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Ten was definitely in a good mood after what happened. That day meant so much that the omega wanted to do it again. Good thing he took pictures. He'll maybe put them in a scrapbook soon. River even told him that he hoped they'll come back again which they will in the future. Maybe, summer could be great, or maybe they could go to a water park. River will surely want to learn swimming.

He was happy just sitting on his office chair and doing his job.

"Someone's inspired."

The omega smiled and chuckled, "Really? You think?"

Yangyang shrugged with a cup of coffee in his hand, "Yeah. No one ever smiles while working. Okay, spill. What happened?"

"What do you mean 'what happened'? Nothing happened. I'm just in a good mood, Yang. Just get back to work."


"There's nothing to spill!"

The beta rolled his eyes, "Fine, fine. Be that quiet guy then!"

Ten laughed, watching Yangyang go and distract other people like what River does. He didn't say anything because he doesn't have any plans on feed Yangyang's and the other co-workers' rumors of him dating the Johnny Suh. Also, it'll just mess up the alpha's name.

He cares too, you know? Only because he's River's father.

But he hates to admit it, Ten starts to feel something more towards Johnny. It's not hate or anger, anymore. It seems like the feelings he had towards him in the past were coming back. He really hasn't changed, except that he got matured physically and mentally. He does act very fatherly towards River.

Wait, what is he thinking?!

Snap it out, Ten!

"Hyung, you want to go and have lunch with us?" Yangyang asked.

"Are you asking me or River?"

The beta laughed, "Of course, River."

Ten chuckled, "Ah, River's your friend now and not me."

"Hey, I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, sure, when he arrives...right about now. I should go then."

Yangyang nodded, "Alright. We'll be waiting."

Ten went into the elevator and expects that Johnny already outside waiting with River. Sometimes, he should ask the alpha if he wants to eat lunch with them--Maybe not. He must be busy these days. Also, it would be weird for him to ask Johnny something like that when he told him there will be no hope for them to be together again. Ten's not up for the embarrassment.

When he arrived on the lobby, Ten immediately makes him way out of the building and walks down the sidewalk to make his way on the other side of the building to keep them away from rumors. But he didn't find the familiar sedan there. The omega thought they must've been a tad bit late so he willingly waited for a few minutes.

He patiently sat on the bench, keeping his anxiety at bay with him holding the device that when trigger will call personnel if he's ever in trouble. Although, no matter what how long he waited, no one arrived.

Ten reached for his phone and remembered that he isn't able to have Johnny's number. He sighed in frustration. Until when will his pride keep him in a cage? The omega resorted on calling Taeyong.


"Have you seen River? You must've saw him with...Johnny?"

Taeyong hummed on the other line, "The last time I saw him was when River just came into his classroom."

"Ah, okay. Sorry for disturbing you. Thank you."

The omega cuts off the call immediately, didn't even bother waiting for his friend to say anything else. Ten called out a taxi and drove him to the school. He just can't let himself wait when he thinks that River's missing or something. He anxiously sat on the backseat of the vehicle and tried so hard not to be too impatient that could make him fight someone.

Ten thankfully arrived and went into the building after he paid the driver. He ran down the hallway and mindlessly went towards the alpha's office. If he wants to find River, most certainly he knows where the boy will be. Hopefully, he's still here.

He knocked on the door as he panted. He waited for a few seconds before it opened which made Ten a little bit relieved. He was able to smell the alpha's scent and it made him collect his thoughts and calmly approach Johnny.

"Ten--Ah, I'm sorry," Johnny groaned, making the omega feel weird in his stomach, "We were just about to go--"

"Where's Riv?"

"He's in here, don't worry," the alpha said and he stepped aside for the omega to see that River was just playing on the carpeted floor, not being able to notice his papa seeing his banded knee and elbow. Ten ran towards his son and worriedly came to him.

River looked back at his father and excitingly smiled at him, "Papa, you're here!"

The omega looked at the boy's knee, "What happened to you?"

"He was running around and tripped when he was running towards me after classes. I was just waiting for my secretary to arrive with the medicine before we go there. I'm sorry about this," Johnny sighed, obviously frustrated and blaming himself for it.

Ten could see that. Although, it was no one's fault for it. He doesn't know what to say about it except how worried Johnny looked right now. The alpha cares so much and the omega felt almost happy.

The omega stood and looked around, finding something. Johnny didn't know what it was but he just watched Ten getting a sticky note and ballpen from his desk then wrote something. To his surprise, Ten gave the note to him.

"C-Call me...when there's an emergency. You're going to get me worried," Ten softly uttered, having his face flushed red and looking away from the alpha.

Johnny smiled, stopping himself from widening it, and received the note while nodding, "Of course. I think I'll just send the medicine straight to your apartment. I'll just drive both of you to the company right now."

The omega nodded. Ten told River that they'll be going before he carries him. Johnny escorted them to outside and towards his car, hearing the omega's several questions being thrown at their son while he checks for other wounds. Johnny's actually likes how Ten really cherishes people. It's something else. It makes his heart flip.

Ten steps in when they reached the vehicle. Johnny sat on the driver's seat and started the car. When they were ready, they drove down the road. The alpha listens to both of the people behind him, smiling at their very cute relationship. Such a cute family he has.

Johnny stopped on the street before the company's. He wanted to drop them off right infront but it was better to stay this way as of the moment.

"We're here," the alpha said, looking and smiled at them.

Ten nodded, "Thank you," he said but sounded like he hesitated, "Hey...uhm, I have a question."

"What is it?" Johnny asked.

The omega hummed, "A-Are you busy?"

The alpha looked at his watch before he answers, "Later, after lunch. I have meetings and if I have time, I might be able to pass by and drive both of you home."

"Well...you might want to eat lunch with us," Ten offered softly. He was blushing too much that he was too ashamed to look back at Johnny, "I-It is your lunch break anyway--Also, River wanted you to join."

Goodness, this omega can't be too cute like this.

"Sure, Ten. I would love to."

River laughed at Ten, "You're red, papa!"

Johnny chuckled, making Ten to be more flustered.

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