The Empress of Fire and Blood

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In a certain house.. in Tokyo... there was a woman.. 

She had been kidnapped 15 years ago.. by a serial kidnapper.  

She was once beautiful, but now her beauty had faded away under the bruises, abuse, and neglect that now covered her face like a disease. 

She sat, chained in the dark room as always, the light of the tv slightly illuminating her and the aged man who sat on his sofa.. twiddling his thumbs, his sociopathic face glaring at the panicked news reports that now covered the screen.

"End of the world huh..?" grunted the man. "Guess there's really no point in continuing.."

The woman whimpered.

"SHUT UP!!" The man growled, throwing his beer bottle at the wall next to the woman, shattering it..  "Goddamnit all.."

The man stood up slowly

As he walked through his dingey apartment towards the window.. the smell of piss and blood wafted from him like a pungent drug. 

The smell was briefly washed away as he slid his fingers under the window sill and shoved it open.. the breeze of the night air hissing through, bringing with it the smells of the Shinjuku district. 

He stepped onto the window sill and smiled slightly. He didn't have regrets, nor did he have any feelings in particular. Ultimately he didn't feel a single thing. It was the only reason he did what he did.. to try and feel something after all..

He fell forward..  and vanished from the plane of the living.. 

For a moment there was silence.. as the woman realized that her captor had just left for the afterlife.. 

She slowly held up her arm to reveal a pair of small bright eyes..

A girl..

Born to her and that man from the many times she had been raped.

The woman smiled at the little girl and nodded at her. 


The girl crawled out.. her hair was a mess.. her clothes only consisted of a shredded overly large t-shirt. her wrists and ankles were in chains that had slowly and meticulously sawed off over months with a file in her mother's teeth. 

The girl slowly crawled to the door before turning back to look at her mother. 

"I'll be right behind you.." The woman whispered. "Go.." 

The girl nodded and crawled out the door... 

The woman sighed and closed her eyes..

They did not open again.


The planet was in a state of panic..

News Channels went psychotic..

People ran through the streets.. screaming..

Multiple human beings committed suicide across the globe just seeing the massive woman who only needed the tip of her horns to destroy the moon..  the monstrosity that stared down at them... 

And flying above it all was a vampire.. carrying a boy in a white coat...

"Well its easy to see why there would be a panic, but this is.. " Shi-Jian gulped as he stared down at the city below which was now beginning to erupt into small fires as what appeared to be the JSDF started to gather in various areas..

"There's a god the size of a gas planet staring down at us." said Ophelia calmly as she beat her bat wings steadily and continued to fly in the direction of their home. "Of course..  we can't do anything about that.. the only way to stop them from destroying themselves in their panic is to defeat the source.."

"What!? You plan on flying to space now!?" Shi-Jian stammered.

"BOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!" an explosion shook the atmosphere in the distance, as Shub Niggurath fell back.

"I think Nia has that covered for now." said Ophelia. "In other words, we need to do our part Shi-Jian.

"R-right.. gotta head to Ben quick as we can, or no telling what will happen when the dust settles." said Shi-Jian. 

Ophelia suddenly stopped in mid air..

Shi-Jian blinked. "H-hey why are you stopping!? Ophelia-chan!?"

"You're going on ahead Shi-Jian dear."  Ophelia murmured quietly."

"Huh!? Why!?" 

Ophelia narrowed her eyes  as she hovered back. "Quite interesting. Were you expecting me to come this way?"

Loba was standing on the roof of a building before Ophelia. Her expression was determined and reserved. 

Her fists were clenched, but somehow when she spoke, it was with the calmness befitting a well honed warrior.

"You know what I want, your majesty."

Ophelia's expression softened for just a moment. "Shi-Jian, I'll be depending on you to back them up in any way you can."

Shi-Jian nodded quietly. "Right."

Ophelia let go of Shi-Jian and he landed on the rooftop a little ways away from Loba.

He glared back over his shoulder at the vampire as she landed on the roof too, her wings shrinking back into her body.  

"Hey Ophelia.. I don't care how much of a hard time she gives you. You better come back alive, you hear?"

Ophelia smiled. "As long as Ben Tennyson exists in this world, there is no way I will let myself die. Go Shi-Jian, I'll be fine. This woman is my responsibility."

Shi-Jian nodded before he dialed his fingers over the Time Belt and blitzed away in a burst of time enhanced speed. 

Loba gritted her teeth. "So this is it? I'm your 'responsibility'? Don't lie to me with such a farce of an answer.. M'Lady.."

Ophelia sighed. "The divide between monsters and humans, it really has cut into you hasn't it? The deep hatred between our two communities.."

"YOU are a monster too!! Ophelia Anderson!" growled Loba. "You should have been on our side from the beginning, and yet for some reason.. you always sided with the humans!"

"I have sided with both our kinds from the beginning." said Ophelia. "I understand your hatred, I do deeply. But I was once human too. I understand the struggle of both sides, and you must remember that we too are capable of the same atrocities. The man who made me the vampire I am now is one of those of monster kind who I can use as an example."

"SHUT UP!!" Loba roared. "I'm.. well aware of the acts of hatred we performed as monsters.. but.. BUT.. VLAD ALWAYS DID IT ONLY BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY DID TO HIM!!!"

Ophelia narrowed her eyes. "He went too far.."

"TOO FAR!? Is there such a thing with humans!?." Loba roared.

"And Akira is not a human subject of hatred?" Ophelia asked.

"Don't get me wrong Ophelia.. he's a means to an end.. a tool to my plans!" said Loba with a grin. "Both he and Sephiroth! Its all Dominos in the end Lady Ophelia!! Can't you see!?  The pain you endured at the hands of Lord Vlad.. were because Lord Vlad endured the pain at the hands of humans.  EVERYTHING goes back to the sins of humanity!"

Ophelia put a hand to her chin. "I see. So your goals aren't the same as Akira's, the wiping out of the supernatural. Rather your goal is to wipe everything out except for the supernatural."

"I will kill ALL humans across EVERY world!" Loba roared, her fangs sharpening as her eyes lit up in fury. "until only monsters like Lycans and Vampires remain.  Sephiroth and Yog Sothoth are the gateway to my ultimate revenge.. on those who hurt me.. on those.. those.. who hurt you!.. "

Ophelia blinked and then her eyes slowly widened. "The way you speak.. that.. no.. are you.. LUNA!?"

Loba gritted her teeth wildly as her hair began to ignite like flames. "You realize too late.. My Queen."

Tears welled up in Ophelia's eyes for just a moment. "It really was you.. I had my doubts but.."

"ENOUGH!!" Loba roared. "The days I spent in your court are LONG gone.. I loved you.. I loved you like my own mother.. and yet.. YOU CHOSE TO ALLY WITH HIM!? That boy with that watch!! OPHELIA ANDERSON.. I HATE YOU FOR THAT!!" 

Loba's body began to glow..  "He took you from me.. I will kill him. I will rend his flesh from his very bones. I'll devour him and crush that hateful Omnitrix to scraps!! Screw him.. FUCK HIM!!! FUCK HIM AND HIS OMNITRIX!!!"

Ophelia narrowed her eyes once more. "Luna.. I don't know what happened to you, but I cannot allow that."

"AND WHY NOT!?" Loba screamed as her body glowed brighter like a blood red moon. 

"Ben Tennyson.. is my light." said Ophelia. "Luna. You must understand that. He is the one who took me away from that darkness."

Loba screamed aloud at the sound of those words and her voice almost sounded like a feral beast-like growl

Loba bent down against the ground.. her clothes shredding apart.. as her breasts and lower half became covered in red and black bikini armor.. and 9 wolven tails erupted behind her, almost fox-like in how furry and long they were, waving in the air behind her. 

Long canine ears grew out from her hair, sleeking back like a rabbit as her hands and feet turned into furry claws. 

Lastly a strange looking demonic fanged mask shrouded her face as her voiced turned into an echo. 

Ophelia gritted her teeth. "The power of the Wolf Fenrir.. I placed his blood within you as a means of granting you an awakened form much like my Raven Dragon and Gateway Form.. as I did with Ariadne and Solomon.  All three of you were my most trusted soldiers.  To think you'd grow to side with Akira of all people. "

"You're the one who brought this on yourself.. OPHELIA!" said Loba's echoing voice as she crouched on all fours, snarling her tails waving behind her. 

"I do not remember Fenris Form possessing quite so many tails however." said Ophelia. "Has it evolved into something new like with my Gateway power? "

"I devoured the Fox Spirit Inari from another world!!!" snapped Loba. "Sephiroth granted me this power.. you see Ophelia!? How can ANY human hope to compete with us, who grow stronger as we devour the blood and flesh of others!!?"

"There are limits." said Ophelia. "I doubt any of us could ever gain the alien abilities that Ben Tennyson possesses.. you have seen them for yourself Loba haven't you? Do you truly think you could defeat him?"

"I never used my full strength.. not till now.. you shall see.. HOW MUCH BETTER OF A KNIGHT I AM... THEN HIM!!!" Loba roared. 

Ophelia smiled sadly as black raven feathers shrouded around her and in a burst of black feathers her Gateway Form emerged, two giant feathery wings with keyhole eyes bursting from her back.  "Still so naive.. Loba. Very well.. show me your growth."

Loba disappeared in a burst of speed...

A red and black blur erupted through the sky as Loba ran on all fours at super sonic speed, red and black energy trailing from her front claws as she dashed across the air... 

... Wolven Beast Art...  NIGHT OF BLOOD!!!"

Loba erupted behind Ophelia in a massive blast of speed, a powerful shockwave erupting from the point she stopped, shattering all the windows in the entire city block below them. 

Ophelia's eyes roved over to where Loba was without even turning her head. 

Ophelia raised a hand and caught Loba's clawed hand by the wrist just as she slashed them down at her throat.

Blood-like aura had trailed from the claws, creating waves of powerful long range shredding attacks that razed scars into the concrete of the roof surrounding them. 

Loba gritted her teeth in that split second, wrenching her wrist away from Ophelia's grasp and disappearing again in another burst of supersonic speed.

Ophelia narrowed her eyes, sliding one foot backwards... her tail whipping back and forth as the eyes on her wings roved back and forth. "The eyes of The Gate can see your movements no matter how fast you move.."

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT!!?" Loba roared as she dashed head on at Ophelia now.. moving with such speed and power that her claws shredded the concrete on her feet from moving alone. 

Ophelia clenched her fist and lashed out a punch just as Loba's own punch landed.. their fists colliding..

The top of the building exploded from the force of eldritch and scarlet energy erupting between the two blows...

Ophelia and Loba shot into the sky, Loba leaping through the air and running on it as if it were solid, Ophelia using her massive wings. 

"RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAH!! BLOOODY.. MAAAAASSAAAACREEEEEEEE!!!" Loba glowed red as black electricity erupted around her clawed hands. 

Loba turned into a scarlet projectile, moving with extreme speed as she leaped through the air in a multi attack from all sides.. bouncing off invisible walls as she shot at Ophelia from multiple directions. 

Ophelia's eyes glowed and she used her hands and feet to parry all of the attacks in bursting shockwaves as she flew through the air. 

"BOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!" suddenly, Loba let out a furious cat-like roar, and before Ophelia knew it, Loba's claws met her cheeks, and she was sent flying backwards. 

Loba landed on a cushion of air, her helmet shining in the light of the goddess in space above. 

Ophelia hovered in mid air and turned her head slowly to face Loba, revealing a bloody cut on the side of her beautiful face. 

Ophelia smiled slightly using a finger to smear off a bit of blood from her face before licking it. "Oho? I guess I should attack if you've grown this much stronger.. Luna Darling.. to think you'd bypass my Spatial Intangibility with True Sight claws.."

"You have no right to call me that name anymore.. traitor to your own kind!!" Loba snapped. 

Ophelia's hands twitched as the feathery ligaments that were her clothes extended down her arms into terrifying claws and eldritch energy began to ignite on the tips of the feathers like violet lights twisting with spatial distortion.

Loba chuckled. "Now.. my queen, it seems you're finally ready to take me seriously."

The Lycan and the Vampire Queen erupted at each other, the sound barrier broken behind them in shockwaves.. and the air turned into a shredded vision of red ribbons of light and bursting sparks as the two fighters repeatedly collided with each other, hurling out colossal blows repeatedly at high speed. 

Humans below could only stare  with confusion as they watched the blurs and erupting shockwaves going through the city skyline. 

"CRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHH!!!" Managing to grab Ophelia by the face, Loba slammed Ophelia into a commercial building's glassy windowed surface, before dashing upwards, dragging her through the shattering glass.

"GO.. TO.. HEEEEELLLLLLLLL!!!" screamed Loba as she hurled Ophelia into a nearby advertisement screen, shattering, it, causing its image to go out as electric sparks erupted across Ophelia's body. 

Ophelia slowly wrenched herself from within the screen, more sparks crackling down her arms and wings, panting as blood dripped down her head. 

"You truly have grown Luna." Ophelia muttered. "Should I feel proud or nervous I wonder..?"

"YOU SHOULD FEEL FEAR!!!" Loba screamed as she clenched her fist and drew it back. "You and that boy.. SHOULD FEAR ME!!!"

Loba's fist became engulfed in terrifying blood red energy that swirled around until it shaped itself into the head of a snarling wolf. 

"FENRIR DEVOUR THE SUN!!!" Loba screamed as she hurled out her fist, and the massive wolf head grew to the size of a building and shot down at Ophelia. 

Ophelia clasped her hands together in front of her, and black energy shaped like a massive dragon's head exploded in front of her and used its jaws to swallow the wolven head before exploding outwards and causing another shockwave.

People below screamed and ran as they felt the shockwave nearly knock them on their feet. 

"Tsk.." Ophelia grunted. "Too many people down there, I can't take the fight down below... and yet if I remain up here, her Wolven Skywalk ability gives her greater maneuverability than me, it's almost as troublesome as Jetray."

"Hmph.. don't want to take our battle to the streets? Care about these filthy humans M'Lady?" snarled Loba. "Don't make me laugh... I show.. you.. JUST WHAT THEY'RE WORTH!!!"

Loba exploded down at the street and landed with both her fists in the asphalt.  "FENRIR DEVOURS THE SUN: WAVE OF BLEEDING HARMONEY!!"

The street erupted as multiple giant wolf heads made of blood energy exploded across the street like an ocean of beasts.. throwing cars and busses into the air like paper confetti. 

The humans screamed as they backed away, unable to prevent their rapidly approaching deaths. 

"NOOOO!!" Ophelia shot downwards between the wave and the crowds on the streets. She hurled a hand forth. "EYE OF THE ULTIMATE ABYSS!!"

A giant portal opened up in front of Ophelia, showing a huge yellow keyhole eye that twisted space before it.. causing the wave to swirl into nothing, transported to another dimension. 

Loba clenched her fists.. tears dripping down her chin. "Again and again.. AGAIN AND AGAIN.. OVER AND OVER.. you love them and protect them.. without expecting anything in return... "

Loba ripped her mask off, showing her longer fangs and now currently scarlet slitted eyes. "I WOULD GIVE YOU EVERYTHING IN RETURN!!!.. BODY, MIND, SOUL!! I WAS DEVOTED TO YOU!!!"

"I know." said Ophelia. "But your devotion to me was in error Luna."


"Loba, you were devoted to me because you thought I was leading a revolution against all humans when I took the throne. And when I brought down all those powerful human aristocrats who thrived under Vlad.. you were waiting for the day I would exact vengeance on those who wronged you... I gave in to your wishes and slaughtered the people who owned as a slave." Ophelia said. "But.. in the end, I forgot the most important part of raising you."

Th-the most important thing?" Loba murmured. "Wh-wha..?"

Ophelia smiled sadly. "I forgot to teach you how to forgive them."

Loba's face turned shocked for just a moment. Then her eyes flared and her face scrunched into fury.. her fangs bared ferociously as blood red power exploded around her combined with black lightning. "Forgive..? FORRRRGIVE!!? I could never.. EVER forgive.. I could never.. EVER!!"

Loba clutched her body, hugging herself as her claws dug deep bloody wounds into her own skin. "Do.. you know.. how they tormented me? Do you know their disgusting whips? We lycans heal fast.. but the scars deep underneath, those are the ones that don't go away.."

Tears streamed down Loba's furious face as gritted her fangs so hard that some of them started to crack. "You'll never know the hurt I have known Ophelia Anderson! You sitting on your lofty throne.. at the very least.. Vlad treated you as his wife.. but I spent 100 years burning in the greatest hell imaginable!! THANKS TO FUCKING HUMANS!!!"

Does she remember it?

Does she remember any of it at all? The way she found me?

300 years I remember it...

The smell of the farm where my owners kept me on the edge of the British Empire.  I was small then. dressed in rags, my tail  and ears covered in dirt, an iron collar around my neck. 

I held a hoe in my hands as I did my daily sweltering work. Repeatedly digging the fields, trying to churn the dirt into something farmable.. the mosquitos buzzing around my fur. 

I would gasp and pant, thirst filling my throat daily, parched like a desert, to the point that I sometimes drank the sweat pouring down my own face in an attempt to feel some sort of relief. 

Master always said that if I didn't till the entire field by the time he came back from the capital selling his crops, he'd beat me within an inch of my life. 

I remember 12 times  that I didn't finish tilling before he came back. 

Each of those 12 times he'd use that thorny whip in the back of his cottage..  hanging my wrists by metal shackles, he'd whip me.. until my very bones were exposed. 

It didn't matter I was a child.. 

I was a Lycan, my injuries of course would heal by morning.  

Even so, the abuse was shortening my lifespan, if anything I'd probably only last about a year or more, especially with the low nutrition slave feed that man's wife fed me.  

But who cared? I broke, I got replaced. That much had been drilled into me from the time I was born to my dying mother in that Slave Market..  I didn't know how to think for myself. I didn't think, I didn't speak. Why would I need to?

Then she came..

She was passing by..  sitting in her royal carriage pulled by bronze horses.. when one of the wheels on that carriage broke just by the field I was working..

"My Lady.." A hulking man, his body was covered in stiches and two metal rods came out of the sides of his head. A Stein.. an artificially made monster built from other body parts.. I recognized it. He wore bulky armor and was eyeing the wheel as I watched from the field.  "I don't think we will be able to keep moving like this."

"Hmmm.." The woman who disembarked from the carriage wearing a black dress and tiara in her hair looked so beautiful, I almost had to catch my breath.  Her blonde hair.. her  red eyes..  it was such sensuous beauty that even at my young age I felt confusingly attracted to her.  

She looked down the field and blinked for a bit while observing me. "Solomon.. that girl is wearing rags.. and chains.."

The Stein looked down at me, he must've been the one called Solomon.  "A slave probably. Even After we outlawed slavery there are still plenty of black markets here and there, and the edge of the city is pretty hard to cover ground for investigations."

"That is unacceptable Solomon." said the woman. 

"I understand m'lady, would you like to call Ariadne to do a thorough investigation with the Spider-Corps  as we wait for repairs to the carriage?" asked Solomon. 

"Yes, though in the meantime, this girl at the very least should be freed."  The woman walked down through the fields. Even stepping through the grime and soil, she had an unusual amazing grace about her. 

She knelt down in the dirt next to me, smiling kindly. "Hello.. I'm Ophelia. What is your name?"

I merely twitched my ears and let out a few grunts and barks. Usually I would've run away immediately, but the woman was so beautiful it entranced me. 

"Can you tell me anything about yourself?" Ophelia asked as she brushed my hair with a hand. 

I just barked. 

"If I may M'Lady, it is likely she was raised as a slave from birth." said Solomon. "Though she might understand our speech, I don't think  she even has a name.. or the ability to speak or read."

"Right, that much I suspected." Ophelia murmured. "That was Ariadne's experience as well. Very well.. then..  Solomon, call ahead to the palace.. tell them to ready a bath.. and Ariadne should make a good tutor at the very least until we find a more accomplished one in the Royal Study.."

"M.. M'lady you can't actually mean.."

"This girl is coming home with us." said Ophelia as she scooped me up in her arms, petting my back. "It won't be easy.. but.. I do think I've been wanting an heir for a while, and who better then one who knows the pain of the common folk better than any?"

Solomon bowed his head. "Then it shall be done m'lady. Though I think Ariadne might be annoyed."

"Oh she'll get over it, she's always wanted a little sister." said Ophelia with a chuckle. 

Ophelia bowed her head as she looked at Loba. "I always expected the best from you..  But I made fatal errors. I never taught you how to love more than you hated.  That 100 year hell.. even then.. hatred was stewing within you.. even when you didn't know how to speak or write.."

"Stop it.." Loba growled. 

"I'm... I'm sorry Luna." Ophelia whispered as tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry.. I failed you as a parent."

Luna's eyes grew wild as she bared her claws and fangs. "DON'T APOLOGIZE TO ME.. FOR NOT MAKING ME LOVE THAT SCUM!!!"

Loba bounded at Ophelia, turning into a blur of blood and fangs.

Ophelia's eyes flashed as she moved fast, hurling out an Eldritch blast from her palm

One of Loba's tails turned scarlet as she whipped it forth, using it to deflect the blast into the sky where it exploded and blasted apart the clouds, exposing Shub Niggurath's massive form in space. 

Loba leaped high into the sky.. her claws burning with even more powerful energy.  "They say.. that Fenrir's power burns from the hatred of the gods themselves.. still vying to chomp into the throats of Odin and Thor. Can you FEEL that hatred.. ?  OPHELIA!? MY QUEEN!! WHY ELSE WOULD YOU GIVE ME SUCH A POWER.. IF YOU DIDN'T ALSO HATE THEM!?"

Loba lunged downwards her claws trailing blood red energy like ribbons. "DISEMBOWLING WOLF!!!!"

"BOOOOOOM!!" A shockwave erupted across the street as Ophelia brought up her energy enveloped raven-like talons to block the attack.. the asphalt cracking underneath her clawed feet. 

"I didn't give you that power so you could hate more." Ophelia whispered. "I gave it to you.. because I wanted you to tame that hatred. I saw in you.. I still see in you, the ability to tame that hatred..  LUNA!"

Ophelia lashed out her hands, and Loba was sent flying backwards. 

Loba panted hard, her fangs gritted furiously. 

"You've grown strong Luna." said Ophelia. "But your strength is meant to protect, not to rend and destroy. Sephiroth has poisoned your task with his hatred. You might think you are using him, but he knows your intentions. You have become his tool of hate instead."

"He is a human.. " growled Loba. "Of course he thinks he's using me.. but I'll bite back eventually.."

Loba's eyes flashed as at the corner of her vision she saw a door open near the street.. and a girl crawled out.. a child.. 

Loba smirked. "Okay.. then.. lets play a game.. shall we?"

Loba moved at astounding speed and grabbed the girl in one arm before landing in the street again, 

She held the girl tightly in her claws, grinning. "This girl will die.. unless you allow me to kill you.."

Ophelia's eyes went wide. "Luna.."

"Listen good.. its time for you to decide.." said Loba with a growl. "Who is more worthy of life? This disgusting human? Or you?  I am going to attack you now.. with enough force to destroy you. If you take it and let me attack without any attempt to block, this girl will live.. if you attempt to defend yourself in any way, I'll crush this brat instantly by crushing her neck with a single flex of my fingers. 

"LUNA!!" Ophelia cried out, gritting her fangs. "Just listen-!!"

"NEVER!!" Loba roared. "Its time you choose.. US.. OR THEM!!!!!"

Loba lunged forward at astounding speed, the earth exploding behind her as she came forward, black lightning raging from her bloody claws. 

Blood dripped onto the street as civilians watched, their eyes wide and mouths open in shock..

Loba's claws had shoved straight through Ophelia's chest and pierced out through her back on the other side. 

Loba stared, stunned, holding the girl in her other hand.. unharmed. 


"You want me to choose one? Too bad.." Ophelia whispered shakily as blood dripped past her fangs. "You should know by now that I am greedy. What do you expect? I am the Vampire Queen of Britain, the Empress of Blood. I take what I want and I do what want..  I choose both!!"

Loba gritted her fangs. "You would choose both your kind.. and a pile of mulch that doesn't know ANY PAIN like ours!!!?"

Ophelia's smile vanished her eyes becoming dim. "Hmmm.. Luna.. have you properly looked at the child you're holding now?"

Loba laughed. "YOU MEAN THIS BITCH!? Oh maybe she wants to cry for help!! DO IT YA LITTLE-.. eh..?"

Loba stared at the girl, shaking her, as if trying to make her terrified. But the girl showed no sign of terror. 

She just stared at Loba quietly, her eyes dim.. as if she expected death and accepted it. 

"Talk you little bitch!" Loba grunted. "HEY! You're about to die!!"

"Graaahh.. rah.. rah.." The girl said. 

Loba's eyes went wide, her jaw dropped as shock coursed her through her veins like ice. 

"She sounds familiar doesn't she?" whispered Ophelia. "She sounds like another girl I once met in a field.. slaving away.. expecting to die any day."

Loba dropped the girl  and staggered backwards, removing her hand from Ophelia's chest.  Only now she noticed the rags she wore.. only now she saw how terrifyingly familiar this human was..

The girl began to crawl on all fours towards Loba. "G.. grra.. ah.. na.."

"No.. stay away.." Loba whispered. "STAY AWAY!!!"

The girl began to stand up, holding out a hand to the Lycan..

Loba's eyes went wide with immense fear and she held out her claws. "I SAID STAY AWAY YOU LITTLE FUCK!!!"

Loba made to dice the girl up in a panic, but before she could, a strong clawed hand grabbed her wrist, holding her back. 

Ophelia stood there, blood drizzling from her chest as she glared at Loba quietly. 

"How the fuck.. HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU NOT ON THE GROUND!? I injured you... I FATALLY WOUNDED YOU!" Loba roared... 

"Listen... Ophelia.. " Nia looked up at Ophelia. "We're going to be nearing the final fight soon.. so there's something I want to do for you as insurance. But, know that what I'm about to give you is not something I'd do without some serious vetting first.."

Ophelia narrowed her eyes, sipping on her tea as she sat on the couch in the living room of the main living room. "Oh?"

"You're perhaps one of the most dangerous students I've ever had in a long time." said Nia. "Mostly because of your ability to take on the powers of Eldritch Gods. Vampires find their origins in the Raven Dragon and Zs'Skayr, progenitor of the Anur System.. but not even Vlad ever had the means to take on the blood of an Outer God's avatar and gain their abilities that way... even amongst the most powerful vampires, you're dangerously unique.. and the fact you retain Yog Sothoth's power even after he became Sephiroth  and supposedly vanished from the dimension you draw his power from.. I'm forced to make some very frightening theories about what you really are."

Ophelia sighed. "I see, so you too hold some of the same fears I do. About the true nature of my own powers."

"The fact you fear it yourself is what waylays a few of my doubts." said Nia. "You're a responsible woman who never let her power corrupt her even after 10,000 years of life. You grew wiser instead of becoming more of a monster like most in your position.  And desperate times call for desperate measures. I have a bit of an experiment to I want to try."

Nia held up two vials in front of Ophelia, each filled with black liquid. "I want you to drink these.." 

"What are they?" Ophelia asked.

Nia merely smirked..

Ophelia continued to glare silently at Loba as her body began to smolder.. and her Gateway form shedded away into her normal base form..  "Hmmm.. you seem to counter much of Yog Sothoth's power.. thanks to having met him... Very well, I'll have to switch it up just a little." 

"Wh-what!?" stammered Loba as she struggled to remove her wrist from Ophelia's grasp.

"Listen Opheia.. your Gateway Form, it is from Yog Sothoth, the most powerful of Outer Gods, but you have yet to drink his blood, but have accessed it indirectly through the Raven Dragon's connection to him..  so its power is rather diminished compared to what it could be."  said Nia.   However.. should you drink an Outer God's blood directly from the source like the Raven Dragon.."

"WHAT IS- WHAT IS THIS!?" screamed Loba as immediately she felt her arm burn with searing pain while Ophelia was engulfed in a tornado of immense fire 

"I told you... Luna Darling.. I will choose both. And as long as I choose both, I cannot afford to die.." Ophelia whispered as she grinned wildly, and the wound in her chest closed up in a sizzle of wild searing fire. 

"Vampires grow weaker in the light of the sun, fire is their natural weakness.. SO WHY!?" screamed Loba.  

"Hmmm.. a curious thing indeed.." Ophelia whispered as the flames vanished revealing her new form. "But I do know this... I now reached a critical step in raising you properly.. Luna.. and that means showing you the true power of love over hatred... even if... even... if.."

Loba's eyes went wide with extreme fear and shock, her jaw dropping like a brick as Ophelia's form burned into her vision like the sun itself. 

"I asked already." Ophelia muttered. "Just tell me what it is I'm looking at."

"Hmph, no sense of drama huh?" said Nia with a roll of her eyes. "That is the blood of my butler and me.. of course."

"H-huh!!!?" Ophelia stammered, her eyes going wide. "The.. the blood of.."

Nia just chuckled. "That's right.. the blood of Nyarlotothep and Cthugha.. respectfully. You're going to drink our blood Ophelia Anderson..  and theoretically...something very very interesting will happen as a result.."

Ophelia opened her eyes, still clutching Loba's now burned wrist.  Her hair was now completely down, even somewhat longer, some of it covering one of her eyes.  Horns with burning molten tips grew from her forehead, and her slitted eyes were cat shaped and glowing orange and red like fire. a chained collar wrapped around her neck, and her hands were now enveloped in metallic clawed gauntlets, the tips of these claws also glowing molten with heat..

She now wore a red dress, with a fiery ribbon-like loop that grew from her chest and went around the back of her head like a flaming halo.. and the the dress's hem grew into a flaming surface that twisted and burned, morphing into giant fiery wings that spread out on either end.. glowing with such immense heat that the cars nearby began to melt into molten metal puddles.  

And yet.. somehow the heat of that burning hot form didn't seem to hurt any of the humans watching as it somehow chose who it wouldn't burn. 

"Even if... I have to burn it into you like a searing fire.."

"The form you fought which had not reached its full potential... was Vampiric Awakening: Gateway.." Ophelia said in a quiet and calm voice that seemed to echo like crackling flames.. her eyes calm and almost passionate with flames while somehow keeping a hold on her own emotions in a strange fashion.   "This form however, Vampiric Awakening: Cthughan Sun, is on a different level.. because I got it directly from the source."

"SHIT SHIT!!" Loba screamed as she used her free hand to gather up a combination of blood energy and immensely powerful black lightning that churned into a huge sphere the size of a skyscraper.  "I... I WON'T .. I WON'T!! I REFUSEEEE!!!! I REFUSEEEE!!!! I WILL HATE THEM ALL TO THE END OF DAYS!!! YOU WILL NEVER MAKE ME LOVE THEM!!!! "

"You don't have to love them Luna.. " whispered Ophelia in her fiery voice. "You just have to learn that they are the same.. they love... they hate.. they feel pain... that girl you just saw.. I saw into her mind with my power. She was born into your pain. And one day she will feel your hate. Do you know how many humans were kept as slaves by Vlad?  Do you know how many wish to make us bleed just as you wish to make them do so..?"

"FUCKING SHUT UP!!!! I REFUSE!!! I REFUSE!!!!!!!! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE HERE! AND I WILL MAKE A NEW BRITAIN.. THAT WILL RISE ABOVE THOSE PUTRID MEAT SACKS!!" screamed Loba hurling her powerful attack point blank into Ophelia. 

Enough force to destroy all of Tokyo went into the attack, creating an absolute shockwave meant to take all the putrid humans along with Ophelia.. 

Loba cackled with hatred as she watched the attack engulf Ophelia and the shockwave erupted past her. "DIE.. DIE WITH EVERYONE!!! YOU HAVE LOST!!!!! ALL OF YOU AND THE HUMANS WILL DIE!!!"

"Die... me... ?  Who decided that..?" 

Loba went silent and fell to her knees and began to tremble as she watched her attack shrink smaller and smaller until it turned into a red crackling marble balancing on Ophelia Anderson's metallic molten clawed palm..  

Not even the surrounding street or buildings had been damaged. 

"Luna.. tell me... " Ophelia said in her flaming voice. "Tell me who I am.." 

"N.. no.. I.. I.."

"LUNA.." Ophelia said firmly, her eyes glowing like two miniature suns. "Tell me.. WHO I AM."

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! TRAITOR TRAITOR TRAITOR!!!" Loba screamed, launching herself into the sky. 

Loba hurled multiple Wolven claw strikes down at Ophelia, creating multiple slashing shockwaves from her claws like horrific red ribbons of light, decapitating the buildings in her way as she tried to rip Ophelia to shreds. 

Ophelia's flaming dress glowed with immense heat as she spread out her hands. "Cthugha's Ire.."

A giant flaming blast exploded from her body and wings, incinerating the claws strikes in an instant. 

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Loba landed in the street and dashed forward, hurling multiple slashing attacks from her claws again, black lightning blasting from each attack. 

Ophelia dodged every strike, using her flaming dress wings to soar into the air as she avoided the strikes. 

"TOO SLOW!!!"  Loba disappeared in a burst of speed and reappeared behind Ophelia, hurling a claw at her exposed back. 

But a flaming tendril erupted from the dress and grabbed Loba's wrist, stopping it there.

"YAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Loba screamed in pain as the fires of an eldritch god burned even through the fur of Fenrir the wolf who ate the sun. 

Ophelia held a fist and punched Loba in the jaw, a flaming shockwave erupting from the strike and sending the lycan crashing straight into a nearby sky scraper that collapsed into a molten heap. 

Loba burst from the burning rubble, panting, burns charring her body rapidly healing as she gasped in pain. 

Ophelia levitated above her, the flames casting shadows over her face as she glared down at Loba. "I won't stop till you tell me.. Luna.. WHO.. AM ... I.."

"I.. I can't answer that.."  Loba squeaked. "I.. I can't.. "

"Look at this girl.. "  Ophelia held up an arm to show that she was cradling the ragged girl in one arm, the girl was sleeping now.. under Ophelia's spell of hypnosis, seemingly out of mercy for her mentality.  "You fear her.. why?"

"I.. I.." Loba clutched her head, tears gushing down her cheeks. "If she is just like me.. it means.. it means that my hate is wrong.. and without my hate I have NOTHING.. I have NOTHING don't you understand that!? I AM NOTHING WITHOUT THIS HATRED!! IT IS WHAT DEFINES ME!! if I don't have it.. if I lose it.. then.."

"Then you still have me.. don't you?" Ophelia whispered.

Loba went silent, now staring at Ophelia. 

"Tell me.. who.. am.. I?"

Loba gritted her fangs as once more she fell to her knees. "You are my Queen.." 

Ophelia smiled and landed in front of Loba quietly. "Indeed.."

In one swift motion, Ophelia embraced Loba in one arm. "Would I ever betray you..? "

"No.. No you wouldn't.." Luna sobbed, tears streaming down her face as she clutched Ophelia's flaming dress which no longer burned her.. "No.. you..  but.. I.. I can't stop hating them.. I.. I can't.. I don't want to hate things anymore! It hurts.. to hate everything.. it.. it.. "

"I know..." Ophelia whispered.. as the cinders of her Cthughan Sun form slid into the sky past the face of a goddess who only two things.. 


And Hatred.

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