#63 B&B

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"Bye Auntie," I hugged Auntie Alice, "thank you for letting me stay here," I said.

"How many times did I tell you, dear, You brought Rohan back to his senses, Everyone was so worried and he was turning to someone we didn't know," she wiped her eyes. "I am really thankful that you came back, dear."

"T... Thank you..." I told her, tightening my grip around her for a moment.

She doesn't know how much her words mean to me.

"Don't cry, This is not our goodbye, we'll meet again soon, We are going to bring you back,"

I moved back slightly, "I will think about that," I nodded slowly.

I know what she meant, she's talking about marriage.

"You don't need to think at all," Danny grinned, "I know my brother well, He will make it easier for you to take that decision." he winked and Kamala and Auntie Alice smiled.

"I will come and visit," I nodded as I turned back one last time. Everyone was still there, waving their goodbye to me.

Danny opened the car door for me as Uncle Manoj took my bag.

I looked at the gate.

"Rohan will be late chechi," Danny said and my heart sank.

"I will tell him to come and visit you as soon as he reaches," he said.

"It's okay, I know he's busy, I was not expecting him to come early today," I lied.

Everyone is very busy in the company nowadays, sorting out the mess Sebastian created.

But I was waiting and watching for him this whole time, I was secretly wishing for him to turn up.

Uncle Manoj started the car and I waved at everyone.

As the car moved forward I suddenly felt alone again, it feels like I have left something back there.

I know Rohan is waiting for me, But I just couldn't seem to do it.

I need to prove it to myself first, that I am capable and that I can take care of myself before starting any sort of commitment.

I am still worried about trusting people after what my Uncle and Auntie did to me.

I don't want to be weak and depended on someone, so this job is important to me.

It's not that I don't trust Rohan, It's just that... I am afraid of hurting him and myself.

He's someone so special to me and I am kind of strangely afraid of ruining it.

You are not alone Naina...You have a lot of people around you...

I took my phone and dialled Riya.


I pressed the bell and waited.

"Who's it?"

"You have a delivery, ma'am," I said, trying to change my voice.

She opened her door slightly and I raised the flower bouquet.

"Congratulations, you have your own place now," I said.

"Rohan!" she exclaimed, "Why are you here at this time?" she asked.

"How rude Naina, You are not even inviting me inside?"

She moved back and I walked inside.

"You didn't even come to say goodbye," she said slowly.

I turned around.

"You were disappointed not to see me?" I grinned widely.

"No,"  she said a little too quickly.

"Don't worry, I was planning to come here directly, I am not leaving you alone," I smiled.

"What!?" she exclaimed, turning around.

I put down my bag and take a step forward.

"You dummy, Do you really think that my mom will allow you to come here alone? She wanted to come and help you settle down," I said.

She looked at me blankly, not understanding what I am saying.

"I somehow convinced them not to come, I said I will help you settle down, Riya was planning to come too, but I told them to wait," I chuckled at her look.

"I have only a few things," she said. "I can take care of it."

"But I have a lot of things to organise,"

"What are you saying Rohan, You can't stay here!" she exclaimed, finally understanding what I am telling her.

"Why?... You stayed in my house when you were alone, I can't do that?" I asked innocently.

"You are not alone!"

"I am alone without you,"

"Don't be so cheesy, Rohan!"

"Then can I be romantic?" I smiled, walking to her.

"Wait! Stay right...there!" she ordered and I stilled.

"Let me get this straight, you told everyone that you are staying here!? Your parents were okay with it!?" she asked me, Looking shocked.

"No silly, I told them that I will help you settle down today and then I will stay at the company apartment,"

"Then stay at the company apartment."



"Because I don't want to, it's too lonely there," I said and started to move again.

"Stay right there!" Naina said again, trying to move back and I wrapped her to me.

"I don't want to," I said looking down at her now, "Did you really think I will leave you out of my sight that easily? Especially after all these time,"

"Ro... Rohan," she trembled inside my hand, "We decided to give it time,"

"But you are running away, Naina, let's be honest, you love me, but you are scared about any sort of commitment,"

"I... I... you... can you move back a little?"

"No," I shook my head.

"I am starting work from Monday, it's important to-"

"I know, you can work all you want, Naina, but let's get married first," I said.

"Be serious Rohan!"

"I am," I said firmly. "Does it look like I am joking now?" I looked into her eyes, "I don't want to stay away from you."

"I... I need time,"

"Take all the time you need, But I will stay here with you."

"What! You can't possibly mean that!" she wiggled out of my hands and placed her palms on my chest, keeping a distance between us.

"Either marry me or stay with me like this, I don't care as long as you are in front of me," I said, "And I cannot wait anymore," I said and took a step back.

Naina sighed in relief for a moment before I started to remove my jacket.

"What are you doing!?" she exclaimed as I loosened my tie and unbuttoned the top button.

"Where's the bedroom?"

"There's only one bedroom!"

"It's fine by me," I smiled and walked inside.

"You can't be serious!" she followed me, "You can't just do this!"

"I sure can." I shrugged.

"Okay," Naina closed her eyes for a moment, "Okay, tell me... what do you want me to do?" she opened her eyes and gazed at me.

I tried to hide my smile.

"Marry me," I said simply.

"Why should I do that?"

"Because you love me," I shrugged, "And I love you too, isn't it reason enough?"

"I... I like you, I don't know if it's love," she said.

"Oh really?" I walked to her and she moved back.

"Stop... stop right there... we are talking-" she dragged off as I pulled her to my hands a second time.

My fingers brushed her cheeks and moved down her slender neck.

"What... what are you... doing?" she shivered at my touch.

"This," I said softly as I touched her chain, "Do you want to explain this?" I said, pulling out the chain from inside her shirt.

She covered the emerald ring that was attached to the chain within her hand, Looking shocked.

"How... how did you-"

"You are still engaged to me, you are still wearing the ring, and you want me to think that you don't love me?" I pulled her closer as she gasped, "Don't lie to me, Naina; I won't let it pass easily." I said.

I felt her heart going overdrive. Her face was flushing.

"You can lie to yourself all you want, but your heart and body is saying otherwise," I said and she gasped again.


"O...okay, it's true, I love you," I stammered. His closeness is affecting me too much. "But it doesn't mean that we have to get married," I said.

"You are right," he smiled, "we can just live together then."


"I can't wait any longer; I want to stay with you."

"We... we can't stay together until we get married," I said.

"Then marry me, Nain..."

"Is it that simple for you?"

"Why is it so complicated? We both love each other."

"I can't win this argument, I know," I sighed, "But marriage is something big, I need some kind of sign..." I dragged off.

"What kind of sign?" he looked confused.

I know I can't blame him, even I don't know what I am talking.

"I don't know," I shook my head, "when I met Riya from the hospital for the first time, I felt some kind of bond, I knew that we were going to be close,"

"You are hurting me Naina, you don't feel anything-"

"Don't take it the wrong way, I love you Rohan, but... I have so many insecurities, I have to prove it to that I am capable of handling myself first, and then only I can trust myself to be in a relationship,"

"Is it the famous 'it's not you, it's me' quote? Are you rejecting me right now?"

"I don't want to hurt you,"

"You know, I don't take a 'no' as an answer," he said firmly.

"You need to leave, it's getting late," I said, now realising that he's not going to back down.

Rohan walked to the settee and slumped down. "Your settee is quite comfortable," he grinned and I sighed.


I walked to the restaurant, looking around for Grandma.

"Welcome ma'am, did you make a reservation?"

"Um... yea, I am here to meet Parvathi Atharva," I said and she nodded

"Follow me."

I followed her inside.

It was a nice restaurant at the heart of the town.

"Here," she showed me a private room and I thanked her.

I opened the door and stilled at the doorway, now confused at the young man sitting there.

"I am sorry... I think I have the wrong room-"

"Riya?" I stopped when the guy smiled, "I am Soorya, please come in," he smiled and it hit me then.

Grandma! Did she just trick me to come here!?

Did she just arrange a blind date for me!?

"I take it that you are unaware of the date?" he said and I didn't know what to answer.

My phone started to ring.

"Excuse me," I nodded and attended the call.

"Grandma," I hissed, turning to the side.

"I am so sorry dear, I can't come, but my best friend's son will be there-"


"He's my best friend's son, don't be rude okay?" she said and disconnected the call.

I can't believe this!

I looked up at the guy

"Um... actually Grandma-"

"Please be seated first," he came around and pulled out the chair for me.

"Err... thank you..." I said awkwardly. "I didn't know it was a date," I said as he poured the wine for me.

"Please be comfortable," he smiled at me. "Because I asked your Grandma to introduce you," he said.

I stilled at that.

"I am a married woman," I blurted out and he laughed out loud.

"You are charming," he said. "I am aware of that,"

"What! You know it?" I am confused now.

"You were pretty famous in the media," he said pleasantly. "I know Nivin from college."

That made me frozen. I stared at him.

If he knows about me, why did he want to meet me?

"I am still married to him-"

"I was shocked to hear that he got married," Soorya said. "He was not the kind to marry and settle down."

It seems like he's more interested to know about Neev's personal life.

"And your point is?" I asked him, now getting irritated with the guy.

"You were an Atharva, no wonder he married you, he must've known about your family,"

Is this the part where I pour the red wine in his face and walk away elegantly?

"I have other things to do, Good day to you," I took my purse and started to get up.

"I can offer more,"


"Whatever is that he's offering you, I can offer more,"

"He won't spare you if he comes to know about this, I will take it as we did not meet today," I said angrily, getting up now.

"Wait-" he took my hand.

"But I can't take it as simple as that," My heart skipped a beat when I heard his voice and turned to see Nivin walking to us, he looked calm, But I know that he's angry.

"I suggest, you let go of my wife, Soorya," he said to the guy who left me.

"Long time man!" he said, "I was just getting acquainted with your wife," he said and it sounded so wrong.

"Neev-" I started but he turned to Soorya.

"We will settle this later Soorya, just wait for me." Neev said sternly, Almost sounding threatening, before turning to me, "let's go-"

"Oh come on Nivin! You and I both know you don't give a damn about this girl, I know you. People don't change that easily-"

"F**k off, Soorya, I am warning you," Nivin's voice rang with the warning and instantly I knew that things are not going to settle down easily, especially when I saw the smug look on Soorya's face.

This is not good!

"Let's go Neev, come on," I moved to take his hands, trying to calm him down.

"Riya, think about it, I am not a narrow-minded person, I don't care you are married, you can demand your conditions and I will-"

Next thing I know, he was flying across the room.

"Neev!" I shouted, pulling him back from him.

Soorya got up from the floor, looking shocked.

"You do care about the girl!" he stated, rather surprised.

"Riya, move," Neev ordered before lunging at him again.

Soorya was back on his feet again, ready to attack.

"Stop this... Please! Stop this!" I shouted as they started to fight.

The table was thrown out of the way and the wine bottle crashed to the floor.


"Sir are you okay? Do you need anything?" The manager asked Neev, looking worried.

"Did you hand him over to the police?" Neev asked him and he nodded.

Yes, Even though it was Neev who barged in and started the fight first, It was Soorya who was taken away by the security people, the reason?

Well... Neev just used his title; the manager recognised him and told the security people to take Soorya away.

"We are sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am," the manager turned to me.

"We are sorry to trouble you," I said politely.

"You can go," Neev ordered, he was still looking angry.

"Are you okay?" I walked to him as soon as the manager left, "your wound is bleeding." I tried to touch his upper arm, but he moved back.

"I can't tolerate this anymore! I was going crazy Riya, I was waiting for you at home, and assuring myself you are going to come back soon!"

"I am so sorry Neev, but Grandma-"

"Do not talk to me about that woman!" he took hold of my hands firmly, "you are coming back home with me and that's it," he said.

"You are not mad at me?" I looked at him.

He gave me a look and I quietly followed him.

"Grandma would be angry if I left with you-"

"Let her be," Nivin said darkly, he opened the door and helped me in before coming around to the driving seat.

"How did you know that I was there? Even I was not aware of the blind date!"

He gave me a look again, "I had meeting with a client" he said.


"I am sorry," I added a bit later, "I didn't want to be rude to Grandma's guest, but I didn't know his true intentions."

"He's one of the representatives of JS group, our rival," Neev added, still looking angry.

"I am sorry," I said softly. "I didn't know-"

"I can't believe your Grandma; she arranged a blind date for you!" Neev said, fuming angrily.


"And you, Riya, How could you talk to him like that, you should have left the moment you realised it was a blind date!"

"I wanted to explain; I thought it would be rude to-"

"Enough! I don't want to hear it Riya," he looked really upset with me and my heart sank.

We rode the elevator in silence, Neev was still refusing to talk to me, and as soon as we entered our apartment, He just walked inside without a word.

I know it's my mistake, but still, it made me feel sad.

I didn't know Soorya was such a jerk.

Neev slammed the bedroom door after him and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Neev..." I started to follow him, "hear me out, okay-" I stopped as I saw that.

Near an open windowsill was my love plant.

I walked near in wonder, I couldn't believe my eyes, the plant that was looking withered and dead when I was leaving was looking beautiful now.

The purple colour heart-shaped leaves were still glistening with water droplets and the newly bloomed tiny white flowers were standing out proudly against the purple colour.

Neev was taking care of it when I was away!

I remembered our fight over love plant, I was totally mad at him for breaking its pot.

I was obviously happy to see it, but I don't know why I am tearing up like this.

I wiped my eyes and turned around, determined to talk to Neev and solve our little fight.

I opened our bedroom door and walked inside.

Neev was removing his jacket and turned back as soon as I entered the room.

"Grandma wanted to meet me there and I had no idea that it was a blind date," I walked near him.

He just moved away while removing his tie.

"I was leaving, Neev, I was-" I stopped as he walked past me, ignoring me completely.

My heart skipped a beat as I thought that he is really angry.

"Neev," I moved forward and wrapped my hands around him, hugging him from behind.

"I am soo... so sorry, I Am a zillion times sorry, Don't be angry at me," I pressed my cheek on his shirt and tightened the grip as he tried to move.

Neev just untangled my hands around him and moved out of my hands.

My heart was feeling heavy and I looked down at the floor.

"Riya," I heard him and looked up.

Before I could understand what's happening, I was slammed to his chest.

"Neev, look I am so sorry about-" I stopped as he crashed his lips to me and tightened his hands around me, almost hurting me.

He was still angry and rough as he pushed me to the bed, he raised the hem of my top and I felt his hands on my skin.

I brought my hands around him and pulled him to a tight hug.

"Neev," I said, "calm down-"

"You belong to me, Riya, you are mine," he said firmly, and raised above me, He was looking straight to my eyes.

I nodded and he lowered to me, kissing me again.

I giggled as he touched my waist and he looked up at me.

"You know, you look like a jealous teenager now," I teased.

"I am jealous," he said and turned us around in a flash.

I squealed in surprise as I was lying on top of him now.

He pushed my hair back and brought my head closer to him.

"And I am damn possessive." He added, his lips brushed my cheek and I felt the slight stubble of his chin grazing against my cheek, making me shiver.

"So I am going to punish you now," he said and I felt the little sting as he bit my earlobe, making me squeal in surprise.

"Tell me that you love me, Riya..." he demanded.

"I love you," I said slowly, looking down at his handsome face, "And I missed you like hell!" I added and his face relaxed a bit.

"Don't stay away from me," Neev whispered and I nodded, leaning to kiss him on the cheek, only, Neev captured my lips with his, again, This time gently, like I am a precious crystal that needs to be handled with care.

The bell rang.

I started to get up, but Neev resisted, pulling me closer.

...And it rang again.

"It's the security uncle!" I exclaimed and he let go of me reluctantly.

Neev pressed the button.

"What's it?" he sounded really irritated.

"Sir," I heard Uncle Rajan's panicked voice, "Here's an angry woman demanding to see you," he said.



"What do you mean? You are in the police station?"

"Stop talking and bring your lazy ass here," Neev sounded pissed.

I know he's not joking.

So twelve minutes later, I was frozen at the doorway.

"I told you, I didn't kidnap her, she is my wife and I have every right to take her home with me," Neev said stubbornly.

"He's not good for my granddaughter! We are going to apply for a divorce!"

"Grandma," Riya looked shocked, "I can't leave Neev!"

The officers looked helpless.

"Since she was taken away by her husband, we can't file a kidnapping case against him, ma'am," The officer said.

"Grandma, he didn't kidnap me, you know that I left with him," Riya said.

"You are blinded by your affection, girl, you can't trust Aldricks!" her Grandma turned to her.

Oh dear... It's much worse than I imagined.

"What the hell is going on here?" someone whispered beside me and I saw Nikil, looking as shocked as me.

"Good thing you came now, take care of your Grandma and I will take Neev," I said and both of us nodded.

We went inside and started to talk.

"Please take them back from the station, what you need is not the police, but a discussion among yourselves," the officer urged us out of the room.



"I can't!" her Grandma looked stubborn.

"I too can't leave her with you anymore," Neev replied back, both of them were not ready to inch back.

"Grandma, Riya like him, let them be together, they are already married." Nikil tried.

"NO! And stop talking nonsense or I am going to disown you," she said.

He sighed.

"I will look after Riya well, don't worry about her," Nivin said, trying to convince her.

"I told you no-"

"Grandma," Riya looked at her, "he thought I was an orphan and still married me," she said, "we love each other, Grandma, He was even ready to give up everything for me," she said and her grandmother didn't move.

"He's a bit stubborn, I agree..." Riya said and Neev looked at her. "But family comes first to him, I really love him," Riya said.

She still didn't talk.

"Riya is happy with him, Grandma, and he's not as bad as we thought," Nikil added, giving Neev a look who looked at him straight back in surprise.

"I will take good care of your granddaughter, I promise you," Nivin said.

"Grandma," Riya said slowly. "This is the last letter from my dad, Please read it and you will understand." she handed her the letter and Parvathi took it rather doubtfully.

All of us waited as she went through it, her expression changed from outrage to shock.

"He... he didn't abandon my Sneha... he was trying to protect his daughter!" she whispered and Riya nodded slowly, her eyes were filled.

"And Sneha knew it! They planned it together!" Parvathi stopped. "They should have approached me! I could have helped them." She exclaimed.

"They didn't have a chance then," Riya said.

"Please allow me to be with Riya, we really need your permission," Neev said.

It's my first time seeing him like this!

"We will guarantee this... you can trust him," I added.

Her grandmother sighed and turned to us.

"Okay," she said and all of us sighed in relief. "But I have some conditions," she added and we looked at her, worried.

"First of all, you will get married from our family temple,"

"We are already married-"

"Deal," Neev cut across Riya.

"And you will give her shares back-"

"Grandma!" Riya exclaimed.

"I am already working on it," Neev said, "The shares that belonged to her father, Anil Ragunad is going back to her, If that happens, she will be one of the major shareholders," he said and all of us looked at him, Riya looked shocked.

"That's good then," her Grandma said, "Then my last condition is... Don't stay together until I personally see that you are married,"

"Oka... wait! What!?" Neev looked outraged while Riya blushed red, Both Nikil and I laughed at that.

"You want us to stay apart... again?" Neev asked incredulously.

"Do you want to marry my granddaughter?"


I can't believe my eyes! I looked at him again.

Oh, God!

"Neev, how the hell did you get here? Oh my God," I placed my hand against my heart, now unlocking the balcony door for him.

"You said your room is on the first floor," he shrugged.

"So! Did you decide to sneak in? What if you get caught-"

"Shh... relax, I didn't get caught, so chill," he pulled me to his hands and hugged me.

"Mm... I love you... and you said you missed me," he said.

"Wait!" I pushed him off, but he just started to pull me against him again.

I pushed him to my bed and made sure I locked both the doors.

Then I turned to him.

"I can't believe you did this Neev!" I said.

"It's your fault for not coming home,"

"But Grandma-"

"Please don't mention her, don't ruin my mood," he seemed frustrated and I smiled.

"I can't believe Nivin Rosh James Aldrick came all the way here! Didn't you see anyone on your way?"

"The gang helped me to distract them," he shrugged.

Of course!

"I like your dress," he said again.

I was wearing a skirt and a white top.

"What-" I squealed as he pulled me to him again.

I was in his lap and my skirt rode up.

"This," he traced my neck and I shivered slightly.

I started to pull down my skirt and he placed his hand over me.

"Riya!" he looked into my eyes, so deep into it and my heart raced, Neev has that effect on me.

"I... can't stay away from you, not after everything we have been through," he said as he played with the tip of my hair with the other hand.

"I... I want to come back too," I said, "but..." I sighed as he drew close.

"I miss your scent! I miss hugging you to me while sleeping," he said now kissing my beauty bone and I shivered.

"I miss this tiny little mole I love, do you know that?"

I turned to him.

"Aren't you worried? what if someone notice-"

"Shh..." he put his index finger on my lips. "I am staying the night," he said.

"What!" I exclaimed, "you can't do that-Nivin!" I hissed as he rolled me to the bed.


"But Neev-"

"Either I stay here or you come with me back," he said.

I started to reply, but he cut across me again, "No, I can't wait any longer and you are my wife!" he said.

"Neev I am so worried- what are you doing!" I giggled as I felt him brushing his fingertips on my waist.

"I know you are ticklish," he grinned.

"Neev... please!" I said, trying to move away.

"Riya, listen to me carefully now," he turned serious suddenly. "I will not leave you alone for the rest of your life," he said.

I looked at him, his eyes were dark, and I could feel his voice changing.

Oh no! It's not a good sign...

I started to get up slowly; only, Neev pulled me back to him.



I looked at her face; she was still sleeping peacefully, still snuggling close to me.

I smiled.

She's so cute! I like her childishness.

I looked at my phone again.

5:15 am.

I sighed.

I never thought there would be a day when I would have to sneak in to see my own wife!

I slowly started to slip away, careful not to wake her up. She frowned slightly and I kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you" I whispered.

I started to change in a hurry. I know I have to go back now.

Once I was finished, I turned to her again; I tucked her in the blanket and kissed her again.

"See you Riya,"

We can only be together after the marriage her Grandma is arranging for us.

I looked at her sleeping face.

I can't wait to get married to her...


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