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Another short story but this is an AU when Lucas and Ben first met each other as kids.

Warning. Do not read if you are uncomfortable kissing peeps when you don't know them.

The red alarms blared in the hallways of the Umbrella Academy house, piercing Ben's ears. Running towards his room, he would quickly get changed so he wouldn't get yelled at. Fixing his black mask ran out with his sister Allison. She was usually the first one out except for a couple of times where she would forget her mask. I got it my place in line in order of our numbers. Me being the last and Allison being third.

Once my brothers got in line, our father told us what our new mission was. Another bank robbery near the local church. Ten men on the first floor, four others on the top. Save the hostages and kill the men inside. I sigh as I think of all the people I might scare or hurt. I didn't want to hurt anyone unlike most of my siblings. It just didn't feel right. Klaus noticed my unimpressed form, he goes to pat me on the back but he stops himself. They're scared of me.

Our Dad drove us to the place at the back of the bank. The first of us are suppose to be Allison, then Five, Luther, Deigo, Klaus (who I am very glad he doesn't kill anyone), then I'll finish off whoever is left. I always hated that part. But lucky it was very different this time.

When we got there, there was already someone helping us and finishing the job. A young boy around our age was tripping the robbers, knocking them off their feet, and somehow managing to dodge the bullets. My siblings and I watched as this brown hair kid jump from the desk to desk, to landing a kick at a robber in the neck. I saw Five give a nod of approval. His hair covered his eyes so we couldn't really identify him. He took down three other single handly in front of us. The kid grabbed an abandoned gun and threaten to shoot the leader if the robbers moved an inch. I looked at the clock, noticing he did this less than three minutes.

The robbers have apparently seen enough shit for the day and dropped their guns and kneeled down. When he saw us and waved like this was a normal thing for him. I think I've seen enough shit for the day as well. His voice sounded soothing and sunny.

"You guys taking these wackos?" None of my siblings said anything so we all nod. He smiles at us.

"Alrighty then." He dropped the gun and walked to one of the bank's desks. Picking up a handful of peppermint from a glass bowl, he skipped by me go to the back entrance before coming back and turning to me. He stared at me up and down. I hated being looked at.


He smiled and said something that would make my family tease me for weeks on end.

"You're pretty cute." He threw me a mint and skipped away. I blush rethinking of what just happened. My siblings watched as he left the bank.

"How are we going to explain this to Father?" Allison said. Klaus pretended to think about it.

"How about we don't and we take the credit. He doesn't need to know we failed the job and let someone take it over." Luther nodded his head.

"Yeah let's not get in trouble for this." Diego stopped everyone and pointed at me.

"Are we not considered about how Ben just got flirted with by a guy?" Allison smirked at me.

"Ben might be gay." I shook my head still, a blush portrayed on my face. Klaus made a face and said,

"Ben getting it down with the boys!" I push Klaus away playfully.

"No stop. Shush." Luther rubbed my head.

"It's okay if your gay, we support you." Klaus interrupted.

"Nah he seems more bisexual."

"I'm not gay!" My siblings laughed and began walking towards the doors. I call out to them,

"Let me use the bathroom real quick!" They nod and began eating some of the mints. I run towards the back and I see the boy again, leaning on the wall eating the mint. I hesitantly walk over, he didn't seem to notice me yet. I asked him a question.

"Why did you say I was cute?" He instantly turned to me. He placed his hand over his heart. 'Oh, I scared him.' I took a good look at him. He was pretty good looking, dimples, thin lips, and he was wearing mostly brown except for his shoes which were green. Once he caught his breath, he looked at me and walked over with his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry, could you repeat that please?" He was taller than me. I could smell his body wash, which smelt awfully like lavender. I tried ignoring that part.

"Why did you call me cute?" He smirked and softly placed a hand on my cheek. His hand was nice and warm. I almost leaned into it. He pushed his bangs away from his face, showing beautiful cyan eyes. My heart stopped at the calming color.

"Because it's true." He leaned in forward, looking straight in my eyes. My heartbeat quickened. My lips suddenly felt dry, like they needed a refreshment. He placed his lips over mine, kissing me, and my heartbeat stopped. I never felt so alive, my lips were instantly refreshed. 

I enjoyed the felling off his lips, I enjoyed the feeling off his hands, and I even enjoyed being called 'cute' by him. He pushed gently on my lips and I pushed back. He was careful not to hurt me. His mouth tasted like peppermint. My siblings never tried to comfort me, so his gentleness and attention to me was heaven. I wanted him.

He placed his left hand on my waist and kept his right hand on my cheek, bring me closer to his chest. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, shaking. I was never like this in a mission, even then I would have a grasp of what I was doing. He pushed me against the wall and I felt myself grab onto his shirt. We stopped kissing and began kissing again. I felt the warmth from him go away went he pulled away. I wanted to desperately lean in and make him kiss me again.

He smirked at my blooming red face.

"I didn't know the cute Ben was gay." I flushed as he traced my jawline with his thumb. His entire body must be an oven.

"I'm not," I mumbled and placed my head on his collarbone looking at his shoes. He placed kisses on my forehead as he brushes my hair. I closed my eyes being soothed by the rhyme. His warmth was left on the places he kissed me.

"Would you like another one?" I nod without thinking. He leaned and placed another kiss on my cheek. He playfully grinned at me once I finally looked at him.

"I would put one on your neck but I think I would lose control after that. And plus you probably have somewhere to be." I nodded remembering my family that was probably still waiting for me. But I wanted to stay.

"I hope to see you sometime soon, Benny." He walked away and through the outside door. With a heavy heart, I adjust my mask and I ran back to my family.

"What took you so long Ben?" I shrug, hoping they didn't notice my blush.

"Upset stomach." I lied.

I never saw him again.

Or did you Ben?

eyyyyyyyy. that's pretty gayyyyyyyy

Fun fact: I really love sweet food instead of spicy.

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