Chapter 2

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"Celeste!" A familiar voice yelled, waking me up. I sat up, a hand on my forehead. I was in the Nurse's Office with Mr. Stevenson, Chase, and Daniel. Chase had been yelling my name.

"What'd'ya want? Can't you see I'm trying to take a nap? And why am I here anyways?" I asked.

"...You don't remember?" asked Chase.

"Remember what, you dumba---" Then it hit me. I had slipped in a pool of blood. Then someone---no, something had tried to kill me. I felt dizzy  and Chase tried to help me, but I smacked him away.

"Don't touch me." I said, sending him a death glare. Mr. Stevenson cut in.

"Well, I suppose it's time we tell you, Celeste," he said, sighing."You're not a human. No---you're the decendant of an angel." I stared Mr. Stevenson down.

"Bull sh*t." I stated and shrugged.

"I'm serious. Do you remember that thing which attacked you in the hallway? That was a demon. It wanted to take all of your energy and destroy you." He nodded as he was saying this and I almost started laughing. This was all just a joke, right? Where were the cameras? It got harder and harder to supress my giggles.

"Okay, and suppose this were  true, why would a demon attack me?" I asked, making it seem as if my teacher was an idiot. I looked at the two boys as if to share a joke, but they seemed dead serious like Mr. Stevenson. I shrugged it off.

"Because you're a healer. Healers only reappear every 500 years, they're very rare. With you on the side of the angels, you pose a large threat. You can heal the warriors, and only you. If they take away your energy, or power, they can use it for themselves and get rid of you. Then they have the advantage and can destroy the angels." He said and I scoffed.

"Then who are these warriors? And why should these two know about it?" I gestured at Daniel and Chase. "They can't be healers if I'm so rare, now can they?" I said, forming it more like a statement even though it was technically a question.

"No, they're warriors. Each warrior pairs up with one healer," He said and winced, sudden sadness in his eyes. "These two will share a bond and..." He stopped.

"And what, Mr. Stevenson?" I asked, my attitude spiking up a bit. This was getting old fast.

"Most likely fall in love." He finished.




I jumped out of the bed, grabbing my bag and speed-walking out of there.

"There's no way in hell I'm falling for this joke." I stated and Chase grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Wai---" A spark shot through me as his hand touched me.

"OUCH!" I exclaimed, his eyes widening.


"I've had enough." I turned on my heel and left, leaving them in my dust as I left for home.

Aaliyah's POV:

I looked around the parking lot. Celeste and I were having another sleep over today, and I needed to take her home. She hadn't shown up all day either, which was a bad sign....

Suddenly, she burst out the school doors, looking a little (actually, a lot) pissed off.

"Is something wro----" I was about to ask when she interrupted me.

"No, haha, let's just go to your house, okay?" She said with a smile and we got in my car.

"Hey...where were you all day?" I asked curiously. Her smile faultered and she looked a bit nervous.

"Oh...uhm...helping Mr. Stevenson with a project!" She exclaimed a little too quickly. She was lying. Hm....

"Anyways, let's go! We're gonna PAR-TAY!" She said, waving her hands around like an inasane person.

"No we're not, and you know it." I stated and she nodded.

"Yeah, yeah."

Celeste's POV:

Aaliyah and I sat on the couch watching some show about  aliens.

"What the f? That's so not true! You would know what real aliens are like, considering you are one, Aaliyah." I said innocently to our inside joke and nodded.

"Uh huh...let's go outside. I'm gonna get fat sitting here." She said.

"Hah, and I'm not?" I asked, following her into her backyard. Or should I say forest? Her parents were very successful and had a huge house which was on three-acres of forest.

We walked around for a little while, talking about the randomest things. There was suddenly a rustling in the bushes.

"Do you hear that...?" Aaliyah asked.

"Yeah. Probably's a bunny." I said.

"Yeah...." Boy, was I wrong. There was the sound of heavy breathing and from the bushes came a large creature that seemed to be some kind of satyr. A roar excaped it's throat and fire began to grow in its hands. We both stood there, absolutely shocked. It used the fire as an explosive and shot it torwards Aaliyah, I running and tackling her so she wasn't hit. There was suddenly a blinding white light that engulfed the both of us, and when it went away I noticed that her once greenish, blueish eyes were now just bright blue, like mine. Her skin also seemed to glow a bit more.

"Wha-what...." She seemed immensely confused and then we noticed the satyr was there again. Fear filled both of our eyes as the satyr began to cast again, but we couldn't move. It was as if we had been frozen to the spot. Two figures burst out of nowhere and stopped the fire as it came hurling torwards us, large, gleaming swords infront of them. They began attacking the satyr, finding it's weaknesses and quickly rendering the creature helpless. One of them raised their sword and was about to stab the satyr, but it used it's large claws to cut a deep wound into the side of his left arm. He let out a gasp of pain and the other stabbed it, killing the creature quickly. They both turned.

"Do you believe us yet?" It was Chase who asked the question.

"Damnit, it's you guys." I said, glaring at the two. Aaliyah sat there, utterly confused and a bit scared.

"Wha...." She shook her head violently and I began to explain the story.

"Oh...uhm...that's...weird." She said and I nodded.

"But what happened to us then?" She asked.

"I don't know." Mr. Stevenson then stepped out of the shadows.

"Because of the situation, you gave Miss Aaliyah your same power. That's why her eyes are bright blue, all healers have blue eyes. This type of thing is only ever heard of, I've never actually experienced it before...." He trailed off. It was then that I wonderd where he came from, and why he was even here. I opened my mouth to ask him how he knew about all of this, but Chase interupted.

"Anyways, will you be my healer already, Celeste? God, you take forever...." Chase said.

"Why do I have to be your healer, I mean---" I looked at Daniel. "Nevermind."

"Wait, does that mean I have to be Daniel's partener?" Aaliyah whined, glancing nervously at Mr. Stevenson, who wasn't paying much attention to the situation.

"Yep! Chase and I already made a bond, sucks to you!" I snickered at her.

"How did you know we made a bond...?" He asked. I put a hand on the side of his left arm.

"Lucky guess." I said and he winced at my touch.

"Wha---" I noticed the cut on his arm.

"Sh*t! What happened?!" I exclaimed, examining the wound.

"The demon, you idiot! Now heal me!"

"You cocky b*stard...why I oughta....." I was about to finish, but he winced again and I sighed.

"Alright, alright," I put my hand on his wound lightly-instinctivly, wincing because I thought it was sorta gross. I concentrated on it and then started feeling a pain on the side of my left arm as well, then it disappeared and instead my head hurt. He sighed in relief.

"So much better...." He stated. The wound was still there though...He noticed my confusion and quickly added,"I'm pretty sure that healers can only get rid of the pain first, then actually heal the wound." He nodded while saying, glancing at Mr. Stevenson as if looking for reassurence. I shrugged.

"Okay." Mr. Stevenson handed me a first aid kit (did he carry it around all the time?) and I cleaned the wound, then wrapping it up.

"All better!" I exclaimed.

"Do I get a kiss to make it all better?" He asked hopefully.

"Nope." I said and slapped him.

"Whoops, my hand slipped! Can't heal that!" I exclaimed and then looked around to see Daniel and Aaliyah seemingly argueing about something. Hehe. I found it cute for some reason.

I shrugged and walked off, completely ignoring Chase.

"Hey, where are you going?! Are you my healer or what?!" He asked, looking slightly worried. I turned to face him as I was walking.

"Well, I guess it's a sin to waste power given to you, so...why not?" I shrugged and winked at him. I turned to face forward and hit a tree, falling over. Cool moment = destroyed. I heard him laughing and turned to send him a glare, then getting up and running off.






-<3 Madalia & GummiBearJieJie

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