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It's been a week since Ten just indirectly admitted his growing feelings for Johnny. He was restlessly waiting for him but he does get some calls. He instead lets River talk to Johnny because he'd just stutter. He would just listen to them while he does things behind, either he's cooking or cleaning. They're cute when they talk anyway. River's very talkative for once.

Ten would have random messages from Johnny though. Mostly whenever he's at work. He would immediately reply to him secretly because he wouldn't want to let the alpha wait. The alpha even had the energy to flirt when they're both in the middle of work. The omega had to give himself an excuse so he wouldn't smile too much. He's not ready for Yangyang to tease him for it.

If ever they'll be in a relationship again, Ten doesn't know how to tell this to River. He messed up. Well, he doesn't know that he'll be this stupid for Johnny again. He could maybe say Johnny's his real father, after all this time, when he's ten or older. It's still quite complicated to tell these things to a kid.

"Papa, are we going to pick up uncle Johnny?" River excitingly asked.

Ten smiled and nodded, "Yes, we'll surprise him there."

"I'm excited. I miss him," the boy uttered.

The omega ruffled his son's hair then proceeds on packing some of their things that he thought they'll need. He doesn't know what he'll do if he sees Johnny. He was nervous that he might hug him and forget that River's with them. But then again, River might just think that it's a 'friends' thing.

Ten called a taxi for the both of them once they left their apartment. They should be there just on time. Hopefully, Johnny would appreciate them being there.

It took them more than half an hour before they were able to arrive at the airport. River even slept through the drive while Ten kept himself awake. They sat on the bench near the presumably exits. Ten still doesn't know where Johnny would be showing up but he'll just try and see.

"Are you hungry, Riv?" Ten asked.

River shook his head, "I'm fine, papa."

"Okay, just tell me."

The boy nodded, too occupied with his coloring book. The omega patiently waited for the announcements. He doesn't want to call the alpha to ask him. That would just spoil the surprise. Although, Ten's really an impatient person. He has an attention span of a goldfish.

Then Ten's ears perked when he heard a sound go off and a female voice started announcing that a plane is already landing. The omega looked at the showcase window infront of them and did the plane that already landed. River gasped.

"Is uncle there?"

Ten shrugged, "I'm not sure, Riv. Let's just wait for him here. If you see him, just call him out, okay?"

River nodded and immediately ditched his coloring book to keep an eye on the doors that he thinks Johnny will walk out of. The omega did the same, watching out if the alpha has passed them or not. He was just chewing the inside of his cheek, anticipating Johnny's arrival.

Finally, a bunch of businessmen walks out of one of the exits. Ten already has his eyes on the people and expecting Johnny to come out, which he did.

Johnny walked out along with the others while they talk, with blazer and tie off, his first two buttons of his dress shirt unbuttoned and his hair combed back. Ten knows it's already summer in Korea but he didn't know it would be this hot. He had to clear his throat and fan out his face.

River gasped upon seeing his uncle, "Uncle Johnny!"

The alpha from afar stopped and tensed when he heard the familiar voice. He started looking around, hoping that he wasn't imagining things. Then his eyes landed on his cute prince waving both of his hands excitingly at him, and with him is the omega he missed dearly.

Johnny had to bid his goodbye to his business partners before he walked towards both of his favorite persons.

"You're back!" River uttered and has his arms telling Johnny to carry him, which the alpha happily did, "I missed you!"

Johnny laughed softly, "I missed you too, and your papa."

He looked at Ten who was standing just infront of him. The omega wasn't looking back but is timid.

"Welcome back," Ten said, just enough for Johnny to hear.

The alpha smiled, "See? I told I'll be back."

The omega pouted a bit before he just suddenly leaned in to tightly hug the alpha, flooding himself with the strong mint scent he's been looking for by planting his face on the alpha's chest. Johnny wrapped an arm around Ten's waist and kissed his forehead. The alpha kissed River's as well.

"Let's go somewhere," Johnny proposed.

"To the amusement park!" River said.

"Sure, Riv."

Ten pulled himself away with a flushed face. Johnny chuckled at him. The alpha lets the omega carry their kid so he could pull his luggage with them. They couldn't help but hold their hands and intertwine their fingers together but hidden, while River blabber about finally riding the rollercoasters.

A/N: thank you so much for reading and finishing the story!!

the updates must've been fast hehe but i figured you guys would like many updates a day and i have finished writing this story's drafts last month so i just updated lots and i'm just excited to update :D

i'm happy that you guys appreciated my efforts!! hopefully, i was able to give a good johnten fic ;;

Love lots ♥

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