Chapter 6: Pieces Of The Past

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Blake's POV

I sat in my dorm as I thought about him. Y/N. He means so much to me. He was my best friend. Now he's a cold and heartless killer. What Ozpin told me, he doesn't want to forgive. Tears streamed down my face as I remembered what Ozpin told me.


I stood in front of Ozpin after Y/N's initation.

"W-What did y-you want t-to t-talk t-to m-me about?"

Ozpin: I want to talk to you about your relationship with Y/N.


Ozpin: Were you and Y/N apart of the white fang?

I paralyzed there as I heard that question. I was afraid. Afraid of him kicking me out of Beacon Academy.

Ozpin: And don't worry. I won't kick you. I just need information to help you both.

I said hesitantly.

Ozpin: What happened between you two?

"I-I-I. T-They m-m-murdered them."
I said as tears came down. Remembering what I did to make him what he is today.

Ozpin: They did what?

"T-They k-killed his f-f-family."
I said as tears streamed down my face. Memories of their lifeless eyes flashed through my head. Them crying as Adam killed them. And I helped them.

Ozpin: Why?

I tried to answer but couldn't. All the memories and screaming all came at me. I broke down onto the floor as I remembered everything that happened. Adam and I stabbed Y/N as he coughed out blood. Him telling me to kill him off as he screams at me. I cried as I remembered them all.

"I'm so sorry."

"I'm so sorry."

"Please forgive me. Y/N."

These were the only thoughts that crossed my mind as I cried right there. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I wiped my tears and I saw Ozpin kneeling in front of me.

Ozpin: Ms. Belladonna. Just give him time. He needs to grieve.


Ozpin: He may hate you but give him time.

Flashback Ends

"Ozpin. You don't know him like I do."
These words were I thought of as I cried, thinking about him. Y/N. My best friend.

To F/N and Amelia Third Person POV

F/N and Amelia are in the training room. Amelia stood in front of F/N as she had her sniper out.

F/N: Amelia shoot at me.

Amelia: Y-You sure?

F/N: Yes. Now shoot.

Amelia aims at F/N and lays her finger against the trigger. She looks at F/N as she is hesitant about pulling the trigger. She looks at him and she can't pull it.

Amelia: I-I can't.

F/N: Don't worry about me. I got it. Pull the trigger.
He said, reassuring her.

Amelia nods and she pulls the trigger. The shot goes off and the bullet hits F/N but it bounces off his armor. Amelia looks at him with disbelief as he stood there.

F/N: What did I tell you?
He said as he takes off his mask. Amelia shakes her head in disbelief.

Amelia: I can't believe you.
She said as she put her sniper away.


F/N picks up his radio and he answers it.

F/N: What is it Death-Gun?

Death-Gun: Another white fang needs to be hit.

F/N: Got it. Where?

Death-Gun: Near the docks.

F/N: On our way. *Hangs up on Death-Gun*. Ready to hit another base?
He asked Amelia.

Amelia: Anytime.
She said as she takes off her face mask, revealing her smile to F/N. F/N takes off his helmet, revealing his H/C hair, E/C eyes, and his wolf ears. He forms a small smile at her as she stood in front of him. She raised a hand and touched his cheek.

Amelia: It's first time I see you smile.
She said as she touched his cheek.

F/N: Guess that what happens if I see my student and friend improving.
He said as he holds Amelia's hand in his.

Amelia: Come on. Let's get going. Don't want to disappoint Death-Gun now do we.
She said as she puts on her face mask. F/N puts his helmet back on and they walk to the bullhead. While walking many of the students looked at them. Amelia sees that some of the boys looking at her. She clings onto F/N tightly, making the boys look away. F/N looks at her but ignores it. They kept walking until they reached a bullhead. They were about to walk into one but were stopped Ozpin, Goodwitch, and team RWBY.


"What do you want Oz?"

Ozpin: Where are you two going?

"Nowhere where your concern lies."

Ozpin: Why is that?

Goodwitch: He's going after the white fang.
She said.

"What are you going to do about it?"

Blake: I'm not letting you go.
She said as she steps in between F/N and the bullhead.

"Get out of my way."

Blake: I'm not letting you kill them. I'm sorry for what they did.
She said as she forms tears.

"No you're not. You didn't stop them then. I'm not going to be the same fool I was then."
I said as Amelia and I walked towards the bullhead. We were about to walk in but Blake pulled out her weapon.

Blake: Y/N! I know what I did but please *sniffles* let the innocent live.
She said as tears fell.

"No one is innocent. Not Chris's family. Not Emily's family. Not Adam. Not even you."
I said with venom.
A/N: Chris and Emily are all OC's. No one specific just a few characters I just came up with.

Blake: I know I'm not innocent! All I want is my best friend back!
She yelled as tears streamed down her face.

"You killed him. And he's gone. Permanently."
I said as Amelia and I walked into the bullhead.

"Get ready to take off."
I ordered the pilot.

Pilot: No can do.

I pulled out my gun and aimed it at his head.

"I don't have any patience for you right now. Do it now or I'll blow your brains out and I'll pilot it myself."

Pilot: O-Okay. I'll do it.


I turned around and I saw team RWBY with their weapons out.

"Are we going to do this now."
I said as I pulled out my duel daggers as Amelia pulled out her sniper.

Blake: I only want my friend back. That is all I want.
She said as she looked at me with tears.

"If you wanted that then you should have stopped Adam from killing Ilia."

Blake's eyes widen at my comment. She drops Gambol Shroud and cries on her knees. I see the blonde's eyes change and she charges at me. I activated mine and I took hers. As she charged at me I got into my stance.

I taunted her.

She grits her teeth and charges at me. Amelia steps back as I readied my attack. As the blonde got close and threw a punch. I caught it in my hand. Her eyes widen as I caught it like nothing.

"Brute strength with no wits. Big mistake."

I threw a punch at her face as I used her semblance to power the punch. She staggers back and tries to hit me. I used the red's semblance and I sped to the blonde. I was now in front of her and I delivered a powerful kick to her stomach. She flies back and hits the ground as she clutches her stomach. I see Blake kneeling in front of her as her two teammates readied their weapons. I was about to attack them until Ozpin stood in between us.

Ozpin: ENOUGH! F/N and Amelia. You two can go.

"Wise choice old man."
I said, walking into the bullhead with Amelia. I sat down with Amelia as she sat near me. She took off her mask and looked at me.

Amelia: You doing okay?
She said as she held my hand.

"I'm doing fine."
I answered.

Amelia: I'll be here for you. Just like you were there for me.
She said as held my hand tighter. Hearing those words from her made me feel better.

"Get some rest."
I said. She nods and she lays her head on my shoulder as she slowly feel asleep. I laid back as I thought of her. Ilia Amitola. I reached into my back pocket and I took out a necklace. The last thing that remains of her. The last thing she gave to me.


I was walking to the spot where Ilia and I were talking about the recent white fang attacks. I continued walking until I was stopped by Blake.

Blake: Hey Y/N. How are you doing?

"I'm doing fine."

Blake: You doing okay? You look a little.....disturbed.

"I'm just tired. Anyway I got to look for Ilia."

Blake: Oh okay. I'll see you later.

I walked away to look for Ilia. I walked to the spot where she and I would usually wait until I saw the sight I would never forget. Adam stabbing Ilia through the stomach. I pulled out my katana and ran at him. He noticed me and he kicked me away. I got up but he was long gone. I ran to Ilia and held her.

"It'll be fine. I'll get you to a doctor."
I said. I was about to get up but Ilia held my hand.

Ilia: I-I-It's t-t-too late. H-H-He a-already k-k-knows.
She said as she held my hand close.

"I can't just watch you die."
I said as I held her hand. Tears watered down my eyes as I watched her cry.

Ilia: I-It's o-okay. Wolfie.

"Don't you dare say it!"
I yelled.

Ilia: G-Goodbye W-W-Wolfie.
She said as she closes her eyes. I held onto her as I cried. Out of pain. Out of sadness. I looked at her and I saw her.......smiling. I looked at the necklace she was wearing. I took it and put it in my pocket.

Flashback Ends

"Forgive me Ilia. For not being able to protect you."

Blake's POV

He is right. He right about everything. Adam. The reason why Ilia is dead. I'm the reason why he is like this. His family. Ilia. I am such a fool. He meant everything to me and I killed him. He is right. I killed him. Ever since that day I've regretted that I followed Adam. That day I realized that Adam was the monster that Ilia and Y/N predicted. I cried onto the ground as I thought about them. Ilia is long dead because of me. Y/N no longer exists and is unwilling to return.

"This is all my fault."

That was the only thought that went through my head.

Third Person POV

Y/N and Amelia stood on the roof as they looked at the building where their enemy was. Amelia got on her stomach as she readies her sniper. F/N readies his flashbang and his twin daggers. 

F/N: You ready?

Amelia: More than ever. 
She said as she looks through her scope. 

F/N: Shoot if they try to escape. 

Amelia nods as F/N runs up to the roof. F/N runs across the roof and he looks through the window. He sees 30 members along side the people he didn't expect to see. 

F/N's POV 

30 members and the family I didn't expect to see again. I backed up and  ran at the window. I jumped at the window and I crashed through. 

"Didn't expect to see you here........Amitolas." 

Third Person POV 

F/N crashed through the window and now he is standing in front of the 30 members as they all aimed their guns at him. 

White Fang Member: Who are you? 

???: What do you want killer of the white fang. 

F/N says nothing as he pulls out his twin daggers. 

White Fang Member: FIRE! 
One yelled as the others fired at F/N. F/N uses the many semblances he copied. He sped around the room as they all shot at him. He pulled out his throwing knives and threw it some of the members. As the numbers decreased each member was shown. What they all feared. 

White Fang Member: Who is this guy! 
One yelled 

White Fang Member: What is he! 
Another yelled. As their numbers decreased they ran out of the warehouse. As they ran out they were gunned down. 

Amelia's POV 







I smiled as I saw their bodies become lifeless. The only thing I wish for. Their deaths. They took them from me. They took my family from me. And I watched. One by one their numbers died down. They all deserve this. As I shot them down they scattered, hoping to avoid my wrath. 

To F/N Third Person POV 

F/N stood in front of the family he longed stood with but are no longer allies but bitter enemies. 

F/N: How long has it been Emily.

Emily: How do you know me murderer! 
She yelled as she pulled out his sword. 

F/N doesn't answer but runs up at her. She gets into a stance and is prepared to swing at F/N. F/N uses another semblance he copied and he activates it. Emily swings at him and slashes through him. She smiles seeing that her attacker is long dead. She looks at him but sees it is not F/N. She sees her little sister. 

Emily's little sister: W-W-Why? B-B-Big S-S-S-sister.
She weakly said. 

Emily'e eyes widen in shock a tears came down. Her little sister falls over as she holds her now dead sister. Emily begins to cry as she holds her tight. Emily lifts her sister up to see her face. She holds her up as she looked at her. Suddenly she felt something stab her stomach. She looks down and she sees a dagger stabbing her and the one holding the blade is her little sister. 

Emily: W-Why? Little sister? 
She said as she dropped her to hold her wound. 

Emily's little sister starts to laugh manically and slowly melts away. Emily stared at her in fear as she watched the illusion withered away. Her little sister withered away and there stood F/N. 

Emily: WHO ARE YOU! 
She yelled out in fear. 

F/N: You don't remember me? Especially the one you all watched as his family was butchered. 

Emily: What are you talking about! 

F/N: You don't remember! Here a little hint! 
He said as he reached behind him and threw his old sword at Emily. Emily grabbed it and her eyes widen. 

Emily: W-W-Where d-d-did y-you get t-t-this? 
She said in fear. 

F/N: Remember it. What was his name? 

Emily: Where did you get this! 
She yelled at him. 

F/N: How foolish. Truly disappointing. Just like him. 

Emily: H-Him? 
She said in fear. 

F/N pulled out off his helmet and dropped it to the floor. Emily stood there, paralyzed from seeing who it was the one killing the white fang. She stood there as her eyes widen, staring at him. 

Emily: Y-Y-Y/N? 
She said with fear evident in her voice. 

F/N: How long has it been? 
He said as he pulls out his sniper while Emily is slowly bleeding out. 

"I see you got one of your targets huh F/N?" 
He turns around and he sees Amelia with her sniper strapped to her back as she held a survival knife in her hand. 

F/N: Yes. My dear friend. Want to tell her how much pain the white fang has caused. 
He said as Amelia stood by him as she pointed the knife at Emily's throat. Emily begins to tear up as she sees Y/N, no longer the same. 

Emily: Why are you doing this! We were friends! 
She yelled as she cried. 

F/N: We were. That was until you all betrayed me. 
He said with venom in his voice. 

Emily: I'm *sobs* sorry. 
She said crying. 

F/N: Sorry won't bring Ilia and my family back. Now tell me. Where is Chris and Adam. 

Emily: I d-don't know. 
She said with fear. 


F/N punched Emily across the face as Amelia holds the knife at Emily's throat. 

F/N: Tell me where they are and I might spare you. 

Emily: I-I-I- Don't know. 
She answered. 


F/N punched Emily in the gut, making her cough out blood. 

F/N: I'll ask again. Where is Adam and Chris? 

Emily: Y/N *sobs* Please. 


F/N punches Emily across the face, knocking her onto the ground. F/N plants his foot on her throat as she struggles to get his foot off.

F/N: Where is Chris and Adam? 
He said with venom in his voice. 

Emily: T-T-They're c-c-c-coming t-t-t-t-to v-V-Vale. T-T-To f-f-f-find B-Blake. I swear that's all I know. 
She said with tears coming down her face as she tried to get F/N's foot off her throat. 

F/N: Useful information. Goodbye. 
He said as Amelia pulls out her rifle. She aims it her head as she had tears coming down her face. 

Emily: I-I'm *sobs* sorry Y/N. 

F/N: I'm not. 


Amelia pulled the trigger and killed Emily. F/N watched as his old friend turned bitter enemy fall onto the ground, becoming lifeless. Amelia puts her weapon away and F/N took Emily's weapons. He analyzes it as he holds in his hand. 

F/N: A sickle. Quick slashes and deadly if properly used. She was useless but her semblance was useful. 
He said coldly. 

Amelia clings onto F/N's arm as she nuzzles her head into him. 

Amelia: This was easy. When are we going to do more hunts like this. 
She said as holds his arm. 

F/N: Let's go. We need to see Death-Gun. 

Amelia nods and they leave the warehouse, leaving the dead bodies of the white fang members. Amelia and F/N ran across the different roofs on their way to their hide out. Amelia kept looking F/N with a small smile. F/N held Emily's sickle as he clenched onto it. They continued running until they got the hideout. They walked in and Death-Gun was standing in front of them. 

Death-Gun: Good job. I got to show you both something.
He said, walking towards an armored door. F/N and Amelia slowly followed behind him. Death-Gun puts in a code and the door opens. They walk inside and the light turns on, revealing different weapons. 

F/N: What are we doing here? 

Death-Gun: I've brought you two in here for a specific reason. 

Amelia: What is that? 

Death-Gun: This. 
He said as he pulls out two different weapons from the armory. He gives one to F/N. 

A/N: Ignore Gilgamesh! Just the sword. I don't own this! 

F/N: What's this for? 

Death-Gun: Another weapon for you. 

F/N: Why? 

Death-Gun: My gift to you. 

Death-Gun gives the sword to F/N. F/N holds it in his hand. 

F/N: It's light for a large sword. 

Death-Gun: That sword is made from a rare material. 
He said as F/N inspected the sword. 

Death-Gun: Amelia. For you. I have these for you.

A/N: I don't own this! 

Amelia takes it into her hands. 

Amelia: I like it. Thank you. 

Death-Gun: There is a special function to it. 

Amelia: What can it do? 

Death-Gun: You can infused aura into your shots. 

Amelia: So? 

F/N: Armor piercing rounds. 

Death-Gun: Correct. 

F/N/Amelia: Thank you Death-Gun. 

Death-Gun: Anything for the son and daughter. 
He said as he led them out of the armory. 

Death-Gun: Head back you two. Don't want to anger the old man. 

F/N nods. F/N and Amelia leave as they head back to Beacon. Death-Gun stands there as he smiles. Smiling at how much he changed F/N. From a weak faunas to a cold hearted killer. 

Amelia's POV 

We were in the bullhead on our way to Beacon. I looked at F/N as he slept. I couldn't help but look at him as I felt my heart feel warm. I owe him my life. He saved me. He trained me. He was the only one that saved me. No huntsmen ever came and got me. Him. Him and Laughing Coffin came. Everyone treated me fairly and protected me like I was one of their own. Especially F/N. He may have seemed cold but he has a warm heart. I owe him my life. Without him I would have died. He is the only one I will die for. Not for Beacon. Not for Atlas. Especially not for that girl that has been pestering him. I leaned my head against his chest as he slept. As I laid my head against his chest, I've felt safe. Not scared. Not alarmed. Safe. The thing I was denied all my life. 

"Thank you.. F/N."

"My savior" 

Well here is chapter 6 of Betrayed(Faunas Male Reader X Blake Belladonna). I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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