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Johnny wasn't even joking. He did keep on driving Ten and River home, even servicing their kid to the company. The omega didn't even contest about it. Although, the alpha had to somewhat hide so he wouldn't make Ten suffer from the rumors. Well, Ten did say they are just friends, long time friends. No one hasn't really told him that River looks awfully a lot like Johnny. The omega could only hope.

Ten's been seeing the alpha in the company for quite some time. Johnny's been in meetings with Jaehyun a lot these days. But they do just greet each other formally whenever they meet. The omega does get timid. He doesn't know why! He's been sassy ever since Johnny came back but why is he folding easily now?

He even started liking Johnny's scent again!

Every now and then, Johnny would even say things that would make Ten's heart skip a beat.

"You're not going with us, papa?"

It was a weekend and River was going to have some time with Johnny. Ten decided not to come because of...personal reasons. Also, he wants to let the father and son have their time together. The omega will have to be alone for half a day.

"No, baby. I still need to do some work," Ten said, fixing River's fluffy hair, "Uncle Johnny will take care of you for the meantime."

River pouted, "But I want papa to have fun with us."

The omega smiled and chuckled, "It'll also be fun with only the two of you too, Riv."

"I guess so! We'll bring something home for you, papa!"

Then they heard someone knocked on their door. Ten thought it was Johnny so he grabbed River's tiny backpack that was full of his needs.

"I think that's your uncle. Let's go," Ten held River's hand and walked up towards their door.

The omega opened it and was greeted by Johnny who was dressed in casual clothing. He was just in his plain white shirt, jeans, good shoes and leather back jacket, but he really looks good. He looked even better because of his minty scent. Ten wasn't even aware that Johnny was just admiring him as much as he is to the alpha.

Johnny always loves how Ten just dresses himself very cozily. He already looked cute in his comfortable bed clothing, he even likes to wear cardigans. His fluffy hair is always down and even smiling subtly. He just wants to cuddle with him.

Johnny smiled, "Ready to go?"

"River's ready," the omega said and lets the alpha carry his son, "Have fun. And don't you dare to leave him somewhere."

"Are you sure you won't come with us?" the alpha asked.

Ten sighed, "I have work--"

"Please, papa. Pretty please!"

The omega felt pressured when pairs of pleading eyes are on him, wanting him to convince him to go with them. Ten was like looking at carbon copies. He could only cover his face and sigh at the both of them. Of course, how could he even say no? Now that both of them are begging. Ten rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Wait for me."

It only took Ten a pleading face of Johnny and River for him to finally decide to come with them. He had to make them wait for twenty minutes so he could take his bath and dress up for the day. Although, the alpha and the boy seemed to be enjoying their time together while Ten was preparing.

Seeing Johnny playing with River, Ten was definitely feeling something in his stomach and it's been years since he felt the butterflies coming alive.

Once they are ready, the three of them went on the road. Ten seated at the backseat with River beside him, who is enjoying his time singing the song on the radio, and Johnny was humming along. It almost felt like a nice family roadtrip--Well, it is. Although, things aren't on the right place at the moment. But the omega was enjoying his time as well. He was smiling, at the both of them.

"We're here," Johnny uttered happily.

River went to look through the window and gasped, "Woah! A rollercoaster!"

The alpha decided to go to an amusement park. River hasn't been into any rides like these. Ten's glad that he'll be able to enjoy his childhood like this. When they were able to park, they stepped out of the vehicle and the boy was already pulling his papa to the entrance of the park.

"Don't be too excited. We'll go there in a minute, Riv," Johnny said softly when he carried the boy while he makes sure he locked the car.

Ten could only look at them, "Don't worry, it's just his first time," he uttered.

The alpha hummed, smiling, "Obviously. Let's go."

Johnny placed River down and lets him hold his papa's hand as they walk up towards the entrance, standing on the line. The boy was excitingly telling Ten that he'll ride everything in the park. The omega had to tell him that he should be careful. He isn't even allowed in some rides.

The alpha feels happy to see the omega genuinely smiling. He has his stomach fluttering.

They were able to get in when they bought the tickets. Ten was actually scared if he ever lets go of River at some point. There are many people and it'd be very problematic if his son's missing.

"Where do you want to go, Riv?" Johnny asked, kneeling infront and carefully carried River to make him sit on his shoulders.

"Don't drop him," Ten panicky said when the alpha stood and saw the boy having a good time being that 'tall.'

The alpha looked back at the omega and chuckled, "I won't."

"I wanna ride there!"

"Then let's go!"

They were all over the place. They kept on going around and rode most of the kiddie attractions. River looked like he has infinite energy and his parents are just following him. Ten would even always accompany his son for assistance. Johnny was enjoying watching them though. The omega looks so cute. Both of them has subtle conversations too and Ten's not even using his sass today.

They ate too much sugar too, not to mention. Maybe that's why River has so much energy.

Ten did see how much of a cute father Johnny is. He swore that the alpha will spoil River too much that he'll start crying if he doesn't get whatever he wants. Other than that, he's very caring and would always pacify the boy. He does include the omega into most of the stuff. Johnny would always ask Ten things as a final decision. It's not that the alpha can't decide, the omega just knows more.

They finally called it a day when River slept right after the carousel, snuggling against Ten's chest. The sun started to set. The omega was just as tired as the alpha but they had fun. Seeing their son happy is all they ever wanted.

"Do you need help?" Johnny asked, offering help to carry River instead.

Ten shook his head, "You've been carrying him all day. You must've been tired from it."

"I'm just making the most of it. It was really fun to be with Riv, and you, of course," the alpha said softly as they walked towards the exit.

The omega felt his cheeks heated slowly, "I-It was fun spending the day with the b-both of you too..."

Johnny timidly chuckled, his heart was beating too fast right now. Just hearing Ten say that felt like this was a dream all along. He could pinch himself. For once, it seemed like they were on good terms. There was no fighting or nagging, Ten would just panic every once in a while. Of course, Johnny wouldn't do anything to hurt the things the omega treasures the most.

The alpha was fine with this.

They made it out and towards the parking lot. Ten steps in and carefully placed River down on the backseat. He buckled his seatbelt to make sure he won't fall. Johnny sat on the driver's seat and started the engine. Since he was happy, he wanted to give Ten something.

"Ah, Ten," the alpha called and caught the omega's attention, "Can you wait here? I need to buy something real quick."

The omega nodded, "Sure, go ahead."

Johnny stepped out of the car and jogged his way towards somewhere. Ten followed him with his eyes. He doesn't know where he is going but they can wait. River will probably be asleep for the rest of the night.

Then his heart skipped a beat so suddenly because of the alpha.

The omega became flustered and several thoughts came into his mind. He mentally screamed and repeatedly tells himself to stop. There shouldn't be a reason for him to feel something for Johnny. This is just another dumb emotion. He's just stupid. Yes, he is just stupid. This must be just because he's the nearest alpha...he had feelings with, but other than that, maybe Johnny's been really nice towards them.

One thing he really wants for a mate is that they and will love River the same way Ten does. Being able to protect and defend them will only be a bonus.

And he already saw those traits from someone.

"I'm here. Did you wait too long?"

Ten looked at Johnny who came back with a bag in his hand, "N-No...It's alright."

Johnny sat on the driver's seat and looked back at the omega. He then handed out the bag he has, smiling, "For the both of you. River likes that."

"You didn't have to though," the omega said then proceeds to grab the bag. He looked inside and there were pastries for them to enjoy.

"But I did. Hope you'll enjoy them," then he started driving.

Ten knew Johnny's going to be very selfless when he finally introduces River to him. He was always this kind of person anyway. His hold on the bag, that's on his lap, tightened and he slightly pouted his lower lip.


The alpha jolted at the sudden call. His heart just skipped from the omega calling him by his name, "Yes?" then he looked at the rear view mirror while they were on traffic.

Ten wasn't looking back, although Johnny saw his cheeks with a light blush.

"Thank you for today. I really appreciate everything you've been doing for River."

Johnny couldn't help but smile warmly, "Of course, Ten. I do want to prove myself to you anyway."

You already did.

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