Challenge 1: Keepaway

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The voice echoed across the stadium interior..  the night sky framed clearly against the magical barrier that deflected the rain of the outside. 

Lights shone down from above as millions of screams rained down on the students of the Hero Academy. 

Ben blinked hard, almost stunned by the massive noise. 

"Holy shit, is this the Olympics or something?" said Rex as he raised a hand to his face.

"For Britain in this world.. it is." said Kratos. "Remember what Luna has told us. This event.. is annual, and due to the constant failure to achieve its end and defeat the one known as Ariadne..  to the scale that it is now considered the largest revenue boosting sporting event in the entire country..  Expect to face many warriors who came not only for Ophelia's hand.. but simply as a means of showing off their combative prowess."

Ben looked around and saw millions of people. Everything from gun slinging humans wearing trench coats, to sword wielding vampires, and even a few lycans and plenty of steins and other various halloweenish monsters mixed in.. 

"Feels very Anur System.." Ben said. "But it looks like our competition numbers in.. "

"The Thousands?" said Erice. "Yep.. yep it does.."

"Hmph! But most if not all these warriors don't have an inkling what Omni is!" said Todo with a grin. "Calm yourselves! Practice caution! Observe the crowd for the most dangerous fighters, and then, when the runts of the litter have vanished, you'll know who to truly take on!"

"Interesting.." said Hanzo, grinning wildly as he rattled both his blades within their sheathes. "Well.. I've been practicing plenty of Grandmother's Niten Ichiryu techniques, guess this is a good set of nobodies for a real world test."

"Try not to kill too many people.. " Ben said. "if we use Omni and go all out too much it might make us look suspicious.. The Rookies here are free to go all out though."

"Oh PLEASE! I was totally kicking your butt when we first fought!" said Rex.

"Dude I didn't even use the Ultimates! I was holding back!" said Ben. "Sides, you don't know Omni now, I do!"

"Oh I'll catch up, you know I will." said Rex with a grin. 

Ben continued to rove his eyes over the crowd. But as he did, his eyes flared up. "G-guys.. "

Erice looked in the direction Ben was looking. "What? Is something the ma-? NO.. fuck.."

Hanzo narrowed his eyes. "Now.. things have just gotten interesting in a bad way.."

Far down near the center of the stadium was a group that seemed to be only made up of two individuals. 

One was what appeared to be a tall muscular japanese man with short black hair and a physique so impressive that his black shirt stretched to barely contain it. He shouldered what appeared to be a pair of curved swords, and he grinned when Ben caught his eye..

Ben almost had to back up a bit when he caught his gaze, as his mere stare gave Ben a shiver that reminded him of Hanzo whenever he was fully intent on slaughtering his opponent. 

But the second group member was truly what made Ben double take. 

Malenia herself, her winged gold helm unmistakable, her demigoddess stature standing out amid the crowd of normal height humanoids, stood out like a sore thumb. 

"Teach.." Ben grunted, looking back at Kratos.

The God of War narrowed his eyes. "Focus.. this is troublesome.. but remember to not let it distract you from the overall goal.. "

"You know them?" Rex asked.

"Him? No.. but her.. definitely.." said Ben. "Whatever you do.. stay away from them.. they can use Omni for sure."


Ben looked up, squinting through the light just enough to make out a man dressed in a suit, with the rest of him completely wrapped in old bandages appearing on large floating holographic screens projected around the arena. "Well well.. he really is a mummy."

The mummy twirled a mic in his hand as he leaned forward. "But of course.. I might be the host, but we ALL know that the TRUE star of this event is ALWAYS the PRIZE.. The TROPHY!! THE Beautiful one and only, that only the truly ambitious could ever think to marry! OUR QUEEN!! OPHELIA ANDERSON!!" 

Chants of "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!" roared out in droves as a spotlight shone on what appeared to be a huge special  box designed for dozens of humans and monsters dressed in the most luxurious looking victorian clothing,  Gargoyles, some made of stone, other made of gears and metal perched on their gothic outcroppings. 

In the center, sitting casually on her throne, her chin resting on her hand, a scepter in the other hand, and dressed in a black dress sewen with red lace, an obsidian tiara on her head, her eyes now glowing vampiric red.. was Her.

Ben didn't even need the camera on the giant holo panels zooming out from Mummy-Man Marco to show the woman of the hour next to him to know it was Ophelia sitting there hundreds of feet above. 

Ophelia raised her scepter as a massive Stein, who looked far more like Frankenstein's monster than any stein Ben had seen so far, with his massive build under his tightly stretched butler's uniform, stepped over behind the throne. 

The crowd roared. 

"MY MY MY !! YOUR MAAAAAJESTY!!" Marco exclaimed. "Another year another slate of rejected suitors! Am I right?!"

"Heheheh, well you never know." said Ophelia. "The title of strongest is one that's always shifting after all. Ariadne herself told me that you know.."

"WHY OF COURSE!!" said Marco. "But what of the rumors that have been circulating? You know.. the ones that state that ... oh I don't know...  THAT ARIADNE IS WEAKER THIS TIME!?" 

"Hmmm.. I couldn't confirm it myself.." said Ophelia. "The only way to truly know is to test it out yourself and fight her."

"Ohooooo bold bold!" said Marco.  "You heard it here folks! Even Lady Ophelia's throwing down the gauntlet of challenge! But what do the honorable Nobles of Le Parliament Del Vampira think of this!?"

Marco spun in his chair and kicked himself back to where he was now on the right side of Ophelia's throne, where there were smaller black thrones for 2 vampires, also visible thanks to their red eyes and fangs. 

One was a woman with sleek long black hair  wearing a neat suit with a white ruff at her collar, with a pair of red gloves. 

She smirked, her pale skin glinting in the spotlight as she stirred a wine glass of blood in front of her. 

"Well Marco.." the woman said. "I picked quite an excellent set of fighters this year. My Number One of course.. Geppeta, is raring to go.."

"Well you're quite confident ain't ya Erzabet?" said a heavily mustachioed vampire in a fur coat with black shades that covered his eyes, and a huge cigar sticking out of his mouth. "Well dem varmints got nuthin' on ma squad dis year.. I've got a new Ace Fighter in da ring! Guy comes straight outta da Nevada Badlands! Ain't seen nothin' like 'im!! Just wait yer majesty! Yer gonna fall fer him in an INSTANT!"

"We'll see Beck." said Ophelia, appearing just as unmoved and teasing as ever. 

"As always, the two top members of the Vampire Parliament remain unfazed.. as also the two top Corporation owners  with skin in the game! After all, they stand to gain millions from a union by marriage with our beautiful queen!" said Marco.  "But.. this year.. we've got even MORE surprises.. TWO surprise guests to join us in the Top Box due to their OUTSTANDING donations to this year's Rumble!"

Ben immediately knew something was wrong. Ophelia's expression didn't change, in fact she kept smiling. But her eye twitched ever so slightly. The same twitch that she gave off whenever she played poker on Game Night and her hand was awful, or whenever Shi-Jian tried to get the gang to play Strip Poker with that oh so insane glint in his eye suggesting he was going to use his time powers to cheat in a certain direction. 

This wasn't in the script.

The Stein that was with Ophelia leaned down to her and whispered something. She gave a nod, but didn't give anything else away. 

The other two vampires however, looked far more obviously surprised.

Erzabet's expression turned murderous as she shattered her glass in her grip, staining her hand with blood, while Beck stood up and yelled "What in Tarnation!" or at least it looked like he yelled, since he didn't have access to the mic at the moment. 

"ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE.. The sensational.. Madame Kima!!  While she doesn't have any fighters in the game! Her donations to this year have been astronomical, with many of her charities also contributing to many of Lady Ophelia's Orphanages all over London!" 

A new chair was brought out by clockwork gargoyles as a woman in a white dress with a hood over her ace, and silvery chains wrapped around her arms took her seat in the box. 

Ben could only make out her chin as she smirked and gave off a small wave.

"Huh.." Denji grunted.

"What?" Ben asked.

"Nuthin.." Denji said. "Just.. huh.. something about her.. I'm probably imagining it though.."

"And of course! The last one, with a record breaking donation to the Charity of Arts and Sciences, and her own newly participating team debuting this year.. LADY SEPHIRAH!" yelled Marco

Ben stared intently as another chair was brought out for a familiar white haired woman dressed in her usual trench coat, her body length sword sheathed to her back. 

Sephirah smirked and looked down at Ben from the box, winking, before setting down on the chair. 

Ophelia gave Sephirah no inkling of recognition, but narrowed her eyes slightly. 

"Oh please Marco.. it really was a last minute donation, I don't think I deserve the honor of being in the presence of the Queen herself when I barely started having skin in the game." said Sephirah. "Besides.. I am not here to win.. rather I'm here to assist somebody else in winning.. somebody who I believe is deserving.."

"OHO!! And who might that be!?" asked Marco

"Shhhh.. that's a secret for now." said Sephirah, still looking intently down at Ben.  "But rest assured, that certain individual only needs to know that for now.. I am his ally.. "

"Interesting! What about you Madame Kima? What do you think about all this?"

"Oh its quite simple.. I want to marry Ophelia Anderson, and make her my wife.." said the woman. 

There was a pause.

"Oh.. uh.. but.. Madame ,you don't have any fi-."

"I know." said Kima. 

"Ok... then.. how do you plan to go about-?"

"Rest assured.. as long as somebody weak enough wins, they will give her to me in the end.." said Kima with a smile. 

Ophelia couldn't even keep a poker face this time. She just stared at Kima with a look of mixed shock and disgust before shaking it off. 

Ben couldn't blame her either..  he had to look at the rest of his team just to make sure they had felt the same thing he had just then.. 

An overwhelming sensation of wanting to run away and puke.. 

And he wasn't disappointed. 

Even Denji and Power were staring with their mouths slightly agape, and Kratos blinked a few times before his brows lowered, giving him a far more angered appearance. 

"The fuck is that woman?" Erice growled. 

"Dunno.. but that sent shivers down my spine, and I don't even know why.." Hanzo muttered, now grasping his blade grips tightly.

"W-well!" Marco stammered ."I'm.. just not gonna question that! Cause we have a show to get to!! INTRODUCING AS USUAL! THE MASTER OF CEREMONIES! The reigning Champion! You know her.. as.. ARIADNE!!" 

Fireworks exploded outward as a nearby gateway slid open and a woman wearing a hooded red and gold cloak stepped onto the battlefield.. 

As more pyrotechnics shot up around her, she threw her cloak off, revealing her lithe beautiful form adorned by skimpy golden armor, her white and red hair fluttering in the wind. 

"Well she's very.. uh.. not wearing pants." Hanzo muttered.

"Your girlfriend is Ushiwakamaru." said Ben. 

"Well.. yeah fair point." said Hanzo. "Maybe she's one of those Monks of Tel-Ra that Ophelia mentioned. She did say that they tened to battle in really skimpy stuff.. though.."

Hanzo narrowed his eyes as he gritted his teeth. "Ya.. feel that?"

"Yeah.." Ben muttered. "She.. feels almost as crazy as Gojo-Sensei, hell maybe just AS crazy.. what the heck is this?" 

"Boss.. something tells me, we might just have to use Omni in a few fights." Hanzo said. 

The crowd cheered as the name "ARIADNE!!"  was chanted repeatedly.

Ariadne bowed respectfully as four bronze spider legs extended from the center of her spine and mimiced the twirling gestures of her hands. 

"I.. as the reigning champion.. and guard to the Queen's hand.. am proud to once again open this event. I swear to uphold sportsmanship and honor. However.. I also swear to destroy each and every one of you..  for as long as I live.."

Ariadne's eyes glowed a deadly red and Ben immediately felt a horrifying pressure crushing his very ribcage. 

"NONE of you.. will ever lay in a bed with my sister!!" Ariadne growled scathingly. 

"Whew!" yelled one fighter. "Scary as she is every year. Not that she needs to worry about me.. I'm just here to win  maybe up to midround to boost my image as a top mma fighter! I'll surrender if she starts coming at me tho Mates.. so be ready for that."

"That's the second strongest Vampire in the world for you! HAHAHA! only Lady Ophelia could ever beat her.." said another. 

Ben cursed under his breath. 

These fools. No wonder nobody ever beat Ariadne.  They had NO clue.. 

Ophelia got  stronger during the Radiant War, but.. when Ben had fought her.. he got a good sense where she was at currently.

And there was one thing he was sure of.  

Ariadne was on a league entirely. The strongest Vampire in the world was HER. He didn't even need to exchange blows.  

There was a primal power to her that just screamed  into the depths of even the darkest hell. 

Trumpets played, and various flags from multiple countries waved as Ben watched Ariadne. An entire ceremoney of some sort played out..  But he didn't even notice it..

The sheer terrifying aura coming out of Ariadne stopped him from doing anything else.  Only woman he knew gave off that same aura.

Dragfeld Dragonfeller. 

"Allow me to explain the rules.. of the first event. As I will not be the one participating here.. I am designated with giving you the gist of what you're supposed to do this year." said Ariadne as she strolled into the center of the arena among the crowds of fighters. 

"She's not even taking part in the first event?" Muttered one fighter nearby. 

"Well the first event is a culling sort of event. To separate the trash from the pros." said another fighter." The last time she participated in one of those, she ended up culling everyone but herself, so they had to readjust the rules."

"The game is a simplistic one." Ariadne continued as she held up what appeared to be a white ribbon in her palm.  "There will be a number of these distributed about the battlefield..  your goal, is to attempt to hold onto one as long as possible. For each minute you're able to hold on to a ribbon, you will gain 1 point.  You may use any means you wish to steal ribbons from opponents who have them.  In the end, only the top 50 will be allowed to stay for round 2. Naturally your points stack if you have more than one ribbon in your possession.. And the points you snag from these rounds will carry on to the next, so its in your best interest to be aggressive."

"So.. when do we start?" Ben asked.

Ariadne froze. She turned to look at Ben and immediately upon seeing his face, he saw several expressions. 


And Livid anger. 

"Your face.." Ariadne scowled. "You.. dare-?"

Ben almost fell over and vomited from the sheer chill erupting out of the Vampiric Valkyrie's gaze.. but it soon vanished as Ariadne's expression once again became stoic. 

" You need ask? Nobody needs to wait for pomp and circumstance." said Ariadne. "We start when we start.. and when we start is always.. right away.."

Immediately, ribbons appeared in the air.. fluttering down into the battlefield. 

A heartbeat seemed to throb collectively around the arena as the contestants all flicked their gazes upwards. 

"Gather." Kratos growled quick. "Support one another. if you gain an extra ribbon, prioritize giving them to your team members and then pair up to defend if ne-."

"Uh... teach.. where's Power?" asked Rex.

Everyone blinked and looked back to see a gap in the group where Power used to be.. 

"MUAHAHAHAHAHA! THE BELL HAS BEEN RUNG!! THE GAME IS AFOOT!! THE BATTLE IS JOINED!!" Power screamed as she ran straight into the crowd. 

"Eriiiiiice! Power's doing it again!" Denji exclaimed like a kid tattling on his sister. 

Power's cap and glasses flew into the air, revealing her horns and eyes as she laughed wildly, running at high speed while blood erupted from her wrists, morphing and solidifying into a pair of giant mallets. 

"POWWWWWWW POWWWWW POWWWWWW!!!" before they could even react, multiple fighters flew into the air as Power leaped into the sky and grabbed multiple banners.


"Wh-what!?" yelled one Stein fighter, aiming a sniper rifle at Power. "WHAT IS SHE!?" 

There was collective roar as all the fighters in the arena followed Power's lead and immediately started dashing at each other. 

Erice sighed as her dress shredded apart in a blast of glowing water, revealing her fairy form. "Well there goes that plan!  Denji, you're with me!! We're gonna reign in Power!  That good sensei?"

"B-But I wanted to go with Er-!" Rex began, but Kratos grabbed his wrist. 

"Yes, pair up!" Kratos growled. "Scatter and then retreat to the center together when you have 3 banners! I have Rex Salazar!"

"I've got Rock-Chan!" Hanzo roared as he drew both blades and Kratos tossed Rock over to the samurai.  

"DENJI! REV UP! CARVE A PATH!" Erice exclaimed as multiple koi fish slid into existance around her. "BUT remember.. CONTROL.. don't just go wild!" 

"OH YEAAAAAHH!!" Denji roared as he took his finger over to his shirt and pulled what appeared to be some sort of rip chord sticking out.. a chainsaw-like motor revving sound erupting as he pulled it right before several Steins and Vampires piled on top of him. 

"Is he going to be-!?" Ben began to ask.

"VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!" The people piled on top of Denji were sent exploding into the air blood erupting outwards as a pair of chainsaws sticking out of Denji's arms slashed around.. 

Denji's head had turned into a literal chainsaw itself, with demonic eyes glowing under the exhaust ports, sharp metal teeth opening into a monstrous jaw just under the chainsaw blade, laughing wildly. 

"HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! IMA EAT GOOD TONIGHT!!" Chainsaw Man roared as he exploded into the battlefield next to Erice, the earth erupting with rubble from the sheer impact of his body. 

"Nevermind.." Ben muttered as Todo dashed in next to him. 

"COME ON BROTHER! Lets show these people.. just what REAL LOVE for a woman LOOKS LIKE!" Todo yelled, grinning.  "HAAAAAAAAAA!"

Bluish energy shimmered around Todo's body, which Ben recognized to be Cursed Energy like Gojo.  

In an instant Todo hurled out a dozen martial arts strikes around him and Ben, propelling away hundreds of fighters in the blink of an eye before he reached a hand out to the air and grabbed multiple ribbons out of the air. 

"Wh-whoaaa.." Ben muttered. "I heard he was good.. but even WITHOUT Omni he's.. amazing!"

"Brother rival.." Deca hissed as she appeared next to Ben in her Swampfire dress, flames dancing off her shoulders.  

Todo grinned as he flexed his muscles and grinned as he turned back to look at Ben. "Alright Brother.. this is the perfect opportunity.. "

"Opportunity?" Ben said. 

"meh?" Deca muttered as she used a vine to knock a few fighters into the ground

"For our Brotherhood to truly have its usage!" said Todo. "For many years, like you with Rex.. and Erice with Denji and power.. I TOO wished to mentor a pupil. Alas.. Our Best Friend.. Itadori Yuji is unable to join us."

"Who?" Ben said, blinking. 

"Is an Itadori some sort of bento? Does it taste good?" asked Deca

"Maybe its a type of smoothie.. " Ben mused. "Can you make an Itadori? That part of your homunculus programming?"

"I don't know.. I can make Margaritas though.." Deca said. 

"BUT! He would want me to train at least ONE of you too!" Todo continued as if he was the only one talking, " So.. Ben Tennyson, though you entered this school mentorless! IT is I! Your BEST FRIEND! Who takes up the role!! LOOK AROUND YOU!! THE SHARKS ALREADY GATHER TO FEED!"

Ben looked around, and indeed, a vampire with a bandaged face and a samurai blade approached, and a human with twin revolvers and a cowboy hat came in from the other end. 

"Well well well.." the Pistol Cowboy twirled his revolvers as the vampire readied her sword. "Ain't we lucky... so these guys are the ones from one of those New Corps that have been poppin' up! Beatin' you all probably won't be a promotion.. but.."

"Lady Erzabet will surely give us a raise at least." said the Samurai vampire, licking her blade as her fangs extended. 

Todo chuckled as he threw several of the banners in his hands to Ben, who caught them with one hand.  "Do you HEAR that brother!? They only have interests in winning Ophelia for money.. for fame.. for a simple.. raise..  What do you- Her one TRUE love, feel about rabble like that- daring to challenge you!?"

Ben felt fury boil up in him as the Omnitrix exploded with green light. "Mad as hell."

Todo nodded. "VERY WELL! I won't lift a finger to help! And your sister will stay here as well! Show me.. WHAT I HAVE TO WORK WITH! MY BEST FRIEND!!"

Meanwhile.. a little ways into the battlefield.. a different kind of mess was forming.

"N-NOOOOO WAIT!" screamed a fighter. "I.. I DON'T WANT TO-"

"SHEEEEEN!" a blade slashed through the air, and the man was sent flying as his arm flew in the other direction, blood drizzling over the ground. 

"oh... how pitiful. 

A Stein who looked to be a teenager with a long slender pony tail, and a tremendously beautiful figure stepped forward. She wore heavy eyeliner and black lipstick, and her dress was slender, revealing her side underneath straps all down her left side, a rapier that resembled an elegant golden ornament conductor's stick held in her hand. 

"Not even a GOOD performance.." said Geppeta as she twirled her sword, moving it and her hands into conducting movements. "None of you have quite.. the CRESCENDO!!"

Gepetta crossed her hand and the conductor sword down in a sweeping movement, as huge purple glowing sonic waves arched outwards, and some people screamed as their ear drums shattered and they fell to their knees. 

"SURROUND HER!!" roared one fighter, as a multitude of black clothed vampires surrounded Gepetta, their eyes flashing as magic runes glowed on their arms. 

"You call that pitiful display magic..? I suppose I should expect that of that Beck Aligned Steamware Corporation.. at the end of the day.. its all just a show!!"

Gepetta lashed out her hands as magic glowed around her again, and the strings holding her stiches together extended out of her left hand  and attached themselves to her chin, appearing as if she were holding a violin. 

Gepetta swiftly slid her blade up and down the stich strings as violin music smoothly rippled over the battefield, emitting more magical sonic waves. 

The vampire assassins charging in immediately froze as their bodies glowed purple within the sound waves, and their expressions became that of terror as immediately they all started dancing along with the music. 

"Patchwork Concerto: Ballad of a Thousand years!!!" 

The dancing vampires screamed in pain as they danced and danced faster and faster till their bodies all started contorting and moving their limbs in ways that their joints wouldn't normally allow.. before finally they collapsed from pure exhaustion.. blood seeping out of their pores, their eyes rolled back into their heads. 

"Yes.. music.. dance.. ART!" Gepetta bowed as she the crowd roared. "Did you witness it my audience? This.. is what it means to fight!"

Instrumentalist International Corporate Affiliation From Italy.
Master Magician: Gepetta Bach. 

"Now who else!?"  exclaimed Gepetta, twirling her blade and smirking. "Who can SATISFY MY need.. TO PERF-!"

"SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNN!" Gepetta's eyes went wide as her strings were instantly slashed to bits, retracting back into her stitches. 

Gepetta rapidly deflected Hanzo's katanas, sparks erupting from them as they moved like blurs through the air. 

"CRESCENDO!!" Gepeta let loose a powerful soundwave with a sweep of her blade, but Hanzo cut through the soundwave itself with a suddenly ribbon-like slash. 

"Ohoho!?" Gepeta smiled. "You.. cut through my magic itself!? That's a first..  but didn't your big master tell you to pair up?"

"I ain't alone.." said Hanzo with a grin. "Rock-Chan's just dealing with the other members of your squad. Ya shouldn't have left them to their own devices when you're the strongest one.."

"My-?" Gepeta looked back to see multiple Steins wearing concert dresses and tuxedos flying past her..  all of them knocked out.. 

Gepeta stared at what remained of her squad, all of them lying on the ground with bloody claw marks in their clothes..  and at the center of them all.. 

"A rock..? " Gepeta muttered, staring bemused at the googly rock at the center, which had tons of ribbons now stacked on top of it..  

"Well done Rock-Chan.." said Hanzo as he wrapped the multiple ribbons he already had around his wrist to free up his arms. "You step back for now and protect your ribbons, you're still a rookie after all.. this lady.. leave her to me.."

Gepeta smirked and she gripped her sword tightly as she did the same with her own ribbons. "I.. still don't understand what's going on.. BUT .. I FEEL QUITE LIKE TEARING YOU TO PIECES FOR RUINING THIS PERFORMANCE!! PHILISTINE!"

Nearby, an explosion shook  the arena  as dust and rubble was sent flying by a muscular arm. 

A man stood at the center of over a hundred downed warriors, blood covering his bare muscular arms.  His hair was wild, like a dark red mane, with wolven ears protruding from them, his face rought as if hewn from stone, his skin dark tan with flame tattooos on his shoulders and pectorals.

A wolven red tail whipped around behind him, as he stood barefoot, only wearing a set of black torn pants for clothes. 

"Express gratitude to the Queen for forbidding death to you all.." growled the Lycan man. "Had this contest not had such a rule.. I would've devoured all of you.. but do not let this folly convince you of your worthlessness. I applaud you for showing the determination to fight despite the futility of it all.."

Beck and Associates Corporate Afilliation From New Aztec
Lord of Wolves, Byron The Devourer.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!" Byron's eyes slid to the left as he raised up his forearm and blocked a huge metal robotic fist.

The fist was armored with an orange mechanized hull, with chrome plated slat-like knuckles and thumb, attatching to a twisting arm made of circuits and interlocking metal wires that wound tightly a powerful muscle fiber, ending at none other than Rex Salazar's shoulder

Rex grinned as he withdrew the "Smackhand", the robotic arm alone at least twice his size. 

"Huh, you can take a punch... but you never can have just one I guess!" said Rex as his other hand glowed with circuits and metal wires and fragments erupted from it, morphing and twisting into a second Smackhand.

Rex moved with superhuman agility, hurling forward both Smackhands in a powerful set of high force punches, shockwaves erupting from each impact as Byron smacked each giant metal punch aside with his own muscular arms. 

Rex slammed both his giant fists into the ground, launching himself straight into the air above Byron so he could twirl in mid air and hurl his fists downwards. 

Byron disappeared in a blur of speed as the robotic fists turned the ground into a pile of rubble, reappearing about 50 feet away. 

Rex's Smackhands retracted back into his normal hands, the metal seeming to disappear straight into gloves as if they had shrank into nothing. "Well well well, somebody took his vitamins! So what are you supposed to be? The Big Bad Wolf?"

"Your abilities.. are quite interesting.. is the metal inside you?" murmured Byron. "No matter.." 

Byron disappeared again, becoming a blur just above Rex as claws extended from his fingers.

"WHOOOAAAA!!" Rex's arms morphed into dark metal hands with blue glowing panels that conjured up glowing energy shields, as he blocked the claw strike just in time. 

Gashes appeared in the earth around Rex's Block Party shields as the claws cleaved downwards. 

Rex then ducked as Byron hurled out another slashing strike with his claws, causing a pillar behind Rex at the edge of the arena to suddenly be severed into six pieces, the stone falling down in a dust cloud. 

"Okay, this guy has MAJOR muscle!" Rex exclaimed. "Well if I can't muscle past him-... I'll roast him instead!!!"

Rex's  hands morphed again, with resounding clangs and twists of gears.. turning into two large glove-like blue and grey robotic arms with glowing blue circuits and black slatted vents on his forearms and palms. 

The slats ignited as heat erupted from the vents and  Rex smacked both "Lit Mitts down onto the ground in front of him. 

The ground exploded into molten magma, throwing glowing eruptions down the side of the arena, sending multiple contestents flying as Byron once more became a blur, reappearing out of the range of the attack. 

Rex slashed one of his Lit Mitts through the air, and a huge orange heated blast whipped across the earth like a cyclone.

Byron breathed in deeply till his cheeks puffed slightly then he let out a titanic breath, sending wind erupting into the heat attack, dissipating it. 

"Wait.. did he ACTUALLY just huff and puff and blow my house down!?" Rex exclaimed. "Jeez, now all we need is Little Red Riding-  JEEEEEZUSSSS!!"

Rex let out a roar of shock as a huge fast blur shot down next to him, barely missing him and creating such a powerful shockwave, that almost everyone was sent flying like rag dolls, with some contestants flying straight out of the stadium through the magic cieling blocking out the rain.

The muscled man who had come with Malenia stood up in a giant crater, shouldering his pair of swords with a lazy expression on his face. 

"Hmm?  Oh.. you aren't Ben Tennyson.. I guess I heard the smack talk and thought it might be him.. but.. no you're different.."

"Th-the hell!" Rex rose out of the rubble, coughing and shaking himself as Byron, who had leaped out of the way just barely, stared. 

"Oh.. you must be.." The man blinked and scratched his head with a thumb. "Hmm.. nah I don't remember, not good with names."

"Actually don't think we've MET!!" Rex lashed out a Lit Mit, sending a burning blast exploding forth. 

"We didn't?"

Rex's eyes went wide as he froze mid blast.. 

The man had just appeared behind him immediately after he attacked, as if he hadn't even been in the spot Rex aimed for.. his swords casually leaning on his shoulders. 

"Hmmm.. bummer, Sephirah said I might meet somebody I knew if I went on this mission.. but so far..none of you all seem familiar.. even Tennyson.. what's his power again?" 


Rex had whirled around, his arm morphing back into a Smack Hand which he had instantly used to hurl out a collosal punch.

At the same time, Byron had attacked from the man's other side, launching a powerful punch of his own at immense speed. 

But the man in that same instant, faster than one could blink had dropped his swords and blocked both punches with his palms. 

His short hair whipped around in the wind surge from the strikes, but his face was completely impassionate and showed zero exertion of effort as he easily held back the giant metal fist on his left and the werewolf's fist on his right. 

"Tsk, wondering why I bothered to bring the cursed tools if this is all any of you got." said the man. "I bet a lot on the results of the match by the way, you better not disappoint me.."

Rex felt sweat pouring down his face now.  This.... this person.. 

He remembered when he had first met Ben.. the guy had come through an interdimensional portal as Humungousaur, resulting in a short rumble in the park where Rex actually took a few punches from the dino alien that still left memories of an extremely painful rattled skull to this day. 

While Rex managed to send the alien flying a bit with his Smack Hands, he remembered how the alien had seemingly shrugged off the blows in spite of that, how punching Humungousaur's thick armor had felt a bit like using his bare hands to punch bricks. 

This guy had just brought back that feeling.. but even WORSE. 

"Hmm.. maybe I shouldn't use Omni.." muttered the man.

Rex looked at Byron, and saw that he too was sweating. 

"Gonna introduce yourself?" Rex asked as he and Byron leaped back.

"Hmmm.. is there a point to that?" the man muttered as he kicked his blades into the air and caught them. "Just tell me where Ben Tennyson is.. I've got something to tell him.. or better yet.. do you happen to know Gojo Satoru..? "

"What do you want him for?" Rex asked.

"Oh.. you know.. he did kill me that one time.. so I thought I'd reminisce." said the man with a slight smirk.  

"Well.. maybe you can leave your message after the beep."  said Rex. 

"Heh.. funny." said the man. 

The man made to step forward, then...

Rex stared.. unable to react as suddenly the man's blade was right at his neck. 

Dead.. before he could even blink..

Or at least that's how it would've been.

A shockwave erupted out as Rex stared down at the blade mere centimeters from his neck..

A large hand had grabbed the man's wrist before he could instantly decapitate Rex. 

The man looked at Kratos, who was glowering down at him, gripping his wrist tightly. 

"Enough.. " Kratos growled.

"Hmmm.. thought a teacher would be chaperoning a rookie in the field.. " said the man. "Thought Gojo would come if tried to kill a student, or if it was a different teacher on duty, I could kill him and get Gojo to come that way.. however.."

Kratos let go of the man's wrist as he stepped back quietly.  

"So.. are you a monster like me?" said the man, grinning. "No.. forget monster.. you're even crazier than I am.. aren't you?"

Zenin Toji, Sorcerer Killer.
Rank: 4th Archangel. 

"Thor spoke highly of you.. maybe I can try to kill you a little later." said Toji with a chuckle. "Until then.. stay in the tournament you hear?"

"Mmm.." Kratos grunted as Toji disappeared in a blur of insurmountable speed.  

"Wh-WHO the HELL was that!?" Rex asked.

"Zenin Toji, Another one of Gojo's ghosts.." said Kratos quietly as he turned to look at Byron. "Do you intend to continue your fight with my student?"

"Hmm.. I think will take my leave.. its already apparent that having you waiting in the wings after struggling with this boy would not be ideal." Byron muttered as he walked off. "My primary goal this leg of the tourney is to make it into the top 50.. do so yourselves and I'll be glad to face you."

"Well ain't that disappointing..?" Rex muttered. 

"I hid to prevent this scenario. I wished to observe your battle with that Lycan to assess your skills and what you still had to learn..." said Kratos.  "Come then, we will find another opponent."

"Whatever you say Teach." 

Back where Ben and Todo were, the Revolver wielding man was firing bullet after bullet as the samurai woman was sent flying and crashing into the ground.

"Th-the hell!? I've.. what kind of creature is.. " The vampire samurai growled, wiping blood from her chin. 

An alien stepped forward as revolver bullets bounced off his rocky skin, not even making any marks. 

The alien wore a black jumpsuit with white highlights, the Omnitrix burning on the right of his chest. His skin was made of dark purple rock with an angular one eyed face made of magenta crystals, giving the appearance of a face guard. More magenta crystals grew out of various parts of the alien's body with a large cluster growing down the sides of its back. 

Chromastone lashed out a crystalized hand and smacked the last bullet out of the air, its surface denting against his very skin as sparks jumped from the friction. 

"DAMNIT!!" the gunman roared as he tossed his dual guns into the air and a yellow magical aura erupted around him and hands made of astral energy appeared holding bullets made of mana which they slid into the gun's chambers at high speeds, instantly reloading them right before the man caught the guns in mid air. 

"Jon!!" roared the samurai vampire. 

"ALREADY ON IT LILI!" roared the gunman as he hurled out both revolvers and energy charged into an orange sphere just above their barrels. 

"SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!" a giant yellow magical spell blast exploded down at Chromastone. 

Chromastone's body erupted with multicolored light as the beam was immediately absorbed into his body, merging into an aura around his body which promptly disappeared. 

"SHIT!!" Lily leaped back to her feet and twirled her blades, blitzing over behind Chromastone and slashing her blades viciously. 

"SHEEN SHEEN SHEENSHEEENSHEEENSHEENSHEEEN!!" Her blades repeatedly bounced off Chromastone's skin in multi sparked bursts. 

"I'm no slouch.. I've cut through stone dozens of times.. HUNDREDS! What is he made of-!?" roared Lili

Chromastone whirled around and lashed out a backhand blow at Lili. 

Lili ducked as Chromastone's fist slammed into a random passerby fighter behind her, and the rando was sent flying like a rag doll into the side of the stadium, blowing a crater into the stands. 

Lili leaped away as Chromastone fired a multi-colored energy blast from the crystal on his head, blasting a fissure into the ground. 

Jon dashed in as this happened, sliding between Chromastone's legs and aiming his gun at the green center eye in the alien's face. 

"POW!!" the magically reinforced bullet flattened as it bounced off Chromastone's eye as well and the alien kicked Jon in the side, creating a shockwave as the gunman's ribs shattered and we was sent spiralling upwards into the sky. 

Chromastone aimed a finger into the air, and a powerful ultraviolet blast exploded into Jon. 

The gunman fell back onto the ground, smoke rising from his body as he moaned. 

"Tsk!" Lili brandished her blades and readied herself as Chromastone turned back towards her.  "Wh.. what the hell. I've.. I've been to every single tourney.. even made it to the top 30 at some points... each year.. for 200 years.. but I've never seen a creature like this. That blood girl.. that company.. that boy with robot arms..  JUST what ARE the contestents this year!? Where in HELL did you all come from!?.. hey.. HEY SAY SOMETHING DAMNIT!!"

Chromastone merely silently approached however, his eye glowing as the earth shattered with each step

Ben's mind was focused beyond belief. These people.. were all competing for one thing above all..

To take Ophelia for themselves. 

The goal was sick, disgusting even. And as long as that was what was on the table. He wasn't giving himself the luxury of not giving it all.

"No jokes.. no words.. just win." Chromastone growled  as his crystals began to glow. 

"Sh.. SHIT!" screamed Lili as she readied her blades. 


Lili and Chromastone froze as Todo stepped between them.. Todo's body pulsating with Omni which shimmered over his Cursed energy as he used one hand to deflect an Ultra violet blast from the alien, and the other to deflect a cut from Lili's blades. 

"Wh-wha!?" Lili stammered. "His bare hand..?"

"Todo what are you-?" Chromastone began. 

That was wild.. He knew Todo's Omni control had to be top notch.. but he hadn't even flinched against Chromastone's laser.  Though it was a given that Chromastone hadn't been using Omni at all just now.

"Ben.. my brother.. TOP notch points! Your movement.. your strength.. and your ability to practice freestyle combat.. GLORIOUS!!" Todo yelled. "HOWEVER.. it is also.. WRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOONGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!"

Todo's roar of "WRONG" echoed across the arena so loudly that even Ophelia blinked from her royal box and looked down to observe what was going on.

"Who is that topnot man yelling next to that strange creature?" Erzabet snapped as she swilled her wine glass. "Nasty.."

"Hmm.." Ophelia mused, as her scarlet vampire eyes glowed slightly. 

"Brother, your omni.. I have seen it in action from footage garnered within the Library records of our hallowed Academy.." said Todo. "your battle against Minamoto No Raikou was beautiful.. however, there is one problem that prevailed during that fight that EVEN NOW.. is apparent without you using Omni whatsoever.  TWO main ones.. "

Todo held up a finger. "NUMBER ONE.. your grasp of Omni is always in Short Bursts!! From what Mordred told me, when you used XLR8 to exercise specialized Omni Attacks on her, you always only activated your Omni WHEN you attacked.. giving XLR8 the necessary enhancements to perform the techniques or run faster while you were running or performing said techniques... but if you are taken by surprise.. BEFORE you use Omni to do things such as avoid being attacked or taken by surprise.. WHAT is the point?"

"H-huh!?" Chromastone said. "But.. wait.. are you telling me you can have Omni on.. continuously all the time?"

Todo grinned and beckoned a finger at Chromastone. "YOU tell me.."

Chromastone put a hand on Todo's shoulder.. and immediately felt shock course through him.

He could feel the 'strands' of Omni churning through Todo. His perception, the hardness of his skin.. his usage of Cursed energy.. it was all being enhanced.. literally ALL THE TIME.. without rest. "

"How are you not burning yourself out!?" Chromastone asked. 

"ANd there in lies your problem." said Todo. "I don't blame you for this issue. It is a common mistake, even made by the most experienced Omni users. Even Mordred herself and Lady Heralder are prone to this weakness due to how hard it is to maintain absolute focus... tell me.. WHAT is the difference between OMNI Energy and OMNI.."

Chromastone hesitated. "Aren't they.. the same?"

"NO!!" Todo crossed his arms. "Omni Energy is what you get when you take strands of reality and burn it for fuel.. that is what the Omnitrix runs on and powers its electronics from. That is what many Galvan Devices use for its top notch highly scientific communities as well.  BUT OMNI.. is Reality itself.  Tell me Ben.. you use Omni like its some sort of Cursed Energy, or some type of mana that you can run out of when you're spent right?  But Omni doesn't run out.. if it did, then we'd all cease to exist, and even memory itself would vanish.."

"I.. should probably sneak away.." Lili muttered as Todo spoke to Ben.

The vampire made to inch away, but just as she did, there was a "CLAP!" sound, and the woman suddenly appeared next to Chromastone. 

"EH!?" Lili stammered as Todo looked at her. 

"I'm not done yet, please be patient!" said Todo. "Anyways.. human beings and even aliens of other species are hardwired to think of Omni as an energy that runs out as you run out of stamina to fight, and that's fine. Its because the body itself runs out.  Cells grow old and die, animals starve without food to devour. We aren't made to use something that persists and goes on forever.  Many Omni Arts users spend centuries without ever managing to break away from such a mindset, even those far more powerful than the likes of us."

Todo put a finger on Chromastone's chest. "HOWEVER! my Brother, your grasp of Omni is like a terrifying storm, brimming with potential.  The progress you've shown, even without the Omnitrix constantly bathing you in Omni and speeding your learning along, shows that you are a prodigious flower just WAITING to bloom. For you not to learn as I have.. the ability to constantly have your Omni active, is an INSULT to your own talent! And if you are comfortable staying at this level.. I cannot see how we can even stay Best Friends!"

Todo now held up a second finger. "NOW! Onto your SECOND problem.. your skill.. your battle style is free hand.. free style.. is it not?"

"My.. cousin taught me a few martial arts moves.. but.. that's about it." said Chromastone. 

"You are again.. not at fault." said Todo. "in a world without Omni, this would be considered good enough. After all, you defeated world conquering aliens with what you have.. and when dealing with a vast quantity of forms all with unique bodies.. no single martial art can hope to be enough.. and you do not have the time to learn kungfu, karate, taijutsu.. all in a single sitting.. but in a world WITH omni.. this is merely an excuse!! Tell me Brother.. do you remember the three types of Omni that are utilized at our noble school!?"

"uhh.." Chromastone put a crystal finger to his chin, thinking.  As he did, several fighters charged at him and lasers erupted from his head crystal, knocking them out instantly, causing their ribbons to fly into Todo's outstretched hand.  "Let me think.. Body, Skill and External."

"GOOD! 100 points!" said Todo. "For our purposes, we only need to talk about Body and Skill. Body enhances of course, the physical attributes of your body. Skill enhances what you.. as a person have the talent or the practice to do. These are two of the branches of Fundamental Omni Combat, and each omni users has a single one which they are proficient in.  You.. are proficient in Body, as by using Omni, you can enhance the unique biological traits of your aliens to make them far stronger in their own powers.  And I.. am Skill Based. I use Omni to enhance my practice of using Cursed Energy as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.  But what if I told you it was stupid to only use just one?"

"Gojo always said that I should prioritize one, and that being able to Jack of all Trades it isn't ever realistic." said Chromastone. 

"HE IS CORRECT! But just as a bird learns to walk even when their place is in the sky. The Omni user must learn at least a little bit of each foundation of Omni to create a firm foundation for the aspect they make their own.  For even birds must stand upon the ground sometimes.   You already know several martial arts skills, and yet you have not bothered to use Omni to enhance your understanding of them.. which would boost the physical power of your aliens to fight!"

Todo shook his head. "it is wasted potential.. You are making macaroni and cheese with only the macaroni and the cheese.. leaving the bread crumbs, butter and milk to spoil on the sides!! if you wish to cook a perfect dish, then EVERY detail must be observed, not just the obvious ones!! But luckily for you.. BOTH of these problems can be solved by ONE thing.. and just ONE! Can you tell me what it is Brother?"

"Just what is this man talking about?" Lili muttered. "C-can I go?"

"SHhh! Let him think!" said Deca, popping up from where she had been watching, quietly, seated on top of multiple knocked out fighters, a ton of banners wrapped around one wrist. 


"One thing huh?" Chromstone muttered. 

"Knowing how much of a gorilla this man is.. maybe just guts." said Deca. 

"I don't think.. wait.. maybe just the way I percieve Omni when I use it?" Chromastone muttered. 

"BIN-GO!" said Todo, letting out a kiss on two fingers. "Behold Brother.. Omni is ALWAYS a game of semantics. 'Make hard harder' , 'Make my skill at Kung Fu more Skilled',  'Make my knowledge in a specific task better',  'Make Red more Red'.  Because language is a part of reality, the manipulation of Omni is all about linguistic semantics, with its only limit being that you need the trait to be present somewhere to have a version of it.  If you can simply change your body's instinctual perception of Omni as a depletable battery.. if you can simply think of Omni as an existence that is attached to your own body like your arms and legs.. you can not only use Omni as you literally sleep, but utilize a broader variety of techniques.. but again, even for a prodigy this isn't easy.. I am one of only 4 people in this school who know how to do this.."

Todo grinned. "Or well.. 5 people soon enough. To instinctually fool the body which was never meant to wield Reality as a power like that of a human being into thinking that it is natural, focus must be achieved. Focus beyond focus. A state of Zen that allows a Jujutsu Sorcerer to perform moves like the Black Flash at will.. a state of mindfulness that allows you to process what you need in an instant!  You know how to FEEL Omni.. like strands inside your brain which you mentally grasp, thanks to your brief madness when you learned it.. But now you must learn how to continue to grasp it and never let go!!" 

Todo put a hand on Lili's shoulder. "And THAT is where our friend here comes in!!"

Lili's eyes went wide as Omni pulsated over her from Todo's hand, and she clenched her hands on her swords. 

"SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!" Lili slashed her blade upwards, and an explosive slash sent multiple fighters careening away. 

Lili grinned wildly as Omni continued to pulsate over her. "I.. I FEEL SO STRONG!!? WHAT!? I.. I could possibly win now!? But.. where did this come from!?"

"There, now she is an opponent worthy of your Omni Arts..  You can use the alien form you have now.. " said Todo.  "But you are not allowed to use your energy attacks. You must fight her only with what skill you have in hand to hand combat. Focus and turn your mere acceptable free style into a focused high tier martial art!   However, if your Omni is ever inactive for even one milisecond during your fight.. I will use a Reverse Cursed Technique to heal her, and you will fight her again, and I will NOT heal you.. understand?"

Chromastone nodded and held up his fists in a ready stance as Omni pulsated over his body. "Yeah.. bring it." 

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