Best Friend Finchel

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"Going outside to play with Rachel mom." He shouted towards the kitchen as he grabbed his ball.

His mom peeked around the corner, "Alright Finn, but please stay out of the street. And say hi to the Berry's for me." She smiled as she watched her eight year old son run out the door.

"Hey Rachel, whatcha humming to today?"

She looked up smiling as he walked over to where she was, "Hi Finn. The Wizard of Oz... have you ever seen it?"

He shook his head.

"Well, you can come over and watch it if you'd like."

"Sure. Okay." He smiled as he took a seat down next to the pretty little girl who lived next door.

"Hey Finn?"


"Is it weird that your my best friend, since you're a boy." She smiled as she began to draw a picture of the two of them as stick figures holding hands.

"Nope. Because you're my best friend too Rachel." She smiled as she handed him a piece of chalk.


He looked up at the clock that read 2:30am and stumbled up trying to find the phone. "Hello?"

"Sorry to wake you up Finn. I just, I'm worried. He didn't come back."

He sat up quickly when he recognized her voice on the other end, "It's alright Rach. He'll be back, your dads love each other, you know that. Parents argue all the time, and sometimes they just need space."

He frowned when he heard the tears on the other line, "Hey Rach, I'll stay up on the phone with you until you fall asleep okay!"

"No Finn. You have football practice tomorrow. I don't want to keep you up."

"Nonsense, I'll be fine. You need me."

"I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend Finn. I love you, you know that."

"Yeah, me too."


"Alright you two, get together for a picture."

Finn grabbed Rachel pulling her close and smiling for Mr. Berry.

"You guys look great!" Carole smiled as she jumped in to fix Finn's tie.

"Thanks mom."

"Thank you Carole." Finn looked over at Rachel who looked exceptionally beautiful tonight.

"It's a good thing my best friend is a girl, I can't imagine going to my Senior Prom with one of the guys."

She laughed as she elbowed him, "You're just lucky I didn't already have a date."


"Rachel Barbra Berry!"

Finn stood up and cheered as loud as he could as his best friend made her way across the stage. She looked over at him and waved. He was so proud of her.

"Finn Christopher Hudson!"

He looked over into the crowd of students and there she was, crying of course. "Yay, Finn!"


"Are you sure you don't want your dads to drive you to the Airport?" Finn looked through his bedroom window and saw her pacing back and forth making sure she had all of her things packed and ready to go.

Rachel tucked the phone under her ear as she grabbed one of her bags, "I already told you, they can't they have to be on the road for the convention before my plane leaves, and I don't want to sit at the airport for a few extra hours... Please Finn."

"Alright. I'll be more than happy to."

"Thanks you're the best." She slumped down on to her desk as she looked out the window and saw him starring as she waved.

"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow. I'm so proud of you Rach."

"Thanks Finn. And you Mr. Football Scholarship, I'm the proud one. My boy is all grown up. OSU is going to love you Finn."

She laughed a little. She was really going to miss him.

"We'll still be best friends right? I mean I can still call you at all hours of the day and night for advice or to just talk?"

Rachel was shocked as she looked over at him across the way, "You better. If I found out you replaced me, I will never speak to you again. And I expect you to come visit."

"Oh I will, I can't wait. Be careful though, NYC can be beautiful but also scary."

"Best friends Forever."

"Best friends forever Rach. I promise."


They kept in contact for a while. He'd visit, she'd come home for the holiday's. Like he promised they stayed best friends. But in the end, time and distance slowly drifted them apart. She was growing up, and the city was keeping her busy. Finn continued with school and football. Soon long night phone calls turned into long emails, which then turned into short emails. And soon enough nothing. Of course not a day went by that either of them never thought of each other.

It'd been 6 years since she last saw him.


"Hi, can I get the usual. Black with Skim milk please." She smiled up at the coffee guy as she fumbled through her purse looking for change... "Thank you."It was another normal day in the city. She walked along the streets as she did everyday on her way to work. She'd landed her second role on Broadway, and though it'd taken longer than she'd expected, she was thankful for everything she'd been given.

Finn walked around holding a map in his hands trying to figure out where the building was. He hadn't been back to the city in years and he sure wasn't an expert on getting around easily. After college he began working for an agency as an agent for athletes. He'd been sent to NYC to check out the new office building they were opening, if all things went well, he'd be the new head agent there. He'd been given the night off to enjoy the city and when he saw her poster, he knew exactly what he was going to do.

She gave her last bow as the curtain closed and applause filled the theater. She smiled and gave her co star a big hug. She ran towards the back to her dressing room and began to change. Before she could finish changing, she was interrupted by a light tapping on the door.

"Come in."

She turned around to see one of the stage managers present, "Hi, Rachel, I'm sorry to bother you, but you have a guest."

Rachel smiled, "Its fine Lilly.. and thank you, who is it?"

"I'm not sure. He said he's an old friend?"

"Oh, okay, well you can send him in." She turned around picking up her robe and wrapping it tightly around herself.

"Rachel?" She turned around and there he was, Finn Hudson, holding a tiny bouquet of flowers.

"Oh my god, Finn?" Before he could even respond she'd thrown herself into his arms.


Lilly smiled as she watched the two of them and closed the door to the dressing room.

"What are you doing here? In New York. At my show? In my dressing room?" She smiled as she pulled him in for another hug.

"I'm here for work, and when I saw your poster, well I had to come see you. You were amazing."

"Thank you, so much. I can't believe you're here. This is incredible.... I'm sorry I'm not dressed completely." She laughed a little as she looked down at her robe and her half undone hair.

"Oh, sorry, I can let you finish." He smiled as he handed her the flowers.

"Thanks. These are beautiful.. and yea, um what are you doing right now? I'm kinda starving, would you wanna grab some dinner? Catch up?"

"Yea, sure, I'd love that." Finn's eyes lit up with excitement. He was so happy. He'd never forgotten how amazing she was, but to see her, after all of these years. It felt like Christmas morning or something. And boy, had she gotten even more beautiful than he could remember, if that was even possible.

"Alright, I'll meet you out in front in about fifteen minutes. I know a great place down the street."

"Okay, I'll see you then." She smiled at him as he turned around and headed towards the door.

"Hey Finn?"

He turned around quickly... "Yea?"

"You look great. I missed you."

"I missed you too Rach."

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