Then they were 10

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RJs p.o

I was dreaming expect it felt real when I saw something expect it almost looked like a women expect she was completely purple and had light pink hair and it looked to be moving on it's on.

"Who are you"? I asked. She giggled and said " you'll find out soon enough".


I woke up and saw everyone leaving which meant it was finally summer vacation. see me and my brother ben are going on a road trip with our grandfather max but doesn't know that our cousin Gwen is coming me and her are close we write to each other and I didn't tell ben because he would try and back out.

I was walking to the exit when I sensed something am not sure what it was but I felt like I had to follow it and when I found the source I found my brother and some kid hanging on a tree branch by there underwear.

"What happen"? I asked. "Your brother was trying to play hero but only made things worse" the kid said. "I'll get you both down" I said. I got the other kid down and just Ben down. "Thanks RJ" he said with a smile. "What are twins for"I said. "But how did you know I was here?" he asked. " I don't know I just like kind of sensed where you were it's kind of hard to explain!" I replied.

A thew seconds later are grandpa max drove over in his RV. "Come on Ben RJ. Let's go. We're burning daylight. I want to make it to the campsite by nightfall".

"Coming grandpa" we said having a twin moment we're prone to them.
" Ben there's something I have to tell you" I said to him.

"Not now RJ I have been looking forward to this all school year" ben said. That's when I noticed Gwen.

"Hey Gwen" I said sitting next to her. Hey RJ she said. She's one of the thew people who can tell me and ben apart even are parents have a hard time telling us apart.

"What are you doing here" ben said. "What is "she doing here he asked grandpa.

"Take it easy, dweeb. This wasn't my idea. Somebody convinced my mom that going camping for the summer would be a good experience for me and I also agreed since my favourite cousin would be here" she said.

"Grandpa please tell me you didn't" ben asked grandpa.

"I thought it would be fun if your cousin came along with us this summer. Is that a problem?" He said. "Not for me grandpa me and Gwen get along great" I said with a smile.

"I tried to tell you ben" I said. " Wait you knew about this". "Yep me and RJ write to each other" Gwen said

I was reading a spellbook my parents got me since I don't have many friends expect ben and Gwen I read. I don't have a lot of friends because I have Asperger's syndrome my parents noticed it when I wouldn't let anyone touch my hair and how sensitive I am to sounds and how I always have to be on a schedule and how sensitive I am to smells.

"I wish magic was real" I said out loud in the room where me Gwen grandpa and ben would be sleeping.

"Levocorpus araw" I said from my spell book and that's when I noticed my bag began glow pink and rise up in the air

"What the heck did my spell work" I said
That's when I heard grandpas voice. "RJ it's time for dinner" he said.

"One minute grandpa" I said.
"Levostopus" i said and my bag went back down and stopped glowing.

I went outside and saw ben and Gwen looking at a bowl of worms.

"What's that" I asked

"Dinner" Gwen said. "I can't eat that grandpa it's not on my schedule" I said. I have meal schedule so I know what to eat on what day.
"That's right I almost forgot your mother gave me your meal schedule I'll be right back"  he said going back inside the RV


Later after dinner I was in the woods practicing my magic hoping that another spell would work.

I set up some cans to use as targets.
"Adfishio Potentia" i said. Multiple pink beams came out of my hands and hit all the cans. " Yes I can't believe that I can do magic" I said.

After that I somehow sensed fire and something in it. I ran to the spot where I sensed something living and that's when a saw a thing made entirely out of fire.

"RJ" it said to me it stepped towards me.

"Stay back" I said slightly scared. It took another step towards me. "Tempestus" i said and my hands glowed pink and water shout out of the ground and towards that thing.

"How did you do that" the thing asked me. Never mind that how did you know my name I asked. Come on it's me ben your older twin brother it said. I sensed it and it was like ben was standing in front of me.

"Ben it is you" I said. "That's what I've been trying to tell you but how did you do that thing you just did and why did your hands glow pink"

I was about to tell him when Gwen turned up with a fire extinguisher. "Stay back RJ" she said. "Gwen don't" I said.

"I know I look weird, but there's no reason to be scared of-"he said before Gwen hitted him with the fire extinguisher and then sprayed him.

"Gwen please stop it it's not what you think that's ben" I said pleading with her. " RJ I know bens weird but there's no way that's ben" she said.

Ben gets up and Gwen turns her attention back to him. "I don't know what you are, but you'll stay down there if you know what's good for you" she said.

"Don't even think about it freak" he said.
Gwen then recognised him by the way he talked because only ben would call her that.

"Ben? Is that you? What happened?" She asked

"Well, when I was walking this meteor fell from the sky and almost munched me, except it wasn't a meteor or a satellite, but this cool watch thing that jumped up onto my wrist and when I tried to get it off, I suddenly was on fire, only it didn't hurt when I was accidentally starting this mega forest fire" he said.

After he said that grandpa came running up.
"Gwen, RJ are you alri... "he stops when he sees ben is a walking fire starter. "What in blazes?" He said

"Hey grandpa guess who" Gwen said. "It's me grandpa"  ben said.  That's when he realised it was ben. "Ben what happened to you" he asked him

"Well, when I was walking this meteor..." he said before Gwen cut him off.

"Um, excuse me. Major forest fire burning out of control, remember?" She said. " She's right is this continues the whole forest will be on fire" I said.

"What do we do" ben asked.

" Backfire. Start a new fire and let it burn into the old fire. They'll snuff each other out. Think you can do it, Ben?" Grandpa asked.

"Shooting flames that I can do" he said before running into the flames.

Me Gwen and Grandpa where running back to the rust bucket when a walk of fire got in are way.

"what do we do grandpa" Gwen asked. "Am not sure" he said. "I know I said" I took a step forward and pulled out my spell book.

"RJ get away from the flames" he said. " Its ok grandpa I got this" I said. I got to the page where that water summing spell was that I used on ben.

" Tempestus" i said. Like before my hands glowed pink and water shot out of the ground and into the flames.

After my spell was cast the flames went out.

"How did you do that" Gwen asked me. I showed her my spell book. " Magic" I said.

Grandpa looked shocked by that. " You ok grandpa" I asked. " Yeah I am but Right now we have to get back to the Rust bucket" he said.

And we ran straight out of the woods and back to the rust bucket

When we arrived I felt tired since it was past the time I usually go to sleep at I always go to bed at 9pm.

" Am tired am going to bed" I said yawning. "
But it's only 9.30 " Gwen said. " Yeah but I usually go to bed at" I said. " Well then goodnight RJ" grandpa said. Goodnight I said heading inside.


Gwens p.o

" Why did you let him go to bed grandpa" I asked him. " Gwen RJs condition means he does things differently he has to go to bed at a specific time and eat what he usually eats on the day" he said.

" Is that why aunt Sara gave you a meal schedule" I asked him. " Yes people with RJs condition have vet specific needs there incredibly sensitive to noises and smells and have to stay in a routine" he said.

" Really grandpa " I asked curiously. " Yep and it hasn't it been easy for him in fact you uncle is going to have him tested after the summer to see if he needs a hearing aid to quite down the noises he hears" he said pointing to his ear.

I love my cousin heck he's My favourite and I can't believe he has to go through all that and now with his powers who knows what's going to happen to him.

RJs p.o

I was in that weird place again and I saw that strange thing again and she looked happy.

"Well done RJ I saw everything how you used your powers I never would have thought they would be that strong" she said.

Thanks and who are you I asked. I'll in so time she said before she disappeared.

End of dream

I woke up and saw everyone up.

"Hi guys" I said. And strangely Gwen got up and hugged me. "Why are you hugging me" I asked.

"Just to let you know am there for you" she said before letting go she said.

That's when I noticed ben with a weird looking watch in his wrist.

"What's that" I asked pointing to the thing on his wrist. "This is what turned me into that fire thing last night but never mind that how did you summon that water" he asked me.

"From a spell from that book mom and dad gave me when we were 8" I said. "Wait so you now have magic powers" he asked. I nodded.

"That's awesome something tells me this is going to be one enjoyable" summer

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