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After that day when they ate lunch together, Ten started to feel awkward around Johnny. Nothing really happened much except the alpha spoiling their son again. The omega doesn't know why but he finds it very attractive for Johnny whenever he sees him with River. Ten wasn't actually thinking that this was a bad idea to agree on. He's happy to see River like this.

Maybe he's starting to see Johnny as his other father. It is inevitable when the alpha's been there as much as the omega has been for the time being. Ten won't be mad about it. It would be easier that way then--Wait, he doesn't have any plans on telling River about Johnny. He doesn't want to make the boy think that they are a broken family. Also, his parents aren't even mated and married with each other.

Ten has already made it clear about their relationship despite having honest confessions from Johnny. They're just...acquaintances. Also, the omega isn't really sure with his feelings yet. He knew he already admitted he still has feelings for Johnny but he started doubting himself for it for a few days.

He's just still afraid.

As for today, Ten won't be able to bring River in the office since he is not in school because they're dismissed for a working holiday. He's at his uncle Jung's and he decided he'll just pick him up later after work. He could just enjoy there with Blue.

He was thinking if it was a good idea for River to be in his office. Jaehyun lets him but it's still unethical and very irresponsible of Ten. Though, he can't just always give Taeyong the responsibility and he can't trust other people to take care of his son, he can't also quit his job to take care of him either. Ten has ran out of options.

"Ah, finally, you looked stressed."

Ten looked at the beta who talked and glared at him, "What do you mean? I'm always stressed."

Yangyang laughed, leaning on Ten's cubicle wall, "You always look happy these days. What happened, hyung?"

The omega sighed, pushing himself away from his desk and sat back against the backrest, "Just...personal things."

"If you ever want to talk about it, you can say it to me. I'm probably your only friend here--"

"Shut up."

The beta chuckled, "By the looks of it, you're a very independent omega, hyung. But you can always ask for help. Ask anyone you trust. It won't mean you're weak or something, you just need support."

Ten tilted his head to the side, feeling a bit down. He's right but the omega doesn't think anyone could help him. Although, he suddenly thought of Johnny which made him to flinch. He shook his head and repeatedly told himself 'not him.' Anyone but Johnny.

"Okay, Yang. Thanks for the advice."

"Any time, hyung. You might just be hungry too. Let's go and have lunch!"

"You're always hungry," the omega said then stood from his chair to join his friend to eat.

Yangyang laughed, "It just means I'm working hard."

"Whatever makes your boat float, Yang."

It was the end of Ten's shift. He already texted Taeyong that he'll be on his way to get River. He should be there in a few minutes. He bids goodbye to Yangyang and his other co-workers before he exits the office and went into the elevator. The omega mentally noted he should go for grocery shopping tomorrow weekend and buy some medicine for wounds. He'll maybe cook something delicious as a treat for River.

He arrived on the lobby and walked out of the building. Ten stood on the sidewalk, trying to call for a taxi. Ever since River's been staying in the office, Johnny has always been passing by to drive them home. But since he wasn't with the boy, he assumed that the alpha won't be here. Though, he always eats his own words.

He always ends up being wrong when it comes to Johnny.

A car stopped by infront of him and Ten knows that it's Johnny's. The window on the passenger's seat slides down and did show the alpha who was on the driver's seat. The omega felt his heart skipped a beat.

"I-I was just about to call a taxi," Ten uttered.

Johnny furrowed his eyebrows, "Why would you?"

"River isn't with me."

"Even if Riv's not around, I'll always pick you up after work," the alpha said, "Come in."

The omega took a second before he opens the passenger's seat door and stepped in. Ten closed the door beside him and timidly sat as Johnny started driving.

"Where's River?"

"At Jaehyun's."

The alpha nodded, "Alright. We'll pick him up there then home."

Ten didn't reply. He was too anxious and the alpha did notice it.

"Are you okay?" Johnny asked.

The omega looked at him, thinking if he should lie or not, "Yeah...Of course."

"Doesn't seem like it," the alpha chuckled, "I know we're only talking because of River but...you can always talk to me in other stuff. I'd like to think that we're in good terms and I'm still the person who could understand you the most."

Ten felt apologetic. Johnny did things he really didn't like but he did make an effort to explain everything to him. He could say he fully forgives him for it and he doesn't hold any grudge anymore. But he's afraid that it'll happen again. He doesn't want the alpha to do it again.

"I'm...just worried about River. It's very wrong for me to keep bringing him to work. I also feel sorry for my co-workers. Also, River should be at home after school. But I can't leave him alone inside. I can't always ask Taeyong to keep an eye on him too...Back in Seoul, I've had many people to help me but since I-I moved here to change our lives, I decided to raise River by myself. I-It isn't as easy as I thought it would be, but I'm trying my best."

Johnny smiled, "Everyone knows you are and you're doing great."

Ten lightly blushed at the compliment. Now that he said most of the things he has in his mind, he feels weird. He thinks he said too much but he's more comfortable right now. He feels lighter.

"Also, I'm just saying this to remind you that I exist as his father too. You can always for my help. You can leave him in my office instead or I can hire someone to babysit. I have someone I trust," the alpha added.

This would've been easier if Ten's mated. Although, Johnny could only hope that it would be him.

The omega nodded, "I'll have to think about it...But thank you, Johnny."

"Anything for you, Ten."

A/N: i will be ending this story this sunday :D

thank you so much for supporting this story so far!!

Love lots ♥

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