CH.13: Rescue

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As a week passed on Y/N was relaxing for once, he save Koa from being raided by a large bandit group called Tusk. Y/N fended them all off so they never even got the chance to enter the city. So far it's been peaceful here in Koa, and Y/N felt like he disserved it, he's been fighting non stop since he came here. Y/N was relaxing on the front porch with Yuki and Lucy. Yuki has her head in his lap while Lucy was laying down in the grass next to the porch. He felt Yuki groaning and talking in her sleep with a goofy smile on her face, with a tad bit of slober coming out of the side of her mouth.

Yuki: "Love you Papa.... You're... the ... best Papa... ever."

She continues to lightly snore and Y/N pats her head and her smile slightly go wider. After the week Y/N was finally able to get all of his Berserker armour off, so now he can wear whatever he wants. Right now he has a set of raven black casual armour with a pair metal boots on as well.

But when he needs it he can summon his berserker armour. But for he just wants to relax for awhile. While the week passed Yuki wanted to have Lucy as her Mama, Lucy was extremely happy and accepted that title right away. As of right now nothing can absolutely ruin this moment right. Y/N decided to lean his head back and looked up at the sky.

Y/N: "It's such a nice day out."

???: "Berserker Hero!"

Then Y/N deadpans and sighs.

Y/N: "Just My Luck."

As Y/N looked toward the gate he seen a familiar armoured man run through his gate.

????: "I'm sorry to get you right now resting but I need your help."

Y/N then lightly layed Yuki next himself so she can continue to nap. Then Y/N stood up at his full height and just his height alone made this man slightly shiver.

Y/N: "Ok, what's the problem?"

The man then clasped his hands together and did a light bow.

????: "Thank you, now onto why I'm here. Yumiko is in trouble."

Y/N's eyes went wide open, he remembered Yumiko, she gave him the egg Lucy hatched from.

Y/N: "Ok.... tell me what happened."

What he told Y/N was is something he, well both of them didn't like. At first it was more of the Church Assassins tried to kidnap her and torture her for information two days ago, Slayer was going to rescue her and kill those assholes, but irony got to them first. Beasts that survived the waves got to them and he can find Yumiko anywhere at where she was last seen. Before he was chased off by a powerful Monster but he was able to track her to a cave but it also appeared to be some ancient ruins as well. He said there were old carvings in the stone he'd never seen before. So the cave is extremely unexplored so she might be lost in that cave. She might be dead for all he knows but he doesn't want to think that way.

As he finished his story to the new Berserker he leaned on a beam pondering what he should do. As he was pondering his daughter was awake and listened to what happened and she stared at he dad with the dreaded puppy eyes with her ears drooped down, she started to look like the one cat he had a big love for, a Scottish Fold. As she continued to stare at her with her pleading eyes he finally caved in. He sighed and facepalm, God dam her cuteness is overwhelming.

Y/N: "Yeah, I'll help."

Then Yuki hugged his leg and he patted her on the head.

Y/N: "So where is that cave you said she was lost in?"

Slayer: "I'll grab my map and show you where."

Slayer grabbed his map and he showed Y/N where the cave is, good thing is it's not too far away to travel long but also far enough if a big fight breaks out Y/N won't hold back his punches.

Y/N: "Ok I'll get a bag ready to travel."

As Y/N was about to do that he saw his daughter in the doorway with a bag on her back. He instantly knew what she was doing.

Y/N: "No... No no no no no."

Yuki: "Yes, I wanna go with you papa."

Y/N: "Look Yuki I know you want to come along with me but please, this is dangerous. There will be monsters where we'll be heading."

Yuki then looked down saddened. Then he knelt down in front of her.

Y/N: "Listen, I just don't want you to get hurt ok. If anything happened to you..... I would never be able to forgive myself."

Yuki then hugged him.

Yuki: "Don't worry papa, I will be careful, and I will be safe because I'm with you."

She let go of the hug and after a minute of pondering Y/N gave in and he transformed into an armour set that he unlocked after winning the bandit raid and leveling up. Even his Greatsword changed too.

Y/N: "Ok, BUT you stay close to me at all times and if I tell you to run you run, got it."

Yuki: "Yeah! I'll do what you say papa!

He patted her head again then Lucy came out with a large bag too.

Lucy: "Welp let's get this show on the road."

Lucy transformed into her dino form and the bag she has on her back makes for a makeshift saddle for Yuki. Next Slayer was sharpening his short sword and readed his own bag. Once all the packing was done they all got on Lucies back, she roared and set out for a new mission for the time being.


In the cave Yumiko was surrounded by dead bodies of monsters. She fearfully stared at an extremely tall man in black armour with a blue cloak and big sword. She remembers seeing tales of this man, but she thought he'd be dead from age.

Yumiko: "Is it actually you?

Then the heavily armoured man walked up to her and growled, and slowly spoke.

????: "STAAAAY"

Then the knight turned around and seen some other monsters that had glowing blue eyes. They all stood at attention of the knight looking at them. The knight lifted his hand and clinched it making a crunching metal sound.

????: "Hunt him down."

Then the blue eyed monsters all roared. Then the large group of monsters ran past Yumiko and the knight. He then grabbed Yumiko by the hair and dragged her deeper in the cave, she screamed and hitting his hands. The monsters continued to run past them.

????: "And bring me back anything ... useful."

Sorry if this is short but I decided to upload what I had for you guys.
Sorry if I updated this again, the Revision function deleted the last moment that I wrote earlier.

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