Chapter 6

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I woke up, sitting up on my couch and looked around. There were no lights on in the house and it was dark outside.

"Chase?" I asked, waiting for a reply.


I continued to look around and spotted a note on the coffee table.


I'm going to my house to get some clothes and other things. I've decided that I'm moving in with you, we need to keep you safe. I'll be back soon. Keep the doors and windows locked. Don't go outside. Don't let anyone in. STAY SAFE. You can tell your parents about this later...or not. We'll talk about it when I get back.


A feeling of nervousness flooded through me. Quickly, a checked that all of the doors and windows were locked, then shutting the curtains. I went to the kitchen and turned on the light, sitting on the floor with my head in my hands. It was quiet. TOO QUIET.

I turned on the TV to distract myself from the fear, but it didn't work. I heard a low clicking noise and froze. I hurriedly turned off the TV and the kitchen light, my heart jumping into my throat. I heard the door unlock and swing open. It slammed against the wall and I could hear the wind from outside, blowing into my house. Turning the corner out of the kitchen, I walked into living room where I could get a good view of the front door without being seen.

No one was there.

"Hello?" I asked quietly, my voice shaking. There was no reply.

"Celeste, where are you?" I heard Chase's voice ask,  I breathing out a sigh of relief. Thank God, it was just him.

"Jeez Chase, you scared me!!!! Where are you?" I asked.

"In the kitchen." Came his reply. I nodded and went into the kitchen, but he wasn't there.

"Chase, stop fooling around, get in the kitchen." I said.

"Oh honey, Chase isn't here. Just me." Said a woman's voice. I froze and turned around.

There was a hawk-like creature with bird-like front feet which had sharp talons and a tiger's hind legs. She had an old hag's face that was wrinkled and only a few curly white hairs on the top of her head. Her neck was black and wrinkled while she also had tusks on her face. She smiled at me with sharp, yellow fangs which were very long. I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

"Good, stay quiet. It'll make your death a whole lot quicker. Don't worry, it'll only hurt...a lot." She said and made an attempt to pounce on me. I quickly rolled to the side and she hissed at me. Getting up, I ran out the door and into the forest. I swerved between the trees and used my fear as fuel to keep me running.

"Celeste! Come back! I'll protect you!" I heard Chase's voice again, but I knew it wasn't him. It was that woman. Somehow she had the ability to mimick voices and make her own angelic, even though it was the opposite of her image and personality. 

Suddenly, I came to a rock wall. I had forgetten it was here.

"Damnit!" I cursed and turned to see the creature there.

"Oh dear, you should have just let me kill you back there, now it'll be even worse...." She trailed off, coming towards me. Now she was so close I could smell her putrid stench. It was like rotten eggs and overdated milk. Bleck!

She inched closer and I backed up as far as I could into the wall. I was going to die. Right on this spot. Never to see the world again. And Chase....

There was a sudden perfume of roses in the air and the witch seemed to halt, herself becoming frozen.

"No..." She whispered. "It can't can she can she speak to---" The creature was cut off by a glowing warm light that enveloped us both and turned her to ash. I covered my eyes until the warm, glorious sunshine faded. When I opened them I saw a beautiful woman standing infront of me.

She had long hair that was the shade of mine, just a little bit darker and more red-ish that was put into two pony tails. Her eyes were red as well, but not scary, just welcoming. There was a little black hat that was perched on the side of her head in which I usually would have disliked, but it looked good on her. The outfit she was wearing was a gold sort of dress that went to her mid-thigh and stopped. It was long sleeved with poofy shoulders and black buttons coming down the front until it hit just below her chest. It was frilly, but not too overdone. The most amazing part was her wings though. They were large and golden, seeming to emnate joy and happiness. The woman's complexion was pale with not a blemish in sight. She wore long, black tights as well, and everything to do with her just seemed to sparkle in the light. A few of her golden feathers seemed to fall around us and the scent of roses continued to linger.

"Hello Celeste." She said in the most angelic voice I had ever heard as she smiled at me.

"Who are you...?" I asked in awe.

"I am the angel inside of you," Came her response and she nodded at me. I didn't know how to reply so she continued on. "I am your angelic side, the part of you in which enables you to heal and transfer powers. I will teach you through your dreams from now on. Soon you will be able to master healing and transform into me. Then you will be undefeatable, even by the closest of friends. You are strong Celeste, never forget that." She said, smiling still.

"Woah...." The angel nodded in an understanding way.

"But don't worry, I am part of your soul. I am part of you. Not an angel possessing you. Just a sort of...figment of your imagination, you could say." She stated clearly and picked up one of her golden feathers which had fallen.

"Here, take this," She said, handing my the feather. A golden chain was suddenly attached to it. "If you wear it around your neck, I will be able to contact and train you. However, I cannot save you from harm again like I did this time."

"This But...when can I turn into you? How will I do that?" I asked.

"When you are ready you can. It is something that resides deep within the heart. You will learn soon." She said smiling at me.

"However, now it is time for me to go. Tell your friend about this. Her angel will be contacting her as well. Stay beside Chase, he will protect you for now. Remember Celeste, you are strong." She said and disappeared. The rose scent lingered, but slowly drifted away. I returned home wearily to Chase who bombarded me with questions that I didn't answer.

I needed sleep.

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