Lucky Girl and Magic boy

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RJs P.o
Hey guys a lot has happened this summer so far we thought against a giant frog a sea monster and other things.

Me grandpa Gwen and ben were currently in a magic museum that me and Gwen wanted to see.

Ben was currently doing funny faces behind a mask while the tour guide showed us a spell book.

"And behind this impenetrable glass the recently discovered, and only known existing copy of the 'Arcomada Book of Spells'" said the tour guide.

"It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the late 1600s" me Gwen and the tour guide said at the same time. "Maybe you two should work here dears" she said with a glare before walking away.

"Don't let mummy face get to you, she's probably older then that spell book pause you can do actually magic RJ" said ben. "Thanks Ben" I said before hugging him. "Anytime little bro" ben said.

Suddenly the ground started to shake and everyone started to scream so I covered my ears. Then everyone started to float to the celling.

"Something tells me this isint part of the tour" said Grandpa. That's when I noticed some kind of red smoke come in threw the window

once it came in a grey skinked man wearing strange black and red robes appeared and strange charms on his chest went over to the acromada book of spells.

"The Acromada Book of Spells All of its power will soon be mine" he said. The charms on his chest began to glow. He said a spell and the case broke and he levitated it into his hand

"Now will be a good time to go hero" said ben. He was about to turn into one of the aliens the watch allows him to turn into when everyone started to fall to the ground.

"Tardis Motis" i said everyone started to slow down until we stopped on the ground when we did all the tourists ran away safely.
The man turned to me

"A young magician well let's see how you can handle this" he said pointing his staff at me
It shout a beam at me I closed my eyes and put my arms in front of me. "RJ NO" grandpa shouted.

When I opened my eyes a pink wall was blocking the beam and my hands were in pink circles.

"How did I do that" I said before I made my hands stop glowing and the wall went away.

"You may have survived that but not this" he said. He was about to shoot another beam at me. But a blue and black blur saved me I knew who it was XLR8 one of bens Aliens his power is supper speed.

"You ok RJ" ben asked me. "Yeah am fine" I said.
He nodded before going back to deal with the stranger. Gwen and Grandpa ran over to me
"RJ are you alright" grandpa asked me. I nodded.

Gwen hugged me "am so glad your ok" she said before letting me go. "RJ I think it would be best if you headed back to the rust bucket" said grandpa.

I nodded. "Portallus Projectum" I said a pink tornado surrounded me and in a flash I was back in the rust bucket.

I sat down doing teleportation spells make me light headed and suddenly I felt my eyes glow pink and suddenly I was somewhere else.

I saw that women again with a grin. "Hello RJ I saw what you did you were able to create a mana shield" she said. "What was that what that pink wall was" I asked.

"Yes your powers are developing very strong you are very powerful" she said.

"I think you got the wrong kid am just some disabled kid everyone at school tells me that" I said feeling my eyes water.

"Now RJ no matter what anyone tells you you are special never forget that one day your destined to do great things" she said.

"Thank you" I said felling better. She smiled your welcome she said.

Suddenly I felt like I was leaving.



After the museum the strange man was arrested and Gwen and ben were arguing I hated when they fight I'll never understand why cant they just get along.

"All I'm saying is that you didn't exactly stop that guy all by yourself today" said Gwen while Ben was looking threw his box of Trophy's

"I helped save your but, but does anyone notice me." Asked Gwen

"Hey being a hero isn't all about being a hero Gwem" stated Ben dropping the Charm into the box

"Who's you hero, uh hello" said Gwen mocking Ben "I noticed you Gwen said Grandpa Where related so that doesn't count, but thanks Grandpa"said Gwen

"Hey, but no offence all you did was throw a trash can at him I don't think that really counts"said Ben, "Nor does it make you a hero"

"Get over yourself the only reason your a hero is because of that watch" Said Gwen

"If I had found it first Id be getting all the attention, and all the cool souvenirs" said Gwen leaning against the window.

"Alright here take it" said Ben holding up the charm he got from the magician.

"Really?" asked Gwen
Yah take it, I've got tunes of other things." said Ben taking the Charm Gwen smiled at ben

"Gwen don't you have something to say to Ben asked Grandpa. You know you just lucky right, But thanks" said Gwen. Your welcome." said ben.

I look at that Gwen I asked her. Sure RJ she handed me the Charm.  Something about this seems familiar I said. I dought it's just some boring old rock ben said.


We were at a restaurant which was weird for me luckily they had what I usually had today but unfortunately ben and Gwen were eating seafood and I can not stand the smell of seafood but I just tried to ignore it.

"I've counted you've had eleven crawfish to my nine" Gwen said. I don't understand who would eat seafood it's gross. That's when I noticed the charm around her neck glow.

"Well then I guess this makes it an even dozen" ben said. I don't think so Gwen said. Next thing I know there was shrimp on bens head I thought i was going to be sick.

"Ok now am full" Gwen said eating the last shrimp. I knew I was about to throw up from the stench the shrimp were making on ben.

"RJ are you alright" asked grandpa. "No I think am going to be sick" I said before running to the bathroom.


After the restaurant we were walking back to the rust bucket and we were in the street and grandpa was still laughing about the shrimp

"You know in all my years traveling I've never seen a crawfish crawl in someone's ear, until today" said Grandpa while rubbing bens head.

"Glad I could make your day guys" said ben.

"Thanks again for the charm I feel like I should get you something" Gwen said before going over to a street vendor. "one please" she said.

"Help they stole my purse" said an old lady.

Three boys come running up with the purse.
"That's far enough" said grandpa

"Yeah who's gonna make us you pops" said one of the boys.

"No actually his close friend diamond head" ben said before going behind the vendor to transform.

He sees Gwens charm. "That's a nice looking necklace you got there little girl" he said before taking out a metal pipe.

I stand infront of Gwen. "Out of the way kid" he said before forming me aside.

"RJ" said Gwen.

"Am ok" said. That's when I saw my hands where in those pink orbs again.

I put my left arm out in front of me and the pink orb shot off and hit one of the boys.

The boy I hit with the pink orb fell backwards onto the guards.

"What how did the" boy said before turning to me. "Well kid you shouldn't have done that" he said.

That's when I saw the cart hit him and he fell to the ground and grandpa caught him.

I saw the other one running away I put my hands out and a pink beam shot out and grabbed him and he stopped.

"RJ how are you doing that" asked Gwen. "I don't know" I said. I hear the sirens of the police and I made the pink beam go away and I covered my ears.

The police arrived

"This two children are heroes officers" the old lady said pointing to me and Gwen.

"Where no heroes" I said

"yeah we're just lucky" Gwen said.


Later before I went to bed Gwen approached me.

"RJ how did you do that stuff that bolt that beam" she asked. "I don't know it just happened maybe it means my powers are growing".

"That is so cool and guess what I've decided to become a hero like ben called lucky girl.".

She shows me a black and purple unitared and a purple and black cat mask.

"And I could use a side kick" she said before showing my a costume of pink jeans purple t-shirt purple sneakers and the same mask in her expect in pink and purple my favourite colours.

"So what you say want to be my side kick" she said. "Sure" I said. "Great but what's your name going to be "she said. "How about magic boy" I said.

"Perfect Lucky Girl and Magic Boy" Gwen said.


The next day I was reading a magic book when ben woke up.

"Hey RJ" he said before yawning.

"Good morning Ben" I said.

"Where's Gwen" ben asked.

"Outside playing basketball ball" I said before flipping to the next page.

"Ok" ben said before going outside.

I Decided to do a little research on Gwens charm so I went into her laptop that's when I remembered that Gwens charm was one of the legendary charms of bezel and I saw that the charm Gwen has makes the user incredibly lucky and that all the charms are required to use the Arcomada book of spells true potiental.

"Hey RJ where's your brother and cousin" asked grandpa.

"Outside" I said. "Ok well am going to call them inside then all get breakfast ready" he said before going outside.

About three minutes later Gwen runs in.

"Gwen what is it" I asked. "It's time for Lucky Girl and Magic Boys debut" she said with a smile.

"Got it" I Said. "Colthes araw change araw" I said and a second later we were wearing are costumes.

"Let's go" said Gwen. We ran out to a construction site where people where in trouble.

"Gwen RJ" asked grandpa. "It's lucky girl and magic boy grandpa".

I saw a a man about to fall so I put my hands out and I made a pink slide and the person slide down.

"I so wish I had your powers RJ Gwen" said.
I made the slide disappear.

"Help someone help me" a man said.
I looked up and saw a man on a beam.

"Magic boy you got this" Gwen asked. I nodded

I jumped and I was on a pink platform.
I kept walking and made more of them appear I walked up them.

I helped the man onto the platform and got him down and he ran away.

When I got over to Gwen we were surrounded by reporters thankfully I had my ear plugs in it helps quite down the noise.

"How did you two pull off this amazing rescue"

"With style of course whose your heroes" Gwen said.


Later that night

" So you going to tell me how you did that dweeb" asked ben.

"I know why" I said. "You do RJ" asked Gwen. I nodded.

"I thought that Charm looked familiar so I went online and that's when I found it the charm is one of the legendary Charms of bezel"

"each one represents something different telekinesis fire control Gwens one represents luck so when it ever it glows she'll be incredibly lucky."

I went onto Gwens laptop and showed them it. "Woah those look like those charms the creep at the museum wore before exlr8 kicked his butt" ben said.

"And I think I know why he wanted the book it says here that all  charms must be used for the spells to reach there full power".

"Oh well his loss is my gain" Gwen said.

"More like was we're giving that charm to the museum" said grandpa

"No fair the both I use it/ it said. They both said. "The world needs someone with the powers of lucky girl and magic boy."

"News flash me and RJ are the only ones with powers" said ben. I hate it when they fight I covered my ears.

"Well you can make that duo a trio now and look your scaring RJ said Gwen. "No you are" said ben.

"Both of you stop it" said grandpa. The arguing stopped and I took my hands off my ears. "You ok RJ" asked grandpa. I nodded

"Good" he said.

"Look all that stuff you did it wasn't you it was that charm" said ben.

"Same with you and that watch" said Gwen.

"Your just jealous of me" said ben.

"Am not" said Gwen.

"Are to times 10" said ben.

Suddenly the radio said something going on at the haunted house.

"Grandpa" me Ben and Gwen said.

"On it" he said before driving to the haunted house

By the time we got there me and Gwen we're dressed in are costumes

We went in and saw people being thrown and people floating everywhere.

"I knew you two couldn't resist Lucky Girl and Magic Boy" said the white faced man.

"Everyone remain come Lucky girl and Magic Boy are in the house".

When Gwen ran up the stairs he turned to me ben and grandpa and made the stairs head towards me ben and grandpa

I put up a shield and it stopped. "Who needs luck when you've got skill" ben said.

I fired a pink bolt at him and he went against the wall. He got up and turned to me. "It appears I underestimated you that won't happen this time".

He fired a beam at me and I jumped out of the way.

"Adfiso potentia" I said and multiple pink beams shot out of my hands and hit him.

" Your really getting good at that spell" said grandpa. "Thanks grandpa".

Suddenly the chandelier came down with Gwen and the people that were stuck on the stairs.

The people ran out before the doors slammed shut. "Give me my charm" he said floating towards me and Gwen.

I fired another pink bolt and he hit the curtain. Gwens charm glowed and the curtain fell down on him.

"You should have said please" she said before grading my wrist and we ran down a hallway into a room.

I sensed that there was a secret opening and I sensed it was behind the fire place.

"What is it" asked Gwen. "There's a secret opening in the fire place" I said. Gwen accidentally knocked the head off a statue and it revealed a button.

I pushed it and the walk of the fire place went away and showed a dark passage way

Me and Gwen ran down it as fast as we could out of that room.

When we got down it looked like some sort of sewer. I sensed that someone was behind the wall and i knew it had to be the white faced man.

Gwen accidentally knocked a stone in the wall on the other pace and the whole wall came down.

When it fell we saw the white faced man in a shield to protect himself from the bricks. He fired a spell at us but it missed and it created a hole we ran threw it and we ended up in a cemetery.

When we thought we ran enough we hid behind a tree but suddenly vines started to tie us up and suddenly the man appeared and took Gwens charm

"No" she said. That was the last thing I heard before the vines coverd up my ears and eyes

Later my eyes were uncovered and I saw ben in his alien form four arms

"Thanks" I said.

"Where is" he asked Gwen

"Time to turn this city into an old memory." Said the grey skinned man eyes glowing a sickly yellow "Rama melotis galamacho" he said as storms cloud formed into a vortex like shape, sending lighting down on the city.

"Setoroma secora" he was cut off by four arms coming from behind him and stopping him temporarily.

"Stay back" said ben.

"You dare challenge me." said the man rising is staff "Nacliea vortya" as he planted his staff red smoke came poling out of it bringing the gargoyles in front of him to life which began attacking ben.

He began to re say the spell but Gwen stopped him by throwing a rock at him.

"Luck can only take you so far grandpa" said Gwen before she threw another stone at his head

The gargoyles headed towards grandpa I put boy my hands at my side and made the orbs appear and put both orbs together before putting my arms out creating 3 more bolts and firing them at the gargoyle.

The gargoyles were destroyed after they where hit. Me and Gwen went and picked up the charms.

"I could fly shoot bolts of lightning bring trees to life I'd be unstoppable or I can just be me" said Gwen before she put the charms onto a stone coffin and picked up a shovel.

"Ready RJ" she asked I nodded.

I fired a pink bolt at them while she hit them with the shovel. Once we did all the magic in the charms went into the air.

Later we were driving away and we saw the police arrest the grey skinned man.

"You know you three make a really good team" said grandpa. "Made now that my powers are gone" said Gwen. "Come on Gwen we did the right thing destroying the charms" I said.

"He right you did" said ben who was reading a comic book.

"I guess" she said. "So ben now that you and RJ are the only ones with powers just maybe one favour" she asked.

"What" he asked. "Maybe just admit I did a good job" she asked.

"Gwen you did a good job" he said. "Happy" he asked her. "Yep" she said. "Good because I am never saying it again" he said.

"You don't have to" she said pulling out a tape recorder she pressed the play button. "Gwen you did a good job" it said. Ben covers his ears with pillows and tried to not hear the tape recorder.

While me and Gwen laughed at him. Lucky girl and magic boy maybe gone but we still have each other

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