Chapter 5

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Yet again, Mada is writing because she feels damn bored. Oh well. <3 Mada

Caitie: At least you aren't sick! By the way, for those of you who think this is fast paced- It is! Two chapters uploaded in ONE day! Maybe another if we get this done fast enough. (:


Celeste's POV:

I moaned and rolled over, then being pulled closer by the strong arm wrapped around my waist. My eyes snapped open and I began to hit the person in my bed with a barrage of punches.

"GET. OUT. OF. MY. HOUSE!!!" I screamed at the person, him grabbing my arms to stop me.

"Oh, hey, Chase. What's up?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Nothing much. JUST BEING ATTACKED BY YOU!" He yelled and I giggled.

"What? At least give me credit for my epic ninja skills!" I exclaimed, joking around.

"Yeah, well next time try not to---" He froze and his gaze went down to my chest, a smirk replacing his annoyance.

"What the hell're you lookin' a----" I stopped and looked down. I was only wearing a bra. And panties. Shit.

"KYAAAA---! DON'T LOOK AT MY FLAT CHEST!!!" I yelled at him, grabbing a pillow and covering myself with it while pushing him out of my bed. He ran from the room bright red. I sat on my bed, now flustered, and looked at the time. It was 7:00. Crap, if we didn't hurry we'd be late for school!

I opened my door and yelled this at Chase, quickly running to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. While I was in the shower I recalled last night's events. The snake. Chase killing it. Him holding me. Us falling asleep together. I let out a sigh and stepped out of the shower, running a hand through my wet hair.

 What was I gonna do?


Aaliyah's POV:

 I grabbed my backpack and stepped out of my house, locking the door and shoving my keys into my purse. I turned around and stopped. "Daniel, what the hell are you doing here, you stalker?!" I exclaimed, looking at him. There was a bandage on his nose. We both smiled, though for different reasons.

"Oh, I just thought I'd see how you were doing on this beautiful day."

I stepped off my big white porch and walked along the sidewalk towards school, Daniel followed closely behind me. I looked at him over my shoulder.

 "Mmm, really now? Not trying to pull any of your Pretty Boy crap?" I raised an eyebrow.

He shook his head, walking besides me now. "Nope."

We walked in silence for a while as the sun started to spread it's light across everything, leaving dusk shadows. The school was just around the corner, thankfully. I don't think I could stand being around Daniel too much longer. Something rustled behind the bush next to me. My heart seemed to skip a beat and I stared at it. Daniel turned to me, confusion across his face.

"What are you looking at?"

"Something's in the bushes," I replied, not taking my eyes off of it. I could tell he rolled his eyes; he didn't have to do or say anything. I whispered," I'm serious. There's somethi---" I jumped. A little cotton-tail bunny hopped out of the bush. I let out a deep breath. Daniel laughed.

"Come on Miss Scared of Bunnies." I rolled my eyes at his stupid name. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and I let him. My nerves were too sensitive to care. I looked up at him secretly. He looked so serene... So... Arrogant. I laughed to myself. Idiot.

Celeste's POV:

I finished putting my tie on for our school uniform, then pushed up my glasses.

"K, let's go." I said, walking down the road to school.

"We got ready quickly enough, so we shouldn't be late...." Chase was quiet and I went deep into thought. I began thinking about last night again when realization. Chase wouldn't be with me tonight. I'd be alone. What if something happened though? What if Chase wasn't there? What if I died?

"Ch-Chase, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to stay the night again, considering you have nowhere else to go and...." I looked up at him, playing with my hands. He suddenly engulfed me into a hug, stroking my hair gently. I practically melted into him, he had a sort of woods-y scent, kind of like pine trees. I liked pine trees. We sat there for what felt like hours.

"I'll always be here to protect you, Celeste," He whispered into my ear. "Your ninja side can't do the things that I can do to you." My head snapped up to his smirking face. He quickly let go and jogged ahead of me.

Evil, perverted bastard.


I ran down the halls, rushing to class. It was deserted in the corridors, meaning class had already started.

"Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! I'm soooo gonna get it...." I said to myself. I ran into my homeroom class where the teacher hadn't yet come and wiped an invisible sweat from my forehead in relief. I spotted Aaliyah in the room and was about to walk over to her when I was stopped by some boys. Jocks, to be exact. Dear God.

"Oi, you're Celeste, right?" One of them asked and I sighed.

"Yes, dumb ass. Now what'd'ya want?" I asked, annoyed.

"Oh, it's just for future reference." He said, smiling and winking at me. He took a step closer and his hand brushed my side.

"Wow, one day you ignore me and now you get all touchy. Why the hell is that?" I asked.

"You've...changed." He said, a smirk on his face. And normally I don't mind smirks. But this was the smirk. The kind of smirk that pissed me off to no extent. The smirk that said,'I know I'm great, now I'm gonna get in your pants.' But I new I'd changed, after this whole thing had started my face had cleared up and what not. But I was still the same and I honestly hadn't changed that much. These guys were just trying to lay every girl in the school.

"Uh huh, well your face is about to change in a minute." I stated flatly and he laughed.

"Yeah right, what're you gonna d---" Then I straight out socked him in the face. Ahhh, I loved it when teachers were late for class.


Aaliyah's POV:

 I sat at my desk, scribbling boredly on it, my mind elsewhere. When I thought I heard the teacher come in, I looked up. All I saw was Celeste smiling and a jock on the ground, his friends staring wide-eyed at her. "Hey there girly, having a little fun?" I asked. She sat down next to me a laughed, glancing at the boys.

"Yeah, something like that."

The teacher walked in then and both me and Celeste made the "uhk" face. Mrs. Herring smelled like her name. Thank God we sit in the back. She was an ugly old woman with short white hair and the thickest glasses I've EVER seen. She's always complaining about something, though most the time it's her "lazy, no-good husband, George."


-After School-

I grabbed Celeste, pulling her away from her locker. "Come on, we're going to my house." I nearly dragged her out of school. I couldn't stand it there any longer. She struggled against my grip.

"Aaliyah! Lemme go!"

"Noooooo," I whined. I let her go as soon as we got to my car.

"Hmm, your place. Sounds fun."

I turned around. "Daniel, you're sooooooo not coming."

"Ahww, come on. It's not a party without us."

My eyes flickered behind me, to Chase. Both boys smirked. "Uhh, hell no! My house. Neither of you are aloud anywhere near it." I looked at Daniel, hoping he got the message. "And we're just going to hang out. You losers can go party somewhere else."

Daniel chuckled. Chase stepped over to Celeste, who never got the chance to get a word in.

"Aaliyah, you know you want us to come. Who's going to save you from wittle bunny wabbits?" Daniel laughed again, but his face turned serious. "What happens if something comes after you guys and we're not there?"

That struck a nerve. I've been really on-edge since we got attacked in my backyard. I never really feel safe anymore. I clenched and unclenched my jaw. "Fine," I said through gritted teeth, "get in the damn car." Both boys smiled and hopped in.


I looked at Chase and Daniel, tears welling up in my eyes. The thing they'd just killed was the last thing I wanted to see show up at my house. I don't even know how to describe it, but I don't even want to think about it. Celeste stood beside, shock and fear spread across her face as well. Chase grabbed her and took her inside. Daniel sheathed his beautiful golden sword and looked at me.

He looked just about as scared as I was. The tears spilt over as the realization set in. I didn't feel safe at my house anymore. Daniel brought me into a tight hug before I collapsed. Why did my parents have to be out of the country on business? I cried into his shoulder as he held me close.

If the boys didn't come today, I would've been dead. That thing came right at me. Daniel picked me up, carrying me inside and sat down on the couch next to Celeste, who was speechless.

Chase looked sympathetically at the both of us. "I think we're going to have to increase training," he said and looked back at Celeste. "Come on, I'm going to take you back home." He took her hand, pulling her off the couch and out of the house.

Daniel and I sat in near silence for a while, though tears still slipped from my eyes. Traumatized. I was traumatized. Daniel layed his head against mine. "Come on, you're staying with me." I couldn't even protest. I couldn't say a word. My mind wouldn't let me. Daniel carried me to his house(which I hadn't realized was just down the street) and set me on the white leather couch there, where I sat motionless for who knows how long. Why was it always me?


BUM BUM BUUUUM! Not a cliffhanger, but I thought it was needed. (Would be Caite, by the way) Ooo, okay, I'm bored, so.... Who's your favorite(ichi ban (ichiban is one word, hun)) character? Chase, Daniel, Celeste, Aaliyah, Mr. Stevenson, or Mrs. Herring? xDDD Let's take a vote(not that there are many of you reading. Hey, could ya get the word out? ;)) and... Uhm... I'll figure out something special for that character.





Spread the word, please! :D

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