I am not. I am standing behind my statement. And better yet, I believe I can prove that we are mates to you as well." Roman stated sure of himself.

"How do you plan on proving it?" Lana asked curiously.

"I have heard before that when two mates touch each other they feel this electric sensation or warmth spreading through them. If you don't mind, we can see if that works on us." Roman explained extending his hand over the table to Lana to take.

"Alright." Lana said and took his hand. In an instant electrifying shocks spread from where Lana was touching and up to his arm. Then to his shoulder and his whole body. Lana was apparently experiencing the same thing because with unimaginable strength, she without noticing, pulled his hand closer to her self. In doing so, Roman crashed into the table because it was between them. The side of the table bumped into his abdomen and made him release a huff of hair with pain. Roman was not expecting her to be that strong. She was almost going to tear his arm right off.

When Lana noticed the strength she had applied on Roman, she mumbled a sorry distractedly and without letting his hand go, she made her way around the table to stand directly in front of him. Effectively closing the gap between them. And the close distance made the weird pleasurable sensations increase.

When Roman gathered his breath from the knock out earlier, he looked down at Lana. She seemed deep in thought. Her hand in his slowly started to make it's was along his arm, steadily going up. Roman's breath hitched and desire started to fill his body.

"What are you doing?" Roman asked, his voice husky and thick from lust.

"Experimenting." Lana simply replied. She then lifted her right hand to the side of Roman's face and softly like a feather, touched his cheek. The sensations made him close his eyes, reeling in the feelings her simple touch brought to him. Then both her hands left him and Roman felt empty without her so close to him. Now that he had felt her touch, he was not sure he could live without it.

Roman slowly opened his eyes and saw that Lana was standing with a couple feet between them. She looked at him weirdly like he had grown a second head. Still Roman could see the hint of lust hidden in her eyes, that he himself had felt a second ago.

"You feel it too don't you?" Roman asked already knowing the answer to his question. "I told you we were mates." He added with triumph.

But Roman could still see doubt lingering in her eyes. So he said, "Okay you need more evidence, I see. How about this: spend more time with me and let's figure out if we are mates or beloved or something else entirely together. Maybe we could go on a date if you'd like. Just give both of us a chance to learn this thing we have between us. Please." Roman added the last bit a little desperately. He did not want to let her go or to have her reject him.

"Alright cara mea let's do it your way." Lana said and Roman could jump up to the clouds and never get back down in that moment. "But I will pick out the place."

"Deal." Roman said. He wasn't good with romance and this kind of stuff any way. The cheesy rose and chocolate showed that very clearly.

"Tomorrow after class." Lana said with no room up for argument so Roman just nodded his head eagerly like the pup Lana had said he was. But he couldn't care less about how he looked right now. He was on cloud nine.

Lana gave an amused smile and with a simple goodbye, she was out of the class.

Roman waited a few moments before jumping up and fist bumping the air. And then looked around to see if anybody had seen his little out burst. Seeing that the coast was clear, he straightened his clothes and with a goofy smile on his way, made his way to his next class.


My first image of Roman was that he was going to be a cool guy and so on but I really ended up making him a lovesick puppy. Lana needs that in her solitude life so I ain't complaining.

Tell me what you think in the comments.

Thanks love,

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