A Bullet That Finds Its Mark.

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Shi-Jian panted as he ran across the street. "Goddamnit all.. I'd love it if my perception of time wasn't also changed while I was slowing it!!"

Around Shi-Jian, people, cars and even a few birds in the sky moved in absolute slow motion, as if going through jelly.. 

The belt on Shi-Jian's waist glowed with white energy on dials that continued to turn as he moved. 

"Temporal Output is stable for now." Shi-Jian muttered as he panted. "I could make this seem like no time at all if I exerted the parameters to keep my brain and perception in real time.  But doing that is only good for long journeys like running across the ocean or something.  I'm not XLR8 whose heightened reflexes don't affect his temporal perception. Damn Ben sometimes I'm jealous of that awesome watch.


Shijian suddenly froze, skidding to a halt. 

In a time slowed world, sound traveled slower too so everything sounded with a slow motion effect. A quick Click like that from something governed by normal time would have to be an object creating friction fast enough to cause an atmospheric explosion, especially at his current speed. 

Or.. somebody also walking through Dimensional Time with the same kind of Belt readying their weapon.

At that moment, the Time Belt let out a "BEEP!" and things began to speed up. 

"SHIT!" Shi-Jian roared. 

Shi-Jian somersaulted into the air as his time reverted to normal speed, dodging a powerful shot that exploded into the street next to him, leaving a deep smoking hole. 

"A sniper!" Shi-Jian growled. "And not just from any ordinary bullet. 

Shi-Jian whipped his head upwards to look at the roof of the skyscraper nearby. 

A glint..

".. Fujin.." growled Shi-Jian. 

He immediately switched on his Time Belt again as suddenly another sniper bullet shot close to him only to suddenly slow down, leaving sonic ripples as it closed in.. 

Ducking under the slow motion bullet Shi-Jian dashed forward and immediately ran up the side of the sky scraper, using strange energy glowing from his boots to boost his gravitational thrust. 

As he continued to leap up the building, he saw another flash of light up at the roof, where Fujin, who was aiming a strange red and black rifle at him, was turning the dial on her own time belt. 

Fujin's eyes remained impassive as she clicked her rifle, and immediately, Shi-Jian felt his own belt disrupt, and time resumed around him. 

"As I thought!" Shi-jian growled. "She's using that isn't she!?"

Fujin's eyes glinted as she shot another rifle round down at Shi-Jian as he ran up the side of the building with his boot gadgets.. the bullet in real time again. 

Shi-Jian slashed his hand down to his belt, narrowly turning it back on in time, just as the bullet once more went into slow motion an inch from his face and he ducked under it.. finally reaching the roof top, leaping over the time frozen Fujin's head. 

Shi-Jian whipped out his gun and fired several bullets as he went  over Fujin, each bullet leaving the chamber in slow motion, so it looked like an arch of bullets. 

Fujin flashed as her own time belt auto activated and clicked her gun, causing time to resume as she stepped out of the line of fire, the bullets smoking into the rooftop next to her. 

Shi-Jian scowled at Fu-jin. "That rifle, is that what I think it is? Fu-jin."

"Well I was brought in to fight you.. Shi-jian.." said Fu-jin. "You didn't think I'd use my training to bring in traitorous officers?"

"That's right, you were part of the Punishment Squad.. meant to go after cops who went out of line." said Shi-Jian. "You know I always wondered why there was ever actually a Punishment Squad in the first place. Why did so many officers go off the deep end, well then I knew.."

Shi-jian gritted his teeth as he clutched the visor of his cap. "Our king.. the Emperor of the Republic of China.. is really an asshole ain't he!? FU-JIN!!"

Fu-Jin smirked slightly through the high collar of her coat. "Oh Shi-Jian.  That is one of the things I like about you. Overall out of every officer in the TPD, you are far too soft for this line of work."

"Maybe, but I'm the one wearing a white coat too.. you bitch!!" Shi-Jian growled ferociously as he brought up his gun and immediately fired multiple rounds.

Fu-Jin's eyes flashed. "Alter Timeline Rounds!?"

True to form, the bullets all reappeared fired from multiple angles around Fu-Jin creating a dome of fast bullets. 

Fu-Jin disappeared as she rapidly activated her time belt. 

Shi-Jian immediately activated his time belt just as she did.. the bullets turning to slow motion as the two dashed to face each other in the slowed time world. 

Fu-jin immediately cocked her rifle, and the world resumed into normal motion, the bullets colliding with the ground. 

"Your famous Rifle." said Shi-Jian. "Bad Luck Bunny. The most potent Rogue TPD Hunting Weapon ever devised.  By clicking the gun, you send out a temporal disruption field that can temporarily negate the power of a Time Belt or Time Based Gadgetry made for the TPD. It's less potent on my Belt, the Sands of Osiris... so it only deactivates it for a brief moment with me being able to turn it back on immediately.. but my Temporal bullets become normal bullets for 12 seconds." 

Fu-Jin nodded with a gentle smile. "Indeed.  You remember your training.. Shi-Jian. You witnessed this gun in action during your first crime stopping spree.."

"Yeah, but it has a weakness, hence the name 'Bad Luck Bunny'.  Just like the Rabbit in the tale of the Tortoise and Hare.. who got too confident and lost the race, the gun is indiscriminate, meaning it deactivates your stuff too..  which is why you also went back to normal time when you clicked it.. use it poorly and you get screwed."

Fu-jin chuckled. "Indeed.. but that means when this rifle is involved it comes down to a different factor.. the skills of the combatants.."

Fu-jin twirled her rifle in her hand casually before resting it on her shoulder confidently. "Tell me Shi-Jian.. you know the archival records better than anyone.. have I ever missed my mark?"

Sweat began to run down Shi-Jian's brow as he adjusted his own cap. "Not in the entire history of the Academy and your active duty.. the only technical misses recorded are your opponents dodging you, and had they not moved, they would all have been heart or head shots.."

"Oho, then you must know, how outmatched you are." said Fu-Jin quietly. "Shi-Jian dear."

"That is neither here nor there." said Shi-jian with gritted teeth. "I've grown stronger since we last met."

"Is that so?" Fujin whipped out her gun and fired.


Two bullets, one a sniper, and one a blunt tipped time bullet, clattered, smoking to the ground.. the both of them having shot each other out of mid air..

"Yeah.. that is so.." Shi-jian growled, his gun smoking as he pointed at Fu-Jin quietly. 

"What will you accomplish by saving Ben Tennyson?" whispered Fu-Jin. "You truly believe that returning to your world will let you accomplish something there? "

"No..."said Shi-Jian. "not really. I've realized by now, I'm a small fish in a big pond. But I've made allies here."

"You intend to bring Ben Tennyson and the other fools to our world?" Fu-Jin growled. "Are you mad? I've seen that boy's power, even that isn't enough."

"Don't underestimate the Omnitrix.. no rather.. don't underestimate the one wielding it." said Shi-Jian. "If anybody has ever made the impossible possible.. its that guy."

Fu-Jin's smile disappeared. "You do realize that you, and everyone else will forget him, even if he DOES manage to defeat Shub Niggurath?"

"I have faith that he'll find me again even if that happens!" Shi-Jian growled. 

Fujin smiled slightly. "You do know.. how impossible that is right? Even if he finds some way to jog your memory, he has to come to our world first.. and when he comes.. he'll face Him."

Shi-Jian gritted his teeth. 

"He has never lost.. not to the Heroes of the 5 Timelines.. nor to the students of Nia's Academy." said Fu-Jin. "You yourself know better than anyone, what happens to those who oppose Him.. and the TPD."

"I know.." Shi-Jian growled. "But even so... Ben Tennyson isn't just some rebel who pursues his enemies in fury and pure anger... he isn't just somebody who looks at the populace, sees  them mistreated and thinks, I will be their savior... "

"Hmmm?" Fu-Jin blinked. "Then what is he?"

Shi-Jian grinned. "He's a hero whose a hero in the truest sense of the word. He's a guy who looks at people's pain and doesn't feel pity.. rather he feels their pain and endures it with them!!  He doesn't just look down at somebody in trouble and think, "how tragic.. I'll help them.."  NO! he is the one who thinks.. I'm there with you! And because of that.. no matter WHO is in trouble he'll always give it his all to save them, even if they are complete strangers, putting his life on the line!"

"You make him sound like a Shonen Protagonist." murmured Fu-Jin. "Nobody in real life has that kind of resolve off the bat."

"Nobody does off the bat.. that's right.." said Shi-Jian. "But I've watched Ben Tennyson grow in this world. Maybe Shub Niggurath tormented him to a point which nobody would want. Maybe those Time Loops even made him a little crazy, but there's one thing I feel Shub will ALWAYS regret in regards to bringing Ben to this world... and that's the kind of Hero that the Radiant War molded him into.. WILL mold him into!! He's not the same Ben Tennyson as any other Ben 10 that the Multiverse or Cross Time Multiverse has ever known.. he is different! And that's why Yog Sothoth can't help but look in his direction now! After all.. SINCE WHEN HAS ANY OUTER GOD EVER LOOKED IN THE DIRECTION OF US MERE ANTS!?"


Fu-Jin smiled once more and for a moment Shi-Jian blinked, taken aback. 

It wasn't an aggressive smile, or one laced with malice or ill intent.. rather it was a hopeful smile.

"I see." said Fu-Jin. "Well if you of all people can give him your stamp of approval, then there are no more words to be had. This fight is not about him now. Its between you and me. If you wish to help your friend, to help the one you see as the hope of our world, then you know what you must do."

As Fu-Jin spoke.. the clouds began to rumble above.. and rain began to patter down on that rooftop.. becoming harder and harder until both gunfighters were drenched to the bone...

A silence that was filled with only the sound of heavy cool rain grew between the two of them, former master and former student circling each other carefully, their boots making wet stepping noises on the now water drenched rooftop.  The two of them still pointing their guns at each other.

Shi-Jian's finger began to tighten over his gun's trigger.. as Fu-Jin narrowed her eyes.. 

The silence continued for only a few seconds more.. 

Shi-jian's other hand, quick as lightning, turned the dial on his belt, and the rain drops froze in mid air, appearing as beautiful gems, reflecting the lights of the city..

He dashed through those gems, the time frozen droplets splashing outwards behind him as he slid into a sweeping kick at Fu-Jin's feet. 

A click resounded throughout the slowed time world.. and immediately Fu-Jin's rifle let out a pulse that caused time to resume as normal, the rain splashing back down as Fu-Jin leaped into the air, avoiding the kick and firing her rifle down at her former student as she somersaulted over him.

Shi-Jian, relying not on his time powers this time, but his pure skill, hurled his gun upwards and fired a bullet, shooting Fu-Jin's own projectile out of the air. 

He leaped upwards and grabbed Fujin's wrist, pulling her out of the air as her eyes went wide. 

Slamming a palm into her wrist, causing her to drop her rifle, he made to hit her head with the butt of her gun. 

But just before he could, she headbutted him, causing him to stagger back before she aimed a powerful crescent kick straight into his own gun hand, causing his Time Pistol to go flying to the other side of the roof. 

Shi-Jian slid back for a moment, water splashing in his wake as he grabbed his time belt. 

Fu-Jin, also sliding back, grabbed her own time belt at the same time... and immediately the rain once more slowed in mid air as both fighters entered the slowed time world at the same time. 

The two of them charged each other, their coats flapping as the water droplets splashed past them, freezing once more in mid air as they parted in the form of even smaller droplets.

They collided, hurling a series of martial arts attacks at each other, sending out a few palm thrusts and Jujutsu style grapples, parrying each other's kicks and pressure point strikes. 

Fu-Jin smirked as she managed to get under Shi-Jian's guard and grabbed his arm, bringing him into a martial arts style throw, slamming him to the ground and pinning him. "I was always your superior during our training sessions at the gym.. do you remember?"

"Gah... well.. I've learned a few things!!" Shi-Jian growled. 

Shi-Jian clicked a button on his belt, and immediately strange green seeds flew out and clattered to the ground.

"Wha-?" Fu-Jin had just enough time to say before Shi-Jian hurled a knee kick into her belt, causing it to crackle as time resumed in an instant.

Shi-Jian kicked Fu-Jin off him, causing her to fly into the giant vines and strange alien plants now growing from the seeds. 

"This is-!" Fu-Jin stammered as the giant thick plants wrapped around her. 

"A little gift from Swampfire.. keeping them in my time belt time frozen made sure they didn't start insta growing till I took em out.. I collected a few from when me and Ben trained with the others." said Shi-Jian with a grin.  "You're screwed."

"Sh-shit.." Fu-Jin struggled against the vines, trying to pull her arms free, but couldn't. 

Shi-Jian strolled over to his gun and picked it up, wringing the pistol a bit, as if she shake off the water, not that the gun ever had any problems with being waterlogged.

Shi-Jian turned around and used one hand to pull the visor of his cap down a bit as he aimed the gun's barrel at Fu-Jin's head. 

"You truly have grown stronger.. if not craftier.." Fu-Jin murmured. "Heheheheh.. how fitting, that I'd get a game over from you of all people. Do it."

Shi-Jian breathed in as he slowly tightened his grip over the trigger. But as he did.. his gun began to tremble..

'What the fuck..?'  Shijian thought. ' Just do it.. its not like you've never killed people before right? In this profession, I've ended lives without even a single thought. Innocent lives, evil lives, all so I could get closer to the top... to take him down..'

Shi-Jian gritted his teeth, but the harder he pressed his finger against the trigger, the harder he found it to actually take the shot..

Fu-Jin's eyes were looking at him with a sign of relief and happiness.. as if she were proud of him. WHY?

"What are you waiting for?" Fu-Jin said. "Quickly.. before I find a way out of my predicament. You know you have to do it. If I'm allowed to go free I'll inevitably stand in your way and attempt to kill Ben Tennyson. Hurry."

"S-stop looking at me like that.." Shi-Jian whispered.

"L.. Looking at you like.. what?"

"LIKE YOU ARE GLAD YOU LOST!!" Shi-Jian roared. "WHAT THE HELL!!? You attempt to murder my friend... drive him into a rampage.. and then come up here to- what.. give it your all and then be glad you lost!? The Fu-Jin I knew HATED TO LOSE!!!"

Fu-Jin sighed. "Shi-Jian.. I've already lost before I even joined the Irreverent Seven. My path to true victory only lies in your own victory.."

"Wh-what?" Shi-Jian stammered.

Suddenly, Fu-Jin's rifle, Bad Luck Rabbit, began to float  into the air.. glowing as what appeared to be strange prisms of orange energy erupted around its loading canisters and the barrel. 


"SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNN!!" Shi-Jian was sent flying back as the Swampfire Vines were torn to shreds by a powerful reddish light while the Rifle flew back into Fu-Jin's hand.

Shi-Jian stared with shock as Fu-Jin stepped out of the light. Her clothes had changed. Her Cap was gone, with instead two flame-like pinkish rabbit-like ears of pure light floated above her head... her hair band taking the form of a skull. 

A cape of pure pink fire flapped and crackled over her back, her body now dressed in cybernetic armor shaped like a red and black dress. 

The Bad Luck Rifle now had strange diamond-shaped projectiles loaded into its magazine  and hovering on the end of its barrel. 

"Fu-Jin's Hazard Gear.. Rabbit Moon Goddess: Chang'E."  said Shi-Jian gritting his teeth. "But.. there's more.."

Fu-Jin smiled sadly as she brandished her rifle. "Ah yes.. you've never looked upon my Hazard Gear before.. have you.. and therefore you've never actually seen this gun's true form while it was active."

"I thought it was a myth.. but it appears that the Supreme Leader really did hide plenty of shit from us regarding the gear given to the Punishment Squads." said Shi-Jian. "The Legendary Rifle said to pierce through not just Time, but the concept of Existence itself.."

Fu-Jin aimed her rifle and the crystals on the barrel glowed before firing in the form of a massive orange beam with a black light in the center.. space warping around it as it exploded into the sky..

For a moment there was only dust, but a mass of white flames in the form of a coat swept through the dust, exposing Shi-Jian's own Hazard Gear.. his gun held at ready.

"So, its true, you can access Radiance if you just hold a piece of your territory on your person.. the Hazard Gear, White Flame: Cheng Huang.

 " said Fu-Jin quietly. "it is quite a while since I've seen you wear it... alongside the Timeline Piercing Pistol, Pale Danger."

Shi-Jian panted as he stared at Fu-Jin's own rifle. "That's nothing compared to what you're holding there..  I knew that Hazard Gears released the form of our guns into their hidden versions designed by Doctor Eve... but.. I never would've thought that this was your rifle's hidden power...

"So... thisi is Bad Luck Rabbit's True Form... Longinus.. the God Piercer.. a gun capable of deleting living things it touches from the very Timeline, past, present and future!"

"I see, you understand now.." said Fu-Jin. "Yes, this is Longinus."

"But wielding such a gun.. in anybody's hands its a danger.. whoever it shoots, as long as the matter that comprises them is organic, they will disappear from the past, present and future!" growled Shi-Jian. "It's a gun that uses the energy of an Outer God as its ammo, and not just any Outer God, Azathoth the Blind Idiot!! Basically it's like an editor for his Dream that forges existence itself!!"

"So?" said Fu-Jin.

"SO.. SO if you delete somebody from the timeline altogether you do more than delete his existence, you rewrite history to one where he doesn't influence time at all. If you killed George Washington's existence with that, America would either have somebody different as their first president or it wouldn't exist. The potential butterfly effects are more dangerous than you can even imagine!!" Shi-Jian growled.  "Wh-why would ANYBODY even be allowed to possess a gun!? Is the Supreme Leader mad!?"

"I think you already know that answer Shi-Jian." said Fu-Jin. "He has known about Ben Tennyson for quite some time. He had me join the Irreverent when Sephiroth offered, because he wishes me to kill him with this gun.."

Fu-Jin brought up her gun. "When I fire this upon Ben Tennyson, not even the fail safes of the Omnitrix will protect him. Can you picture the world without Ben Tennyson? I have seen the predictions. Vilgax destroys the Earth of his world.. the human race becomes extinct... Diagon reclaims his heart.. and then it begins.. the extinction of a universe, a small pinprick in this vast Multiverse."

"And we will have never met him and united.. we'd be fighting each other in this cursed hell of a war like nothing ever happened.." Shi-Jian whispered. "Fuck.. "

Shi-Jian gritted his teeth as he brandished his gun.

"Do you truly think the White Flame Coat and Pale Danger are a match for Longinus?" murmured Fu-Jin. "I know your abilities better than anybody. The bullets that reject all phenomena to pierce their target only function well if you bring us to the Nexus between Timelines... the fact that you activated your Radiance and it didn't bring us into that Nexus as your Radiant Dimension is already proof that Longinus's boosted Time Gear negation effect is already working against you.. You can't bring us to that dimension to fire your trump card."

"Just cause I can't fire my most powerful bullet doesn't mean Pale Danger doesn't have other tricks!!" Shi-Jian snapped. "And as long as this coat is active, the nanomachines actively stave off Longinus's deletion effect."

"Well they resist.. but a few more shots is all I need." said Fu-Jin as she hurled her rifle forward and fired another massive dark beam. 

Shi-Jian's white flame coat rippled and he stepped forward, sliding out of view, as if he had just entered an invisible door, immediately sliding out of thin air behind Fu-Jin. 

"Hmph.. seems that while you can't bring me to the Nexus, you can still slip in and out of it yourself." said Fu-Jin as she whirled around to aim her rifle again. 

Before Fu-Jin could fire another round, Shi-Jian hurled forth his gun, and Pale Danger's muzzle ignited with blue and white light. 

Both the black orange light and the bluish white light connected and created a black point between them where space rippled for a moment before suddenly the entire street within that circle disappeared into a black clean cut hole, as if it had been deleted from existence.. leaving behind only a hole in the ground.

"His bullet was able to reject my Existence Deletion Round.." murmured Fu-Jin. "But only enough to redirect it instead of actually piercing through... in other words.. he can still fire phenomena rejection, but the power is diminished outside the Nexus. I'll have to be careful."

Shi-jian fired several more Phenomena Bullets, causing Fu-Jin to whip her cape over herself.

The bullets swirled into the cape.. rippling out of existence. 

Fu-Jin smiled. "Hmmm, seems the weakened bullets can't pierce my Hazard Gear's ability to send projectiles to other dimensions."

"That cape doesn't cover all of you." Shi-Jian growled before he leaped back and slipped back out of the normal dimension. 

Fu-Jin stepped forward, her eyes flitting around steadily, alert.. 

As Fujin strolled around, Shi-Jian  stood inside the Temporal Nexus, surrounded by the glass and mirror-like windows that made up the world, watching Fu-Jin through one of the shards.. 

"It doesn't matter where I exit this dimension.. her Hazard Gear can alert her to my presence and let her counter.." Shi-Jian muttered. "And I can't stay in Hazard Gear for longer than 2 minutes, and neither can she.  Maybe the best strategy is to wait her out in the Nexus... and then fight her again normally with our regular gear."

"One minute left hmm?" Fu-Jin smiled as her voice echoed into the Nexus from where Shi-Jian was watching.  "Very well.. what happens if I use this rifle to shoot one of those buildings there? There's bound to be plenty of people here.. who will vanish from existence.."

Shi-Jian's eyes flared. "Sh-she wouldn't.."

Fu-Jin began to aim her gun at a nearby apartment building. "Stone.. metal.. it doesn't matter what these hit, nothing stops them.."

Fu-Jin began to press the trigger. 

"DAMN IT!!!" Shi-Jian leaped out of the Nexus dimension and back into the normal one, hurtling his gun forward and firing his bullet, deflecting the Deletion Bullet of the Longinus Rifle in a spatial shockwave. 

30 seconds..

They had 30 seconds.  Shi-Jian couldn't risk jumping back into the Nexus now.. if he did, his Hazard Gear might run out of power in the process.. and he could become stuck in the Nexus, where he'd be incinerated due to not having the protection of the gear in the Air-less, matter-less dimension where normal life could not survive. 

Normally on the physics of the Radiant War, if his Hazard Gear ran out of juice, the dimension would instantly spit him out, as in this case it was part of his Radiant World, such as how Ben went to Primus in his Radiance and Ophelia went to her capital city... but due to the Nexus not being accessible from the start thanks to Longinus's Bad Luck Bunny ability, he was willing to bet that those physics weren't currently in play. 

And to top it off, he was at a disadvantage here. The weakened version of his Pale Danger's bullets were certainly strong enough to deflect Longinus's bullets, but not strong enough to reject Fu-Jin's distortion cloak.. which meant SHE was the one capable of stalling out Shi-Jian, and to top it off, since he jumped out of the Nexus using extra power, that meant she would have a few split seconds longer in Hazard Gear than he would, which made a hell of a difference given the speed of her quick draw..

This fight was over, and he had lost. 

"Are you going to attack yet? You can't go back into the Nexus, it's too much of a risk.." mused Fu-Jin. 

20 seconds. He had to make a move now.

There was only one option. He had to rely on his friends just one more time.

Shi-Jian lunged forward, firing a barrage of rejection bullets. 

Fu-jin wrapped her cloak in front of her, warping the bullets to alternate dimensions as Shi-Jian continued to dash forward.

"He's intending to pin me down as gets close enough to try something, but what could he possibly have up his sleeve?" Fu-Jin muttered. 

At that moment, Shi-Jian took out a strange silvery disc from his belt..

Fu-Jin knew what it was.

It was a Temporal Rewind.  By using it on oneself or another person, One could use it to bring up a 3D holographic image of anything that person had seen in their past. It was commonly used as an investigative tool during interrogations, or a method for recalling memories that could normally just be buried or not retrievable due to amnesia. After all, it didn't draw on memories, it was literally a hologram that went back in time...

It was something completely useless in combat except for in one type of strategy. Something Shi-Jian was famous for..

A distraction.. the same type of distraction he once used on Thanos during their fight..

Fu-Jin laughed. "Fool! You think showing me the half naked women you once saw at that Bar in the Lights District will work as well on me as it did that Mad Titan or any other man!? A distraction isn't going to work here pervert!"

"This isn't a distraction.." growled Shi-Jian. "Its your Achilles heel. And something that'll only work on you.. and everyone else that has seen his face!"

"His fa-?" Fu-Jin's eyes widened. "N-No wait, you don't mean-!?"

"THANKS AGAIN.. BEN!!!!" Shi-Jian roared as he threw the holo disc, which began projecting the image of a familiar Ogre-like Alien with a metal helm that Ben had used to knock out Fu-Jin quite recently.

"T-TOE PICK!!!?" Fu-Jin shrieked. 

Too late she tried to look away, but the alien's helmet was already open, and even as a hologram, the eldritch horror before her was too much..

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Fu-Jin screamed, her entire body going pale just as Shi-Jian aimed his gun through the hologram, his Hazard Gear disappearing, turning him back to normal..

But even without his Rejection Bullets, an ordinary bullet was enough to do the job provided to it..


blood spouted from Fu-Jin's chest, as the hologram disappeared and she fell to the ground, coughing up blood..

Her Hazard Gear deactivated, and her white coat and hat reappeared.. 

As she collided with the asphalt, her hat fell off, and her rifle rolled away from her hand.. her white coat splayed around her like wings.

She wheezed.. she didn't have long..

Shi-Jian strolled up beside her and knelt down, his eyes showing no joy in his victory.  "It's done.."

"Yes.. it is.." Fu-Jin smiled. "And yet.. I feel a sense of elation, that I didn't have to kill you.. my old friend."

Shi-Jian furrowed his brow and then he put his hand on Fu-Jin's head, rolling it to the side so he could clearly see the back of her neck under her hair..

A strange red chip was embedded in her flesh, blinking red steadily.

"An Obedience AI.. " Shi-Jian murmured. "So that's why.. that's why you betrayed me.. The Fu-Jin I knew never would've gone after any of her students. But at the same time, you were the best hunter of Rogue Officers in the TPD, He wouldn't have anybody else come after me.. or Ben."

"Be careful Shi-Jian.. when Ben Tennyson defeats the goddess.. you will lose your memories of our battle here." Fu-Jin whispered. "But He will remember. He will accept you on the force as long as you do not remember Ben Tennyson.. but the moment you two meet again.. the moment you hold some recollection of him.."

Shi-Jian smiled slightly and nodded. "The entire world will be after me.."

Fu-Jin smiled and nodded. "Yes. Though if he is every bit the person you say he is.. this Ben Tennyson.. perhaps you need not worry too much. Hmm?"

Fu-Jin reached out.. shakily towards her rifle. 

Shi-Jian's smile vanished slightly.

"Don't worry.. I'm too weak to even pull a trigger.. the chip is already severing contact with me now that He knows I'm useless." Fu-Jin gasped.

Shi-Jian nodded as he took the rifle and put it in Fu-Jin's hands. 

"Shi-Jian.. my last student." Fu-Jin gasped. "Sally would be so proud of you.. knowing the man you've become."

Fu-Jin took the rifle and pushed it into Shi-Jian's hands. "The Bad Luck Rabbit.. the Longinus.. is yours to wield now."

"F-Fu-Jin I.."

"Don't let my death be in vain.. you must kill Him.. at all costs" whispered Fu-Jin. "Tell Ben Tennyson.. tell him.. that the Supreme Leader... Must... die.. "

Silence reigned..

Rain hammered into streets, into the city, as a drenched Shi-Jian knelt beside his former mentor..  his face wet, hiding the tears that combined with water that came from the heavens..

He heaved a deep breath.

"I guess... I should keep moving." 

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