Chater 2

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He stood outside the theater looking around and all that New York City had to offer at night. He began to tense up a bit when he realized what he was waiting for.


He turned around and smiled as she walked up to him. "Hey. You ready?"

"Yea, what are you in the mood for? I know a great little Italian place not to far from here?" She smiled and wrapped her arms around her, it was cold out tonight.

"Sounds great, lead the way you new yorker you."


"So, how longs it been?" She looked over resting her head on her arm.

"Too long." He sat up as he took a sip of his soda.

"I know. I missed you. Things just got so crazy you know... But I can't believe you're here and its just so great to see you."

"You too Rach, you look... amazing. I'm so proud of you."

She looked down as her cheeks slightly turned pink, "Thanks. I mean it took longer than expected, but here I am. In New York City. On Broadway. Its incredible really... And you? What are you doing now?"

"In easy terms, I'm a sports agent. I work for one of the main agency's in the Midwest. We're looking to opening up a branch here, and so they sent me out to finish up the paper work. If all goes well, I'll be transferred."

"Wait to New York? You'll live here too?" The smile on her face stretched from ear to ear.

"Yea. I hope so."

"Well look at you, now who's the proud one. That's great Finn, I'm really happy for you." She looked over at the very good looking guy who sat across the booth from her, even after all of these years, that dopy smile of his still made her weak in the knees. Gosh, she'd really missed him.

"So what else is going on... How is your mom? I ask about her when I call and check in with my dads. Any girlfriends? You're not married with ten kids are you? Because then you would have broken one of our rules... I mean you know I have to approve all of your girlfriends."

She laughed a little at the thought of him being married, but it was probably because she never thought any girl was ever good enough for her best friend. He laughed at the thought of himself being married, "No. No kids or wife. And no girlfriends at the moment either. Work was getting hectic and she didn't like that... but anyway mom is doing well thanks."

He wanted to ask... 'Do it Hudson' he mumbled to himself. "So what about you, any boyfriends or husbands I should know about?"

Rachel laughed spitting out a tiny bit of her drink that she had just sipped on. "Please, me married? No, and as far as boyfriends go, not right now. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

"And why not?" He looked over at her with a puzzled look.

"Well, Finn, to be completely honest, you did manage to ruin almost all of my relationships in HS and even when I'd just moved here..." She folded her arms across her chest giving him a look.

"That's not true. They just, they weren't good enough, I was just trying to protect you. I'm your best friend its my job."

"Well, I'm glad you did it. They were all losers anyway... What are you doing tomorrow?"

Finn smiled with hopeful eyes, "I have a meeting in the morning and then, I have the rest of the day to myself, why?"

"Perfect." She smiled as she took out a piece of paper and pen.

"What's perfect?" He looked around confused trying to see what she was writing down.

"We can spend the day together. I don't have a show tomorrow and my rehearsal will be done early... here's my address. The apartment isn't to far from here, its actually just around the corner, so if you get lost just come here and call me I'll come get you." She handed them the tiny piece of paper before grabbing her coat and bag...."It is an early rehearsal so I should get going."

Finn stood up quickly grabbing his things and turning to face her. "Yea, of course.... This was fun."

She nodded as he followed her out. They stood outside awkwardly for a second when Rachel grabbed him and pulled him in close for a hug, "This was amazing Finn, I'm so glad you're here."

She kissed him softly on the cheek before turning to walk back to her apartment and shouting back. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Rach." He watched her until she disappeared in the night. And for a second he realized why Rachel Berry was always his best friend. He loved her.

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