Chapter 3

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Ok guys this is the last chapter for Best Friend Finchel so I hope I guys like ok bye

Patty ❤️💗

He tapped on the door a few times, and anxiously waited.

"Finn, Hey!" She jumped up and into his arms when she opened the door and saw him standing on the other side.

He smiled grabbing her tightly, "You know I just saw you no more than 14hours ago right?" He laughed a bit as he let go of her.

"It's been six years. So I can hug you as much as I want okay? Come in."

He followed her into the apartment. It was a nice place. Very..Rachel, he thought to himself.

"Oh god you have this framed?" He reached down and grabbed the picture frame sitting on one of her shelves.

She turned around and laughed noticing which frame it was Finn had grabbed, "Of course I do. I loved Glee Club and so did you."

"Yea, those were some good times. I still can't believe we made it to Nationals and placed, crazy right?"

"Well I did sing didn't I?"

"In that case we should have won!" He smiled and thought back to when they were in High School, things were so different then..."So what are we doing today?"

Rachel took a seat on the couch in her living room motioning for Finn to join her. "Anything you'd like. Rachel the tour guide at your service."

He thought about it for a minute, and all that he could really think was anything with Rachel would be just perfect, "What are your favorite things to do?"


They spent the day in the park feeding the ducks. They had some good food and coffee. They walked around Times Square, and took lots of pictures. She gave him a tour of her theater, and they even went to a show. It had been a perfect day. It was as if, the time had never passed.

Finn sat in the taxi looking over at his best friend. He'd never been more thankful for anything than how thankful he was that no matter what happened or how long it had been, their friendship was never forgotten.

"Thanks Rach. Today was... it was great!"

She looked over at the sweet boy she's always loved, "You're Welcome Finn, I had a really good time."

As they reached her apartment Finn sighed a bit, he knew he was going to have to head home tomorrow and the thought of not seeing her made him upset.

"I really hope you get the job here Finn. I'll miss you so much."

"Yea, me too. I'll see you soon though? Even if I don't get it, I realized I've missed you so much, so now I can't not visit."

"Oh you better come visit or I'll find you!" She reached over taking him in a big hug and leaving a soft kiss on his cheek. "See you soon Finn."

With a quick glance she was gone and into her building.


ring ring ring ring "Hello?"

"Rach? Guess what?"

"You got the job didn't you?"

"I'll see you next week!"

"Finn oh my god, that's great. I can't wait.. See you next week!"


"That's the last of it." Finn looked over as he placed down the last box in his new office. "What do you think?"

Rachel looked out the window at the view of the city, "It's incredible. How do I get a job like this?"

Finn laughed, "Please, you in an office? You live and breathe Broadway."

"Yea, I know! But the view is great." She took a seat on his new rolling chair placing her feat on top of the desk.

"I will admit though, that hot bossy lady look suits you." He winked over at her moving a few more boxes around.

"Finn Hudson did you just say I was Hot?" They both laughed as she twirled around in the chair some more. "It's really great though Finn...when will your new apartment be ready?"

He made his way to her, taking a seat on the desk, "They said about two to three weeks.. Are you sure its okay I stay with you? I mean, I can stay at a hotel?"

She jumped up, "Now way. It'll be fine. More than fine. I want you there. Okay?"

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