Indiana Jones: Archaeology Class

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I woke up again to sunlight in my eyes. That's when I realized I was sitting in a classroom. I internally groaned, thinking that this magic was going to make me get an education from what seemed like the 1930's. However, when I saw the professor walk in, I knew exactly where I was.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is set in 1935. Doctor Jones was teaching this class of students, and I was certain I didn't fit in with my attire. I shrunk down in my seat, crossing my arms in front of my shirt, thankful this strange magic had sat me in the very back of the classroom. However, Dr. Jones noticed me right off and threw me a questioning look as he began the lecture. I avoided his gaze and listened. I wasn't into archeology, so I had no interest in his lecture, but I paid attention nevertheless. After class was over, I moved to stand from my desk, but Dr. Jones shot me a look, which made me stay where I was. I squirmed a little in my seat as the other students filed out and Dr. Jones made his way up to me.

"Who are you, why are you here, and what are you wearing?" He asked me, standing menacingly over my desk with his arms folded.

I laughed sheepishly. "Well... It's a long story. My name is Makayla, I am wearing clothes, and I don't know why I'm here. Dr. Jones, I am going to be completely honest with you right now. I have no idea how I got here, and I live almost one hundred years into the future. I am from 2018, and have been transported around all day long to various places and times. Just a moment ago, I was in 1987 with MacGyver. I know it sounds like nonsense, but you must believe me."

He looked me up and down with a skeptical glare. "Assuming what you're saying is true, how does it work?"

"Um, that's a long story. You might want to sit down." I said, and he did. I took in a deep breath, then began. "I woke up this morning, happy and chipper. I'm not a morning person, so of course this was slightly unusual. I got myself around and clean, then decided to take a walk. It was a warm, overcast day. Suddenly, some wind came out of nowhere. It was strong wind, and I could walk no further. So, I stood in my place. That's when an extra strong gust came and threw me backwards. I hit my head hard and blacked out." I started to hear how ridiculous I sounded. Maybe this is all a dream.

I continued. "When I woke again, I was far away from where I lived. 1,200 miles, give or take. I don't know how I got there, but I was there. After I spent some time there, I blacked out again. When I woke up, I found myself to be on the other side of the nation, 2,500 miles away. I woke up in different spots of the same city three times. Then, I ended up in the same city, but it was thirty-one years earlier. After that, I ended up here, in Connecticut."

"Hm... There doesn't seem to be a pattern with your traveling. The first four were in your time, you said?" Indiana Jones asked. I nodded a bit, sighing. I reflected on today and all the great memories I've made already. "Were there any connections between you and the places you involuntarily traveled to?"

I thought for a moment. "Well, I traveled to people's workspaces. I was a fan of their jobs and what they did. It's in my time, so I won't go into detail, but they basically had moving pictures of themselves that they put onto this world wide web where anyone could see it. I was among many of their fans and they were some of my favorite people. I ended up in the 1980's because there was a show I was a fan of that took place there. I ended up in of my favorite episodes. Then, I was transported here, to your time. In my time, there are... Documentaries of your life. I really liked them, so I suppose that's why I am here now."

Indy looked taken aback by my explanations but stood up. "Interesting."

I stood up as well, walking over and hugging him. "Keep doing what you're doing, Indy. I wish you well on your adventures." My vision became spotty and impaired. "I should go now but thank you for talking with me." I told him.

He hugged me back, then slipped something into my pocket. "Safe travels, my friend." He told me. I blacked out a moment later.

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