family time

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After that incident 1 and half week had sanskar is perfectly these weeks ragini couldnt talk with sanskar bcse whenever she calls him to ask about his health sanskar told her that he feels sleepy,he wants to rest,he felt tired,he wants to talk with swara,or his mom is near him like that he continuosly gave her lame excuses ....ragini didnt took it seriously...she just felt that really he means it so she gave him time....she decides to meet him after he got cured perfectly....

Likewise in swalak side

In these 1 and half weeks swara herself didnt call laksh bcse she didnt got time....she always very busy in taking care of sanskar and she is in busy to go to her house and kapoor these she didnt got time to talk with him....

Whenever laksh called her sanskar kept calling swara  to do this or that for him...due to this swara couldnt talk with laksh ...she just apologized to him for not giving time to him...bcse of this laksh really felt pissed off ....but didnt show to swara....

@one fine day,evening

Shivanya:princess....shall we go out today for family dinner...

Ragini:wow its gud idea bhabi....but bhabi at today morning bhaiya said that he had important meeting today so he will be late na then how can we go without him ???

Shivanya:no wry... He said that he will come directly there....

Ragini:thats cool....okay bhabi did u informed this to mom and dad(ap,krishna) my bandar...

Shivanya:few minutes before only ur bhai told me so till now i didnt tell them...

Ragini:okay bhabi....u just get ready and ask maa papa to be ready...i will go and inform them...

Saying this she about to go to taneja house which is opposite to her home...

Shivanya:okay but before that take ur dress  and go....

Ragini:no need some clothes are there in bandar's cupboard na...i will get ready there...

Shivanya:okay the time is 6.30 so dont waste ur time in speaking eo...we have to leave from here at 8 ...mind it...

Ragini:i will not take that much time to get ready chill...okay bye....

@taneja house

Ragini:mom where are u ???
...she shouted

Ap:while coming from kitchen she closed her ears by her hands .....arey meri princess why are u shouting like this.....

Ragini:sorry maa i didnt find u thats y....okay what are u doing ??

Ap:now only i left to kitchen to prepare something for dinner...

Ragini:thank god i came before u started ..

Ap:why are u telling like that...did u guys planned something??

Ragini:wahh maa u r such a brilliant.....yeah now only bhaiya had called bhabi and told that today we all are going to dinner....

Ap:wow has been 3 weeks that we went to family dinner....

Ragini:thats y bhaiya planned it for us...okay where is dad??

Ap:krishna and ur papa went for evening walk...they will be back soon....

She looked around here and there....ap noticed this and smiled at her...

Ap:what are u searching for???

Ragini:why are u asking like this as if u dont know what im searching for???

Ap:why are u searching him when urself knowing that he is in his room only....

Ragini:bites her tongue....i thought that it has been 1 and half weeks that he had seen swara sooooo....

Ap:so u thought that he left to see her...??

Ragini:just nodded her head...

Ap:arey budhu u knew na that he wont go anywhere  without telling u....

Ragini:she slaps her head with her palm lightly....haan correct i forgot this fact maa...okay u just get ready...i will go and see him...

@laksh room

Laksh is resting on his bed by kept his right hand under his head and placing his left hand on his tummy...he is thinking something deeply by facing the ceiling of his room....ragini just entered his room and seeing him without calling him....10 mins had passed still laksh didnt sense ragini's presence in his room....he just looked at the ceiling and lost in his own thoughts...ragini too looked at ceiling and try to find out something what he is looking

Seeing him like that past 10 min ragini felt tired and she Without saying anything she just went to his bed and laying beside him by keeping her head on his chest....she tried to figure out by seeing his face but to her unluck there is only blank expression on his this 10 more mins had she is irked that he didnt feel her presence when she is placing her head on him...

Ragini:btw my pyaara sa bandar what are u thinking deeply even that u failed to notice me beside u.....

Hearing her voice laksh came out of his thoughts and looked at her in shock

Laksh:sweety when did u came???

Ragini:20 mins before....

Laksh:is it?? Then y u didnt called me...

Ragini:first u tell me where u had lost even u didnt realize that  i resting my head on u...

Laksh:vo nothing just like that yaar...

Ragini:no there is something serious....tell me whats bothering u ?? Dont tell me that again u r thinking about sanskar's changed behaviour...seriously by hearing that again and again i really fedup ...

Laksh:not exactly about sanskar...thinking about swara along with sanskar...

Ragini:yaar really u r confusing me lot....

Laksh:u knew na that it has been more than a week that i had seen swara...

Ragini:hmmm yeah i know very well...

Laksh:hmm but u know wat whenever i called her we couldnt talk properly...we couldnt spend time eo even in phone call...

Ragini:y what had happened that u couldnt  talk with her...

Laksh:bcse she was in busy to take care of ur so called love...he makes faces by saying this...

Ragini:how mean u are bandar??its neccessary to take care of he is perfectly okay na...then wat ??hereafter u have no disturbance ...enjoy ur full time with her...who will disturb u now??

Laksh:hmmm yeah u see hereafter i will enjoy with her no one can disturb us..if ur sanskar came between us i will not spare him...he makes faces...

She laughed at him...and said why he will come between u both...dont think too much....just get ready soon today we are going for dinner....

Laksh:oh no wats this yaar...???today i planned to spend my time in romantic dinner with my love but instead of that u are asking me to get ready for family dinner....waaahhhh wat a fate has god written on my head....

Ragini:oh now u are feeling boring to come with us....okay okay....u no need for us...u go and join with swara for ur so called rooooommmmaaaanticcc dinner...she stretched that word....

Hearing this laksh smiled lightly...

Laksh:oh hoo now my sweety baby got angry haan....okay no prblm...i will postpone my dinner next day come we will enjoy our dinner with our family ...okay now are u happy???

Ragini:hmm okay okay...acha listen first i will get ready after that u get ready okay...

Laksh:hmm okay meri maa....

She about to get inside washroom...that time she heared laksh's selftalk and she stood there...

Laksh:again one more day i have to wait to see and talk with my sad....

Ragini:u r acting too much bandar....its just one and half week that u had talk with her ....

Laksh:haan haan u wont realize my feelings until when u didnt go through this situation....

Ragini:who said i didnt go through this situation...

Laksh:wat do u mean??

Ragini:haan baba ...till now im also didnt talk with him..

Laksh:wat are u serious??

Ragini:arey really yaar...whenever i called him he kept say that he feeling tired ,sleepy i stopped to calling mng only i got text from him that he is okay now...

Laksh:is it??dont u feel desperate to talk with him...dont u feel restless in these week when he didnt talk with u....dont u felt bad by not seeing him...

Ragini:she said at all...why should i???

Laksh:he looks at her like seriously......arey u loving him na...

Ragini:haan toh??

Laksh:if u are loving him then definetly u might be feel like that..

Ragini:no will happen only in movies,serials okay....not in real life...

Laksh:everyone will feel like that only ...its waste to talk to u ...haan achaa how can i forgot this  u r zero in romance naa....sorry i forgot that....look ms.sweety i mean it i felt all symptoms bcse im in love thats y...u wont understand

Ragini:is it????

Laksh:haan...i mean it...

Ragini:haan now only i remembered...yeah even sometimes it will happenes to bandar also.....saying this she rushed to washroom before he catches her...

Laksh:wat is she really telling true???when she is in love with him why she doesnt felt like missing him and all....aargghhh day by day not only sanskar my idiot sweety too making me confuse by their behaviours...did she really loves him or not???no laksh no...dont think anything now...just let it be go however it goes...we will see its our family time...we   will enjoy ...

Raglak got ready...

Everyone of their family enjoyed their dinner happily....they were chitchatting while eating dinner....

That time swasan reached there without knowing raglak and their families presence....

they were sitting straight opposite of their table.....

Swasan didnt noticed them...but laksh spotted them....seeing them he keep nudging ragini.....

Ragini:arey let me eat na idiot....y r u disturbing me....

Laksh:he slapped on her backhead lightly and said....hey foodie just stop ur eating and look at front ...he said this while looking at swasan...

Ragini:she frowns at said by him she too look at her front but not swasan but rithicks plate....she screams at him lil loudly u cheaaterrrr...

Hearing her sound Not everyone but only her whole family looked at her like why she shouted....

Laksh thought that she reacted like that by seeing swasan....

Laksh:(in mind)oh noo.....shouldnt she control seeing them she shouted what will she explain when our family ask her...

Shivanya:what happen princess???whom u called cheater??

Laksh:only audible to her....pls sweety dont say anything now...we will see later....

Ragini:what to see...??no if i not open my mouth now then it will go out of my hands....u know wat just few min before i went to waiter and asked him...he said that it will be closing time of restaurant and they had one last plate only that too ordered by someone...but see bandar that someone is not anyone but my so called bhai....thank u so much bandar only bcse of u i witnessed it...if u not ask me to see infront i would be completely cheated by everyone understood about wat she is talking but still our laksh didnt understand...

Laksh:frowns at her....whats wrong with u sweety???i didnt get wat are u talking about???

Ragini:mushroom manchurian...

Laksh::huhh...he gave her a look like wat????wat u said come again...

Ragini:arey idiot im talking about mushroom manchurian....thank u bandar only bcse of u i got to know bhai had ordered my fav without my knowledge...saying this she snatched that plate from rithick and started to eat happily....

Rithick:seriously nowadays u r behaving too childish.......

Ragini:thank u bhai...and haan pls dont disturb me ...i want to eat...

Everyone smiles at her and resumed their eating...but laksh looked at her like this

Laksh:(in mind)what i told her to see but wat she did...haaan wat can i expect from this idiot foodie....

Ragini:bandar....smiles at him widely and forward her spoon  to feed him ...he took is it???nice naaa....

Laksh:haan haan verrrrryyyy niiiccceee( sarcastically)

Ragini:she didnt get that in wat way he said....she smiled at him...cho chwweeet bandar.....saying this she resumed her eating...

Laksh slapped himself on his forehead for ragini's childness....

After everyone finished their dinner...

Janaki:beta thats it ...really i felt tired so shekar and i will go home...

Rithick:okay maa and haan take ridhi with u...

Ridhi:no papa let me be here...i wanna enjoy...

Shivanya:no ridhi....u should go now...u have school tommorrow...u have to wakeup early....

Ridhi:pls maa...i want to be here....pls...

Rithick:mumma is telling for ur goodness only beta...u r dadda's princess na...u will hear my words na...

Ridhi:haan papa i will..

Rithick:thats u should go with dada dadi...btw every saturday u keep visiting park with ur bua and chachu naa....

Ridhi:nodes sadly...

Rithick:arey y r u become sad...acha okay i promise u tommorrow i will take u to ice cream parlour...


Rithick:haan baby....promise i will...

Ridhi:then okay...i will go with them...bye saying this she kissed rivanya and raglak's cheeks and left with them..

Krishna:okay guys im also leaving with my beautiful wife...

Laksh:y papa??now wat made u guys to go???

Krishna:nothing beta...we want to take

Ragini:so wat??? We will go later dad pls...

Ap:we are not youths like let us go...

Shivanya:haan princess maa saying correct this age they have to take good rest....

They nodded at her...

Ragini:okay bye dad and mom...

Everyone bid bye to them....

Ragini:okay bhai ...tell now first where we will go...

Rithick:for ur kind information my behan not we but only me and wife will take leave from here...


Rithick:i want to spend some time with my hot wife....

Raglak opened their eyes wide in shock..shivanya hitted on his shoulder...

LakSh:wat r u saying bhai??

Rithick:haan lucky bcse of my tight schedule i couldnt spend my time with her i thought to take her for night show ....

Ragini:oh ho.....not bad bhaiya... Okay u carry on...

Rithick smiled and kissed on her forehead....he patted on laksh's cheeks...

Rithick:okay shivanya come we have to go ....

Shivanya:one min rithick......she looked at raglak and much u want to enjoy then enjoy but remember u should return home before 11.30 is that clear???

Raglak both looked at eo....and said in unison okay meri maa.....

She smiled at them and hugged them...

After they left from there....

Ragini:okay come first we should  leave from here...then we will decide where to roam...

Before laksh could reply her she saw swasan were eating together....

Ragini:bandar look at there .....sanskar and swara are here...

Laksh:i knew it before itself...

Ragini:then y didnt u tell me...

Laksh:i told u madam to look at front but u gave ur full attention to that manchurian what can i do??

Ragini:she bites her tongue....sry yaar ....u should have tell me directly na...

Laksh:okay leave it.. Come we will leave from here...

Ragini:hey are u mad???aise kaise jaa sakthe ...come we will go to them and talk..

Laksh:its not needed...

Ragini:u only said na that u r missing her badly like she is infront of u...why wont u go and talk with her??come on yaar...

Laksh:no is our we should enjoy together....i will c her tmrw...

Ragini:no means u should meet her...thats it.  Come on ....saying this she dragged him to them....

Sanskar:really today im feeling very happy shona....

Swara:smiled at too...

They heared the voice hi guys....

They turned and found raglak neared them...

Seeing them sanskar smiled lightly but didnt said anything...

Swara:hi ragu....hi laksh u came here??

Ragini:vo swara we....before she could reply laksh interrupted her and said same like how u came  here??


Hearing this ragini punched on his stomach...

Laksh:ouchh...wats wrong did i say??

Ragini:dont mind him swara....we came here for family dinner ..

Swara:is it???where is everyone??

Ragini:everyone left to home....okay its time for us to leave ...u guys just carryon ....sorry for disturbing u...

Swara:hey no no ragini....we had done our dinner....dont be sry....

Till now sanskar didnt said anything ...he just doing something in his mobile....he didnt look at swaraglak....swaragini were busy in their talks they didnt notice him...seeing him like that laksh lost in his thoughts...

Laksh:(in mind)itss reallyyyyy strange has been almost 15 mins still he didnt give a single glance to my sweety and didnt talk with her... How can he sit like eve i wonder whether my sweety love him or not...but ryt now seeing him it really confusing me more  that did he really love my sweety or not???

His thoughts were disturbed by swaras voice...

Swara:laksh where were u lost???how long im calling u...

Laksh:wat happen??

Swara:i want to speak with u ...

Hearing this ragini looked at laksh while sanskar at swara...

Swara: i will be back sanky....till have a talk with ragini...

He just nodes and surfs something in his mobile...she left from there...

Still ragini looking at laksh....

Laksh:he came near her and said her....dont wry as i said today is our i wont take long time ..i will be back within 5 mins...then we will go to beach....u love to spend ur time in beach at nyt time na....

She nodes at him smilingly....he just carresssed her cheeks and left from there to talk with swara....

Still sanskar doing something in his mobile and ragini looking at the way where laksh left....she completely forget sanskar's presence...

Sanskar:madam if u done with ur lookings...shall we talk ???

Hearing this she came back to sense and looked at sanskar who is still busy in his ph...

Ragini:without seeing me how could u know that im looking for him...

Sanskar:i know just like that...okay come here ...he indicates her to sit near him...

Ragini:sat near him....hmm now tell me what do u want to say??

Sanskar:dont u feel angry on me??

Ragini:for wat??

Sanskar:for ignoring u in these weeks..

Ragini:smiled yaar...i know u didnt did intentionally...then how can i be angry on u...

Sanskar:thanks for understanding me...

Ragini:dont be formal sanskar....okay now u r okay na??

Sanskar:yeah im shona took good care of me....

Ragini:thats great ....

Sanskar:ragini when will u gonna reveal our matter to ur family??

Ragini:y sanskar??let it be for some more days...we will tell them about us after our swalak's marriage...

Hearing this he shouted...


She looks at him in confusion y he reacted like that....he sensed that and calmed himself...

Sanskar:sry sry....i cant wait that much time...lets tell them tmrw itself about our
Matter...i felt this is the right time to tell them....why should we wait for their marriage??as far as i know from my side my dad and mom will agree....i dont know about ur family...specially ur rithick bhai...i dont know whether he will accept me or not bcse he knew na whatever i had done in my past...

Ragini:dont say like that sanskar...everyone in my family forgave u na...even they accepted our friendship too...

Sanskar:yeah but how will they react when they comes to know that we are in love...will they accept our love...

Ragini:they will accept our love for sure . I know about my family....suppose if they wont agree  dont wry my bandar is there na he will make them understand ...

Sanskar:okay is that so then pls tmrw itself disclose our matter to them and let me know their opinion...after that i will take u with me to my parents and tell them...okay??

Ragini:hmm im okay with it...

@swalak side

Laksh:tell me swara what do u want to talk....

Without saying anything she hugged him tightly....he  too reciprocate ...then she released herself from the hug...

Swara: i love you u soooo much... U know wat how much i miss u in these weeks....i felt restless without seeing u....but ryt now after seeing u my happiness has no boundaries.....its an unexpected surprise that god has made me to meet u today so sooo happy...

Laksh:seriously swara u take me here to say this????he asked casually.....

Swara:hearing this she felt bad ....wat happen y r u talking like this???how happily im talking to u but u seems to be uninterested...wat happen???

Laksh:then wat u expected from me???

Swara:y r u angry at me???

Laksh:dont u know the reason???

Swara:now she got the reason ....sorry its not intentional laksh trust me....u already knew na sanskar had injury so it was necessary to take care of him...

Laksh:i didnt took it as wrong ....but didnt u get atleast 10 mins to talk with me...

Swara:sorry laksh...dont be angry...i cant tolerate ur anger towards me...sorry....i promise u hereafter i will never ignore u...pls talk with me...

Laksh:okay...this is the last time ...hereafter make sure it wont happen again...

Swara:sure..  Saying this she hugged him tightly ...

He kissed on her forehead while release himself from the hug....

Swara:lucky shall we go for walking ??

Hearing this his smile vanished....she noticed that...

Swara:what happened??

Laksh:im really sry swara....i have to go with ragini...

Swara:when did i say to not go??yeah u may go with her but before that come with me for walking...just 20 mins...

Laksh:sorry swara dont mistake me...i promised her that i will take her to beach...already its became late....before left from here bhabi strictly told us to go home before 11.30 ..i need to keep up her now i cant spend time with u...sorry we will meet tmrw....sorry swara pls i didnt mean to hurt its our day so i have to be with her...

Hearing this she felt bad...

Swara:u r always thinking about ragini only na???

Laksh:wat type of question is these swara???i think better i should leave from here before this topic turn into worse...dont mistake me...bye...and haan dont think like stupid ...i promise u i will take u out tmrw...bye saying this he rushed to ragini...

Swara:(in mind)till now i didnt felt wrong by u giving her importance...but dont know why today i felt something uneasy ...aarggghhh swara dont think unnecessarily...its none of ur buisness....

@ragsan side

Sanskar:btw today u r looking beautiful in this dress...

Ragini:smiles at him...thank you...

Laksh reached there...seeing him she stoodup from her place and went near him...

Laksh:sweety come on ..we have to go....

She nodes at him..

Ragini:where is swara ??

Laksh:she must be on the way...dont waste our time...come yaar...saying this he dragged her from there while saying bye to sanskar....

She just looked at back for sanskar...he looked at them weirdly...she understood that and waved him bye...he just waved her back ...swara came back to him..

Sanskar:what happen baby?? Y r u looking sad??

Swara:nothing yaar...come lets go home..

Sanskar:hmm okay ...

They left to their home...

Raglak enjoyed their time in beach....

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