Chapter 3

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Aaliyah's POV:

Still on the ground, I looked up at Daniel, who had a cocky grin plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't just stand there like an idiot, help me up." He glared at me, which ironically made me want to laugh, and put out his hand. I grabbed it and began pulling myself up off the ground, but a spark went through me then. Daniel yelped slightly----real manly----and pulled his hand back, letting me fall back to the ground.

"Oof," I uttered, hitting the ground. I glared at Daniel and stood up. "What the hell?!"

He rubbed his hand and looked at me. "What?"

"You dropped me!"

"Uhm, did you NOT feel that? Hurt like hell." Daniel rubbed his hand again wearily.

"No, what I felt was joy and effin' rainbows shooting through my body," I said sarcastically. "Weather it hurt, or not, that didn't mean you had to drop me!" I turned then, towards Celeste, and power-walked my way over to her. She turned my way, though, and ran into a tree. I burst out laughing, along with just about everyone else.

"Smooth, Celeste. Real smooth."

Mr. Stevenson came into our little circle, now done examining the thing that attacked us. "Ladies, and boys---" he glanced at Chase and Daniel "---we should leave now." He turned to Celeste and I, who'd gotten herself up and stood next to me. "Meet me after school every Monday and Friday, for training."

Daniel came up to join our little circle then, putting his hand around my waist. I smiled and elbowed him in the stomach. He groaned and bent over, clutching his stomach. Mr. Stevenson eyed the both of us. "'Kay, see you Monday!" I said quickly, grabbing Celeste and running back to my house.

Wait. Why were they here? How'd they know we'd be attacked? I asked myself as we reached my house. And how does Mr. Stevenson know about all of this? Maybe I should start paying attention in his class...


-Monday After Scool-

I sighed, outside the door of Mr. Stevenson's room, Celeste right behind me.

"Ready?" I asked. She opened her mouth to reply, but was interupted by clanking metal and the voice of Chase.

"Come on, you can do better than that," he said, sarcasm filling his voice.

I looked back at Celeste, and opened the door, stopping wide-eyed the moment I did. A golden blade was mere inches from my face. I looked from the blade, to it's owner. "Goddamn it, Daniel! Do not kill me! I'm the only thing that can keep you alive." I glared at him as he pulled the blade back.

Mr. Stevenson cut in then, stepping between the idiots he called Warriors. He smiled at us, "Girls, come in. Boys, go take a break."

Celeste's POV:

I held back a laugh at Aaliyah's reply to Daniel almost killing her. I was slightly glad that I was stuck with Chase because Daniel...well, there's not too much to explain, now is there? I smirked to myself and laughed slightly as both boys left and Aaliyah and I entered the classroom.

"Alright girls! Let's get started!" Mr. Stevenson said, clapping his hands together and sitting on his desk with his legs crossed. We both nodded.

"The first thing you need to know is...I can't train you at all." He stated matter-of-factly.

"WHAT?!' Aaliyah and I exclaimed simultaneously.

"You have to learn those things on your own. I used to be a Warrior, not a Healer. Therefore, I can't teach you anything a healer knows." He said.

"But...but then who will?! Healers only come up every 500 years!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not sure. For now, at least, you will have to learn on your own," he replied, seeming in deep thought. Sadness and guilt flash across his face, but quickly left and he looked up. "I'll help as much as I know how. Those two, however," he jerked his chin towards Chase and Daniel "May not."

"Dude man, what the hell!?" Daniel yelled. Chase's lips twitched up into a smile. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Mr. Stevenson, understanding what he meant. Daniel and Chase were idiots. End of story.

"Anyway," he continued, trying to block-out the boys' quarreling, "I believe the two of you should focus on what you are healing, when you--BOYS!"

Both Aaliyah and I turned towards Dumb and Dumber as Mr. Stevenson got off his desk and ran towards the boys. Chase was pressed against the wall, Daniel holding him there with one hand, and his intricate golden sword in the other. Daniel changed for a second. At least I think he did. He looked more...angry. More...not himself. I shook my head, I'm just seeing things. I gave a sideways glance at Aaliyah, who was staring at Daniel, and looked back at the boys.  

Aaliyah's POV:

Daniel let go of Chase, sheathing his sword in the sheath I just now realized they had. Huh, observation skills could use some work. I mentally shook my head. Now was not the time.

*A Minute Prior*

Mr. Stevenson jumped off his desk, rushing towards the two. Chase was against the wall and Daniel was holding him there, his sword in his hand. I opened my mouth to scream at him when the words caught in my throat. Daniel didn't look like Daniel. There was something different about him. I could feel it. Something strained inside of me, but as soon as the feeling came, it went, leaving me confused as hell and staring blnkly at Daniel who seemed perfectly normal. What. The. Hell?

*Present Time*

I looked at Celeste, who looked back at me. Neither of us said anything and we both looked back at Chase, Daniel, and Mr. Stevenson. Mr. Stevenson had apparently been yelling at them the whole time I--and possibly Celeste--were deep in thought. He ran a hand over his face and walked back to his desk and sat down.

Chase looked at Daniel. "Dude man, what. The. Hell?!" It sounded like he was mocking Daniel, but the look on his face said that was only half of what it meant.


I looked down at Daniel's bloodied palm. I wrinkled my nose, GROOOSS!  I looked up and he was staring at me. Creepily. With a side of annoyance.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you going to heal me, or should I not hold my breath?"

I glared at him. "Hold your breath, with that attitude." I looked back at his hand, the red blood pooling quickly. I put my hand over his, a little prick of electricity shooting through the both of us, though neither of us flinched. I closed my eyes, though I could feel Daniel's eyes on me. Swarming slightly under his deep green eyes, I focused on his wound, and the pain rose into my hand and quickly dissipated into my head.

"Ugh," I muttered and Daniel's hand disappeared from under mine. I opened my eyes and looked at him, though he'd turned around and was wrapping his hand. I turned to Mr. Stevenson, briskly looking at Celeste and Chase in the corner of the room. I believe she was practicing too. I shrugged. "Please tell me this won't happen every time," I complained, rubbing my head.

He chuckled slightly. "For now it will. With practice comes pain, with knowledge comes responsibility."

I looked at him. What the hell was that supposed to mean? He put his head down and continued doing whatever he had been doing before. I sneaked a peek. Crap. Grading. Looks like the History Exams. Guess who failed? I DID!  I said, mentally talking to myself. I looked at Celeste. She probably di-- I jumped, spinning around.

"Eesh, jumpy much?" I punched his shoulder. His eyes narrowed, but he smirked. "Don't be so bitchy." Daniel grabbed me, pulling me into a tight hug. Struggling didn't seem to help me any, and I sighed. My face was pressed against his broad shoulder.

"Uhh, Daniel?" I muttered, muffled, "You're suffocating me."

He squeezed me and then let go. I sucked in air and let it out. "What the hell was that for?" I looked up into his deep green eyes. I had just now realized how tall he was; a good foot or so taller than me. Then again I was only 5' 4", but still. His smirk grew. "Uhk, Danieeeeel. You're such a boy." A gross, idiotic one at that. I added to myself.

"Ahww, come on," he joked, poking my stomach. Weiiiiiirrrrrrrrd. I rolled my eyes and patted his shoulder, turning back to Mr. Stevenson, who I just realized had probably just seen and heard everything. "Uhm, I think I'll be going now..." I turned to Celeste, who smiled at Chase. "Celeste, I'll talk to you later."

Mr. Stevenson didn't say anything, but nodded, not bringing his head up from grading. Celeste waved quickly, turning back to Chase, and I walked from the room into the empty hall. My steps echoed against the walls. There was an eerie feeling, leaving me uncomfortable as I walked, but there was a familiarity to the eeriness.

There was a sudden noise behind me, and I turned quicky. Nothing. I sighed. Mid-sigh, I was pushed against the wall. Soft lips fell to mine. My eyes widened. Daniel.


Thanks for reading!

CaitieTehGhostKitteh(GummiBearJieJie): Woo! I actually wrote most of that. ^^ :D

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