RAGINI's Confession LAKSH's decision

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@next day

Janaki :ragu  beta get ready soon...

Ragini :y maa?

Janaki :u have to go for shopping...

Ragini :shopping???? For what???

While they were talking swalak  entered there...

Swara :ill tell u Ragini...

Ragini :swara u here???

Swara :haan  I came here to pick u for shopping ...

Ragini :y??? Is there anything  special??

Laksh :will u come only if anything  special... ?

Ragini :not like that Bandar... Just asked to know that's it...

LAKSH smiled at her and encircled his hands on her neck...

Swara :we had  arranged pooja  in our house... So mom  asked me to buy materials for that... Really I have no idea what to buy so I thought to pick u and LAKSH with me... More on that I thought to enjoy today by took it as a chance...

Ragini : that's cool... OK I'm ready come on...

Trio left from there....

On the way to shop

Swara :laksh  I called Sanky  too...

Hearing sanskar's name Ragini  turns her face away in nervousness...laksh noticed it...

Laksh :its OK swara... Ur wish...

Swara :thanks yaar...

They reached shop where pooja  materials  are available ....

Swara :he said that he will reach before us but till now he didn't came... Ragu will u pls buy the required materials ...

Ragini :ok swara...

Laksh :sweety come I'll accompany  u...

Ragini :no bandar  u be with her.. I'll be back soon...

Laksh:come soon...

She left from there to buy materials... At that time sanskar joined them...he found Ragini was missing...

Sanskar:where is Ragini??

Swara :she went to buy pooja materials...

Sanskar :why u let her go alone swara?? Where is she? Wait I'll go and bring her...

He about to step forward laksh  stopped him by raising his hands sideways ... Swasan  looked at him in confusion...

Laksh :realized Wat he did vo.. Sanskar  u be with swara I'll bring her bcse  u don't know where she went...

Sanskar :yeah  u were ryt  laksh... OK go...

He left from there... Swara  noticed Sanskar's face and said..

Swara :sorry for his behaviour...

Sanskar :hey y r u asking sorry?? BTW he didn't done anything wrong  OK...

She nodded him...

After a while raglak  joined them... Seeing sanskar  Ragini  held her head down in nervousness.. Sanskar thought she is angry on him for his behaviour towards her...sanskar  tried to speak  with Ragini but he didn't get chance because  swalak  were being with them...

Ragini :now what's next???

Swara :lets go to park..

Laksh :no yaar... It will be bore...

Ragini  nodded as yes....

Swara :hey pls  laksh...

Sanskar :seeing swara's face... Laksh  don't say no.. Come we will go and enjoy  together...

Hearing this swara smiled brightly..

They entered inside the park... Seeing children in the park swaragini smiled widely...

Swara :LAKSH look at them... How cute they are na??

Laksh :haan  madam...

Swara makes face and turned to look at the children's who played besides them...

Ragini  sat on nearby bench and admired the nature....

Laksh  just looking at swara... Sanskar  went aside and talking in phone...

Ragini saw sanskar  talking with someone seriously... She went near him... Seeing Ragini  he smiled and cutted the call...

Ragini :why did u cut the call...?

Sanskar :u came here na that's y... finally ur heart gave permission to speak with me ryt??

Ragini :nothing like that  sanskar...btw with whom u were talking

Sanskar :one of my friend Ragini...

Ragini :oh OK OK....

Sanskar :Ragini did u think about my proposal??

Ragini :nervously  we will talk about this later...

Saying this she left from there and stood beside laksh...

After few minutes... Sanskar  came towards them...

Sanskar :LAKSH  come we will go and bring ice cream for them...

Laksh :lets call swara... We will go together...

Ragini :wait I'll call her..

Sanskar : Ragini  wait don't call her...

Laksh : y??

Sanskar :she is enjoying her moments...so let her enjoy...we will go and buy...

Laksh :but how can I leave her alone??

Sanskar : Ragini is here na  she will look at her...

Laksh : but...

Ragini :dont wry  Bandar... U go...

Laksh : OK sweety... I'll be back soon... Bye

He left from there... Sanskar  just waved his hand.... Ragini  smiled lightly and turned her face away... Seeing this sanskar  felt happy  and left behind laksh...

10 mins had passed..

Ragini :arey yaar  where they went?? Till now they didn't came...

She signed swara  to come but swara  is in no mood to listen her... She playing with that children...

While playing one lil  girl chased swara  ...she stepped slowly back by mistakenly she dashed with someone...

Swara :im so sorry  sir.... I didn't saw u...

Person :smirks no problem baby... Don't say sorry... I'm feel blessed when ur shoulder touched me.... Let's do one more time...

Swara : glares him Wat rubbish?? Get out... Saying this she turned to go but that man  held her wrist tightly.... She tried to free herself but couldn't...

Ragini  seeing this from far and rushed to swara...

She jerks his hand and pushed him hardly.... He felt down...

Ragini :swara are u OK?

Swara : I'm fine Ragini...

Ragini :swara  come let's go... Don't stand here...

They were about to leave from there but that person block their way  by spreading his hands...

Ragini :glared him ...leave from here... If not u will face consequences..

Person :i don't care...u Leave her with me and go...

Swara  held Ragini's hand tightly  in fear...

Ragini :dont be scared.... Let's do one thing push him and run from here...wats say...

Swara,:u were ryt  Ragini...

That person neared them swaragini pushed him hardly and run from there...that man came with his friends... He signed them to catch both... They were chasing swaragini...

Back to sanlak...

Laksh :come sanskar  we will go..

Sanskar :u go and give it to them... I'll come after paying money...

Laksh :no problem u pay we will go after together...

Sanskar :its okay... U go laksh  ...they must be waiting for us...

Laksh :okay yaar  come soon...

He left from there...

Back to swaragini

Those men's were blocked their way...

Ragini :im warning u get out from our way... U r doing wrong...

They didn't paid attention to her words... They just neared them.. Swaragini  were scared... They don't know Wat to do....

One person about to touch Ragini  hand before that laksh  hold him and punched him on his nose... Seeing laksh  both got relief...

There were 7 members fighting with him... Laksh  beaten them mercilessly.... Two of them hold swaragini ...they tried to freed their hands themselves but they couldn't....

Ragini :laksh.... Be careful.... Shouts in concern...

While fighting laksh  glared both men who holding swaragini...

The fight get into more serious...

Swara :dont know where this  sanskar went...

One man about to punch  laksh  from backside

Ragini :(shouts) lakkkkssshhhh.....

before that sanskar hold that man hand and beaten him blue and back...

Sanlak both smiled eo... Swaragini felt releive...

Sanlak both showed them hell...

The person who held Ragini signaled something to another one who hold swara... Both left swaragini  and went towards sanlak... Swaragini  hugged eo and stood in corner...

Sanskar fighting  with three men at one side while laksh  fighting with others at another side...that two persons who hold swaragini went and stood backside of LAKSH... Swaragini  were confused...

Suddenly they hold laksh  from behind and   asked his friends to stab him... Laksh  tried to free himself from them but he couldn't.... Swaragini were shocked to see them approached him with knife... They shouted in fear.... Swaragini ran towards him to rescue  him... But before they could reach him that man stabbed him... Blood oozing out from his stomach...

Seeing this swara  shouts...... SANSKAAAARRRRRRR......

s friends it's sanskar... Before they could stab laksh  sanskar stood in middle to rescue him... So the knife stab Sanskar's stomach... That person's were flew away from there... Laksh hold sanskar.... Swara hugged sanskar and cried bitterly...

Seeing him like that  Ragini stood numb in her place... There is no expression on her face... She didn't understand WATS going on here...she just saw sanskar without blinking her eyes...

Swara :crying.... Laksh  pls  take him to hospital.... Pls  save my sanky... Laksh  pls  don't waste time...

Laksh :swara  pls  don't cry ...he would be fine.... Come let's go to hospital  ..

Before he pick him sanskar  showed his palm to stop... Swalak  were confused by his behaviour...

Swara :sanky  pls  yaar  come we have to go to hospital immediately  ..lots of blood has wasted...

He said nothing but simply looking at Ragini's direction... Both swalak  looked at the direction where he looks...

Lil amount of tear skips from sanskar's eyes ...he forwards his hands Lil and signed Ragini to come near him...then only Ragini  came into her sense... She felt her heart beat stops when seeing him in this state...she bursts out into tears and ran to him and hold his hand tightly and cried loudly...

Ragini (cried bitterly):sanskar... U cant go away from me just like that.. Nothing will happen to u.... Come we have to go hospital... Laksh  pls  don't waste time... Let's go...

Seeing her like that laksh  felt surprised but he brushed off his thoughts and took Sanskar  to the hospital...

At hospital....

They rushed to the hospital...doctor asked nurse to take him inside the op theatre... Nurses were about to take him inside but
Ragini didn't ready to leave his hand.. She is continuously crying by holding sanskar's hand who is lyng on bed unconscious...nurse signalled laksh to make her understand...

Laksh freed Sanskar's hand from her hold forcely... She looked at him emotionally and hugged him tightly... They took sanskar  inside...

Ragini :(emotionally) he will be alright na  laksh???

Laksh :hmm.. He will be...

Laksh  saw swara sitting on corner chair and crying silently... He felt bad for her... He broked his hug from Ragini.... She looked at him confusingly but laksh  looked somewhere....she too looked at his direction and found swara  crying... She understood that laksh  wants to console swara ....she took a breath and wiped her tears....

Ragini :go to her..

Laksh :sweety.... But...

Ragini :she need ur support now... How u r to me likewise sanskar for her... Go and console her... Lil tear skipped from her eyes...

Laksh :shall I ask u onething

Ragini :nodded.....

Laksh :till now I didn't saw u like this....she frowned her eyes in confusion I Mean till now u didn't react like this for him but today u cried a lot for him infact u r not ready to leave his hand... Wat happened to u??

Ragini :vo... Vo... Not ..nothing... I nee...need... Water... I'll be back within minutes... Go and look after swara...

Before he could ask further she rushed from there with teary eyes.... She rushed out and merged her body on the wall and covered her mouth by hands and cried bitterly for sanskar....


Laksh  goes near swara and placed his hand on her shoulder...soon swara  hugged him tightly and cried hardly... He patted her shoulder in consoling way...

Swara :laksh I want my Sanky like before... Will he return to me like that na

Laksh :wat are u asking swara... Nothing would happen to him... U itself see na  doctor will inform that he is fine...

Swara :i hope too.... U know Wat he can bear all pain but he couldn't bear my pain... He will feel hurt when Im hurt... Likewise she telling about sanskar emotionally  to laksh....


Ragini :herself  laksh  was right till now I didn't react in this way for Sanskar  but now y i felt pain when I saw him like that... literally my heart stops at that second when I saw u in that condition ...plz  sanskar  come back to me...

She cried silently and prayed to God for sanskar  which is in hospital...


Laksh :swara  pls  don't cry ...by seeing u like this I'm feeling guilty...

Swara :(wiped her tears) Wat are u saying laksh.? Y are u feeling guilty??

Laksh :only because of me he is in this condition  na...

Swara :(tears flowing down on her cheeks) no. ..no laksh... Pls  don't say like this...he just saved u... U r not responsible for his condition...dont feel guilty  u said na  that he will be fine... See my Sanky  will come fit and healthy...

Laksh :kissed on her forehead... Lil  tear escapes from his eyes.... He said in mind I'm sorry  sanskar...u too knew well that till now I doubted on u but u didn't care for that and saved my life... Really I'm very thankful to u... Yes sanskar  my swaragini  were right... They keep telling me that u were changed but my stupid mind na  it didn't allowed me to believe  u... But now I trust u sanskar  that u had fully changed... Likewise my swaragini  I too trust u... Pls  come back.... We will four enjoy together our life...   He wiped his tears....

Swara :laksh shall I inform this to suji  aunty  Ram uncle maa papa...?

Laksh :no swara... Don't call them... They will be scared... Don't worry nothing would happened to him... Let's wait for some more time... First we have to know his condition.. Then we will decide whether should share this news to them or not...

Swara :nodded and hugged him... He too reciprocated the hug....

After few minutes doctor came out and inform them that now sanskar  is fine... They can go and meet him after shifted to the normal room...


Sanskar laying on bed unconsciously.... Swalak  entered inside and saw him like that swara  cried silently...

Laksh :swara  pls  don't cry... See na  he is fine now... Don't cry infact u should be happy because now he is perfectly OK...

Swara :smiled lightly... Haan  laksh  u were ryt... Y should I cry when he is fine.. Saying this she wiped her tears and sit beside sanskar  and hold his hands....

Then only laksh  noticed Ragini's absence...

Laksh :(in mind) oh no.... Where is sweety?? How could I fail to notice her....?? I have to inform her that Sanskar is fine now... She will feel happy.. Look towards swara and said swara u take care of him I'll be back okay??

Swara :ok laksh...

Laksh  went from there to search Ragini....

Swara :hold Sanskar's hand and kept near her cheeks... Idiot sanky  really u scared me alot... U are always troublemaker for me..

Swara  closed her eyes... lil  tears  from her eyes fall on sanskar's hand which is on swara's cheeks... Felt tear in his hand he opened his eyes slowly looked at swara  and smiled lightly...he wiped her tears gently... Feeling his touch she opened her eyes and found sanskar smiling at her... 

Swara :sanky  ..are u alright??? Do u feel any pain in ur stomach??

Sanskar:no baby  I'm okay... Don't panic..

Swara :really u scared me alot... One sec  I thought I'll lose u...

Sanskar :(emotionally  looking at her and said) I'll never leave u in my life swara... I'll always keep u near with me...

Swara :smiled at him.... Thanks  for saving laksh...

Hearing this sanskar's eyes welled up looking her emotionally....

Swara :wat  happen?? Y ur eyes welled up...

Sanskar :immediately wipes it and said no yaar  why would I cry.... Nothing like that  . BTW u didn't informed about this in our home na...

Swara :i supposed to do but laksh asked me to not do... So I didn't. 

Sanskar :thank God... Where are Ragini and laksh??

Swara :he left to call Ragini.... BTW  sanskar  I want to ask something to u..

Sanskar :wats that..?

Swara :is there anything going between u and Ragini??

Sanskar :wat do u mean swara??

Swara :s sanskar...Today I saw different Ragini who cried for sanskar....she never ready to leave ur hand... I saw some feelings in her eyes for u...

Hearing this sanskar smiled brightly.... Swara  noticed that hey now u smiled na... It means something is going between u am I right???

Sanskar :now i can't tell anything.... Bcse  I want to know her feelings towards me...

Swara :by seeing her today I'm sure she loves u...

Sanskar :but I want to hear that from her mouth.. Then only I'll believe...

Swara :it will happen...u wait and c...

At that time nurse came inside and bring the prescription to buy medicines...

Swara :okay u take rest I'll buy these medicines for u ...

She left from there...

On the way she see raglak....

Laksh :where are u going swara??

Swara :i have to buy medicines...

Laksh :ok sweety u go and meet sanskar.. I'll go with swara...

She nodes and left to see sanskar... Swalak  left from there to buy medicines for him...

Ragini entered inside the room and saw sanskar laying on bed with closed eyes...

She went and sit near him... Seeing him her eyes welled up.. She hold his hands by her both hands and speak with him...

Ragini :(teary eyes)im happy to see u fine sanskar...till now I didn't feel anything about u sanskar but today by seeing u on that condition my heart pains... U kept asking me whether I love you or not?? Till now I tried to not love you...bcse whenever  my heart decides to give a chance to u but my stupid mind keep warning me to stay away from u bcse of ur previous activities  ..yes sanskar  that's true before u were such an arrogant,spoilt brat, flirt etc... There was no one good quality in u but after our swalak's engagement I saw different Sanskar... He is totally opposite  to that old sanskar... U changed from bad to good... Now u r more responsible...i like this sanskar  very much...i trusted that u changed completely  but my Bandar  na  he had little doubt on u that's y i couldn't take one right decision about ur love...i knew it that u too know about LAKSH's doubts on u  but u didn't bother about it and saved my Bandar...by seeing ur this action I'm cent percent sure u changed completely... Hereafter I'll not doubt on u...I was confused about my feelings till I saw u in that condition but after seeing u in that situation I felt like thunder strikes my heart... One second I thought that I'll lose u forever... My heart says don't leave ur sanskar...Daily u keep asking me na  what's my answer for ur proposal...i didn't answer u... But right now I want to tell u the answer won't u ask me now ???y u came between them when they tried to stab laksh...u should not come between them and laksh...i would have saved my Bandar  na... He is my responsibility  na... I would save him...but Y u came between...?? Y sanskar  y did u do like that??? Y???? (crying)

She heared the voice because of you.... Only because of u...

She raised her eyes and see him...

Ragini :(confused) sanskar Wat do u mean??

Sanskar : yes Ragini only because of u I came in between them... I knew Ragini  how important is laksh  for u... If I didn't came in between I'm sure now u would be here instead of me... I wouldn't see u in that condition that's y i stood first... BTW I too like laksh... See now I'm perfectly fine and ur laksh too.... Now pls smile... I don't want to see tears in ur eyes... Saying this he wiped her tears slowly...

She smiled at him emotionally....

Sanskar:btw what did u said just before??

Ragini :understood Wat he mean Wat?? I didn't say anything...

Sanskar :dont lie Ragini at least now...pls yaar ...

Ragini :really I couldn't understand Wat are u trying to ask?? Hide her smirk

Sanskar :ok fine... I'll ask directly  u love me or not??

Ragini:she starts to feel nervous...  Vo.. Sanskar  ..im... Actually... I... U...

Sanskar :fedup arrey yaar... Really u r testing my patience... Few minutes before when I closed my eyes u talked everything whatever u felt.. now I'm asking u but u are not ready to open ur mouth...turned his face away in fake anger

Ragini:(smiled at him then hold his chin by her hands and make him look at her) OK OK don't keep ur face like that... Now I had realized my feelings towards u.... Yes sanskar  I really love u very much.... I wish to live my whole life with u saying this she hold his hands...

Sanskar :smiled widely... U know Wat I'm waiting to hear this from u so long... Finally u said...now I'm very happy...love you too Ragini.... Hereafter U will never get doubt on me  na???

Ragini :hmm no never.... I'll not...

Sanskar :felt relieved... OK then when will u going to inform our matter to ur family. .?

Ragini :first before that I want permission from my Bandar...

Sanskar :for Wat??

Ragini :for our love...

Sanskar :shockingly Wat??? Y u want his  permission to love me Ragini??? U r loving me naa  then what's need to ask his permission??

Ragini :dont say like that  sanskar.... Whatever u say I can't accept  because I want my Bandar 's permission to accept  u... U know Wat  till now since our childhood I didn't done anything against his wish  then how could I go against him now??he is my everything...i love him more than everything in this world... In fact I love my family so much but less than him... I can leave anyone for him within a second but I can't leave him for anyone..he is my precious  gift that I ever got in my life...So his opinion means alot to me....

Sanskar :wat if he rejects me??

Ragini :smile disappeared from her face... No sanskar  he won't do like that...

Sanskar :ragini say answer first... Wat if he rejects me...??

Ragini :took deep breath and said I'll leave u....

Sanskar :(in anger fisted his hands but didn't showed to Ragini) OK fine... Ur wish...

They heared one voice don't worry nothing will happen like that  sanskar...
Both turned to see who was that none other than laksh....

He stand with teary eyes....yes guys laksh  heared everything Wat and all Ragini had said.. Both ragsan  confused to see him like that... Swara  smiled at them...

He quickly  went near Ragini and hugged  her tightly with tears eyes..

Sanskar  staring at them blankly... No one could read his expression on his face... Swara smiled wholeheartedly...

Ragini :bandar  Wat happen?? Y r u crying now???

Laksh:nothing....i have no objections... I approve  ur love.... Kissed on her forehead...

Swaragini smiled and hugged eo.. Sanskar  smiled silently...
Laksh hugged him he said thanks to him...

Ragini :bandar really u have no objections  na?? Tell me frankly... I need only ur happiness... Don't say yes for my sake... I want ur honest answer...

Hearing this sanskar  glared at Ragini swara  smiled at him and hitted on his head... He turned his face away...

Laksh : Wat? Wat did u say   U need only my happiness  right?then hear carefully my sweety... I have no problem... I accepted ur love wholeheartedly... Not only u idiot  for me also u r very important... Ur happiness  is matter to me more than anything... I can't hurt my sweety  ....u r my everything  ...i want my sweety  to be happy always... When my sweety's happiness  is lies on sanskar  means  how can I deny ur love...ur happiness  is my happiness... Be like this ever.... Saying this he patted her cheeks

Hearing this now sanskar  smiled... Ragini hugged laksh tightly with happy tears in her eyes... Swara  hugged sanskar  in happiness..

Swara :now I'm very happy... We all became one family na...

Raglaksan nodded their heads....

Sanskar :laksh pls  ask doctor to discharge me... I feel suffocated here....

Swaragini  smiled looking at his pout face...

Laksh :smiled don't worry sanskar... Doctor gave permission... But u have to take complete  bed rest at least for 4 days... U have to be careful...

Sanskar: swara is there for me naa ...she will take good care of me... Haina  baby....looking at her lovingly....

Swara nodes yes...

Laksh frowned at his antics but brushed out his thoughts...

Ragini smiled and said haan  she will definitely....

They left to their home....


Ragsan  conversation in 📱

Ragini called sanskar... Seeing her name sanskar  smiled lightly and pick the call...

Ragini :hellooo Sanskar... Are u fine?? Had ur dinner?? Did u ate medicine?do u feel any pain?? Did u applied ointment on the wound??? Arey sanskar I'm asking u na.. Answer me... Y r u keeping silent...

Sanskar looked at his ph  unbelievably and answers her: hello hello... Wait a sec madam... I'll answer ur questions but for that u have to give space to me na... But u keep asking questions without gap.. Then how could I??

She bites her tongue 😜 😜...

Ragini :sorry  sorry... I'm really worried for u that's y.. Okay tell me did u ate medicine??

Sanskar :dont worry Ragini... I had my tablets... Swara took good care of me.. So u no need to worry...

Ragini :wat Swara  is there ??

Sanskar :haan  Ragini... She is here only to take care of me...mom  told her to go home but she insisted to take care of me...

Ragini :oh is it so.... Did suji mam  told anything??

Sanskar : she was worried that's it... In fact today my dad appreciated me for the first time in my life bcse  of saving ur laksh...

Ragini :thanks sanskar... Thanks for saving my Bandar.... I forgot to thank u... U r not saving only Bandar  but his sweety too...

Sanskar :raginiii

Ragini:yes sanskar... I mean it... I can't live without my laksh... If anything would happened to him I may end my life at the next very second...

Sanskar :okay Ragini... Leave this all... I feel sleepy because of medicine effect... So...

Ragini : haan  haan  I understood... Take good rest... Good night....

They hangup the call...

At the same time another side swalak 's 📱 conversation

Laksh called swara...

Swara :hi darling.... Wat are u doing??

Laksh :thinking about my would be...smiles

Swara :blushes okay had ur dinner??

Laksh :haan  just now had dinner with sweety...

Swara :oh is Ragini there or Wat??

Laksh :no darling.. Just now I left from that house... Now I'm in my house in our room...

Swara :confused  our  room???

Laksh :idiot after marriage u will be going to stay with me naa... If like that means its our room na..

Swara :bites her tongue sorry darling... I forgot that thing..

Laksh :okay what is my aunty doing??

Swara :dont know yaar...

Laksh :dont know means???

Swara:yes laksh.. Now I'm not in my home... I'm in Kapoor mansion...

Laksh :wat r u doing there??  Y u didn't went to ur home swara???

Swara :arrey relax  yaar... Sanskar had wounds na... So I have to take care of him that's y...

Laksh :but swara  suji mam  is there na... Then WATS the need of u be there...

Swara : u were right laksh ..aunty  told me that she will take care of him... But my sanky  na  he didn't let me leave.. He said that he felt alone so he asked me to be with him... That's y...

Laksh :oh okay... I have to sleep bye... Meet u tomorrow... Good night...

They hangup the call..

Few hours had passed but sleep didn't came for laksh...

Laksh :wat is this yaar...??  Today I'm not feel sleepy... Don't know Wat my sweety is doing there???

He heared the knock  sound of his room door  ...

Laksh :who could it be??? Already sweety told that she will sleep in her home itself... Now who is this??

Again he heared the sound ...he shouted coming...

He opened the door and surprised to see Ragini outside of his room...

Laksh :smiled brightly arey wahh kya timing hai meri sweety...

She looked him in Confusion...

He dragged her inside and closed the door... He encircled his hands around her shoulder and took her to his bed and made her sit on bed... He too sit beside her...

Laksh :dont be so confused  idiot... Just now I'm thinking about u... See u itself came to me...

Ragini :i didn't feel sleepy  yaar ...everyone slept there.. I don't know Wat to do... So I came here.. But to my surprise  u also didn't sleep till now...

Laksh :hmm.. Okay come we will watch movie...

Ragini :arey no bandar... I want to sleep...

Laksh :okay then sleep na....

Ragini :pat on my shoulder or on my forehead like before till I sleep....

Laksh :u will never change...wat will u do after marriage... I'll not be there to make u sleep na  do u remember  that...?

Ragini :sanskar will pat me and make me sleep... She makes faces at him...

Laksh doesn't say anything he just patted on her forehead to make her sleep...

Ragini :bandar did u speak with swara??

Laksh :haan  just one hour back...

Ragini :really she loves sanskar  a lot na  bandar...

Laksh :widens his eyes Waaattt??

Ragini :hitted on his head idiot I didn't mean that way... I mean  like us... She loves sanskar  as a friend...

Laksh :we already knew it na... Then y r u saying this now??

Ragini :suji  mam  told her to go home... But swara  na she couldn't leave sanskar  in that condition so she herself  insisted  Suji mam  to take care of sanskar... How sweet is she na...
Sanskar too asked her to go but she refused...

Laksh:confused who told u this  that swara herself insisted to stay there to take care of him...

Ragini :sanskar had told me... Y u asking silly question  idiot... Pat me I want to sleep....

Laksh didn't said anything and losted in thoughts... How could it be possible?? Swara said sanskar asked her to stay there for him... But now sweety said that sanskar told her swara insisted herself to stay there to take care of him... Who said truth?? As far as I know my swara can't lie to me... Wat if sanskar lie to my sweety? But WATS the need for him to lie...?? He reminisces the incident where sanskar looking swara lovingly at hospital and his words were ringing in his ears... Is sanskar really changed or not??? After a long days I started to believe him but now after hearing this I had Lil doubt on him whether he changed completely  or not??  Is he hide anything from US  or Wat???

His thoughts  were disturbed by Ragini's voice...

Ragini :Bandar  where were u lost... Pat ME na....

Laksh :haan   ..haan... Lay down properly...

She kept her head on LAKSH's lap and closed her eyes by holding LAKSH's left hand... He smiled at her and patted on her shoulders by his  right hand... After she slept he made her lay down properly and kept pillow under her head... He laid down and lost in sanskar's thoughts... Soon he dozed off...

Sorry friends I took a long gap...really I had no time to write ff... Anyhow now I got time and posted it.... I'm sorry today I didn't reach ur expectations... Sorry for this boring update.... Next time I'll try to update Lil bit  nice... Sorry  for grammatical mistakes....

Soon I'll try to post u r my everything... Till now I didn't started to write that... Pls  bear me.... And I request u to pls  vote for my story and tell me views in comments... I want to know ur pov...

Bye dears.... Take care....

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