Chapter 4

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Muahahaha. Ahaha. HAHAHA. I just got the brilliant idea for the start of this chapter...I hope you enjoy it. XD <3 Madalia


Celeste's POV:

"I think I'll follow Aaliyah home. There's no way in hell I'm gonna sit in here with my History teacher and and idiot, both which happen to be men and have dirty thoughts. No offense, Mr. Stevenson." I said, snickering evily to myself.

"OH, I see how it is. No offense to Mr. Stevenson, but all offense to me." Chase said, pouting. I smacked him.

"You're such a pansy." I stated flatly.

"HEY! What was that for?" He asked.

"I'm still pissed at you for laughing at me when I hit that tree. Plus, I plan to make your life a living hell...please take offense to that." I said, smiling evily and walking out of the room. I'm pretty sure Mr. Stevenson hadn't heard a word I said. What the hell was he doing to those exams...?

I walked down the hall humming to myself and turned the corner. That's when I saw them.

My face turned bright red as I saw Aaliyah and Daniel kissing.


"RAAAARGH!!! YOU B*STARD!!!" I screamed tackling Daniel to the ground and hitting him with a series of intense punches.

"YOU STOLE MY BEST FRIEND'S KISS! YOU SHAN'T BE FORGIVEN!!!" I exclaimed again. Even though my punches weren't doing much, I was hitting him so fast he was having trouble getting me off.

At first Aaliyah seemed shocked and then she had doubled over laughing, but there was a slight hint of disappointment on her face.

Suddenly a pair of long, muscular arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me off of Daniel.

"Celeste! Stop it!" I heard Chase's voice yell at me, but I continued to struggle against his grasp.

"NO! He stole her first kiss AND he's a player, therefore I refuse to let him go without a few more punches!" I yelled back.

"Dude! Man! You gave me a f*cking nosebleed!" Daniel said, leaning his head back and covering his face with his hand. I immediately stopped. Mission accomplished.

I was suddenly spun around.

"What the hell was that?!" Chase asked me. Well crap. Now he looked pissed.

"Uhm...muscle spasm?" I said.

"And I'm the idiot? Jesus...I'm taking you home." He threw me over his shoulder and started walking away.

"He---HEY! WAIT! PUT ME DOWN!" I exclaimed, hiting Chase's back with my fists.

"I'll sue you!" I screamed at him.

"Do you think I care?" He asked.

"You should. I can have you in jail for the next four years." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Uh huh...good luck with that."

"Eh...bye Aaliyah!" I said, waving at her before we turned the corner. She was just recovering from her laughing fit and was helping Daniel nurse his nosebleed. Pansy. Suck it up and take it like a man!

"Do you really trust those two to be together alone after that preformance Daniel put on earlier today?" I asked, still hanging from over Chase's shoulder.

"Can't say. It was strange though, he's never acted like that before...." Chase said.

"Hmmm..." I thought quietly to myself.

"...Are we there yet?" I asked and he face-palmed.

"Dear God." He said and I grinned evily. This would be entertaining.


"Will you PLEASE put me down?" I asked for the fifth time. He was walking me home and I lived pretty far away.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"..." I flicked his ear.

"HEY! Ugh, you're such a pain."


It was silent for a while.

"Chase? Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Where do you live? Why do you act so freely and not care?" I asked and he slightly stiffened.

"I live alone." He stated quietly.

"My Parents died when I was young, but they left me a bunch of money, so since they died I've been wandering around place to place with a little help from my Aunt." I nodded.


"Hey, is this where you live?" He asked, pointing to my house.

"Yep. My humble abode." I said, reffering to my house. It was small and cozy in the middle of the woods, but wasn't too far from town. My parents were almost never there because they worked so late and almost always stayed out. Chase set me down and I pulled out my keys, opening the front door.

'Well...bye I guess." He said, turning to leave.

"Hey, Chase...Wait...." I said, noticing it was really dark outside.

"It's pretty dark out and I was wondering if you might want to stay over for the night?" I asked. He looked a bit surprised.

"Uhm, sure...but won't your parents mind?" He asked.

"No, they're almost never here. Just my lonely self and I." I stated.

"Alright then." He walked in and looked around.

"Nice place." He stated.

"Thanks." I said and showed him to the Guest room which was down the hall.

"...And the bathroom's right next to my room, so yeah. If you need me, just knock. I'm gonna go make us some dinner." He nodded at me and put his stuff down, following me into the kitchen.

That night I ate dinner with him. And for once in a long time, I didn't feel lonely.

*12:00 PM.*

I bolted upright in my bed, looking around my room. The window was wide open and the wind was blowing my curtains ever so slightly.

"Hello...?" I asked, looking around my room. My heart was racing in my chest.

There was no response.

I shrugged it away and slowly layed down, my nerves still on edge. I was about to fall asleep when I felt something slithering ontop of my comforter. I froze.

A giant, black snake with gleaming red eyes and glistening fangs was staring right at me, in front of my face.

It lunged toward me and I screamed, waiting to feel the pain in my arm where it had tried to bite me.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a gleaming, golden sword strike through the snake, it turning into smoke.

I looked up at Chase who was standing there, a strange look in his eyes as he stared right back at me.

I broke down in tears, slightly traumatized. He sat down on the bed and held onto me, I clutching his shirt. And then we fell asleep together.

Aaliyah's POV:

I looked at Daniel as he layed on the floor, holding his bloody nose. A smirk spread across my lips.

"You know, Daniel, you were pretty brave there." I walked around him in circles, my pumps clicking against the schools hard linoleum floors. I stopped in front of him, bending over so I could look him in the eye, our faces mere inches apart.

I looked into his deep green eyes that seemed to just captivate you, but I just glared. Nothing was going to change how I felt at that moment.

"There are two things you need to know, Pretty Boy. 1. Celeste and I have each other's backs. Mess with either of us, and that nose of yours won't be the only thing broken. 2. Never, EVER kiss me again." My words were filled with emotionless certainty, my body, on the other-hand, was filled with stunned UNcertainty.

He didn't say a word. I smiled and kissed his cheek before I walked away, leaving him alone in the hallway. As soon as I stepped out of the build, I stopped. I've never been kissed like that before. There was so much power, so much--- Everything! I shook my head, mentally slapping myself. No. Never.

I stepped into my car that night with nerves going crazy. The whole way home, all I could think about was that kiss. Was Daniel really such a bad guy?


DUDE MAN! Mada, I love the ending to Celeste's POV. xD Nicely done.

XD Thanks, I'm gonna leave this here so that the readers can get some lolz outta it. XD





THANKS! GRACIAS! ARIGATO! MERCI!  (: Mada's addition for Pig Latin speakers: Hankstay!

-Hope everyone is enjoying this.

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