Ben 10 New Advenutre

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Last time on Ben 10

BEn 10 was fighting a weird monster that looks ugly and huge and powerful. Ben turned into Four Arms to try to defeat it.

But it seems like the monster had planned this from the start. THE monster slash a vortex in the ir and grabbed Ben with it to whatever it leads too. The portal closed after the monster went through it.

NOw what new adventure, friends, and dangers and super villains will Ben face now? FInd out in Ben 10: Mystery Adventures!


Everything was black for Ben but he was knocked out and he was just waking up. "Where am I?" Asked Ben.

He only remembered trying to get out of the Monster hands, which he did but he was sent flying some place else on this planet.

Ben then notice that he is the forest. He also noticed that he is in a small Crater. "Ow. I think the fall most hurt me while I was Four Arms." Said Ben as he was begin to get up and started to walk around.

He had no Idea where he is or what dimension he is in, but all he can do is walk and find some answers.

He then step in something that was weird. It was green goo. He then saw huge puddle of goo next to a laying animal that is weak on the ground.

HE then saw more animals with the same issue. Something or someone must have suck the life out of them. "What could have done this?" Asked Ben as he was looking at a weak Deer that was on the ground.

HE then saw slashed on the trees and huge footprints on the ground and had paw but it had five fingers on it and what ever did this, wasn't nice.

"What would have Gwen do? She would have followed the footprints and find out what made them. And then POw POW, I beat the living light out of this fiend and bring justice to the animals." Said Ben. HE began to follow the footprints.

Unknowingly, a man was watching him from the bushes. He had the look like that he knows something. IN a few seconds, he disappeared and left without a trace.

Ben was following the footprints until they lead him into a huge Cave entrance. Ben gulped and went in it. He then heard lots of screams and grunts within the cave.

" wind" Said Ben as he was a little nervous. THen he reach a big area that has lots of scientist stuff and chemical bottles. It as full of state of the art tech. He saw a scientist man doing to a person he had strap down.

The scientist injected them with a serum. IN seconds, on of the patient began to mutate and grow fur, fangs, and claws and soon, a huge bat wings pop out of its back. It was a combination of a wolf, human and a bat. IT was a Bat-Wolf!

"This person, whatever he is doing, he is mutating thesis people. I got to stop him. It hero Time." Said Ben. But he felt something tapping on his shoulder and saw a mutated bear that has the long tail of a lizard. "Uo-oh." Said Ben.


Ben was captured and strap to a table. "Alright dude. Just who are you and what are you doing to these people?" Asked Ben as he was questioning the foe. "My Name is Dr. James Brown. I am scientist that is the professional of experimenting with DNA with creatures all around the world." Said Dr.Brown. Ben then made a confused face.

"You see my guest, I am trying to create a new species and replace the humans with them so we can last longer and wouldn't get sick anymore. But my original investors stop supplying me with I needed because they said it was too dangerous and I was forced to do this on my Own." Said Dr.Brown.

"So let me get this straight. You wanted revenge and you going to get it all over the world? Dude that is so not going to happen. I will stop you and destroy you research down the drain." Said Ben as he was trying to move his hands but it was no use. "One more thing i got to know, did you do something to the animals that are weak on the ground?" Asked Ben.

"Yes I did but not exactly me, my test subject did to get the DNA i need to complete my research. And if you're wondering about the goo, it is my serum secret component, Alien DNA." Said Dr.Brown. BEn then was shocked.

BEn then try to move but he can only move on of his arms slowly. He was able to reach his watch. "This stops now!" Said Ben. Ben then quickly turned the watch on and slam the Dial down. A huge Green of light was light the whole cave and the green light reach the entrance of the cave. Three people notice the green light and followed it.

When the light dimmed, BEn had turned into HeatBlast. "Oh Yeah! I am all fired up!" Said Heatblast. Ben then burnt the straps and got off the table. THe mutated Bear and the Bat-wolf charged at Ben.

But Ben gave them the ol Knuckle flame sandwich and know them out. THat is when Dr.Brown took atchin, he pick up an untested serum and was about to swallow it. Weh he did, his body changed, he became taller, and uglier. He had the teeth of a crocodile. His back had the sharp teeth of a Wolf. His arms had fur on it and his claws are sharper than ever before.

Dr.Brown then roared very loud that moved Ben about ten feet back. Ben then used his flamethrower attack to try to slow down the beast. HE can't Dr.Brown go to a nearby town and smash it and hurt people in the progress. THe monster slap Ben to the wall and he was stuck

Just when he was about to give up, some net was shot on the monster face and the monster had a hard time getting it off. THe man who did this was none other than Martin Mystery. "Diana, Java. Save Flame guy over there, while I deal with it over here." Said Martin as he charged at the mutated human/Crocodile/wolf.

BEn then notice a pretty girl and huge muscle man came to him. THe girl was Diana and the man Was Java the Caveman.

"Java scared of flame man." Said Java. "Don't worry Java." Said Dina as she and Java pulled Ben out of the wall with her hands. "Thanks you two. I got to help you friend over there to stop 'it'" Sia Ben as he used his flame powers to launch himself in the air.

Ben was able to land on the monster face and see Martin stuck in its hands. Ben then did the unthinkable, he let out a small flame and launch it down into the monster's ear which cause the monster to scream and was know out. Ben then quickly grabbed Matin and get him out of the monster hand.

"Hey thanks mr.." Said Matin. Just when Heatblast was about to answer, the symbol on his chest glowed red and he was returned into his human form. "mY name is Ben.. and I...." Said Ben as he was tired and was out cold. Diana caught him.

THey are wondering what in the world is this kid?


NOw Ben secret is revealed to three people. What will Ben do now? FInd out next time!

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