Chapter 7

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Hey all, this is Madalia writing because Caitie won't. XD Hope you enjoy this chapter! Thanks for the reads, comments, and votes! :D <3

Hey, I'm sick and busy. And lookie here, I'm writing now. -.-


Celeste's POV:

Celeste woke up to the creak of her door. She kept her eyes closed, peeking out of them, but making it seem as if she was still asleep.

Chase crept into her room, silent as a ninja. She watched as he made his way over to the side of her bed and looked down upon her, longing written all over his face. Chase's hand came down and stroked the side of her cheek, those big, warm hands of his sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. The electricity she felt when he touched her always left her in shock, but made her feel good.

Ignoring the feeling, she continued to watch Chase as he watched her, still thinking she was asleep. Slowly he bent down and placed a kiss on her lips, leaving Celeste stunned. Celeste did her best not to make him realize that she was awake and kept her eyes closed even though her heart was beating a billion times a second.

Chase pulled up the covers and crawled in next to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled Celeste close and she seemed to fit perfectly next to him, almost as if they were made to be. Chase's lips went to her ear and whispered these words to her:

"Did you like that?"

Celeste's eyes popped open in shock. He knew she was awake the whole time! A low chuckle escaped his lips and she layed there, tense and motionless.

"I---" Celeste was about to respond when she heard the low snores of Chase. He was asleep.

Celeste lay there perplexed, replaying the kiss in her mind. What was this feeling? Why did he kiss her? A light bulb went off in Celeste's head.

She was in lo---NO! She wouldn't say it! Celeste was never and would never feel that way about him.  Ignorant bast*rd. She then remembered that Chase was right there. Asleep. In her bed. Arms around her waist.

Celeste turned beet red and tried to wriggle from his grasp, only to fail. She sighed. There was no way she was getting out. Shrugging to herself she went to sleep.

Chase was an idiot. And that was all. There was no way she would ever love him...hopefully.


"Rise and shine, Celeste!" Chase whispered in Celeste's ear.

"Agh...shut up, you idiot...." Celeste moaned, picking up a pillow next to her and throwing it at Chase's face.

"Celeeeeessssttteeeeeeeeeeee! Wake up!" He said a bit louder.

"No, now go away..." She replied, putting her pillow over her head.

"I'll use force!" She heard him say, but was too tired to care.

"Mmm...OK...." Celeste said and was suddenly being crushed by something.

"GAH! I'm up!!!!" She screamed, head smacking into Chase's.

"OWW!" They both exclaimed.

" ((Pretty much just translates into idiot, if you want  an exact explanation, just ask.))" Celeste whispered, clutching her forehead. Ouch....

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" She asked.

"Waking you up." He replied coolly.

"Uh huh...and why did you come to my room last night?"

"I got bored."

"Do it again and there's a possibility you'll die."

"Nah, I doubt that."

"Your death."

"If I die, so do you."

"And what makes you think that?"

"I have my reasons."

Celeste huffed and pushed Chase out of her room. A lot had happened in the past few days and she needed to talk to Aaliyah. Where was that girl anyways?

~Aaliyah's POV~

The day before:


The house was quiet and I couldn't find the idiot anywhere. I turned out of the kitchen and back into the living room where I'd woken up. Finding the stairs, I cautiously walked to the second floor. The silence was thick, and after everything that's been going on, I'm trufully a little scared to be alone.

"Daniel?" My voice seemed to echo through the big house. "Seriously. Where are you?"

There was a creak and I turned around quickly, looking frantically for where it came from. And what it came from. "D-Daniel? Come on... We have to get to school..."

A thump made me turn back around.

"What-'cha doin'?"

I jumped, turned, and flung my arms in every direction hoping to save myself.


I burst out laughing. I'd just punched Daniel in the eye. "Aha! Teach you to sneak up on me again!"


Walking through the halls, trying not to laugh was incredibly hard. Everyone was staring at Daniel, behind me. No, it wasn't because he was super hot(according to the naiive((yes, two "I"s because I wanted that little two-dot thingy)) girls at our school) or anything like that, it was the giant black-purple color surrounding his eye. I walked into Homeroom and grumbled quietly to myself. I hate Mrs. Herring.

I sat down and looked to my right. Empty. Where's Celeste?


Yeah, it's OK, but not great. I got  bored and didn't really know what to do. Kind of just a filler, y'know? Well, yeah. Next chapter should be better.

 *Listens to Free Credit commercial.* Hm. Catchy.

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