CH.14: The Cave

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As Y/N and company made it to the cave they immediately disembarked Lucy and she quickly transformed into her human form. Slayer looked around and he found his 'friends' bag in a bush near the caves entrance.

Slayer: "This is definitely Yumikos bag."

Y/N looked around and he couldn't for anything else suspicious, but so far nothing. But as he stood at the entrance of the cave he got an odd feeling in his gut, deep gut. Something didn't feel right. He felt something something on his right shoulder and he saw it was Lucy smiling at him. Then the deep feeling in him settled and he smiled under his helmet. And his daughter was in front of him now with a concerned look on her face.

Yuki: "Are you ok Papa?"

Y/N lightly chuckled and he patted his daughters head.

Y/N: "Don't worry my kitten, I'm fine, I'm just worried. Mainly for you."

Yuki lightly chuckled from the head pat. Then something popped up in Y/N's hud that he unlocked something. What he saw was a.....


Y/N quickly checked it, grabbed his Greatsword off his back and tapped on the new emblem that resembled something like a hammer. Once he pressed the button, his Greatsword transformed into a big WarHammer!

Y/N: "Well look at that."

Yuki: "Is that a new weapon papa!!?"

He looked down at Yuki but she has stars in her eyes looking at the heavy hammer in his hands.

Y/N: "Y-yes it is sweetie."

Lucy: "That hammer looks strong Y/N! Can I hold it?!"

Y/N looked at the hammer and handed it to her.

Y/N: "Sure, knock yourself out."

He handed his lovely demi-human the hammer but once it land in her hand it INSTANTLY dropped to the ground making a large ploom of dirt from it landing on the ground. Lucy still had a grasp on the handle and she tried lifting it up again while growling like an animal with her sharp teeth showing.

Lucy: "What... THE... Hell... It's so HEAVY!"

Lucy stopped and let go of the handle and fiddles with her hands, and looks at Y/N with a baffled expression.

Lucy: "How in the hell are you able to lift that!?"

Yuki: "Can I try papa?"

Y/N: "Sure give it a try."

Lucy: "She's going to break her... poor... hands..."

Both Y/N and Lucy looked at Yuki dumbfounded because Yuki was swinging around the hammer as if it weighted like nothing. She was ever giggling and she even raised the hammer with both hinds and yelled "ROAR!" She kept yelling around with a deepened voice acting alot like her dad when he goes on a rage. Both Lucy and Y/N almost fainted from seeing that mass of cuteness with a weapon. Even for Slayer he lightly smiled under his helm from seeing that.

Slayer: "Ok I think that's enough dilly dallying, we need to get back to the mission at hand."

Yuki stopped flying around her father's maul and sent pouty glare at Slayer.

Slayer: 'Ooo I'm shaking in my boots. Thats..... cute.'

Yuki: "No fair."

They did waist a few minutes from letting Yuki have some fun, both her adopted parents don't mind it but unfortunately Slayer needs to fund his friend. So Yuki begrudgingly give her father's hammer back to him. Then they went ahead and enter the cave. The group also noticed lots of slashes and gashes within the cave walls from the flaming light from a torch Y/N put together quickly. Yuki began to shake from fear of seeing lots of slashes on the walls, she recognized some slash marks because she seen a few before. She also hid behind Lucy.

Yuki: "Momma I'm scared."

Lucy: "Don't worry Yuki I'm here, your strong papa's here too."

She pointed at Y/N who's in front of the two with his Greatsword out just in case if anything comes their way. Even slayer was on his left having his eyes look in all directions. They suddenly hear a roar at the end of the cave so they instantly stopped, Y/N gripped his Greatsword and pointed it at the source. Even Slayer had his small shield and short sword out. For Lucy she put Yuki behind her with her claws out, she won't let anything get to her. The group heard stomping and it was getting louder, out of the shadows a Lizardman with a short sword lunged at them but Y/N quickly reacted by thrusting his sword at the lizardman. It went through his chest and out its back instantly killing it. Suddenly another lizardman jumped at him but was suddenly was met with metal claws into its throat. They heard another roar but it wasn't another Lizardman, Y/N on the other hand felt something was off.

Y/N: "Listen, everyone go back to the cave entrance."

Lucy: "But Y/N...."

He put up his clawed gauntlet and stopped her mid sentence.

Y/N: "Something feels off here, please look after Yuki while I go in further. Slayer, please look after them while I head deeper in this cave, don't worry I will find Yumiko."

Slayer looked at Yuki and Lucy, he stared back at Y/N with a light glare.

Slayer: "Please find her, and Don worry I'll keep them safe."

Y/N nodded and the trio slowly headed to the entrance but Yuki ran to her father and hugged his leg.

Yuki: "Please be safe papa!"

Y/N smiled and rubbed her head.

Y/N: "Don't worry Yuki, I'll be back. Then we can take a nap together when we get back home ok."

Yuki smiled happily and gave one last squeeze before going back to Lucy. As their forms vanished in the dark Y/N looked back at the other end of the cave he proceeded forward while his visor glowed an eerie red.

Back at the Cave Entrance

The Trio set up a small campfire while roasting a rabbit. It's been awhile since they made it to the entrance, Yuki has been watching the entrance since they made it back. She's worried, the cat girl can't tell what it is but there's a pit in her stomach she can't satiate. But as she was about to ask her mom if her dad was going to be ok but the three suddenly feel the ground shaking, then lots of roaring came from the cave. Lucy got ready along with Slayer, but unfortunately for them something else is coming toward them. After a minute suddenly two figures busted out of the mountain side both had a wild and bloodthirsty aura around them. She noticed it was her father and someone else who's the same size as him. The other fighter pushed Y/N into a tree

She was scared because whoever this is, is able stand toe to toe with her father The Berserker Hero.

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