Star Wars: Who Shot First?

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I woke up to a familiar tune, which I knew all too well. The cantina band music. I opened my eyes to the dim lighting of the cantina, sitting in a booth by myself. I knew I would stand out with my current attire, but that's when I saw Greedo walk into the bar. Knowing what would happen next, I carefully observed from my empty booth. Now I'll settle the dispute once and for all. Who shot first? I thought, not taking my eyes off Greedo, who pushed Han backwards into the booth. Greedo sat across from him, speaking in Rodese, which I didn't understand, but Han caught every word of. Han looked very chill about his life being threatened. "Yeah, but this time I got the money." Han claimed. Greedo spoke again, then Han took his turn. "I don't have it with me. Tell Jabba-" Greedo cut him off. I could tell he had an itchy trigger finger, but I knew Han did too.

"Even I get boarded sometimes. You think I had a choice?" Han said. I knew it was coming soon as Greedo spoke once again, seemingly becoming more and more frustrated with Han. "Over my dead body." Han said smoothly. I was on the edge of my seat, waiting. After Greedo spoke for the last time, Han leaned forward and said sassily, "Yes, I bet you have." Then, I heard a blaster shot and Greedo fell to the table, limp.

I laughed a bit. "Of course, Han shot first. Greedo didn't even have enough time to pull the trigger." I said to myself.

I got up from my table and followed Han outside, following him to his ship, where he turned on me and pinned me to a wall, blaster in hand. "Why are you following me?"

I gasped, then laughed a bit. "Han Solo, you're amazing." He had taken me by surprise, but I knew I had to be careful, so he didn't, you know, shoot me. "It's a complicated story, but I'm from the future, and from a galaxy far, far away. Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you."

Han backed off a bit, but remained tense, blaster in hand. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I need to go prepare my ship."

I laughed. "It's already the fastest ship in the galaxy. What are these 'preparations'?"

"Nothing of your concern, miss. I'm glad you think the world is beautiful and all, but not everything out there is beautiful." He said, motioning to my shirt.

"Whoa, where'd that come from? I didn't mean to hit a nerve." I became a bit confused. "Honestly, Han, I just wanted to see you. You're my favorite person in the galaxy, all the way. You live a long time, you know. I've seen your future. Just so you know, your ship isn't taken away over your dead body. You lose it for a while until this scavenger girl finds it." I laughed a bit. "But, that's not for thirty years or so. I just found it ironic that you said that today, yet it happens in the future."

"What?!" Han pivoted quickly to me. "Who?! When?! Where?! Why?! How?!" He demanded.

"Honestly, I can't answer all of those questions. I never really cared for the sequels." I told him.

He growled. "Can't or won't?!" He backed me against the wall again, his blaster held to my stomach.

"Can't. First, I can't spoil your future too much. I'll cause a paradox or something. Secondly, I don't really know too much more about it because I didn't read about it. I heard you say something about it, but I didn't quite catch everything. All I know is really what I told you before. Your ship is taken from you before you die. Don't worry though, you'll get it back before you die." I told him.

He pushed me into the wall in frustration, then moved back to his ship. "The Falcon is the only thing I have to call home. Whoever takes it from me better be willing to fight."

"Didn't you win it in a bet?" I asked, though I already knew the answer. Han won it against Lando in a game of Sabaac, a popular card game in the galaxy, and like Poker on Earth. Han had been on Bespin at the time, and the game lasted around four rotations. They had been in a vast group at first, but the others were eliminated, and it came down to Han and Lando. Lando had promised at the beginning that whoever won would pick a ship from his lot to keep, and the winner happened to be Han Solo. I even read somewhere that Han taught Lando how to fly.

"Yeah, I did. What's it to you, kid?" He asked.

"Well, where did you live before that?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Why should I tell you? You've caused me nothing but trouble so far." Han said.

I furrowed my brows. "Nothing but trouble? What trouble have I caused you, sir?" I crossed my arms. "If anything, you've caused me much trouble. I believe threatening to shoot me with that blaster of yours is trouble."

"And I think your questions are trouble. Now, shut up and leave me alone before I do more than threaten you."

"Empty words from an empty man. Don't worry, you'll find love soon enough." I laughed. "I just wanted you to know that you'll always be my favorite person in the galaxy."

"You make no sense, kid." Han said, glancing at me as he "prepared" his ship.

I walked over to Luke and Ben who were walking into the docking bay. "Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. You two are a sight for sore eyes." I smiled at the confused men, then put a hand on Luke's arm, letting my face fall. "I'm really sorry about your aunt and uncle, Luke. Don't worry, I know things will get better from here. Trust me."

Although confused, Luke gave me a small smile. "Thanks, miss...?"

"Makayla. You can call me Kay if you'd like." I told him. "You're so amazing Luke. I know you'll be going through some rough times in the future, but they're going to end out in happiness, I promise. Never forget that things will get better." I gave him a tight hug.

Ben spoke to me. "Thank you, but I believe we should be going now."

I nodded, knowing the stormtroopers were going to attack soon. "Good luck." I told them before running through the doorway. I had to slow the stormtroopers down to make sure the heroes didn't take a lot of damage escaping. However, when I met with the troopers, there was little I could do to stop them. I held a few of them off, but they quickly pushed me to the ground and continued. I got up, only to fall over in dizziness again. My time in my fantasy was over.

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