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It was raining again. The usual warm cafe is now shivering cold. The ice-cold rain would be better than the coffee shop on the mid-street. But of course, the temperature was ignored by a young man in his mid twenty. It was quite warm for him. How lucky.

Running around making espressos and blueberry muffins are something he enjoyed. This man is Lucas Johnson. If you ever want to eat at the cafe, just ask what would be good for the weather.

He'll tell you if it is raining and cold, hot chocolate and a buttery croissant would be a good fit. If it is sunny and bright, berry ice tea with a frosted cookie.

But he didn't know what to give for a man high as a bird with a massive headache. He didn't know how to react. Should he tell the boss and let her do her thing or should he help?

'Just ask him what he wants, Lucas.' Walking towards the said man, who was at the time banging his head quiet loudly, he questioned the man.

"Sir? Is there anything you want? We have eggs, pancakes, coffee, and more if you like?" The man groaned and screamed, lucky there wasn't anyone else in the cafe with them, so his yelling was just fine. But either way, Lucas jumped at the sound.

The man cried out in frustration.
"I don't have any money! I can't buy anything!" Lucas frowned knowing full well this man was probably talking about weed instead of actual food. But, he couldn't just let this man starve. Walking towards the back, he snuck a banana nut muffin and warm black coffee on a plate. He'll pay for it later for this man in need.

When he came back the man was talking to the wall. How unfortunate. The possibility that he was still high was pretty clear. Placing the plate and drink in front of the man, he tried to take a good look of the man.

Messy brown hair. Mustache and a scruffy beard. Black clothes that you would never wear at a funeral no matter how high you were. Black vans. He seemed like a sad fellow. Lucas sat down next to him and watched him talk to the wall.

The wall seemed to be the person- er the wall of reason at this point. Sudden shouts or bang of the table did give Lucas a fright. The man stopped talking and seemed appalled. This man was losing the conversation with the wall, wasn't he?

"No, of course, I didn't! No no no you listen here, buddy. I'm actually quite sober."

At this moment it seems like the wall was talking back.

The man gasped and said, "You come into my house! You- you- you roadkill!" Lucas whispered under his breath. "What did the wall do to you?" The man turns to him with a glare. 'Shit sorry.' The man pointed at the wall still keeping eye contact.

"He is not a wall. He is Ben and he is my brother." Lucas looked directly at the wall where the man was looking at early.

"Sorry, Ben." Lucas looked back at the high man.

"What did Ben do to you?" Of course, Lucas was enjoying this conversation, it seemed like something a child would say or do. Lucas pushed the food in front of the so-called "Sober man", to get him talking.

"Well let's just say this fucker doesn't want me happy. By the way, do I have to pay for this?" Mr. High pointed at the food, a look of hunger in his eyes, he probably would have eaten it even if he had said no.

"Already been paid for ya." Mr. High smiled and grasp Lucas hands as if he was God or something.

"Thank you. Uh." He scratched his head, "I don't know your name like at all but it doesn't matter because I have food!" The man quickly turned to the wall again and flipped it off, "Suck it."

Lucas realized the situation he was in. This man was high, probably even drunk, and talking to a person he didn't even know aka Lucas.

"My name is Lucas and you?" 

"Klaus is the name of the fine man you're looking at!" Klaus jazz hand Lucas showing him the, Hello, and Goodbye tattoos on his hands.

"Nice to meet you Klaus, fun fact if you come here before working hours I'll give you some more food." Getting out of his seat he walked to the counter.

"Really? Thank you! See Ben we can trust him!" Lucas ignored that small comment.

"So Klaus, why are you high? Or drunk? Both?" Klaus groaned.

"Because I don't like being sober. I hate seeing the things I do see." 

"Ah. I think Ben is just being a good brother and worried for you. Making you sober I mean." Klaus laughed. 

"He said thanks." Lucas gave a thumbs up and started working on his homework from college.

"You might want to eat your food before it turns cold." 

"Oh yeah, food~." Klaus picked up his food and stumbled to Lucas and sat down on the high chair. 'Heh, the high chair. It's the perfect thing for this guy.'

"So, like why did you give me this food?" 

Lucas looked at him with a deadpanned look.
"Your fucking drunk or high either one or both and you look starving." 

"Do I have to pay a tab or anything?" Does he not remember that he said it's been paid for?

"Nope." Klaus looked awfully surprised. He looked at an empty space again. Klaus 'shh' the empty space, and turned to Sam again.

"Eat Klaus. You can come back tomorrow and I'll give you some more food, ok?"

"Well I can't just waste good food so~" He took a bite of the muffin. He moaned in glee. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to come back for more." Klaus turned his head quickly to the empty space again. He frowned.

"No this is not going to make me sober. I'm just going to be eating more!" He laughed once again and continued eating. Lucas wrote in his notebook.
'Keep giving Klaus food.' Klaus stops eating and looked at the empty space and turned back to Lucas.

"What did you do?"


It's been about a week of Klaus coming back to the cafe drunk as hell. Either Ben would convince Klaus or Klaus would be hungry. But each day he came back. For a good while, they would talk about pretty much about nothing and everything.

Lucas now knew that Klaus wasn't joking around when he was talking about his brother. Lucas became more mind full of what he said.

Lucas got to learn more about Klaus family, including Ben. His father was a bitch but he adopted the seven children and Klaus is actually related to a famous actor. Ben died but Klaus never said why, but Ben like waffles. The topic of Klaus sister came up again.

"Do you know my sister? She is a famous actor!" Klaus strides a pose. I shook my head.

"Don't watch much T.V. sorry. Maybe I'll watch-" Klaus put his hands up to stop me from apologizing.

"Nononono don't worry she can be rude at times. That means you can spend more time with me! Yay!" I laughed at his childish ways.

Day eight of Klaus coming to the cafe, I asked a question.

"Hey Klaus, got a question." 

"What is it, my child?" Klaus was sitting down on the floor pretending to be a monk, I gave him a blanket to sit on so his butt won't hurt. 

"How's Ben doing?" He opens his eyes giving me a questioning look.

"Ben? Why are you worried about... Him?"

"You don't talk about him much and I was wondering if he was good." I looked at him questioning my own motives.

Ben tried his best to keep Klaus sober and it was a losing battle. Ben was like his angel but the devil just had a better grasp on Klaus. It must be hard watching Klaus waste his life with drugs and alcohol.

Klaus turned slowly to another empty space where I'm assuming that's where Ben is standing. Still looking in that area he gestured to me and said,
"Well?" Klaus paused for a moment and turned back to me.

"He says that he's fine and thanks for asking."

"No problem, Ben."

"Did you just say no problem?" Curse my habit of saying no problem. 

"Uh, your welcome?" I shrug. I stood up and started walking to the back. Klaus called to me.

"Where are you going?"

"Bathroom." I need to think. This Ben person is quite a wonder.

After using the bathroom I came back and went to the kitchen to bring another glass of water. Gotta stay hydrated. As I begin to walk back with the glass in hand, I can see Klaus at the front.


I accidentally slipped on the Kitchen mat and was starting on my way down, falling forward. The glass was going to break under me and fuck that would hurt. Or would it?


Of course, I get up and keep walking towards the front. Nothing hurts. The glass didn't break and not a single drop wasted. Lucky me.

Klaus was watching the whole time. When I sat down and took a sip he began to ask questions. I just replied with,

"Lucky I guess."


Turns out that wasn't going to be the only weird thing that Klaus sees. The next month it was like this. Weird things happening and he would be unscathed. Whenever he would ask how Lucas did this or did that he would just say,

"Lucky I guess." He never said it like a question, just a statement. A fact. This was almost keeping him up longer at night than the ghosts. He would get out of any situations and come out perfectly fine.
Even Ben noticed it. He kept on saying that they should do an investigation on him. At first, Klaus didn't think they should but now he was damned. Just the other day he got in a car crash, he and his car were fine but the other guy broke his leg and his car was totally ruined. A big one.

"Just lucky I guess." Lucas shrugged. Lucky my ass.

Ben liked Lucas as a friend. He was pretty funny, to be honest. He was very nice to Klaus and him. Which was very different from his siblings, who wouldn't even tell Klaus that they said hi to Ben. While Lucas checked up on him every day and had a good conversation with him every once and a while.

The only thing that bothered him was Lucas's acceptance of Klaus and himself and the weird things that would happen to Lucas and he would just push it off as nothing happened. Hell, he pushed off the damn ghost thing like it was nothing.

How do you just accept someone so easily? Accept what they say or give you and not be worried? Hell Lucas is making sure Klaus eats every day and is trying to help Klaus stay away from drugs. Not Allison, Luther, Vanya, or Diego try helping Klaus but Lucas; a complete stranger, is helping him. A lot.

And the damn luck shit. What the hell is he even talking about? It's so fucking weird and nowhere near normal. He was never going to understand Lucas unless he got answers from him. But how?

Klaus was still unsure about confronting Lucas. As much as it seemed like he was just using Lucas for food, he actually appreciated his help. Klaus considers him a good friend that could be trusted. But he realized he knew nothing about him.
Klaus decided to ask after Lucas asks to met Grace and Pogo. He was just going to have to make sure that they avoided Luther and Dad.

Hey guys, girls, I don't give a crap, I just wanted to write about Ben falling in love and shit.

Fun fact: I'm a guy.

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