#10 B&B

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I found her a pair of jeans and a top that was left behind by Amy when the gang visited last time.

I freshened up and slumped down on the sofa,  the soup was still warm. I took it slowly and take a sip.

Mm..not bad!

I took another sip.

She's something else!

I looked around and saw the pillows arranged to form a bed so that my back won't hurt.

Who's she?

"I don't want to wear this" I heard her and turned around, I was pleasantly surprised, she looked good in Amy's torn black skinny jeans and the matching figure-hugging top, with her high ponytail, she looked a whole different person.

She looks GOOD!

Her jeans was ripped in a badass style and I liked her new hair.

"Why? it's okay on you" I said.

Not just okay, it looks awesome on you!

"I would rather wear my dirty clothes than wear her clothes" she scowled.

Uh...I thought Amy and she warmed up a little to each other?

"Why's that?"

"I don't want to wear her clothes," she said, making me angry in an instant.

"Amy is as good as my sister! watch your mouth, mind you!" I said rudely.

"It's Amy's dress?" she asked, sounding relieved.

"Then what did you think?"

"I..uh.." she stuttered, then it hit me.


My mood turned dark instantly, like a cloudy day as every time she is mentioned.

"I don't have much time, let's go" I stormed out of there.

* * *


We have been driving for straight two hours and Neev was silent the whole time, only talking when it's absolutely necessary.

"We are here," I said, at last, seeing the familiar way.

"Oh.." he looked surprised to see the small pocket road, but didn't say anything, we drove inside.

Soon we reached in front of my house. Neev really looked surprised now, I could see him looking at the small house in wonder.

"You..you live here?" he asked. I raised my chin defensively.

"Yes, do you have anything to say?"

"It's...I didn't expect-"

"Then what did you expect?"

"It's small but nice"

"Yea it's small so wha..uh..what did you say?"

"It has a nice feeling," he said, looking around the garden. I was taken aback for a moment.

I knew he meant it, but I was not expecting it.

"Er..thanks, I guess," I said uncertainly and he smiled, looking amused at me.

Nivin Rosh Aldrick is smiling at me!

"Stop it" I snapped at him, for some reason my heart is out of rhythm.

"What?" he looked confused.

"Uh...I mean..nothing.." I said as I opened the door.

"So..it's goodbye then," Neev said opening his door and following me outside.

"Mm..yeah, I guess" I turned to him. "Thanks a lot, Nivin, you are not that bad, now that I think about it" I smiled up at him, making him chuckle, which strangely sent warmth across me.

"Take care then, I have some things to settle," Neev said and I nodded.

"You too, take care," I said genuinely, he was back in the car and started it. I waved him off.

He reversed and went straight back, only, he was blocked by an old beat up truck, that deliberately blocked his path.


I blew the horn continuously, but the truck in front didn't move, in fact, it seems like it's deliberately blocking me.

What's going on!?

I stopped the car and opened the door just as the driver climbed out of the truck.

"You are blocking my way," I said, in a not-too-friendly voice.

"We have some unfinished business," he said, swinging his fist at me, which I blocked in surprise.

I really don't know what he meant, we are meeting for the first time. Before anyone of us recovered, Riya was between me and him.

"Wait!" she tried to separate us. "Don't fight, he has got nothing to do with me, Suresh!"

"You escaped with him last time"

It is the guy who had tried to kidnap her during her accident!

"It's not him, let's not involve others in our business," she said.


"What the hell do you mean by that?" I asked angrily, pushing him away from me and looking at Riya now.

Riya sighed, frustrated.

"Neev, just get out of here"

The man took a step in front and turned to her, taking a threatening step forward.

"Hey, what are you doing," I said angrily.

"You can get out of here if you want" the man spat at me, his eyes never letting go of Riya.

"I have a message to deliver" he added, taking a step towards Riya who covered behind me.

"What is it that you want," I said, blocking her from their view and covering her completely.

I don't know why, but I couldn't seem to control my anger.

"Get out of this when I say nicely, kid," he said again. "Or..do you have money to pay?" he asked after a moment.

"How much?" I asked.

"I don't owe you anything! I paid back-"

"You are responsible for all the custody charges and police raid that came following it," he said angrily.

"What!?" Riya looked shocked.

"Did you forget my dear girl, you trapped boss inside an elevator"

"And you kidnapped me, yes I do remember!" Riya retorted.

They are talking about THAT day! Riya was kidnapped then? she locked me in the elevator to escape these people!

Now that I think about it, I realised I didn't give her a chance to explain and accused her of a third-rate girl!

"Riya?" I turned to her.

"No! don't get involved" Riya said suddenly, making me angry for some reason.

"Can you explain what's going on? how come you deal with guys like these?" I asked angrily.

"Neev, please get out of here, I know how to deal with this" Riya said now coming in front, making me furious.

"I don't have your money," she said bravely "and I don't intend to give you any even if I have" she added.

"You don't have to pay back with money" The men laughed out loud. "you are always welcome to pay back with your body! in fact, the boss will be happier if you do that," he said.

I lost it then, my fist connected with his chin. Everyone froze for a moment. My anger was still bubbling on the surface.

"Neev!" Riya hissed.

"You call this dealing with yourself?" I shouted at her.

Suresh rubbed his chin with a dirty smile." it seems like our pretty little princess has found herself a loverboy" he said and I grabbed him by his shirt, I wanted to wipe his dirty smile off his face, I want to punch the daylights out of him.

"Stop..stop this" Riya cried as he tried to block me.

"How much is your debt?" I asked her.

"It's not my debt! I have paid them back! it was-"

"How much?" I growled.

"2.5 lakhs" that guy snickered.

I let go of him. "come to meet me and we will discuss everything" I take out my visiting card and pushed to his hand.

Yea sure, I will pay you back, just come and I know how to deal with you.

Riya gasped.

"No," she said firmly, she turned to me. "don't get involved, Nivin-"

"You..you are an Aldrick?" Suresh seemed speechless for a moment, now looking at the shiny card that I have just given him.

"I..I will talk to my boss about this," he said looking up at me with new found respect.

"I'm sorry sir..sorry," he said, looking worried. "Please don't be offended, I didn't recognise you"

"What are you blabbering?"

"We are here because my boss is it's owner now" he kept blabbering. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"What?" Riya looked shocked. "what do you mean by that? this is my house!"

"It was, but Joseph Aldrick has a deal with my boss and it's now his house" he looked up at me worriedly and I froze hearing grandpa's name.

"What rubbish are you talking about! this is-" Riya started angrily, but was cut off when I turned to her.

"Did you ever sign any documents or papers with grandpa?" I asked her deadly.

"No! I didn't! I am not stupid to hand over my only property to-" she stopped, her eyes widening. "He..he drew up some papers so that..he could..take my sponsorship! Oh my God!"

Even I was shocked now. I don't know why grandpa is so obsessed with her to go to this extent.

"But it was...I swear, there was nothing like..I mean, there -"

"Riya, come with me" I dragged her back to my car.

"But this is my house!" she exclaimed.

"Just come with me" I opened the door and forced her inside. I started the car and reversed it without much problem as Suresh obediently moved his truck out of my way.

"Jeez! I never thought he will do this!he is the chairman of Aldrick's corporation! what does he want with my small house! I can't believe he just gave it away! that too to my enemies!he is-"

"Riya" I cut across her now. "what's the deal with you and grandpa?"

"There's nothing much, he just knew my guardian and he wanted to help me...God! it all sounds so lame now...I can't believe I fell for his trap, I am going to file a complaint! he just trapped me, I can't just give up on my house!"

"Trust me Riya, he is a master at law, you can't win him, his legal team is the most powerful one in the country," I said.

"Why would he even do this to me?" she whined, now rubbing her temples. "I was just going on with my life! why did he even bother to come!" she asked.

That's what I would really like to know!

"Where's your father, what does he do then?" I asked her, now aware all her stories were just fake like I suspected all along.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I grew up in an orphanage" she said and I looked up at her for a moment, a bit shocked.

"No need to give me that look, it was better than living under your grandpa," she said darkly. "ha! to think of my dream now! I badly wanted to be a part of a family!" she added sarcastically.

"Why did you suddenly decide to leave? did grandpa and you have any problems?" I asked next.

She froze.

"Riya?" I looked at her.

"Oh shit! I..I totally forgot! Neev, we have to go somewhere, now!"


"Priya! I want to check on her!"

"Who is Priya?" I asked.

Riya wiped her eyes.

"She's my sister," she said slowly. "I think she might be in trouble!"

"You can just file a complaint-"

"I can't" she shook her head. "we are not blood-related, she's as good as my sister" Riya sniffed again, her eyes were sparkling with tears now.

I don't know what's going on, she's making it difficult to understand.

"She was staying at the orthopaedic centre," Riya said again. "she can't walk, she's only recovering from her accident," Riya said. "and I am her legal guardian" she started to tell me.


"Priya.," I told the receptionist.

"I'm afraid there's no one here in that name"

"Please recheck it, she was undergoing treatment here for nearly one year now," I said again.

My mind was telling me so many things but I refused to listen, I pushed all of it to the back of my mind, trying to be optimistic.

Nivin was beside me, looking confused, he was asking me so many questions as soon as we reached here, but I couldn't answer him.

"I am sorry ma'am, there's no one here in that name-"

"What do you mean there's no one! I am her legal guardian! I am asking for Priya! she is 25, she was staying here for the past one year!" I raised my voice.

"But Ma'am-"

"I Am going to sue you!" I said.

"Riya.." Nivin turned to me. "Are you sure-" he started.

"I Am damn sure, Nivin! in fact, I think she's lying!" I shouted now, losing my control. "I know where her room is!" I started to walk inside.

"You can't go inside without visitors pass-"receptionist started, I fixed her with a death glare, Making her stop.

I turned back inside and started to sprint.

"Riya! wait" I heard Neev's voice but I couldn't stop, I have to make sure.

Priya couldn't walk and her room is on the ground floor, I know exactly where it is.

"Can I see your visitors pass?" the security asked as soon as I reached near the rooms.

"Oh sorry, I think I forgot to take it"

"You can't go in without-hey!"

He couldn't finish because I was already running past him.

He started to follow me.

"Priya.," I shouted as I pushed her door open, but the door was not moving. I looked down to see it locked from outside.

I stilled.

"Ma'am..you have to come out, now" the security guard was beside me now.

"Where's..where's Priya?" I asked robotically.

"There's no one in this side of building ma'am," he said, now taking my hand firmly.

"You should go out now," he said.

"Let her go!"I heard Nivin's voice and whirled around.

"She's..she's missing Neev! this is her room but she's not here!" I said in a panic.

"Riya, calm down, let's just meet the-" Nivin's voice cut off when we heard other sounds.

"Here they are!" I heard the receptionist first. both of us turned around to see four security officers in uniform and another man in executive style.

"I Am the manager of this institution, you can't just trespass without visitors card!" the well-dressed man said.

I started to retort, but Nivin took hold of my hand and take a step forward.

"We are here to visit a patient-Priya," he said confidently. "we tried to follow the protocol but your receptionist said there's no one here with that name"

I have to admit it, he was stern and his voice had a authority in it, demanding an answer, like his presence.

I'm glad Nivin is with me now!

"Come with me, we will talk about this in my office," The manager said


"I am her legal guardian!" Riya said again. "If she's transferred, you should have informed me first"

"Her family came to take her away," the manager said.

"She doesn't have any family! she doesn't even remember anything after her accident! her only family is me!" Riya said angrily.

I looked at her in surprise, things seemed to be more complicated than I thought.

"Exactly, They had all the legal documents to prove it, they were searching for her all these time," he said

"Then why didn't you inform her guardian?" I asked him. "if something like this happened, you should have informed Riya!"

"I wanted to, but they wanted it to be confidential, that girl's life is in danger and her family wanted to protect her, police was involved directly and we couldn't do anything other than follow it," he said.

"Who took her?" Riya asked.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but I can't-"

"Answer me dammit! tell me who took her away!" Riya shouted. I grabbed her from attacking the manager.

"If you can't tell us, it's alright, I am a member of quick TV, I am sure that the story will be quite interesting if it becomes public and your institution will be surely famous overnight," I said sarcastically.

Riya stilled and looked at me. the manager still seemed doubtful, I think he's not convinced enough!

Very well...

I took my phone and dialled Amy.

"Amy, I need your help," I said as soon as she picked her phone up.

Riya looked at me in surprise as I talked in the phone.

Things happened too fast then and the manager admitted his defeat at last.

"Amy?" Riya asked as we waited in his office.

"She might be a badass, but she's the only daughter of the CEO of Q TV," I said. "Amy herself was a reporter there"

Riya nodded slowly, she looked tense. "Neev, I think I know who took her away," she said.

I looked up at her in question.

"It's...Nirosha's dad or grandpa" she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I really have no idea," she said. "I hope Priya is alright, if something happens to her-"

"Nothing will happen," I said as I saw her eyes filling. "They can take her away, but they can't do anything, it's too risky, especially if they took her out of here legally," I said.

Riya wiped her eyes. "I never thought things will get this complicated," she said.

The door opened and the manager was there again, he handed over the paper to her.

"For security reasons, we can't expose her address and family, but I will just give you the intermediate person's details"

She opened and I read it over her head-


Riya wiped her eyes. "I am not going to leave them if something happens to her," she said firmly.

* * *

"No, there must be some other way," I told her firmly. after all the pain we took to escape that hell hole, she wanted to return back.

"He knows where Priya is, I have to meet him" she was adamant.

"Don't you understand? Joseph Aldrick took her! it's war! if you want Priya, you have to beat my grandpa!" I said.

"I can't give up on her!"

"Do you think grandpa is going to be easy on you? no, he is going to be twice as difficult, its war, don't you get it-"

"I don't really care and no, I can't abandon her like that, I don't plan on quitting," she said and that made me stop.

"Grandpa is probably going to torture you mentally," I said slowly. "And Sebastian is involved which means it's related to the company!"

She has no idea how dangerous it is. if grandpa and Sebastian are this determined, there's something very very bad in it!

"I am ready to face everything, I won't stop until I get her back," she said. I sighed.

"It's going to be difficult" I added, deciding to let her take the decision.

"don't worry, I don't count on you to come back with me, I know you can't and I know it's my business," she said.

"Why do you care to explain this to me?" I asked her, suddenly irritated.

Did she really think I was worried about going back? frustrated, yes, but worried...

"Uh...I don't know, you were helping me all these time so I don't want us to part in a bad way, I guess" she shrugged, then turned back to look out of the window.

So we drove all the way back. we reached the nearest town.

"I can take care from here onwards, thank you," she told me.

"I am in," I said.


"I am in, I want to go there with you," I said, finally deciding.

"No..no, it's a bad idea, I can't just let you get involved, you are already not in good terms with grandpa"

"That's exactly why I am doing this!don't you get it?"

"If you want to aggravate him, you can find another way"

"You might want my help, there's no way you can fight him alone," I said convincingly. She sighed.

"Are you trying to brainwash me now?"

"Let's do it, we are just taking advantage of each other" I gave her a genuine smile, hoping to win her over.

"Stop it!" she snapped.

"What?" I asked.

Is there some problem with my smile? it's the second time she is snapping at me for smiling!

"Uh..I'm not sure about your deal" she added quickly.

"It's a good idea. if you can't avoid it, enjoy it" I winked at her.

"Okay, but we do this in my style, you can't order me around or interrupt my plans"

"Whatever" I shrugged.

"Okay" she agreed

* * *


The gate opened without any further questions, it was as if he was waiting for me to turn up.

"Sir will meet you in his office," the security officer said. I nodded and slowly started to walk inside.

As we crossed the hall, we met Auntie Alice, Kamala and Danny in the hall, all of whom looked worried.

I never thought I would be afraid of him, but I was greatly mistaken, my limbs were trembling as I reached the door. To my surprise, Neev reached out and squeezed my hands lightly, giving me a nod and encouraging me. I nodded slowly and knocked twice.

"Come in," Grandpa's voice said and we entered the room.

We stood there in front of him like some thieves.

"Why are you here?" he didn't look up at us from his work.

"Where is Priya?" I asked, that got his attention, he looked up.

"She's with her family" he shrugged.

"don't lie! she doesn't have any family!" I said.

"Is that what Ananth told you?" he asked me smugly and I froze. I had never told anyone that it was Uncle Ananth who wanted me to protect Priya.

"I don't know what you are talking ab-"

"don't lie, Riya Mehra, I know what's going on, Priya's family was searching for her all this time and your dear uncle Ananth hide her away," grandpa said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I thought you were close to him?" I said

"I was keeping an eye on him, I wanted to know what he was doing" he shrugged.

"And is it why you forced Riya to stay here?" it was Nivin. "To keep an eye on her too, since her guardian is no more?"

"That's one of the many reasons," he said coolly. "I wanted to teach him a lesson too, too bad he is not around to see how you are doing now, Riya"

I am disgusted now, I can't believe anyone could stoop so low!

"You know what! it was not uncle Ananth, Priya is in danger because of you!" I said.

"She's safe with her family now"

"I don't trust you," I said. "you trapped me here so that you can avenge my late uncle in your own sick way! I am not going to stay here anymore!"

"It's all past now, let's drop it, you cannot go back now since everyone is aware of your sponsorship"

"I don't care a damn about your sponsorship! I just want my life back" I said.

"If I let go of you, it's going to look bad and I can't let anyone spoil the family reputation"

"And you can keep on insulting uncle Ananth by keeping me here as your slave," I said. "I won't allow it," I said firmly.

"Very well..you can pay me 5 lakhs and go back"

"Excuse me?"

"This is our contract, Riya Mehra, it says here that you will pay me this money if you ever breach it"

I stared at him, I can't believe it's the damned contract again!

"You already have my house" I whispered. Joesph Aldrick chuckled.

"Don't you get it? I already have whatever is that belongs to you, every single thing"

"Why do you hate him that much? what did her guardian ever do to you?" Nivin whispered near me. He too seemed shocked at the turn of events.

"He died without my permission" grandpa looked up at me in anger. "Is that a reason enough?" he asked.

I think this old man is really sick in his head!

"You are blackmailing me! you know I don't have-" I stopped myself in time.

"What? don't you have money?" he asked me smugly. "well..then, you will continue to live as I say"

"It's no problem, I can pay for her" Nivin said firmly beside me.

I was shocked to hear this. I turned to him, but he looked furious for some reason.

"I Am afraid, it doesn't work that way, especially after that stunt you played and got sacked from your post," Grandpa said.

"My dad-"

"You can't have even a penny unless you graduate and take your rightful position, I have already frozen all of your accounts," grandpa said.

I really can't believe we are back to this!

"I will pay you," I said firmly.

No, I don't want to drag Neev into this.

"When? I don't want an empty promise" grandpa said. "you choose the deadline"

"No, you are tricking her, no matter how hard she tries, you will just ruin it somehow" Nivin interfered.

"How is it possible, I am not even demanding the interest" grandpa said.

"And what are the rules?" Nivin asked back, making me confused.


I looked between them now.

"Ah..you are a businessman after all" grandpa said smugly. "there is nothing much, Riya will stay here as a member of this house, she will continue the college and she won't talk about this matter outside, until her deal is closed, not even the family members and you will keep it quite Nivin, I will give you 6 months time to pay back"

"Agreed," Riya said. "I will get your goddamn money by 6 months, what about Priya?"

"If you are keeping your word, you can visit her," grandpa said. "But I have to be very sure that you are keeping your word"

"Okay" I sighed a breath of relief, Nivin still looked stiff. it's better than I expected. "I want to make a phone call, I want to know she's safe now"

"I will arrange for it," he said and I nodded.

"So first things first, why did you leave?" his tone changed.


"If I remember correctly, I told both of you to stay here during the party, why did you leave without informing me?" he asked.

"I..I wanted to check on Priya" I gulped.

"Your actions are not excused, as members of Aldrick family, you deserve to be punished," he said and I shivered.

Punishment? Please tell me it's not what I think it is!

"No!" Nivin said beside me, confirming my worst fears.

"You can't do this to her! she's not an Aldrick!" Nivin repeated as I stood there, speechless.

Grandpa turned to me. "what do you think? do we have a deal or not?" he asked.

I fisted my hands tightly and nodded, I can't give him the satisfaction.

"Are you out of your mind? do you even know what you are saying?" Nivin turned to me incredulously.


So guys,

Tell me what do you think, should Neev & Riya get punished?

don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT,  SHARE & FOLLOW If you like the story!

Love you all,


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