A Festival of Combat

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"This is-!" Ben stared at the newspaper, his eyes wide as he frantically read through it. " 'Those who win as the last one standing stand to gain Ophelia Anderson's hand in marriage.. the status of Consort to the Throne.. and all the authorities that-... 10,000 years.. she's been single 10,000 years and they pick NOW to make her MARRY somebody!?"

Velma frowned at Ben, standing near the back of the group as they sat on the plush couches in near the fireplace at the hotel's lobby.  "Uh.. kid.. don't know where you've been living, but they hold this once every year for the Queen. Though I guess you're human so you're not as long lived as me, but.. this isn't exactly a secret.  Just.. nobody's ever been able to beat the champion-."


"Easy Ben." said Gojo as he adjusted his glasses, leaning back casually on his chair. "What she means is that apparently Ariadne, the Queen's  head of security always enters each match as well.  She has no romantic interest in the Queen and its rumored she's quite protective of her. Nobody's ever been able to beat her."

Ben sighed with relief. "So.. its.. .not unusual then."

Erice frowned. "Hold it Ben.. I hear a 'but' somewhere in there, right Gojo?"

Gojo put his fingers together. "Rumor is that the current investigation into the matters involving the assassins who just tried to kill me has stretched Ariadne thin.. exhausted her.. meaning there is actually a chance this year.. that somebody will be able to claim the hand of the Queen. As a result, various houses and factions from all over the world, especially countries wanting to claim the power of the Vampire Queen, have sent entire squads of their best warriors to participate. 

Ben gritted his teeth. "Do.. do any of them, actually love her!?" 

Gojo remained silent. 

Velma raised an eyebrow. "Wow.. you.. you really are in LOVE with her aren't you? And here I thought you just wanted to bang her like the rest of the dregs.." 

Ben looked at Velma.

"My talent allows me to.. peer into the intentions of humans." said Velma. "Its how I know you actually love her. And I've been around for over 200 tourneys. Most competitors just want power or sex. You're a first..  but you can't have met her before.."

"As a matter of fact.. our boy here has." said Todo. "And your queen fell for him too."

"Unbelievable as it might sound." said Gojo. "Ben Tennyson and Ophelia Anderson were in love with each other, but certain circumstances led to Ophelia's memory being wiped of their encounter. We intend to remind her.. "

Velma furrowed her brow, fiddling with her glasses. "Hmmm.. normally I'd call you all crazy shitheads and walk away, but.. I have to say I'm a believer given what I can see.  I don't think you PIs are being completely honest, but I know for a fact you only want to help..  and that this kid is genuinely feeling real love.. not just some weird offhand obssession..  damn.. this month just keeps getting crazier doesn't it?"

"Are there any special requirements for joining the tournament?" asked Gojo. 

"Well.. normally commoners can't join at all" said Velma. "But recommendations from high up officers and nobles can get you in.. though I hear the Queen really hates that system. She wanted anyone to join, but monopolies from certain corporations and Noble Vampire families from the time of Vlad have muddied the waters regarding that. " 

"Hmm.. so even in a utopian society, there are still flaws, well that much is a given." said Gojo. "Ophelia can try all she likes, she'll never make a perfect world.  She should be proud of what she's already built at least.  Even so, could you perhaps recommend Ben for the tournament Ms. Velma?" 

Velma frowned. "Not.. that I doubt YOUR skills personally Mr. Gojo, but.. "

"Well he still has a ways to go.. but I assure you at the moment he's probably one of the most powerful people in the country aside from your Queen." said Gojo. "In fact.. I'd say he's stronger at the moment." 

Velma narrowed her eyes. "That's a lofty claim.. but even if I fully believed that, I don't have the position to do that.."

"But I do.."

Everyone looked towards the hotel door. 

"Y-you're.." Hanzo muttered. 

Indeed, her hair had been combed to a neat medium length side swept style, and she now wore a beautiful backless dress and a tiara under her heavy dark cloak and hood which she had used to disguise her appearance as she walked in..  but now she removed that hood to show her pointed wolven ears. 

"Loba!" Ben growled as Erice stood up, her eyes fierce. 

"P-PRINCESS LUNA!!" squealed Velma, immediately getting on one knee. "Y-your majesty.. I.. I uh-."

"Don't bother with the formalities, I ain't much into the whole pomp and circumstance." said Loba, wagging her bushy tail  a bit and blushing slightly. "Also.. ease off you three.. I'm not here to fight. In fact I'm completely on your sides. I was waiting for the day you guys would get here.. Guess you didn't bring Time Bro, Demon Dragon  and Cyber Singer this time either.."

"You name people like Jen does.." Ben muttered.  "Wait. .on our side?"

"Her tail's fluffy!" Power whispered. "Like Meowy! I wanna touch-."

"No." said Erice with a frown. 

Loba nodded to several other hooded women. "I'll be fine. Guard the carriage."


"That's an order Helen.. I can handle myself. Trust me.. if Ben Tennyson is with them.. then they are good people."

The attendants bowed and left out the door as Loba walked over to the front desk and placed a sack of money on the counter. "I was never here."

"Of course M'Lady." said the Clockwork Man. 

"So.. who is she?" Rex whispered to Ben. 

"She was one of the Irreverant Seven people I told you about.. the wolf girl." said Ben. 

"Dude! seriously?" Rex glared at Loba as circuits began to glow over his arms. "We sure we should be this at ease around her."

"Even if I meant harm towards the lot of you.. I doubt I could do much.." said Loba as she took a seat in one of the plush armchairs where the group was gathered.  

The clockwork bellboy brought over a tray with a pot of tea. "Lady Luna... if I could tempt you.."

"Oh.. thanks, very kind of you." said Loba as the robot poured a cup of tea for each person in the group. "Please take a drink everyone, this tea is a specialty of our world, or at least I haven't found another like it in Sato City.."

"Hold it.. it could be poisoned.." said Deca. "I'll use my systems to analyze the composition of the-"

"Hmm.." Kratos took a cup and sipped it. "It is fine."

"Oh.. well.. er.. thanks then." said Deca as she slowly took her cup in hand. 

"I.. don't blame you for your mistrust. After Lady Ophelia set me straight we didn't exactly have time to converse, and I suppose what we did to Time Bro was pretty bad." said Loba.  "And please, Sephiroth gave me the name Loba, I prefer to be Luna again if anything."

Ben looked at Luna quietly as she locked eyes with him momentarily

There was a sense of deep trust in her eyes, and courage in the face of overwhelming nervousness.  

She had come here expecting to be immediately attacked and beaten, but came anyways on the whim that Ben would be willing to hear her out.

Gojo put a hand on Ben's shoulder. "You sense it too hmm? Give her a chance why don't you?"

"You heard the Teach, lets give her a listen." said Ben quietly. 

Luna smiled gratefully. "Okay.. for those of you who don't know me, I am Luna Anderson, adopted daughter to the Queen. For a brief moment, I was Loba, and I served Akira as a member of the Irreverant Seven during the Radiant War.. I found my way back to my world thanks to Nia a little after Alice was defeated.

Luna looked at the group and took a deep breath. "As.. Ms. Dirge has probably explained.. a rash of disappearances and strange happenings have started happening of late.. well I believe this might actually be a threat to the Queen."

Velma blinked with shock. 

Gojo's smile slid away and he leaned forward in interest. "And what is your proof of this." 

"I have none.. but recently, I've been hearing of a certain new religious faction in the country, one with large growing influence, calling for the dethronement of the Queen." said Luna. "They call her the Chained Lady..  and.. last week.. 2 Lycan Children and their parents disappeared after going off to look for the Chained Lady..  "

"That's very serious." said Velma. "Lycans are very rare nowadays, so even a few of them are cherished deeply, and disappearing Lycan children tend to be a very big deal."

"Ly.. Lywhat?" Denji muttered.

"Lycans.. as in Lycanthropy.. in other words, Werewolves." said Erice. 

"COOOOL!" Denji grinned. "Do they like howl at the full moon and stuff!?"

"I can't remember the last time I had the urge to yell at the moon, but I guess there are stereotypes in every world." said Luna, sweating slightly.  "Er.. Ben Tennyson, your world has werewolves, do they do that?"

"Loboans are actually aliens." said Ben. "Though.. Ophelia mentioned that Vladaats, another alien and vampires share ancestry.. so maybe that's the case with Loboans. Can't say I ever had the urge to howl at the moon as Benwolf though.. but we can definitely howl."

"Duuuude! Benwolf? That name's soo.." Rex said. 

"Lame? Yeah, I know, I'll come up with something eventually.. maybe Blitzwolfer?" 

"You're naming  your alien after Wolf Blitzer? Really?" said Erice.

"Workshopping!" said Ben with a shrug. 

"Back on topic.." Kratos spoke. "Please, continue Luna." 

"Th-thanks.." Luna took a breath. "Well.. I caught sight of one of the Lady's followers a few days ago.. out in the garden. He is rumored to be the attendant to the Chained Lady and was seen with the children before.. a Stein.. but a Stein without any metal, and a playful face.  He looked the part.. but the smell... I.. have an excellent sense of smell, even among Lycans.. and... and.."

Luna's eyes flared, her teeth extended into fangs and her tail grew bushier for a moment as her ears seemed to lengthen. 

"That man.. did not smell of this world.. his entire body.. was like a curse!" Luna growled. "He escaped before I could follow, and his stench vanished.. but I knew..  he is NOT to be trusted!"

Gojo leaned forward and spoke kindly. "Luna.. can you tell us, what this man's name is?"

"He seems to have a foreign name, japanese if I had a guess. Mahito." said Luna. 

Ben blinked. The name meant nothing to him. Erice and Hanzo didn't seem to derive anything either. But the moment the name 'Mahito' was mentioned,  Ben saw Todo and Gojo exchange very dark looks. 

"I see." Gojo said simply. 

"Gojo-sensei.. if he's here.. if its really him.." Todo muttered. 

"It can't be possible.." Gojo muttered. "Perhaps a version of him from this world is more likely.. but.. its true he disappeared after I took Nia's job offer.. and if Luna's nose is correct.. "

"Gojo.." Kratos muttered. 

"Wait wait.. do you know this Mahito guy?" Hanzo asked. "Sensei.. I think we need an explanation." 

"There are too many unknowns to be certain, but as you're all aware, Me and Todo come from a world where we exorcise Curses, and as it so happens, we knew a Curse by that name." said Gojo. "And his appearance very much resembles the stitched bodies of Steins.."

"Danger level?" Kratos asked. 

"Quite high to the uninitiated." said Gojo. "But he never learned to use Omni when we last met him. Compared to even Todo now, he'd be small fry."

"Nevertheless, the risk factor has increased, and half of our number are uninitiated to the arts of using Omni." said Kratos.  "We need to consult Nia.."

"Yes, but at the same time.. the tournament.. " said Gojo. 

"PLEASE!" Luna got to her feet. "Listen to me.. I have my memories of the Radiant War.. and.. I can confirm Lady Ophelia remembers nothing.. but she deserves to be happy. There is a chance this year that one of those snobs from the other families might gain her hand.. perverted.. power hungry.. SNOBS!!  I will NOT let them join my family. I have only ONE person I trust to be my adopted father.."

Luna bowed to Ben. "PLEASE.. I will back you fully if you enter the tournament. Ben Tennyson, I will only accept you as Lady Ophelia's groom!"

Todo grinned and clapped Kratos and Gojo on the backs. "You see this my teachers!? My Brother.. Ben Tennyson-."

"BROTHER RIVAL!?" Deca exclaimed. 

"-Is here to reclaim his love!!  And out of the blue, just when he needs a recommendation, the very woman capable of doing so appears!!"

"He doesn't look related to Ben.." muttered Luna. 


"HAH!? Is that something the Omnitrix does!?" Luna exclaimed. 

"-Who are we to deny him what is obviously FATE!? Besides.. Who says only one of us has to enter!? Why not increase the odds of granting My Brother his prize!?"  Todo continued.  "Gojo-sensei! Kratos-sensei!  This is the essence of men! OF LOVE!!  And I'll be willing to fight by my Brother's Side for this cause!"

Gojo's mouth slid back into a smile. "Hmmm.. multiple entries.. is that allowed?"

"Of course." said Luna. "Multiple houses and factions sent entire squads.. so.. they all have an agreed member of the house they want to have My Lady's hand. Once they win they plan on giving the marriage over to the agreed person. Some warriors are actually hired by people who can't fight to win FOR them.."

"That HAS to count as cheating.." Erice said, disgust on in her voice. 

"Either way, it works for us!" said Todo. "We fight.. one of us wins. My Brother gets Ophelia Anderson either way.  And these fighters don't have Omni! Isn't this better than some survey in assessing what our greenhorns are capable of!?"

Kratos looked at Gojo. "hmmm.."

"I know that grunt.. that's a grunt of 'no arguments here' eh?" said Gojo with a grin. "Very well.. in that case.. Luna-chan! How do you feel about recommending Rex, Todo, Kratos, Denji, Power, Hanzo, Erice and of course Rock-Chan to be added to our mix hmm?"

"Eh? I don't wanna fight for some vampire girl tho.. I wanna marry Erice." Denji grunted. "Booo! I ain't doing it!"

"Well I'm doing it! Vampires are goth! GOTH CHICS HOT!" said Power. 

"Denji, you don't have to marry Ophelia if you win, you just let Ben have her." said Erice. 

"Well that's even more pointless." said Denji. 

"Denji remember what I said about helping people other than yourself?" 

"Mmm.. okay, but.. I want a prize!" said Denji.  "SEX!"

"A kiss." said Erice. 

"I'LL TAKE IT!" said Denji gleefully. 

"SCREW THAT!!" Rex roared. "E-Erice, you can't honestly be.. I mean.. uh.. you-." 

"Fine, if you get farther than me, or ya win, then you can have my kiss!" said Denji, grinning sinisterly. 


"Unless you're chicken! Bawk bawk!" said Denji. "Or I guess you don't wanna kiss Erice.. fine by me, more kisses on my end."

"U-uh actually." Erice  stammered. 


Rex froze as Erice's face went beet red.  "u.. uh I mean! Just shut up I'll beat the hell out of ya easy!"

"Then its settled!" said Gojo with a grin. "You all enter the tournament under Luna's recommendation. Meanwhile I'll stay out here and investigate Mahito and this Chained Lady with Ms. Dirge. Is that suitable?"

"I have no objections." said Luna. 

"Sure.. " Ben said. "But.. either way, I'm not letting everyone else claim the glory.. cause I'm gonna win" 

Hanzo grinned as Erice smiled. 

Gojo chuckled. "Mind's made up hmm..? Ben.." 

Ben grinned back at his teacher. "You bet. Ophelia's mine, and I'm the one whose gonna meet her even if I have to plow through an army to do it." 

"Well then its all set." said Gojo. "I'm sure Nia will approve of this as long as the tourney keeps our newbies away from Mahito. Kratos, make sure you take care of our darling first years kay?"

"Hmm." Kratos nodded. "Very well. But you will have to report this to Nia for approval."

"Ahhhhh I'll report it later, I'm sure she won't mind!" said Gojo.

"That's what you said about the mimes from the Mime Dimension you left in her office 2 weeks ago-."

"-Oh it'll be FINE!"  said Gojo

"Why do I feel like it won't be fine?" Hanzo muttered. 

"Better him than us." Ben muttered back.  "Remember the last time Nia got mad at us for ripping her poster of Hugh Jackman?"

"Agreed." Hanzo muttered.  "But what if he dies though?"

Ben held up a finger. "Then we'll hold his funeral with solemn respect.." 

"Ah, kay." said Hanzo. "YO! Gojo! What size coffin do you prefer?"

"Have a LITTLE faith in your teacher would you?" Gojo muttered. 


"Your majesty...

A voice seemed to permeate Ophelia's dreams..

It was familiar.. and yet she did not really respond to it. 

It was rare... so rare.. that she ever actually slept.. She wasn't sure why she could sleep now.. just that it was possible. That somehow.. somehow the nightmares and screams that usually permeated her mind had vanished that-."

"Lady Ophelia.. the tournament's procedures need your approval, please awaken!"

"Gmmmf.... make.. Solomon do it.." Ophelia muttered, rubbing her face in the soft pillow she knew held her head aloft, willing it to drag her back into the sweet bliss of dreamland..


A sharp spindly something jabbed Ophelia in the cheek, jolting her awake. 

Blankets flew off the vampire's silky smooth bare skin, her beautiful form like a sculpted masterpiece of the female body that no artist could hope to capture with rock or paper alone. 

"A-ARIADNE!!?" The normally smooth talking and confident Queen sounded uncharacteristically shocked and embarrassed. 

The woman standing by the side of her massive round royal bed, her hand on its drapes as if she had just pulled it aside, raised an eyebrow. 

"Well this is a sight to behold.."

"Wh-what?" Ophelia stammered. 

"Not only is it unsual to see you actually sleeping for once, but.. " said the woman. "But.. I don't think I've ever seen you self conscious about your own body in front of me or any other woman.."

"E-eh?" Ophelia blinked then looked down at herself to find that she had pulled her blankets up to her chest, as if fearfully hiding it from some pervert who would sneak a peek. 

Ophelia shook her head, breathing hard as she tried to regain her composure. "S-sorry.. I just, I guess I imagined somebody who would make me nervous if they saw me naked.."

The woman Ariadne's eyes widened slightly. "Wh-who!?"

"I.. I don't know.. it's like.. something I've forgotten.. like a dream.. a wonderful dream.." Ophelia mused.

Ariadne nodded slightly, folding her arms in pensive consideration.  "I.. see.."

As Ophelia looked at her Chief Guard and Military Enforcer, she once again, as always was drawn to her beauty. 

People called the Vampire Queen the most beautiful immortal in all the world, but Ophelia believed they underestimated the leader of the Spider Corps. 

The woman was clad in beautiful bikini armor made of interlocking gold plates inscribed with webbed glyphs and scarlet spider-leg-like ornaments. gold bands on one arm, and a clawed gauntlet on the other..  her bare back housed a gold pod-like structure with holes situated to her spine from which her bronze Four Spider Legs would slide out, showing her relation to the Black Spider God, whose blood Ophelia had given her.  A webbed set of transparent silk drifted around her legs, flowing from her hip. 

Of course, this lack of excess clothing was expected of vampire Warrior women who exceeded a certain caliber.  It was because Vampires were always beautiful, exceedingly so, and the stronger their power was, the more beautiful their bodies would naturally veer towards being.   By utilizing this kind of armor, their beauty was weaponized against the enemy. 

And Ariadne, even amongst Vampires, was exceptional. Her lithe powerful form was toned, and yet succeeded at looking graceful and delicate to the point she was almost more like a swan.  

Her white hair glistened like snow but the red streaks seemed fierce like flame. 

Of course, it mattered not what she wore. She could go into battle in the nude and spears and blades would shatter against her skin, and blood would flood the field of war. 

Ophelia smirked as she stood from her bed and slid her blanket off slyly, tossing it aside as she stood up and stretched. "My my.. worried about me are you? Perhaps I shouldn't get dressed just yet..  "

"Don't flirt. As much as I enjoy your invitations to your bed.. a friends with benefits relationship does not suit a Queen and her subjects." said Ariadne.  "Give your beauty and body to somebody more deserving."

"You teasing me back after I tease you? I see how it is." said Ophelia, pouting slightly. "Oh phooey. Anyways, you're family, that would technically be incest.. and I don't do that."

"Heh.." Ariadne smiled slightly. "Yes, true.  You never cross lines that shouldn't be crossed of course.. but all the same, lets not change the subject. M'Lady, I don't think I've actually seen you sleep a deep sleep since around 5000 years ago. For 3 hours no less."

"And?" Ophelia muttered as Ariadnes continued to smile. 

"Vampires don't need sleep, but we do gain more strength from sleeping regularly, you might actually be unusually powerful today as a result.. " said Ariadne.  "And.. this would mean your nightmares have vanished."

Ophelia's eyes widened slightly. "Ah.. yes..  I really don't understand.. 

Ophelia folded her arms and tilted her head. "I've.. lately found that when I close my eyes, the screams.. the cries of those who've died.. they don't race through my head like they used to. And.. furthermore... and... I'm sorry this might seem weird but-."

"Go on?" Ariadne said. 

"I.. don't hate myself anymore." said Ophelia in almost a whisper.

Ophelia looked at Ariadne. "I.. don't... despise myself.. I.. don't..  I don't get it!"

Ariadne's cheeks went slightly pink as she smiled. "Neither do I.. but.. I've been waiting for this day a long while! H-how did you achieve this breakthrough!? Did the court therapist finally-?"

"Oh no, he still sucks to high heaven." Ophelia grunted, her bemused smile vanishing instantly. "He keeps saying stuff like 'oh I'd never seek to insult you Your Majesty!"  You'd think I was a dictator breathing down his throat!  I just want him to be honest, but they NEVER are.  Next time we get a therapist, it better be annonymous!"

"You know that's impossible M'Lady.."

"Ah.. y.. you're right." Ophelia sighed. "Very well.. no use dwelling on it. I'm happy.. happier than I've been for a while.. I can't explain it too well except that.. I keep seeing something in my dreams.. a boy."

Ariadne's heart seemed to skip a beat. 

Her eyes went bright and immediately she bowed low. "Sh-Shall I bring this boy to the Castle M'Lady!!? Shall we call off the Tournament!?"

"What!? No no!  This boy is fake." said Ophelia. "I've been seeing him in my dreams of late..  he resembles my first lover, from when I was human.. and yet, he is vastly different.. and.."

Ophelia felt her face go beet red and she immediately clapped her cheeks to regain her senses. "ugh.. I.. don't wanna talk about it, now's not the time to get flustered."

"Shall.. I ready your bath then, M'Lady?" said Ariadne, the brightness in her eyes vanishing and replaced by slight disappointment. 

"Yes, yes that would probably be best." Ophelia muttered, putting a hand on her hip. "Before my fantasies start getting ahead of me." 

Ariadne clapped her hands, and the doors to the large bedchamber opened. Multiple women in maid's dresses entered. A couple were steins while the rest were humans. 

While they kept their composure on the surface, Ophelia could sense their excitement from the sound of the heartbeats and the rush of their blood through their veins. It was rare that the Vampire Queen had a morning routine given the rareness of her ever sleeping.  These staff were probably more regular attendants of Luna or some of the other princesses.   Ophelia's regular bathing staff were usually around near noon time. 

This was a once in a blue moon opportunity to be close to her. 

Ophelia smiled encouragingly. "Well now, don't be nervous, just do your jobs and you're golden." 

"Th-thank you M'Lady!" exclaimed the maids as Ariadne stepped aside. 

One of the maidens pushed over a metal tub as gears whirred inside and hot water magically filled within it, steaming. 

Ophelia slid in slowly and gracefully, leaning back to feel the water and soothing oils, sighing with relief as the women took her arms and began scrubbing around and under them carefully.. another woman undoing the twin tails in her hair so they could begin lathering in shampoo. 

"Schedule." said Ophelia. 

"Packed M'Lady." said Ariadne. "The ambassador from the New American Front wishes to speak to you at 4, but I've delayed the meeting till evening given the festivities. New delegations from the Soviet Union and Vladess have come with fighters for the tournament, and their approval has already been recommended by the Noble House of Lilith."

"A little late to the party aren't they?" Ophelia muttered. "Final registration was literally an hour ago and the tourney is in what.. 4 hours?"

"2 hours M'Lady." said Ariadne.

"Wow.. I really slept didn't I?" said Ophelia. 

"It shouldn't be too much trouble, Solomon has the particulars. Also Princess Luna has recommended a squad of her own.." said Ariadne.

Ophelia blinked in surprise. "L.. Little Luna recommended somebody? To be my husband!? I thought she was against me even getting married in the first place! My my.. for somebody to actually meet her standards.. my interest is peaked. Whose the lucky man or woman?"

"Multiple persons M'Lady.." said Ariadne. "From the same company it would seem."

Ophelia raised an eyebrow. "Now.. that's even MORE unusual.  I will have to speak to her later. Are you sure it wasn't somebody impersonating her seal?"

"I thought the same M'lady.. " said Ariadne. "But I spoke with her personally, and she assured me she was the one who recommended them. That in fact, she had been waiting for their arrival for months." 

Ophelia narrowed her eyes. "I wonder.. if she's heard the rumors and is trying to head them off with her own handpicked fighters."

"The rumors that this year I might be possibly defeated?" said Ariadne. "M'Lady.. I assure you.."

Ariadne's eyes turned fierce, like flickering flames of passion. "I.. would never let a man or woman with ill intentions even glance in your direction.. much less touch you." 

Ophelia smiled. "I know, but it can't be helped that you ARE indeed working yourself ragged this month."

Ariadne's eyes dimmed and she sighed. "These..  brainwashing cases..  I can't say this is the first case of Vampires misusing their Mystic Eyes I've handled, but this one is proving taxing. The culprit is likely an Elder Vampire  or a Vampire Lord. But I'll handle it M'lady. This Chained Lady is nothing more than a cult leader." 

"Cult leaders are dangerous. Charisma is a power all its own." said Ophelia. 

"M'Lady, please stand.." said one of the maids

"Oh of course." Ophelia stepped out of the bath, rising out of the water so elegantly that the water didn't even make much of a sound.  

The maids slid a bathrobe onto her as one of them began combing her hair and another began immediately polishing her nails. 

As soon as one of the maids finished tying Ophelia's hair back into her signature twin tailed style, they bowed and made to walk out. 

"Wait.. Elen yes?"

One of the maids, a young girl who was short and portly let out a slight gasp as the other maids stepped back.  "M.. M'Lady you.. you know my name..?!"

"I remember all my servants's names dear." said Ophelia kindly. "The other maids were quite unbothered, but.. you.. seem to have something on your mind. Forgive me for prying.."

"Oh.. n.. not at all.. its just.." Elen lowered her face. "T.. today I confessed to the man I love.. he.. rejected me.. because I'm fat."

"And.. did he say that? Or are you just assuming he thinks so?" Ophelia asked. 

"Uh.. he.. was quite verbal about it.." squeaked Elen

Ophelia sighed and looked at one of the remaining handmaidens. "Tell the head Maid, that Elen here is to get a make-over and full access to private spa, and to talke her out for a good meal, I will be there to personally join her when I have the time.." 

"M.. MLADY!" squealed Elen. 

"Elen, allow me to educate you on the subject of 'beauty'." said Ophelia. "When judging the beauty of a human being the body is only 15 percent of the equation. It is subjective. The other 85 percent however.. is not. And do you know what I see when I look at you Elen dear? Pure.. unadulterated beauty.. if that man cannot see it,  his severe loss is my gain. So I shall indulge in it in his stead.. " 

Elen looked ready to faint as tears gushed down her face. "Th-thank you M'lady.. "

Ariadne sighed as Elen was led away by her colleagues, who were all congratulating her excitedly. 

"Dividing your time like this isn't smart M'Lady. I admire your compassion but-."

"She needed to hear it." said Ophelia curtly. "There will be NO servant in this house who feels worthless or underappreciated, that has been my policy for the past 9,578 years, and I shall not change it now. And if I must invite them to my bed chamber for a night to give them that confidence, I shall. Now enough on that topic..  I must know.. this Group that Luna has recommended.. are you aware of their name?"

"The company's handle is.. Gojo Satoru's Super Fun Time Adventure Squad EX To the Max." said Ariadne. 

Ophelia blinked, then snorted. Then she started laughing uncontrollably. 

She wiped a tear from her eye. "My my.. I will give them points for creativity.. what is their combat experience? Motives?"

"That is.. unclear.." said Ariadne. "But rest assured I will find out.  They appear to be Private Investigators by trade, but their leader, Gojo, appears to be a self taught Magus with rather impressive skill. He managed to defeat 2 brainwashed Spider Corps who tried to kill him.. and according to Agent Dirge, he did it with so much ease it was positively frightening."

Ophelia narrowed her eyes. "They.. attacked him..? Any particular reason why? Was he an advocate against the Chained Lady cult? Was he investigating them?"

Ariadne folded her arms and shook her head. "Its mysterious. Evidently he wasn't even aware of the issues before Agent Dirge explained it."

"And now Little Luna wants to back his group in the competition for my hand.." muttered Ophelia. "Has Agent Dirge expressed anything regarding the issue."

"Not much, except she assures us that the group is clear of suspicion and means no harm. Given her particular talent, I would expect it to be true." said Ariadne. "And this Gojo has agreed to lend his assistance personally to the investigation. I will leave Dirge to supervise him.. with the upcoming tournament I'm afraid I won't be able to personally oversee the case until after I've won."

Ophelia nodded. "Very well.. then I'll leave it there for now." 

"Lady Ophelia.." 

Ophelia stopped to look at Ariadne, whose face had become gentler now. 

"I.. I've found a couple of possible suitors whom I could arrange a secret meeting with.. perhaps some tea-."

"No." said Ophelia. 

"M' Lady please at least consider-."

"You know as well as I, that this festival was only established so that we could shut the Vampiric Council up about me siring an heir to the throne.. using you defeating every suitor as an excuse to keep me out of the mess. That way our plans wouldn't be-."

"Ophelia Anderson!" Ariadne growled, her voice now stern. 

Ophelia froze, and stared at Ariadne, suddenly a little timid in her presence. The voice that used to scold her for stealing food from Vlad's kitchen was now fresh in her mind. 

"This isn't about an heir, its about you being happy." said Ariadne.  "I know.. what happened to.. him.. was horrible, but it's been nearly 10,000 years since then.. however, that is no excuse to go 10,000 more years miserable. "

Ophelia closed her eyes and sighed. "V-very well.. very well.. I'll.. consider it."

"That's all I ask." said Ariadne. 

"Now to business." said Ophelia. "This talk has near exhausted me and I've barely awoken, I best use the rest of my energy to finish this horrid day sooner." 

"Solomon is already outside with your car M'Lady.." said Ariadne. "Will there be anything else?"

Ophelia smiled as she opened the door to her bedchambers and prepared to step out. "Oh.. just.. have fun."

Ariadne chuckled. "M'Lady.. you know as well as I.. there's never been an opponent capable of entertaining me yet. "


"So... this is supposed to be the arena?" 

Ben looked up at the edge of what appeared to be a huge stadium-like building with steam powered elevators scaling up pipes to each floor. 

"Wasn't aware Ophelia was into gladiator Rome stuff.." Ben muttered.

"She isn't." sad Luna, stepping over next to him. "This whole charade was made to shut up the Royal Council who want Lady Ophelia to marry and bare a child so that the Monarchy can continue forever as insurance if Lady Ophelia dies. In reality many of them are comfortable with Lady Ophelia doing all the hard work by living forever."

"That's right, she's an Elder Great Vampire right?" said Ben. "That means she would decide when she dies. She always told me that she decided she'd die when I died.. that she could die happy then.. I sometimes pretended I didn't know what she meant by that.. cause I still wasn't sure who I was in love with.. but.. now that I look back on it.."

"Sounds like her alright." said Luna. "For Vampires as powerful as her, Immortality is a curse, and not knowing the right time to rest is an even bigger one. Its why many of them prefer mortal mates. It gives them a benchmark.. for her, you're freedom from the chains of the immortal too."

Ben grinned. "Alright then, in that case, I'll free her again."

Ben stepped through the door of the Arena with the sign "Contestants" hanging over it. 

And his feet were followed by several other sets. 

Todo, Hanzo, Erice, Denji, Power, Rex and Kratos stepped in behind Ben, with Kratos carrying "Rock" in one hand. 

"Yeah.." said Todo as he clapped a hand on Ben's shoulder. "And the rest of us.. are gonna help you do that!" 

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