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Things went different after that day. Ten had talked to River about having a nanny. They had to work it out a bit but the boy and omega were able to adjust. She's a great help though and Ten feels more relieved to have River in the apartment rather than being in the office. Johnny would also check River whenever he gets the chance to.

Ten and Johnny also have some improvements too. The alpha's trying to gain the omega's trust slowly and they are getting somewhere. They have so many times to meet each other because of work and River. Of course, Johnny takes advantage of it and thinks of ways to atleast make the most of it, and Ten would mindlessly have butterflies in his stomach and his heart beating a thousand per second.

It's card-giving and parents' orientation day today. Ten was relieved that it's a Saturday so he wouldn't leave a day at work. It's been a while since he came and visit the school. He's quite excited, to say the least, because of the alpha, of course.

Johnny even had to bother about sending a bouquet again this morning and giving River a few packets of candies. Ten doesn't even know where to put them anymore. He has too many vases already. But he still kept them.

"Where do you want to eat today, Riv? Do you want to go to the mall? Papa will treat you today," Ten said while they walk their way towards the school.

River gasped, "But you haven't seen my grades."

"Ah, I know you did well, baby."

"Will uncle Johnny tag along?"

The omega hummed, "We'll have to see. Maybe you can ask him to come with us."

The boy happily nodded, "Yay!"

Ten would like to have a meal with Johnny too, if ever he's not busy. Surely, they'll be able to see him today because of the schedule. They shortly arrived and many parents were already there to get their child's grade cards from the advisers.

"I haven't seen you in a while."

The omega looked behind and saw Taeyong.

"Hey, same goes to you," Ten uttered, happy to see his friend again, "You look different."

"Really? Maybe you were just away for a while," Taeyong chuckled, "You look good too. Maybe the next time I meet up with you is when your scent changed."

The omega frowned but blushed. Scent changing in omegas just means that they are mated.

"Sh-Shut up. I'm going."

Taeyong laughed, "Okay, see you later, Ten!"

Ten carried River and walked them into their respective room. The omega met the adviser and had a small talk about River's behavior inside class. Although, the teacher didn't say anything bad at the boy. He's rather very behave and all those good things. Of course, River was raised like that...even though his father is the opposite of him.

Once Ten was able to sign an attendance and was given the card, they left the room and went to take a seat on the bench nearby. River sat beside and looked over to see his marks on the subjects. The omega smiled at him and ruffled his hair before he looked at the card.

"See? You did well. Great job, Riv," Ten said.

River smiled back at him, "It's because papa teaches me well too!"

The omega chuckled, "Keep it up, okay?"

"Can I show this to uncle Johnny? Can I?"

"Of course. Let's try and see if he's here."

The boy jumped down on the bench and the omega stood. Both of them held hands as they walked down the empty hallway towards the principal's office. Ten was getting giddy and anxious all of a sudden but he made sure he wasn't showing obvious about it. Johnny will surely appreciate it if he sees them and gets asked to eat lunch with them.

Both stood infront of the door. Ten already told River that he'll be the one who will ask his uncle to come and join them for lunch. The omega was about to knock but he was surprised when the door just opened and showed a man in a suit bringing documents that must've been inside the alpha's office. Ten was rather confused.

"Oh, Mr. Lee, why are you here? Are you looking for Mr. Suh?"

Ten doesn't know who he is but surely, he's one of Johnny's personnel, "Uhm...Yes? Is he inside?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lee but Mr. Suh has other business to be taken care of. He'll be leaving--"

"Leaving?" the omega was taken aback. Johnny didn't say anything about leaving.

"Yes, he's just about to go--"

"Where is he?"

"...Excuse me?"

"Where is he?! I'm just going to punch his face and kick his ass!"

The man looked scared, "B-But, Mr. Lee, he won't be--"

"Just give it to me!"

They didn't have any choice but to hand their phone to Ten where the address would be. The omega made sure it was the right one before he gave him River.

"Take care of him and that's an order from your boss' future mate."

Johnny looked at his watch, a bit impatient already. He was just waiting for the plane to arrive. He was already with a few of his business partners. They were just having a little chat and the alpha was already bored. He wants to go and have some time with Ten and River. He misses them already. He already noted to himself that he'll buy them something on his way home.

If he could only skip this schedule, he would. Johnny just had to attend it because his father's rooting for him. It shouldn't hurt. It'll just be for a while. Maybe he can call Ten whenever he gets time.

Snapping Johnny out of his train of thoughts, he felt something was thrown at him. It hit the back of his head. The alpha's blood boiled at the sudden act so he looked back with eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenching. But his expression just faded when he saw Ten stomping his way towards him.

Johnny stood from his seat, "Why are you here--"

"What's the matter with you?! After all those bouquets and flirts, you just decided to leave me alone again?! When I finally have some feelings for you again, you'll do this again?"

The alpha's eyes widened and already knew where this was going. He immediately tried hushing him, "Ten--"

"Is someone threatening you again? Or you just grew tired of me again?! Atleast tell me so I know if I should pursue us or not! I thought you love me...But it's all a front to hurt me again, huh?!"

Johnny could only cover his face from embarrassment. Ten obviously doesn't know that people are looking at them because of him shouting. He doesn't know how to stop the omega but he was actually enjoying it. He's trying so hard not to laugh or even smile but Ten was too cute.

The omega was still fuming but he doesn't have anything to say. He could only see a sly smile on the alpha's face. He growled.

"Oh, wipe that smirk off. I'll punch your fucking face."

The alpha laughed, not knowing that the angry omega's having his heart palpitating because of it.

"I'm sorry. Excuse me for a bit," Johnny told his co-workers before he grabbed Ten's wrist and pulled him into the bathroom.

Ten kept on whining but he was just pulled into one of the cubicles with Johnny. The omega crossed his arms and glared at the alpha.

"I'd appreciate it if you'll start talking, asshole!" Ten uttered.

"Who told you I was leaving?"

"That's not important! I want some explanations, Johnny Suh!"

Johnny sighed, "I'm not permanently leaving. I'm going for a business trip. Did you think I'll do that again?"

The omega furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

"I'm just going to be gone for a week, Ten. What are you complaining about?"

Ten immediately got embarrassed. His face and ears got beet red. He sighed and covered his face with both of his hands. The alpha didn't want to break it to him but the omega seemed to be really frustrated when he heard he'll be leaving.

"Why didn't you atleast tell me earlier?" Ten whined, looking back at Johnny.

"I don't think you'd care."

"I fucking care!"

The alpha crossed his arms, "If only you'd know that you're a very hard person to read."

"I-I admit that I may treat you like I still hate you but atleast between the lines!" the omega said.

"Then I wanna hear it," Johnny uttered.

"Hear what?"

"What do you mean by 'reading between the lines'?"

Ten frowned, still having his cheeks pink, "Well...Why should I say it? You'll only laugh."

"Why would I laugh at you?" Johnny asked, "I don't think it's a laughing matter. Also, it might just make me the most happiest person."

The omega looked away, pouting a bit. He was contemplating but in the end, he felt defeated. He doesn't want to hold onto this for much longer anyway.

"I still want you back, so c-come back to win me back! I'll even beg...just don't leave me ever again."

Johnny smiled widely at those words. He was beyond happy. The emotions were overflowing and it just made him want to not attend the meetings even more. The alpha couldn't help but slowly reaches for the omega's hands and gently holding onto them, catching the other's attention.

Ten froze when Johnny gently kissed his palms.

"I will come back, I promise. It'll only be a few days."

Their hearts were beating for each other and they were full of happiness that day. Ten felt very relieved.

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