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Ten kept tapping his pen against the book he has while he takes a break on practicing. Johnny's words kept on repeating in his mind. It was distracting so badly that he was thankful that he'll finally have his lunch break. He should stop getting distracted because of Johnny. This is spoiling his mood.

He stood from his chair and grabbed his phone with his wallet. He left his bag there since he'll be back soon anyway. The omega excused himself before he went to the elevator and pressed the button to the ground floor.

Once he arrived, Ten walked towards the exit and was about to call for a taxi but a car pulled up infront of him. He took a step back, scared that someone will come out and grab him.

But the heavy tinted window infront of him lowered and showed the alpha he's been despising. Johnny came here for what? For him?

"Why are you here?" Ten asked, "How did you know I'm here?"

Before Johnny could speak, a smiling kid appeared from behind.



The alpha stopped the engine. He stepped out of the car and went to the backseat to grab River, carrying him. Johnny stood infront of Ten and handed their son's bag to him, which the omega grabbed.

"I just came by to drive River here. You don't have to pick him up," Johnny said.

"You had work--"

"I have a business meeting here, don't worry."

Ten nodded. The alpha placed the little prince down who went to hug his papa's leg.

"Ah, wait, before I forgot," Johnny uttered then went back to open the backseat door.

The omega just waited for the alpha, watching him getting something. Once Johnny did, he closed the door and went back. Ten looked at the paper bag and bouquet he was holding.

"Hey, I told you stop giving me these--"

"River had this idea," Johnny said, "And also, this is for lunch for the both of you," then handed out everything he has to Ten.

They quite getting a few attentions around the area. Some were murmuring and kept on looking at them. Ten doesn't still know where Johnny stands in his business but he did notice the people around them. He just grabbed everything and became flustered. Other than getting attention, he was blushing because Johnny gave him something personally.

"W-Well, thank you for these," Ten stuttered, slapping himself mentally, "Let's go, Riv. Say bye to your uncle."

"Bye bye, uncle Johnny. Thank you for the treats," River uttered.

Johnny smiled, ruffling the kid's hair, "I'll see both of you later."

The omega followed his eyes on the alpha who walked towards the stairs of the building and was greeted by a bunch of executives. Then Ten's eyes landed on Jaehyun who was looking back at him right at the entrance.

"Ah, Riv, there's uncle Jae," Ten said, pointing at the alpha walking towards them.

River gasped then went towards his uncle, "Uncle Jae!"

Jaehyun carried him and smiled, his dimples showing, "I see the stars on your wrist. Good job! Uncle Jae will buy you another toy. You want that?"

The kid nodded happily. Then the alpha looked at his omega friend.

"I want to have a word with you."

"I know what it is about but sure."

"Seriously speaking, you do know that we are not encouraging our employees to affectionately interact with our business partners inside work," Jaehyun placed River down and held his hand.

"I-I didn't know he's an important person!" Ten said out of being flustered, "Also...he said River was the one who wanted to give me these."

Jaehyun sighed, "Do you want me to talk to him about it--"

"N-No, it's fine, Jae. You shouldn't involve yourself...I know he knows that it's not allowed. He just wanted to give River what he wants."

The alpha nodded, "I understand. Just tell me then. Well, I should go. I still have to pick up my babies from school."


"Taeyong and Blue. Duh."

Ten rolled his eyes, chuckling from it. Then his attention went to Johnny was still there, standing and talking with businessmen. He stared at the alpha's broad back with his lower lip pouting. The things he really does for the omega. He will just believe that it was really River's idea but Johnny didn't even say no to their son's request.

Curse that guy.

"Let's go, Riv," Ten uttered, held his son's hand then guided him to the building. Still carrying the bouquet and paper bag, while River's bag was with the boy.

The omega bowed to the employees who saw them, apologizing to them in the process as they walked into the elevator.

"Ah, you didn't tell me Mr. Suh's your suitor, hyung," Yangyang, a beta, said who got into the life as well. He's one of his officemates who approached him first.

Ten hushed, "We aren't dating. He just gave these to me."

The beta shrugged teasingly before he looks down and saw a little cute kid, "This is your son, hyung? Awe, he's so cute!"

The omega smiled, "Say hi to your uncle Yangyang, Riv."

Rive waved at the beta shyly, Yangyang smiled sweetly at him. Surely, if everyone saw River, they'll start cooing at him.

It's been a few hours and Ten's shift has already ended. River has already fallen asleep from playing and distracting everyone inside the workplace. The omega packed up everything in his bag and gets ready to leave.

Yangyang even came up to offer some help for him. The omega said it was fine. He can do it by himself. Ten went to get River who is inside an empty room that Jaehyun offered. He carefully carried his son and grabbed his bag. His beta friend goes with them for support.

"Obviously, it's not your first time doing this?" the beta uttered.

The omega nodded, "When I was back in Seoul, I had to bring River into my office too for a while. But my friend and neighbors helped me to babysit him."

"You don't have any friends here?"

"I do but I realized it's kind of embarrassing to let them take care of my son when it's my responsibility."

Yangyang hummed, "Well, you can't do everything, hyung."

"I'll force myself to do it."

The beta chuckled, "You're stubborn, aren't you, hyung?"

Ten laughed softly, "If you think so."

They spent a few minutes before the door opened.

"See you tomorrow, Yang!"

"Wait, hyung. I can drive you home--"

The omega shook his head, "Thanks, Yang. Maybe next time. See you!"

Ten walked out of the building and stood by the sidewalk to get a taxi. There were many taxis passing by and every one of them has a passenger in it. The omega patiently waited, holding River tightly and as well as his bag. His fear of crowded streets was still there and he couldn't help but be anxious.

He just wants to get home safely because of River.

He was looking right to left, hoping that they could atleast get a ride to home. Then a car stopped infront of him. Ten was too anxious to even think that the vehicle is familiar. The window was rolled down and there was Johnny on the driver's seat.

The omega felt immediate relief.

"Come inside," the alpha uttered.

Ten didn't even fight him. He opened the door to the backseat and sat there. He placed River beside him, putting a seatbelt on so he would sleep comfortably. Once they are good, Johnny started driving. He looked at the rear view mirror and saw Ten having teary eyes while he quietly watches the busy road.

The alpha felt sorry. Good thing he came just on time. Johnny wanted to drive them home too, just so he knows they arrive safely.

Without him knowing, Ten was actually glad he came. He never thinks that the alpha's scent would comfort him this much again. He felt safe under Johnny's pheromones.

"He seems tired," Johnny said softly, catching the omega's attention.

Ten nodded, "He...played all day, done his assignments and distracted the other employees."

"Atleast he had some fun."

Then they went quiet again. They were actually stuck in traffic. Although the music on the radio makes up for the quietness, it was still a little bit awkward. The omega kept on stealing glances at the alpha, he wants to say something.

"Thank you for the things you gave...a while ago. I know River wasn't the one who thought about it in the first place," Ten said. He still has the bouquet, just inside River's small bag. He felt sorry that he had to destroy it a bit so it would fit.

Johnny chuckled, "No, seriously. Twenty percent of it was River's idea."

The omega nodded, smiling a bit, "I had my co-workers fussing over you being my suitor."

"Am I not?"

Ten kicked Johnny's seat from behind and earned a laugh.

"I'm joking, Ten."

"You should be!"

The alpha smiled, trying not to smile too widely. The omega had to force himself to frown so he wouldn't smirk. It took them some time before they finally arrived at the apartment building. Johnny parked infront before Ten got out of the car.

The omega grabs his things but the alpha stepped out of the car and stood beside Ten.

"Let me bring those for you--"

"I can handle."

Johnny raised an eyebrow at him, "It wasn't a question. Let me have those. You carry River."

Ten had to think for a second before he admits defeat. He gave his bags to Johnny, looking at him straight in the eyes but immediately looked away when the alpha looked back. He removed the seatbelt around River before he carried him. Johnny closed the door for them before they went in.

They quietly walked down the hallway. Ten could feel his heart beating at a faster pace just looking at Johnny since the alpha's walking infront of him. His coat off, sleeves rolled up, dress shirt still in tacked, nicely styled hair, broad shoulders and muscular back--the omega felt his cheeks getting hot. He mentally slapped himself.

When they arrived, Ten grabbed the keys inside his pocket and unlocked the door.

"You can put them inside...Come in," Ten timidly said before he went into their home to put River to bed.

Johnny walked in to put the bags on the couch. He looked around and saw how simple it is, but very homey. It almost smells like Ten too. He quietly walked towards the opened room and peeked to see the omega just putting their son to bed. If he could only see this every day.

"I should go, Ten," the alpha said softly.

The omega stood and went to the alpha, "Before you go, thanks for driving us home. I really appreciate it."

Johnny smiled, "I'll do it again so wait for me from now on."

Ten felt a familiar heart skip.

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