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Ben 10 as having a nice day in his Grandpa Max van. He is ten year old boy who is having the greatest vacation ever. He has a powerful watch on his arm that is called the omnitrix. It allows ben to turn what alien he want to be.

His cousin Gwen was on her computer looking up at geeky stuff and magic stuff that makes ben want to throw up. HIS Grandpa Max is driving the Rust Bucket Van on their vacation, exploring the USA land and making new friends.

Can things get any better than this? Yep in a ugly way. A huge weird creature jumped in front of the van and stop it with its foot. It growled very loud and made the shake. The monster has a huge mouth with lots of teeth. It has a long arm with lots of spikes on it. It has a spiky tail and it was long like a lizard tail times 20.

It also had huge red eyes and two devil horns on top of his head.Ben step out of the Van to face this creature. Ben then turned his watch on, turn the dial, slam it down and turned into Four Arms.

"Looks like you could use a hand. OR FOUR!" Said Four arms as he jumped into the air very high and landed on the monsters ugly face. He started with his strongest punches but that made the monster more mad.

The creatures the smiled evilly. It then slash in the air with its claws a huge green vortex appeared. It grabbed Ben in his alien form and hold him in its hands. It was leaving with ben.

"BEN!" Said Grandpa and Gwen as they were scared of seeing Ben being taken away. THe vortex was closing fast and they can't reach it in time. They only hope he will be save and come home.



It started when an alien device did what it did

And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid
Now he's got super powers, he's no ordinary kid
He's Ben 10,
(Ben 10)
So if you see him you might be in for a big surprise
He'll turn into an alien before your very eyes
He's slimy, creepy, fast and strong, he's every shape and
He's Ben 10,
(Ben 10)
Armed with powers he's on the case,
Fighting off evil people from earth or space,
He'll never stop 'till he makes them pay,
Cause he's the baddest kid to ever save the day,
He's Ben 10,
(Ben 10, Ben 10)
(BEN, 10)
(Ben 10)


That the end of this chapter.

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