Chapter 5: Initation

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I heard waves crashing down behind me as birds chirped through the air. I turned around and I saw where I was. The one place I vowed to never to return to. Menagerie. I looked around and saw that I was on the beach of the island.

???: Big Bwotha.
I heard a baby voice. I turned around as I pulled out my twin daggers. There she was. My baby sister. She slowly walked to me as she held a toy in her hand. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I watched her try to run to me. Then she hugged my leg as she held her toy in her hand.

Baby sister: Where mama papa?
She said as she hugged me leg. I picked her up and held her as she looked at me.

"I don't know little sister."
I said, trying to hold my tears back in.

Baby sister: Always wov you big bwotha.

I couldn't contain all the tears I had. So many memories flashed through my mind and I felt her presence go away.

Dream Ends

I slowly woke up and I looked to my side. I saw that Amelia was still asleep. I looked to my clock and it was almost 5.

"Great. Imitation is at 7." I said to myself.

I slowly moved out of Amelia's hold and I went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. After doing so I grabbed my armor and equipped my weapons. I wrote a quick note to Amelia. After doing that I exited the roof and went to the roof. It didn't take me long to get up on the roof and I stood on the edge of the roof. I pulled our my radio and called him.

"Hey Death-Gun. Any whereabouts of that pathetic organization."

Death-Gun: Damn F/N. Why so early. Aren't you suppose to be asleep.

"I lost that privilege. Now where." I said coldly.

Death-Gun: *sighs* near Junior's. A warehouse.

"Goodbye." I said as I put the radio away. I ran down the stairs on the side and I stole a bike in the parking of the school. I drove it to Vale as I thought about how my life came to be.

Joined the white fang for Faunas Equality.
Killed for the accusation of killing my best friend.
My family was killed in front of me.
Found by Laughing Coffin.
Trained and live by their standards.
Kill those responsible for their deaths.
Then encountered one of the many fuckers that killed my family. Blake fucking Belladonna. My "best friend". Not anymore. She is no better than Adam Taurus. No better than Chris. All of those in the white fang are monsters. Then I found Amelia. Chained up. Scars covering her body. Pale. Her eyes devoid of life.

As I thought about all those moments I gripped the handle tighter as I felt my blood boil. These were the only thoughts I thought about as I drove to Vale. It doesn't take long for me to arrive at Junior's. I parked outside and climbed to the roof. Once I got to the roof, I waited. I lifted my left arm and tapped on my fore-arm then a map of Vale was projected from armor's fore-arm. It showed my current location and any possible locations of each white fang base. I scanned the map and a few white fang bases popped up.

"Bingo." I said. I started running across the roofs until I came to a ware house. I stopped as I stood on the roof of the warehouse. I peered through the window and saw it was full of sleeping white fang members. I pulled out my flash bangs but hesitated.

"Too early for a gun-fight."
I said to myself. I put the flash bangs away and I pulled out my twin daggers as I held a throwing knife in my hand. I quietly opened the window and slipped through. I quietly approached the white fang members. As I got close to one, I slit their throats one by one. One by one their numbers decreased. As I continued to kill them I noticed something. Something that will get me to Chris. There she was. His little sister. I grinned as I thought of what to do. I looked around and saw a rope. I grabbed the rope and tied her hands together. I grabbed her and put her against the wall.

"Fuck being quiet. I want them to all realize what they created." I said.

I pulled out my flash bangs and tossed it into the middle of the room.


As soon the flash bang went off, everyone in the room woke up screaming as they covered their ears. I stood there as I watched scream in pain.

Chris's little sister: W-What the!
She yells as she struggles to get out of the ropes tying her down. The white fang members noticed me and pulled out their weapons.

White Fang Member #1: Who are you!

"That's an interesting question. I don't know. Either I'm Y/N. Or F/N."

White Fang Member #2: Y/N?
I heard a female voice as she said my name. I turned around and I pulled out my twin daggers.

"Y/N is long dead." I said with venom.

Chris's little sister: Y-Y/N?
She said as tears rolled down her face.

"Hmm. Pathetic. Crying because you're seeing you're seeing me not my baby sister anymore. Pathetic."

Chris little sister: Y-Y/N. I thought you were dead.

"You can thank your brother for that. And now I'm going to kill him and Adam."

Chris Little Sister: NO! Please! Don't!

"Then you're going to have to kill me." I said as I held my daggers, pointing at her neck.

White Fang Member: Let the little girl go!


I used the little red's semblance and I sped through them. I appeared behind them and they all fell to the ground as blood rushed out of them. The room was full of screams as blood was splattered across the walls. I turned to face Chris's little sister as she had a face full of fear. I walked up to her as she was crying, seeing the room full of dead bodies.

"How do you like my work? It's perfect. Just like how you killed my family." I said with venom in my voice.

Chris's Little Sister: I-I-I'm sorry!

"Sorry doesn't bring my family back." I said as I aimed my sniper at her head.

Chris's Little Sister: P-P-P-Please Y-Y/N.
She said as tears fell down her cheeks. I glared at her as I had my finger on the trigger.

???: F/N. Don't do it.

I turned around and I saw Death-Gun standing there, in his gear.

"What are you doing here?"

Death-Gun: Stopping you from doing something stupid.
He said.

"You don't know anything." I said with venom.

Death-Gun: You're right. But I know if you kill her right now. You will never be able to get Chris or Adam.

I struggled to not pull the trigger as I looked at her. Her pathetic little face as she was crying. I sighed loudly and lowered my gun. I was about to leave but I knocked her out.

Death-Gun: What was that for.

"Leaving a message for the white fang."
I said leaving.

Death-Gun: What if they get her back?

"She'll be traumatize by the time they get her."
I said.

I ran back to the motorcycle and I drove all the way back to Beacon.

Time-Skip Beacon 6:00

I finally arrived back at Beacon after killing another group of the white fang faction. I went back to my dorm and I saw that Amelia was still asleep. Some reason I formed a smile as I looked at her figure. Her slick body.

"Why am I smiling now that I am with her?"
I asked myself. I gave up on the thought and grabbed a set of clothes. I grabbed them and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and took off my armor. I set my armor near the door and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw myself. The one that was weak. I saw my scar. The one by them. Blake. Adam. The day they stabbed me. I felt my blood boil as I thought of that day.

"Blake. You are dead to me. No matter how much you changed. You'll always be the death of them. And if you dare hurt Amelia. I'll kill you."

I walked into the shower. After a few minutes I got out of the shower. I put on my new set of clothes and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my armor and weapons. I set them near the bed and slept on the bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep as I felt Amelia cling onto me.

Time-Skip Amelia's POV

I felt a beam of light hit my face. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw that I was clinging onto F/N. I felt my face heat up as I felt his toned chest. I scanned his toned chest and noticed a scar in his lower abdomen. I raised my hand and was about to touch it but I felt his hand hold mine. I gasp as I felt him put pressure into it.

F/N: Good morning.
He said as he looked at me.

"G-G-Good morning." I said, struggling to hide my blush.

F/N: What time is it?

I looked at the clock.

"It's 7:20."

F/N: Well let's get ready for our imitation.

"Right." I said. I got up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. After doing that I went back to the room and put on clothes. I put on a black shirt, black cargo pants, and black boots. I put on my trench coat and equipped my sniper. I put my survival knife inside my boots and my sniper strapped to my back. I looked out of the room and I saw F/N in his armor.

F/N: Ready?
He asked as he looks at me.

I said as I put my face mask on.

F/N: Well let's go.

I nodded and we went to the cliff for our initiation. While we were walking I noticed all of the guys looking at me. I clung onto F/N as we walked. The guys looking at me looked away. Then we came across the same team that fought us the other day. I saw that the blonde had an anger look. The black haired looked at us but looked down as we walked past them. We finally reached the cliff and we saw the same man with grey hair as he stood there with a woman holding a riding crop.

Grey hair man: Good morning you two.

F/N: Let's just get this over with.

Woman: I'll watch that tongue.
She said as I felt F/N lift into the air.

Suddenly the woman is lifted into the air as she struggles to breathe.

F/N: Do that again and I won't hesitate to kill you.
He said with venom in his voice. He stops and the woman coughs as she catches her breath.

Grey Hair man: Enough. Mr L/N. All you have to do is find a relic and bring it back.

F/N: Whatever Ozpin. At least this will help release some steam.

I gulped as I heard him say that. F/N and I walked to the launchpad that was on the ground and stood, waiting. Suddenly I felt myself launch into the air. I looked at F/N as he had a careless smug on his face. I pulled out my sniper and shot towards the ground. My descend slowed thanks to the powerful blow back the sniper carries. F/N was below me and he used his semblance to get to me. He looked at me and held his hand out. I reached for it and held onto his hand. He put me on his back and he used another semblance. Two gauntlets formed around his arms and he shot towards the ground. Some reason we slowed as we fell.


We landed and I saw that I was still on F/N's back. I felt my cheeks heat up as I slowly climbed down. I looked around and I saw that we were in some type of forest.

F/N: Let's go. Saw a temple up north. Not too far.


We started walking towards the temple but something didn't seem right. It's quiet. Too quiet.

"Something doesn't feel right." I said to F/N.

F/N: Got it.

I pulled out my sniper as he pulled out his sniper. We continued walking as we held our weapons high.


We've been walking for 10 minutes and F/N said that we were getting closer. I was tired. This is too early. Sure we did missions during midnight but doing this is a pain.

F/N: We're here.
He said as we stood in front of a temple.

"So much trouble to get here." I said as we walked into the temple.

We walked into the temple and saw a few chess pieces.

"So all this trouble to get these"
I said in annoyance. I grabbed one of them as F/N grabbed one of them.

F/N: Let's go.

I nodded and we walked outside but my eyes widen at the sight in front of me. There were 10 groups of beowolves and 5 groups of Deathstalkers.

F/N: Amelia. Give me cover fire. I'll deal with them.

I nodded and took out my sniper. I activated my semblance and 10 copies of myself formed. The 10 of us aimed and shot at the grim.

Third Person POV

Amelia and her 10 clones stayed back as F/N activated his semblance(s). He used the little red's semblance and sped through them. He took out his twin daggers and slashed through them. After killing 3 groups of the beowolves he used another semblance he stole. He used Goodwitch's semblance and uses it to hold a deathstalker down. He pulls out his sniper and aims at it.


He pulls the trigger and the deathstalker fades into dust. He puts his sniper away and continues to slaughter the grimm. He uses Ruby's semblance and speeds through them as Amelia kept shooting at the deathstalkers. One by one the amount of deathstalkers decreased.

At the cliff

Ozpin: Amazing. He could use other's semblances to benefit his attacks. Even turning your semblance into a offense Glynda.

Goodwitch: I don't understand why you invited him here with his partner.

Ozpin: Because he has the same goals as us.

Goodwitch: Which is?

Ozpin: Protect people.

Goodwitch: From how he is. I don't see that.

Ozpin: From what I heard. He prefers to kill his targets.

At the Cafeteria

Team RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY watched initiation as they gasped at the amount of grimm.

Ruby: They can't fight that many!

Yang: Let him be. He caused us so many problems.
She said.

Blake only looks down as she watched Y/N get ready. She watches the initiation and sees that he uses multiple semblances.

Blake: H-How c-could h-h-he have that m-many semblances.
She said loudly.

Then she sees Amelia summon 10 clones as Y/N sped through the grimm as their numbers decreased.

Back to F/N and Amelia

F/N slashed his twin daggers through the last deathstalker's legs. This caused the deathstalker to fall onto the ground as it shrieks in pain. F/N cuts off its stinger and plunges it into the head of the deathstalker, killing it. Amelia walks to him as he looks at her.

Amelia: Amazing display of skill.
She said to him.

F/N: Let's go.
He said as he puts his hand on her shoulder. He activates his semblance and he speeds back to the cliff, scaring Ozpin and Goodwitch.

F/N: You call that an initiation. That was just child's play.

Ozpin: Well here you are. Congrats.

F/N: Whatever. We're done for the day. We're going back to our dorm.
He said as he walks back.

Ozpin: Not so fast Mr L/N. I need to talk to you about something.

F/N groans in annoyance as he turns around.

F/N: What is it.

Ozpin pulls out his scroll and shows what he is talking about.

F/N: A child found tied up in warehouse as bodies of the white fang surround her.
He reads loudly.

F/N: What about it.

Ozpin: Did you do this.

F/N: Why would you want to know.

Ozpin: It's my job to do so.

F/N: So. What about it?

Amelia looked at him, not affected by the event.

Goodwitch: Because you left an innocent child in an abandoned warehouse!

F/N: Correct she is a child but she is not innocent.

Goodwitch: How could a little girl be not innocent!

F/N: How about her involvement in my best friend's murder! My family!

Goodwitch gasps as she hears this.

Goodwitch: I-I'm sorry.

F/N: Don't be.
He said as he walks off with Amelia.

Goodwitch looks at Ozpin as he had a blank face.

Ozpin: You can come out now Mrs. Belladonna.

Well here is Chapter 5 of Betrayed(Faunas Male Reader X Blake Belladonna). I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

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