It Was Never Your Fault

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(* Greetings everyone, so this story is going about depression and some more development on Ink and I would like all of you too know that all my characters reflect a a side of me. Some darker than others

Depression warning)

Ink's POV-

Today we finished a new episode called 'Piano Friend's and after it me and Bendy were spending some quality sibling time. So you would expect that for a girl like me I would have be cares free in the world anymore, but you'd be wrong. "Hey sis do you want to spend the night in me and Boris room?" "Oh, sure Bro I would love too" I said to him walking to my room to get a pillow and blanket.
"Brother I'm here" I said knocking, I heard running and then the door slammed open "Hey sis, come on in" he said and we saw it was 11 PM so we decided to sleep. "Night sis" "Bendy I don't need sleep" I said "Oh come on it'll be confronting" Boris said getting in bed. "Come on sis get in" Bendy said. So I did, I was in the middle of them. "Hey sis, please try to get some sleep tonight... Alright" he said so I nodded and so I closed my eyes and did.


I was in the Studios and Joey was about too kill Bendy and he was fighting back, he looked so angry. Then I remembered that this was the day Boris died. He had ink running down his face and when Joey was about to finish him off I rushed in front of him and took the blow. "No..." was all I whispered before going down. But some how I got back up.

But I wonder... *Would you have love me if I had thought more of myself?...

Then I fated to the very first time I was one stage, and I looked so stiff and tarrified until my brother showed up... *If I had been more confident?...

After the performance he was looking down at the floor with a shadow covering his face, I turned to him thinking he was disappointed at me only to get hugged by him... *If I had loved myself a fraction of how much I love the both you?...

Bendy held me and looked at me straight in the eye saying suck nice and supporting words. *You always made me feel like I was everything... when I was only truly nothing...

I was at your right hand side as we waited for years for Henry to show up. I was ready to protect you from anything that could hurt you. *I was supposed to be you shield, your protector even...

After I was fixed I saw Bendy kiss Boris lovingly and smiling, but Alice was there to see it. I could see the jealousy in her eyes. *But how was I supposed to protect you from yourself...

Me and Bendy were on stage many times that we do duets to the point I can harmonize perfectly with him. *I can sing like Bendy...

Me and Boris always do jokes to the point where I can memorize every signal joke of his. *I can make jokes like Boris...

I always love seeing them together, them just basking in each others love and warm imbrace. *I can love the both of you as much as you love each other...

Some times I'll see them dance and go into a deep kiss. *I should have said something sooner...

I was always in the other room watching there beautiful moments holding my heart smiling... *And if I had...

But on the inside, I was always crying... *Would you two still be here?

I love hanging with the both of them, and learning new songs. *It hurts...

I love seeing them each and everyday and I always smile for them. *It hurts every time I smile at the both of you...

I sometimes see you both cry because of something I couldn't protect you from...*Because it gets harder and harder to say for certain...

I sometimes go to where Boris was dead and wonder what would happen if I could have token his place...*That I wish I was alive...

*Stops Dreaming*

I woke up my heart was racing, sweat was running down on me, and they were still asleep. I looked the clock and it was 3AM so I decided to do something since everyone was asleep. Since I couldn't go to the kitchen without waking someone up I decided to do it in the bathroom. I would have just have to remind myself to stay quiet and clean up the miss.

I carefully got up and tip-toed to there bathroom and locked the door. I started to look for something sharp, I know since the 'incident' happened Bendy has put a knife in every part of the Studio for protection, I just don't know where.
After a few minutes of looking I finally found a knife under the sink behind everything 'Good thinking' I thought to myself. I took off my oversized 'tux' and looked at my arms that were wrapped in bandages. I only did that so ink wouldn't be dripping everywhere and so my brother or Boris would get suspicious.

I placed the knife on my arms and cut it, then I when to my shoulders making each and every cut cross each other. 'This was all my fault' 'I shouldn't be alive' 'All of this was because of me' 'I could never be like him' as I thought and cutted I cryed. 'I deserve this' I thought cutting deeper.

Bendy's POV-

"Hmmm huh" I was waking up and I didn't want to so I rolled over to see if Ink or Boris was awake, but for some reason Ink was gone and Boris was asleep. 'So cute' I thought looking at him as I sat up then I saw the bathroom door closed and and the light on. But for some reason I heard light crying and wimpering "Ink?" I whispered, I shuck Boris awake "What's wrong Bendy?"he asked me woriedly "Ink's in the bathroom, crying" I said distressed. We got out of bed and I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.
So I backed up and some how knocked the door open and I haven't done that since...

Yaaaa that...

"Ink what the... Oh my god... Ink" I couldn't move I froze as I saw my sister cut into her arms and shoulders deeply until I got the door open. I ran towards her, took her knife, and throw it out of her reach "I-I-Ink... why" I asked shaking as Boris walked towards my side.
"I can't, I can't..." "Ink like I said before you don't have too hide anything" Boris said and she was quite. "I-I..." she didn't finish and she cried into my chest non-stop. "I'm so sorry I have these feelings you two, I'm sorry I might get between your relationship, I'm sorry I couldn't protect Boris, I just I-!!!" she said before weeping again.
I looked at Boris and nodded as he took my sister's chin and brought her face too his, and he kissed her with my promotion, and she was blushing a very dark shade of gray. I could tell she was frozen so I pulled her out the kiss and kissed her as well. I swear that she was going to pass out cause she was more frozen that ice (or Elsa) "Ink..." I said to snap her out of it.
"I-I... I don't understand" she said as she looked at us "It's okay Ink, I knew you had a feeling of one of us but I didn't know it was the both of us" Boris said "And we except that, and don't worry. I can share him" I said winking at her. She shakily smiled at us and hugged us. "And Ink all of this wasn't your fault. It not like you caused... HIM too do all of this too us" I said and she smiled warmly and not a fake one I seen her do so many times before. A real one.

So after we wrapped her arms up in bandages we lead her to bed and said our goodnight and slept till 11AM. "Boris, Bendy" "Yes?" "Thank you" she said hugging us and we held her tighter then before.

'Thank you for not leaving'

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