Go Take A Break, Henry

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(* Okay sorry for all the songs and for this one being more sloppy but I promise I make the next one more SPICY~ with a serten drop of ink~
But just in case I'll make a part 1 first )

Ink's POV-

It has been at least 3 year since we were all... dead to the world and now we are just about as popular as Betty Boop and even DISNEY! I was so happy with this that me, Bendy, and Boris were planning to give Henry a Brake for a mouth or so since he's been working so hard.
But for some reason he wouldn't take one, even when his arm was broken we literally had to yank him out and he kept clinging onto the desk!

So today I was showing Boris how to play one of my most favorite instrument the piano and he's a fast learner. I mean what would you expect? He learned how to a clarinet AND a banjo all in a span of a just one  day.

Ink- Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf

Boris- Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf

Ink- Perfect Boris
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf

Boris- Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf

Ink- Sept, huit, neuf

Boris- Sept, huit, neuf

Ink- Sept, huit, neuf

Boris- Sept, huit, neuf

Boris/Ink- One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, NINE

(Henry's in his Office writing a letter to his wife)

Henry- My Dearest,
"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow Creeps in this petty pace from day to day."
I'll trust you'll understand the reference to another English  tragedy...
Without my having to name the play.
They think me Macbeth, ambition is my folly. I'm a polymath, a pain in the ass, a massive pain.
Sammy is Banquo Animators Macduff And Birnam Wood is the Cartoon on its way to Dunsinane...

(His wife looking out the window)

Mrs. Henry/Emily- And there you are miles away do you have too be miles away~ Thoughts of you make me worry then I get another letter and I can't help but too feel flustered (Mrs. Henry picks up a letter and hold it close to her heart)

Ink- Take a break! (Ink pops in Henry's office)

Henry- I'm on my way (Keeps drawing)

Ink- There's a little surprise before lunch break and It can not wait (Trys to convince him)

Henry- I'll be there in just a sec so save some food (Trys to brush her off)

Ink- Mr. HENRY (Crosses her arms annoyed)

Henry- Okay, Okay, Okay (Gets up)

Ink- You've been in that room all day, and we have something we'd like too say. We've been practicing all day.

(Bendy and Boris enters the room)

Boris- Henry, Henry look!
The name is Boris
I'm a cartoon and Bendy wrote this song just to show it
And you've been writing for a long time

Bendy- And you can write story but you can't write ours

Henry- WHAT!

Boris- I practice playing piano with Ink

Bendy- We have Sammy but we want a person much more saner

Henry- Okay...

Bendy- You're trying to make us go to the top

Henry- Bravo!

Ink- Take a Brake

Henry- You guys did pretty great (Puts a hand on there shoulder)

Ink- Run away with us for the summer let's all go in there

Henry- Ink, I've got so much on my plate (Looks away from her)

Ink- We can all go stay in a cartoon, there's one I know

Henry- I know

Ink- Shows a near by park

Henry- I would love to go

Ink- You can go when the night gets dark... (Put a hand on his arm)

Henry- I'll try to go

(Mrs. Henry writing a letter)

Emily-  My dearest Henry,
You must get thought the editors, sit down with them and compromise don't 'till you agree.
Your favorite loving wife Emily, reminds you there's someone in your corner all the way across the state.

(Walks towards a letter on her bed)

The letter I received from you two weeks ago I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase. It changed the meaning. Did you intend this? One stroke and you have consumed my waking day!
And it says:

"My Dearest Emily"

(Puts the letter to her heart)

A comma after Dearest. You've written "My Dearest, Emily"

Anyway, I'm writing too say that I'm coming to you this summer I got Ink's invitation and I'll be there with our family if you make your way to relax

I know you're very busy, I know this works important

But crossing the state and I just can wait

Emily/Henry- You won't be miles away

You'll only be a moment away

Ink- Mr. Henry please come here your wife is arriving TODAY! (Yells to Henry)

(Emily seeks in and scare Ink from behind)

Ink- Mrs. Henry

Emily- Little Ink (Hugs Ink)

(Bendy and Boris drag Henry too where Emily and Ink was)

Henry- My dearest sweet Wife

Emily- Dear Henry (Kisses his cheek)

Henry- Hi...

Emily- It's good to see your face dear

(Walks towards them)

Ink- Mrs. Henry, please tell this man that Sammy spends this summer a few friend (Yanks lightly at Henry's arm)

Henry- My Dear tell this child that Sammy doesn't have a real job anyway

Emily- You're not joining us... wait

Henry- I'm afraid I cannot join you in the Cartoon (Looks away in shame)

Emily- But Henry, I came all this away

Ink- She came all this away (Points towards her)

Emily- All this away so

Emily/Ink- Take a Break!

Henry- Y'all k ow I have to get this thought some editor's

Bendy/Boris- Run away with us for the summer let's all GO IN THERE

Henry- We'll lose popularity if I don't get this though

Bendy/Boris/Ink- We can all go stay in the Cartoon

Ink- There's a lake we know

Emily- I have missed your face

Ink- In a near by park

Emily- Screw your courage to the sticking place

Bendy- You both can go

Emily- You know there all right

Boris/Emily- Take a break and get away

Boris- Run away with her for the summer

Bendy- Just go in there! WHERE YA'LL CAN STAY

Ink- You both can go stay with our cartoon, IF YOU TAKE YOUR TIME

Emily- Look around, look around, How lucky we are to be alive right now

Boris- You WILL make your mark,  Close your eyes and dream

Emily- We can go

The 3 of them- When the night gets dark... Take a Brake

Henry- Emily I have to get this plan editors
I can't stop 'till I get this pls  through them...

Henry left the room leaving a cold feeling and Emily started to tear up so me, Bendy, and Boris started to hug her warmly. And little did I know that Henry was in the other room crying...

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