The Royal Family Of Lunaris

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The next morning, Rin woke up early, cause it was a special day.

Rin got out of bed and quickly got dressed.
She didn't bother doing her hair though!
It's always wild and messy anyways!
And she likes it that way!

"Now, time to wake up Sarah!", she said to herself as she ran out of her room in a hurry and made her way through the hallway.



But then, she bumped into someone, just in front of her sister's bedroom door.

"Ow!", she said.

"Watch where you're going, peasant!!", a familiar voice complained.
Rin looked up, already realizing who she ran into.
It was a boy with fluffy white hair and golden-yellow eyes.
And yes, a neko too! 

"Morning Daiki-Nii!", Rin greeted the person.

"Oh! Morning, Rin!", Daiki said, as if he didn't yell at her just a second ago.

But oh well! Siblings fight from time to time, don't they?


"Also here to wake up Sarah?", Daiki asked.

Rin nodded.

They both entered the room, finding a little neko girl with messy, mid-long chocolate-brown hair sleeping in the bed.

They chuckled for a second before making their way to the bed and whispering to the little girl.

"Sarah~! Wake up~!", Rin quietly whispered into the little girl's ear.


Suddenly Daiki pulled the girl's covers off, enthusiastically saying "Get up!"

And with this, Sarah woke up screaming for a second.

When the youngest sibling calmed down, Rin looked over at Daiki.

"Don't you think you were a little too harsh there?", Rin asked Daiki but he just shook his head.
"Nope!", the older boy answered.

"Morning big sis and big bro!", Sarah cheered.
"So..... What's up?"

Rin and Daiki looked at Sarah first and then at each other, before snickering.

Sarah was left confused, until her older siblings turned their heads back towards her.



"Happy Birthday, Sarah!", both of them cheered at the same time.

Sarah Sweatdropped.
Did she honestly forget her own birthday......?

"Don't tell me you forgot!", Daiki laughed.

"I did.....!", Sarah replied in embarrassment as Daiki continued laughing.

"Don't be so mean!", Rin told her brother.
She knows her brother can be kinda mean but come on!
Not on Sarah's birthday!

"Okay.... Okay...!", The white haired boy said, trying to stop his laughter.

"You're still laughing.....!!", Rin pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Sorry, sorry!", Daiki managed to choke out from laughter.

Rin grabbed her lil sister and walked out of the room, leaving their big brother behind.

He'll come after them once he's calmed down!



"So what are we gonna do?", Sarah asked.

Rin looked at her.
"Mom and dad said they prepared something amazing!", she replied, to which Sarah's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Ooh! I like amazing!"

"I know you do!"

Who doesn't?

On their way to the dinning room — that's where their parents told Rin to go with Sarah — Rin could hear her little sister humming that lullaby that the older two found so confusing and annoying!

"Do you have to hum that weird song?", Rin asked her sister.

Sarah replied.
"It's nice!"

To which Rin replied
"It's confusing!"

Then, they arrived in front of the dinning room.
Rin opened the doors and immediately they were greeted with a beautifully decorated hall and lots of sweets and cake on the table.

"Happy Birthday, Princess Sarah!", the servants said in unison.

Sarah squealed.

"Suprise succeeded!", Daiki suddenly came up behind Rin.

"When did you get yourself together?", Rin asked jokingly.
Daiki just shrugged.

The two older siblings laughed, but after what came out of Sarah's mouth next, everything went silent.


"Where are mommy and daddy?"

This immediately changed the mood.
The servants were looking at each other worried and Daiki and Rin weren't much better.

They should've known this would happen...........!

"Well.... You see, Princess.....!", the three kids' personal babysitter – a cheetah woman with blonde hair and green eyes – started.
Sarah used to call her 'Auntie Chantal', but Rin and Daiki just call her by her first name.

And the two older kids hoped that Chantal would say the right thing. Just anything that wouldn't be that upsetting for Sarah.

"Your parents are very busy currently....!", Chantal explained.

Rin sighed quietly and Daiki facepalmed.
'Wrong answer!', they both thought.

And just like they expected, the result wasn't pretty.

No anger, no yelling, no tantrum.
Instead, Sarah just lowered her head and mumbled something in a very sad and disappointed tone:


"They're always busy............!"

And with that, Sarah quietly ran out of the room.

"Sarah!", Rin called her, without much luck.
So, she ran after her lil sister.

Daiki followed close behind, after throwing a glance that said
"Chantal, you had one job!" at the cheetah woman.

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