Tough luck

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RJs p. o

I was dreaming again and that strange women was there with a grin.

RJ I am so proud of you your powers are growing stronger. I can't believe the amount you've been able to do in a short time she said.

Thanks I said I can't believe how strong my powers are to I said.

It might not be that long now till your first transformation she said. My first what I asked confused.

Oops I shouldn't have said that she said.

End of dream

I woke up with Gwen shaking me.

" Come on RJ we're here" she said. "Ok am up am up" I said rubbing my eyes. You see last night ben saved a van full of senior citizens and they told him about a magic convention in Las Vegas where we just arrived

I wasn't really interested I knew it wouldn't be like magic magic like I can do I figured it would be like pulling a rabbit out of a hat sawing a lady in half magic.

But Gwen was excited I could understand we really haven't run into magical situations without me using my powers and hex ( the white faced man) was locked up plus she's the only one out of me and ben and her who doesn't have any powers.

After breakfast we went into the hotel that was hosting the convention and from the looks of the booths I was right it was the fake kind of magic.

Gwen got disappointed fast. When she read the sign that said magician of the year expo that's when she got disappointed.

"Magician of the year expo it's all a bunch of cheap junk and grossed out tricks I thought it was going to be magic magic not cheesy magic" she said.

"Oho ho ho" ben said over at a stand that sold fake novelty stuff with a fake arrow threw his head. "Fake bugs in ice cubes fake bark fake dog poo".

"Yeah we get it ben well as long as we're here we might as well look around" grandpa said.


Me and Gwen stopped at a stand that said magical jewels with all kinds of bracelets necklaces earrings all kinds of stuff.

"I don't suppose you have any real magical artifacts" she asked the shop keeper who was reading a book.

"What you see is what you get honey" she said before going back to her book.

We saw the jewellery on the display that's when we saw a red charm in a gold and blue wrist cuff that looked strangely like the charms of bezel.

Gwen picked it up and put it on her wrist. "I'll take it" she said.

"Find something you like" grandpa asked coming over with ben.

"Yeah it kinda of reminds me of" she said before we all heard screams coming from out side.

We ran outside and saw what was causing all the noise. I quickly took out my ear plugs and put them in my ears.

We saw a man in one of those white suits that magican use to perform escape acts hanging upside down from s helicopter that looked like it was about to crash.

"I don't think that's part of the act" grandpa said. Him and  Gwen turned towards us

"We know we know its hero time" ben said.

I ran off to begins an alley "Clothes araw change araw" I said and in a pink light I transformed into my magic boy outfit . See I help out ben sometimes with my powers and we become quite the team.

I ran out of the alley and started jumping onto the pink platforms I make where I saw ben as stink fly one of his aliens.

He took control of the helicopter but unfortunately the rope that was holding the man caught fire and the prepeiler fell of and was going to ward grandpa.

Before it hit grandpa Gwen jumped and pushed him and her out of the way.

I used my powers to create a pink bubble around the prepeilor and lifted up the bubble and put it down on it's side.

A second later Gwen appeared below me in her lucky girl costume. "O magic boy you ready to save the day" she said.

I just smiled and nodded.

We both ran me on my platforms and Gwen on the ground we saw that ben was able to make the helicopter stop but the man was about to fall.

The rope broke and ben was chasing to catch him but me and Gwen were faster Gwen did a back flip onto a bus and caught him while I used my powers to create a bubble and put them safely onto the ground.

I got off my platforms and walked over to Gwen and the man that's when ben flew down.

"Lucky girl" he said. Everyone started to cheer. "Don't even start with me cramping your super hero style" she said. "Hey am just happy to finally get another back up. but how did you get your lucky girl powers back" he asked her.


Later in the rust bucket

"Ok I did some reasearch and that charm on your wrist Gwen is known as the keystone of bezel" I said pointing to a picture of the keystone on her laptop.

"So that's why it looks just like the charms" she said. "But I thought you two destroyed all the charms back in that cemetery fighting that hex creep".

"We only destroyed the charms this is the legendary lost keystone of bezel. legend has it can increase the powers of the charms and increase the skills of the one who posses it" I said.

"Woah" Gwen said. "Well it seems the legend is true not fact" grandpa said. "You are so lucky" ben said. "It's not luck it's magic" Gwen said.



we were at the magician of the year expo and I was really bored plus my legs hurt if I stand in one place to long. A man has just finished

his act

"Remember the magican of the year will be crowned in just a few short hours doing the solar eclipse" the announcer said.

"You ok RJ" grandpa asked grandpa. "yeah just my legs hurt" I said moving my feet to ease the pain.

and another man with long blonde hair came on in a cloud of smoke.

He turned the box he had infront of him. "For my first trick I'll need a volunteer" he said. When me and Gwen looked to the middle ben was gone.

"O no" I said. Ben appeared on stage. "Ben Tennyson at your service" he said to the magician.

"What's he up to" grandpa asked. "Nothing good that's for sure" I said.

"And boy goes but what will come out will amaze and surprise you". he said placing ben in the box and locking it.

"Abra kaddabra" he said. The box started shaking and I knew that ben used the watch to transform into one of his aliens.

And when it opend out came wild mutt
I just shook my head.

Me grandpa and Gwen looked up at the glass ceiling where we saw red some come in and onto the stage that knocked the magician and wild mutt off there feet.

When it cleared it revealed hex and a strange girl with white hair dressed in pink and purple.

"Hex" Gwen said. "This can't be good" I said.

"Hey pal wait your turn your ruining my act" the magician said. " I have no time for amateurs" hex said and he used his magic to throw the magician and wild mutt off the stage.

He turned to the audience. "Give me the keystone of Bezel" he said.

"If it's magic you want its magic you shall have" he said.
He made red smoke appeare onto the audience

"Looks like hex is up to his old tricks" grand pa said.

"Look like this is a job for Lucky girl" Gwen said and Magic boy" I said.

Me and Gwen ran to the bathroom. "Clothes araw change araw" I said and we were in are lucky girl and magic boy costumes.

We ran out onto the auditorium.

"Give me the keystone or I shall destroy you all". "Yo hex" I said on a platform with my hands in the pink orbs.

"You forgot to say pretty please" Gwen said.

"Lucky girl Magic Boy and the Keystone how convenient" he said. He aimed his staff at us but wild mutt tackled him.

"Charmcaster do something" he said to the girl. "Yes uncle" she was preparing to take something out of her bag but I sent a pink bolt at her which sent her off the stage.

"They don't call me magic boy for nothing".

She sent to rock creatures at me but when they saw me they just started to lick me like a puppy.

"You things are useless attack him" she said. "Hey don't talk to them like that" I said.

"What are you going to do about it Eradiko" she said and sent a pink blast at me.

I put up one of my walls which stopped it.
"This is what I'll do Elota Objecta" I said and sent a pink blast of energy at her which sent her flying into a booth.

"ENOUGH" hex shouted and sent me Gwen grandpa and ben into the hedge maze outside.

I got separated from them and I saw two rock creatures who started to lick me again.

I started laughing. "O ok boys st stop i it i it tickles" I said while laughing. They stopped licking me. "Can you two help me find my way to my brother and cousin" I asked them.

They nodded and led me to them they where by a pool.

"RJ" ben and Gwen said before hugging me.
"How did you find us" Gwen asked. "These two helped me" I said pointing to the rock creatures who nodded and left.

"We have to get back to the rust bucket" ben said. "Why" I asked. "Look" Gwen said showing me her braclet which was missing the keystone.


When we got back to the rust bucket we found grandpa unconscious.

"GRANDPA" all three of us shouted.

We ran up and helped him sit on one of steps of the rust bucket.

"I turned away for just a second and when when I came to Charmcaster was gone" he said. "All that my uncle made me do it stuff was just an act she just needed to get close to me to steal the keystone" Gwen said.

"Some hero I turned out to be" she said taking off her mask.

"Right now all you and RJ should be concerned about is stopping hex and Charmcaster from recreating those other charms" ben said.

"He's right Gwen with the charms and the keystone they'll be basically unstoppable" I said.

"She said the ritual would be performed at the highest point during the eclipse"grandpa said.

"and the highest point around here is" Gwen said. We all looked towards a big tower that stemmed to be the highest point in the city which ment that would be where they would perform the ritual.


When we got to the tower we saw people running out and policemen there to.

"We're running out of time the eclipse is only a few minutes away" grandpa said. "Guess it's all up to you two" Gwen said to me and Ben.

"Well need some help still felling lucky" ben said. "What can I do without my powers" she said

"Gwen just because you don't have powers doesn't mean we don't need you we've taken on things before even without your powers" I said.

She smiled at me

We saw people come out of the elevator.

Elevators out how are we going to get up there Gwen asked.

"Easy for stink fly" ben said. But it looked like his watch was still charging from the last time it's used.

"I can probably get up there on my platforms but am not sure if I can't take all of you" I said.

"That's fine just go on up RJ we'll be up there soon" grandpa said. I nodded and began to make my platforms up to the tower

I was just out of view and I saw Hex perform the ritual with charmcaster.

I saw Gwen on grandpas shoulder on a window as hers platform.

" Did you really think you could ditch me that easily" Gwen said. "Now give me back the keystone or deal with the awesome powers of lucky girl" she said.

I couldn't help but smile that's the Gwen I know.

"This is totally bogus she can't have any powers it's just some kind of stupid trick" Charmcaster said to hex.

I walked over on my platforms to the top and jumped behind charmcaster and hex who turned their attention to me.

"She may not have any magic or powers but I do" I said. "Adfiso potentia" I said and like always multiple pink beams came out and hit charmcaster and hex and they fell flat on there butts.

"You have been a pain in my side long enough you brat" hex said standing up with charmcaster. he prepared to shoot a beam from his staff at me when ben hit him with his hover board he got weeks ago.

Gwen and grandpa came onto the tower.

Charmcaster was about to fire a spell at me when I made the orbs appear and fired a bolt at her she fell flat on her face.

Me grandpa and Gwen saw that hex was hanging on the opposite side of the hover board and tried to warn him when charmcaster got up.

"Hey charmcaster heard any good stories lately" Gwen asked running towards her with grandpa following.

Charmcaster fired some rock balls out of her bag which sent them onto the roller coaster

She fired another at the controls which made it go and another at the track which destroyed it

"NO" I said. "Tough luck kid your next" she said to me. She fired a spell at me which I deflected with my wall.

I fired another pink bolt at her which missed but then I trapped her in a pink bubble.

But that's when I saw Gwen and grandpa were about to fall of the ride so I let her out and ran over and used my powers to fill in the broken track which saved them.

Ben as plant vine swooped on and got them off the rollar coaster and got them back on the tower.

We turned are attention back to charmcaster and hex. Hex was knocked out so I picked up his staff.

"The power of bezel will soon be mine" Charmcaster said. "Not if we can help it " i said.

She turned her attention to us. "Ha please that staff only works in the hands of a master magician and your no magician your just some poor disabled kid who got lucky" she said to me.

Suddenly a beam came from the staff and hit her out cold.

I was shocked and I saw ben Gwen and grandpa were to. "Ok how did that work" I said.

Ben made his fingers go up into the sky and wrap them around the charms which were cracking when they did a pink light came from charmcaster and went into the sky where storm clouds where.

The same thing happened with the staff. Hex woke up. "Do you know what you've done" he asked us.

" Save the day" ben said. Hex began to scream in agony as the same thing happens to him and he fell unconscious again.

When it did the sky turned blue again the storm clouds disappeared and the sun turned back to normal which ment the eclipse was over

The keystone fell out of the sky and Gwen put it back into the bracket.

"Looks like the magics gone and lucky girl along with it" she said.

"Eh don't be to bumped about it there's other ways you can be a hero" ben said.

Gwen looked to his hover board. "Like riding on a hover board" she said Before going over to it.

"You know to be good on one of these things takes a long time" he said.

But Gwen was already on it laughing.

"Then I guess Gwens a natural" I said giggle at bens expression

Well that may be it for Gwens lucky girl powers but to me she'll always be special powers or not

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