70 | awakening

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Warning! 🔞


Chapter 70 : Awakening 

I have to worship you and then devour you tonight, so that you know exactly how much I love you.

Aadarsh was not kidding when he said those words earlier, about two hours ago. Presently, she was sprawled on the bed sans any clothing. Her breathing was unsettled by the ministrations of his mouth and firm hands. She had lost the count of kisses he had generously planted all the way from her lips down to her navel.

She hitched in a sharp breath as she felt the slick flick of his tongue on her inner thigh. She bit her lower lip hard, in anticipation. She felt his mouth close against her skin and let out a sigh of satisfaction. His trimmed beard scuffed against her sensitive skin, arousing delicious sensations, making her squeeze her eyes close and draw her legs together.

At once, his hands restrained the movement of her thighs and held them apart. Her hands fisted the linen bedsheet on the sides as she felt the heat of his mouth near her very core.

"Er, Aadarsh I..." her nervousness was barely preparing to come out in words when he did something really nasty with the tip of his tongue. Her eyes snapped open wide and at once she ceased all her movements laying still, waiting for more. All her hesitation forgotten.

She had never felt a desire so intense before. Aadarsh tapped into the dormant desires that she didn't even know existed. He brought about a sexual awakening in her. He made her want to do all the inappropriate things she had read in books with him. She wanted to give him control over her body and see what he'd do with her.

Aadarsh smiled against her skin. He flicked his tongue over the sensitive nub, this time vigorously. He heard a sharp audible exhale as her muscles tensed. She was so freaking responsive to his every movement, he loved it.

His palms massaged her thighs as, he let go off all restrains and delved deeper into her folds. His fingers grasping onto her thighs restricting their movement while his lips and tongue got down to business.

Ruhaani let out a cry of pleasure, her fists tightening around the linen. She had never imagined it would be this good. She had read about it in the books but had never anticipated it to be so good in real.

She could hear her loud heartbeats thrumming in her ears. She could feel the heat of the fire he struck in her core, all the way up to her face.

Flick. Suck. Nibble. Flick. Flick. Nibble. Lick.

It was making her mind numb. It was the most perfect rhythm. He was stroking the fire of desire. Teasing her. Tormenting her with raw pleasure. He was driving her crazy, absolutely crazy.

She let out a sharp cry as his movements got sloppier but quicker and wilder. She moaned his name, trying to move her hips. He immediately pinned her down with his calloused hands; the flick, lick and twist of his tongue getting stronger.

She was going to freaking explode at this rate.

And she did.

With her upper body arching, her eyes rolling back in sheer pleasure, she blasted into skies of exotic pleasure. Her lips fervently murmuring his name like a prayer.

She now understood what he meant when he had used the word devour. He was quite literally devouring her.

She slowly opened her pleasure tainted eyes to look at him as he crawled up to her. A wide smile of satisfaction playing on his face. He had always wanted to do that to her. It was somehow the most intimate act of love for him. One look at her and he knew she had enjoyed it.

Ruhaani gently moved her hand to his face, gently stroking his cheek. Their gazes met, an almost electric feeling buzzing between them. This physical intimacy was somehow deepening the feelings they felt for each other. He lowered his wet glazing lips on hers for a scorching kiss, giving her a taste of herself.

"I love you, so much, Ruh" he breathed, breaking the kiss.

Ruhaani smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners and her irises twinkling. It was the kind of smile that gave away all the joy contained within the heart. "I love it when you call me Ruh." She whispered.

He smiled, slowly lowering himself on her. Their abdominal muscles pressing against the other's. Ruhaani parted her lips as his groin settled on hers. She could feel the hardness of his arousal. It made her pupils dilate and her body anticipate more pleasure.

His right hand gently rested on her head while his lips rested against her cheek just close to the tip of her ear. "You are my Ruh," he mumbled against her skin.

It was the sweetest admittance she had ever heard. She beamed and gushed in the newfound warmth, wrapping her arms around him. It was such a beautiful feeling to be loved and cherished.

Aadarsh let his breathing settle to a normal. Being in her arms was being in safe haven.

Sex had never been so overwhelming before. However when he was with Ruhaani everything was beyond physical. Their intimacy stripped him off the restrain he had on his emotions. He felt everything deeply. He had meant it from the depth of his heart, when he had said she was his soul. She completed him in a way that was extraordinarily beautiful.

He sighed when he felt her hands gently stroke his bare back. It felt nice. The kind of nice that comforts and soothes. He loved these soft gestures. He could grow used to them.

"Ruhaani," he whispered, after a minute passed.


"Are you tired? Do you want to sleep? Or..."

A coy smile made it to Ruhaani's lips at his unspoken suggestion. "Well, depends."

"On?" He questioned immediately. He wasn't done here. No way. He had only started.

"Do I get to be on top?"

A heartfelt chuckle erupted out of Aadarsh's mouth and he quickly rolled over, laying beside her. Ruhaani had her quirks, and he was slowly coming to love them. Almost immediately, she took charge and climbed over him.

Her hair all at once cascaded down onto his face. She quickly turned her face to the side, flicking all the hair on one side, away to her back. He watched her in adoration.

She stared down at his beautiful eyes. He scooped up the hair on the other side and pushed it over her shoulder. His hand lingered at her shoulder, slowly moving to her neck and then finally to her cheek.

He gently pulled her closer for a kiss. It was soft, gentle and unrushed. It was like a soft and silent confession. He loved her. He loved her so damn much!

Ruhaani broke the kiss, slowly pulling away looking at him.

"What?" he asked reading the hesitation in her eyes. His fingers gently caressing her cheek.

It was still mind blogging to him how he understood her silence now. Off late, it had gotten more accurate. Maybe their physical intimacy was teaching him to read the subtle changes in her body language and expressions. Perhaps, she was letting her emotions show up on her face more than ever now. Maybe her trust on him had deepened.

"I haven't done it before." She said softly.

He looked at her puzzled for a few seconds, trying to comprehend the meaning of her words. They had mind blowing sex last night, with multiple orgasms.

She sighed and slowly began moving downward. Her hands caressing his taut muscles. Oh. He understood now.

"Ruhaani," he said urgently, his hand reaching to touch her shoulder. "You don't have to if you're not..."

"I want to. Just that... I don't know ... so lead me." She spoke cutting short his sentence.

Damn it. Was it getting hot? Her assertiveness was weirdly a turn on.

He nodded and settled back against the headboard. If she was going down on him. He was going to watch every bit of it. It was a freaking wet dream come true.

Heat began to climb up the column of his neck to his face, as she left soft kisses all over his skin. Her hands gently moved up and down his thighs. She was going good for a first time.

She looked up at him with a tint of uncertainty. He nodded gently encouraging her to go on. He tried not to grab her hair and shove his needy shaft into her mouth.

His face flushed with heat as she used her hands and stroked his length. She looked at him for approval and he bit his lower lip, staring right into her eyes. Giving her a light nod to go on.

Ruhaani felt heat creep up her neck. He was enjoying it. She could tell by the look on his face. For once he was at her mercy and she was growing to love that. A strange gratification washed her as she realized she was the one with the reins in hand this time. She was the one in control.

She slowly lowered her lips on his sensitive tip, immediately eliciting a groan out of his mouth. She used her tongue next.

"Ruhaani, easy with the hands," he muttered when she fondled his balls. His hum of approval, his sharp gasps and his protests fuelled her confidence.

She disobeyed his instructions one after the other, boldly.

"Oh Ruhaani ..." he gasped, his hand threading through her hair, grasping onto it. She looked up at him with mischievous glint in her eyes.

He mentally made a note to give her back for this next time he went down on her. He wasn't going to nice and kind, as he had been.

Within minutes his fingers were threaded through her hair, guiding her mouth around his member and he was telling her exactly how to pleasure him.

It all felt extremely inappropriate and sinful but Ruhaani loved every bit of it. She enjoyed it much to her own surprise.

"Yes, more of that!" he demanded between two harsh gasps as she bobbed her head.

She gave him exactly that, until he was satiated.

The night was spent just like the previous one. Giving and taking, demanding and submitting, to each others needs and desires, and above all to their unified need to express their longing and love for each other. They devoured each other, worshipped each other and simply submitted to each other through the night.

And they were only beginning to act on the love they harboured in their hearts for each other.


Next morning, Ruhaani was late again, but she wasn't complaining. She had surprisingly slept very well despite the cut in the length of her sleep. Maybe good sex did mean good sleep after all.

She looked in the mirror as she wore the jhumkas, humming a random tune. Her gaze almost instantly went to her husband's reflection that appeared in the mirror.

He was dressed in his grey pants and a black shirt. To think that man was all hers, sent a wave of joy through her. She turned as she noticed he was walking towards her after drawing the closet door shut. Her breath got caught in her throat.

He strode towards her and stood before her, with less than a foot between them. His fingers took the earring from her hand and he shifted closer to her making her wear it.

Her gaze melted into his. She let out the breath she had held. Her lips parted ever so slightly, as his fingertip trailed down the shell of her ear.

She should have been used to his touch, especially after last night. But no, she still felt that shiver run down her spine at his touch.

Aadarsh was tempted to diminish all distance between them and taste her again. He would never have enough of her. But right now, he needed to do what he had planned. He took a deep breath, inhaling her fruity scent. His hand dropped to his side, his fingers moved towards her fingers, gently caressing then until he firmly held her hand.

"Sit," he said, leading her to the ottoman. She sat looking at him a bit surprised. She wasn't expecting chivalry.

He walked around to his cupboard and returned with a small box. The box that contained Harsh's letters and his muffler.

He settled on his knees on the floor before her.

"I am sorry for last night. I have no right to take away the part of your past that you want to cherish." He spoke, holding her hand. His words were even, his tone didn't give away what he felt. It was almost like he had rehearsed to say that without an ounce of feeling. A sharp contrast to his emotions last night.

Ruhaani's gaze that was fixed on his face lowered to her lap where he placed the box.

She blinked, her eyes suddenly felt heavy. "Aadarsh," she paused. She had no clue what to say. She hadn't thought it through. Her mind had only been on him through the night, no one else, nothing else.

Aadarsh looked at the contents of the box, the letters in particular. Maybe he was trying to fit himself into that part of her life that she had reserved for someone else.

He didn't want to share her. No. But he didn't want her to give up anything she loved for his sake. Just like he'd never want to give up on anything or anyone he loved for her sake.

They were supposed to be a part of each other's life not tear apart and own a part of each other's life.

He had had an epiphany last night, while she slept snuggled against him after hours of indulging in carnal activities.

At first it was just the realization that he had made the right choice by choosing her over his fears. What seemed like a stone wall impossible to penetrate was in fact a glass wall that just needed to be shattered! It was funny how problems that were huge blockers shrunk into little nothings once they were overcome.

However, the more he reflected on all the ups and downs they had been through in their marriage so far, he realized that she loved him unconditionally.

She loved him when he was rude to her. She loved when he gave her only bare minimum. She loved him despite what she thought were his flaws.

He remembered the night when she held him while he broke down in her arms. She gave him the space to be himself. She was even willing to let him go, despite loving him, because she thought that was what he wanted. That took courage. The kind of courage, he was sure he couldn't possibly match. The least he could do was try.

His mother used to say that love is liberating not caging.

He didn't want his love to be caging or conditional. He wanted to love her unconditionally. Just like she did. She could do whatever she wanted, chose whatever she wanted, he would learn to love her through every choice she made for herself, even if it was a choice he'd never be happy with.

"We both have our past, Ruhaani. That is what has made us what we are today. It won't be fair, if I say I love you and then..."

"throw a tantrum?" she offered lightly, a smile lingering around her lips.

"No. I don't ..." he looked up at her, as her words sunk into his mind. A smile curled her lips. "I don't throw a tantrum." He muttered.

"Well, how about whine?"

"I don't whine." He deadpanned.


"Ruhaani, shut up. I am trying to be serious here." He muttered a tad bit annoyed. The last thing he would want is for Ruhaani to treat him like he was a kid. No. He was her kid's father, her husband.

"Thank you," Ruhaani spoke, her smile falling and her face growing serious.

Humour was an easy way of deflecting from the messy feelings like pain, grief, fear and others. But for once she wanted to be honest. She was working on being more open with him. He was supposed to be her safe place, she reminded herself. She didn't need to be guarded around him.

He gently caressed her cheeks. "I just want you to be happy."

Ruhaani pressed her hand over his that was on her cheek. They both smiled at each other.

"And I want us to always be happy together." She said softly.

Aadarsh's smile deepened. "Sounds like a good plan."

"So," she cleared her throat keeping the box aside. "Why didn't you tell me about this before the marriage?"

"What?" he asked, suspiciously eyeing the playful smile that was slowly twitching her lips.

"That sex is what it takes to make you an awesome husband from a less than average one." She muttered and then laughed out loud at her own remark.

Aadarsh rolled his eyes.

"What?" she shrugged.

"Sick," he muttered standing up.

Ruhaani quickly stood up too and looped her arms around his neck. "We made out the other night, when I was drunk," and you were the sweetest you've ever been to me that night and the whole of next day. "We had sex and then you said you love me. We had some more sex and you're on your knees saying romantic things," She blushed as she spoke.

Aadarsh turned to the side, trying hard to hold back his smile. He shouldn't be smiling. Perhaps she should be mad at her for equating his expression of love to a consequence of sex. However, she was charming with all her twisted humour.

"Tell me hubby dearest," she whispered in his ears.

Oh boy! If she kept going like this, they would end up fucking each other again.

Aadarsh smiled, turning to her. She raised her brows as she grinned ear to ear. Adorable.

He leaned closer, taking his lips closer to hear ears. "I know, what you're doing. But it's not working. I am late and so are you. So the logical thing would be to get out of the room and not you flirting with me with the intention of getting another mind-blowing orgasm."

"I am NOT flirting!" Ruhaani muttered as he pulled away from her.

"Really?" Aadarsh smirked, his gaze falling to her arms around him.

She pulled her arms back. "I was just being..." she paused to search for the right word.

"Seductive?" He offered suppressing his grin.

"No." she refused, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Frisky?" He offered, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

"No, Friendly!"

Aadarsh smiled widely, his knuckles moved up to caress her cheek. "If this is how you be friendly, then we will have to change that." He leaned closer to her lips, "or you'll be allowed to be friendly only to me."

He tilted his face up quickly and kissed her forehead. "Bye. I am super late. I will see you in the evening." Before she could respond he began making his way towards the door.

"Yeah. Whatever. Bye." She murmured.

He turned to look at her, with a smile. He loved how she looked at him. "Bye."


Aadarsh watched on silently as Ruhaani ate the last bite from Mukti's plate that she refused to finish saying her stomach was too full. There were few things that Ruhaani tried to press on the kids when it came to eating habits. One, don't open your mouth while chewing. Two, take on your plate what you can eat, even if that meant you had to serve yourself multiple times. Three, finish everything on your plate.

Mukti and Nirvaan initially had a hard time following those rules. But now, they almost followed it every time. He guessed it was to get that proud smile from her. In all honesty, he would too, even if the food on his plate was what she had cooked.

He glanced back at the bowl halfway-full of vegetable curry. Ever since Ruhaani had started cooking her first ever meal for them, she always made it a point to separate out a bowl of the curry without spices for him. Just like Dai Jaan did.

And he was grateful for that.

However, he didn't like the taste at all. Weeks and months had passed by but he just couldn't get himself to like it. He picked up the spoon and began eating it. If he protested that it lacked taste, he would come off as a complaining ungrateful person. He really appreciated her efforts but not the taste of what she made.

"It's like you're being forced to eat something you don't like." Ruhaani commented turning to look at him. Abhi and Ashvi had left for Badi Bua's house last night. Today evening they were going to celebrate their father's birthday there. Abhi's absence brought her a seat next to her husband at the table.

Aadarsh looked up at her forcing a smile. He couldn't even be honest to her. He didn't want her to be mad at him. He had enough sense to know that there was high probability of her getting mad at him for giving a honest feedback about her cooking. An adventure for another day, he decided. Not today. Especially not tonight. He didn't want to fight with her. Not when all he had been thinking about through the day was spending time with her.

"You can leave it if you don't like it." She whispered, cautiously gazing across the table at Nirvaan who was quizzing Pari on the sounds animals made.

"No, I'll finish it." He said, feeling guilty.

She nodded and turned to Mukti who was asking her if they could go buy her new shoes. Her favourite ones had been ruined by Pari who had used a sketch pens on them and written the letter M all over thinking that would make her happy.

She turned back to Aadarsh who was listening.

"Saturday?" He suggested. "We all can go to a that new Mall, you all wanted to visit "

"Yes!" Mukti agreed readily with a smile.

Ruhaani smiled, "Saturday it is then!"

Aadarsh smiled, gazing at his wife.


It was Mukti's turn to help Dai Jaan and Ruhaani clean the table. She was carrying an empty glass bowl to the kitchen when it slipped from her hands. She immediately yelped and jumped back. At once Aadarsh who was helping Pari build her house using building block rushed over to his sister. Ruhaani dashed out from the kitchen hearing the noise, to find Aadarsh lift a weeping Mukti in his arms. Dai Jaan hurried followed Ruhaani out.

"Shona, are you okay?" She asked immediately walking around the pieces of broken glass towards Aadarsh. Her gaze went to her feet as she spotted a red spot.

"Aadarsh, she has hurt her feet," she informed Aadarsh who was trying to soothe the girl nodded and walked over to the dining table.

"Nirvaan, Pari, go back. There are glass pieces here. Both of you go wear your slippers." Dai Jaan spoke immediately bringing a scoop and broom to clear the mess.

Aadarsh made Mukti sit on the dining table, holding her close to himself while Ruhaani raised her bleeding foot up and removed the shred of glass from her feet. They both tried to comfort her while Ruhaani tended to her wound.

Aadarsh watched Ruhaani transfixed. She was trying to make Mukti smile and talk. Either of the twins were very hard to comfort especially when they were hurting. But Ruhaani—she just knew how to comfort them like they were a part of her. Something even he struggled with.

Minutes later Aadarsh was washing his hands in the common bathroom after leaving Mukti with Nirvaan and Pari to play ludo.

"You okay?" Ruhaani asked as she stood out of the washroom as though waiting for him.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" He asked curiously.

"If any of your siblings get hurt, it's you who gets maximum anxiety. So, that's why!"

"Please. It was just a tiny piece of glass. The least of my worries." He dismissed her concern.

Ruhaani sighed. "It's okay to admit you care. Denying it, won't make you any more strong." She slowly stepped closer to him. "You love your siblings, you're concerned for their well-being, and you get worried when they're not okay. That's the truth and it's not anything you should run away from." She gently placed her hand on his chest towards the left side. He had a good heart.

He took a deep breath looking at her. He struggled to even smile. She already knew him so well, like no one had in a long time. However, she was slowly able to see those parts of him that even he wasn't sure existed.

He gently placed his hand on her hand that was close to his heart. "Thank you!"

She smiled and then gently offered her right cheek. A smile flattered his lips, at the hint. Gosh, he was beginning to love her a little more now. He placed a kiss on her cheek.

A clearing of throat made them step away in a rush. Ruhaani pulled her hand back hastily. Dai Jaan stood with a bright goofy smile on her face. "Er, your phone... it's the third time it's ringing." She spoke to Aadarsh, extending his phone he had left on the dining table.

Aadarsh nodded stepping forward to take the phone, while Ruhaani turned away to look at the bathroom door like she hadn't noticed Dai Jaan's presence.

They were in the common area in the hall, right next to the common washroom, obviously not the ideal place to have a private moment. This was embarrassing! Dai Jaan already teased her once in while when Ruhaani spoke about Aadarsh while working in the kitchen and now this had happened, she could bet that those teasing remarks would just multiply. Did she just see him kissing her cheek or did she also see her asking for it?

"She left," he informed, tapping her shoulder with amusement. Her cheeks had a tinge of pink.

Sighing, she turned to the other side, to make sure his words were true. Turning back to him, she said, "You should keep decent distance."

Aadarsh's jaw dropped. "Haww, you were the one who wanted a kiss."

"No. You, it was you... you need to learn to keep a decent distance." She said, stepping back.

He looked at her his amusement deepening. "You sure, that's what you want?" He teased, raising an eyebrow.

Ruhaani was easily flustered by that look. "Of course,"

"Then don't complain that I make you beg." He whispered, leaning slightly closer, his peripheral vision made sure they didn't have any audience.

"Aadarsh, shh..."she admonished and looked around cautiously. "I just meant outside the bedroom." She explained.

Aadarsh had a full grin on his face now. "So, in the bedroom, at all times, indecency is allowed and outside the bedroom it is not?"

"Yes," Ruhaani replied immediately and further nodded to make her confirmation very evident.

"And why do you think I am going to allow you to set the rules?" He asked, his voice low.

"What happened to consent and all huh?" She replied instantly, like the retort was sitting on her tongue since ever.

"What happened to the consent on a figurative stamp paper?" He instantly responded. "Want me to reiterate your exact words, huh?"

"It was a one time thing," she uttered, the only thing she could think of. She hated losing to him.

"Oh, so I have to take your consent every time I..." he paused momentarily and then continued, "want to kiss you, hug you, touch you or fuck you?" His new-moon-night coloured eyes locked on hers.

Ruhaani sucked in a sharp audible breath, visibly bothered by his sharp words. There was something about hearing those words roll off his tongue. The same tongue that by now knew, exactly how to roll inside her mouth or between her legs to elicit moans of pleasure out of her system.

The scenes of the last night flashed before her eyes.

"or love you..." he added softly, taking a step closer to her. His hands slowly settled on either side of her waist.

"Aadarsh," she whispered, issuing a weak protest.

"You need to stop reacting the way you do, if you don't want me to do anything that you probably would love me to do right here, right now, but pretend you don't want me to do."

Ruhaani blinked clearly not in the best state of her mind to process the sentence with too many dos and don'ts there. Not with his hand gliding towards her back, his fingers firmly pressing over the fabric of her dress and his face inching closer to hers.

"Do you understand?" He breathed over her face, in a commanding voice that added fuel to the fire that had sparked in her core.

She shook her head in a vigorous 'no' making his lips curl into a smile. His tongue stuck out to momentarily wet his lips before he rolled his lower lip into his mouth bringing it between his teeth.

He was holding back a grin and being extremely adorable while at it. Sexy even, her mind added slowly. At this point she didn't know if she was under his spell or him under hers.

His phone that he had just slipped into his pocket minutes back, rang again, making him sigh and reach out for it instead of acting on his thoughts.

It was Devashish, again. The man had no chill. Couldn't the man just understand that he was busy at the moment, if he didn't call back?

He picked up the call, pressed the phone against his ear, his gaze fixed on his wife whose eyes were darting around, a sudden nervousness falling upon her. She was trying to sink it all in, he could tell.

"Code red!" a voice said from the other side.

Ruhaani narrowed her eyes looking back at her husband as she caught the words spoken on the other side of the line.

Aadarsh guessed that she probably heard Devashish's voice from the device given how close they were standing.

He shook his head, subtly telling her to not pay heed to those words, stepping back. "DV is dramatic. Like almost every person in my life." He spoke, his eyes glowing with a glint that made the meaning more apparent to her. He was calling her dramatic!

"I am not dramatic. Abhi is!" she protested immediately.

"A debate for another time." Aadarsh spoke taking another step away.

"She's not dramatic, I agree to that. Your bro, on the other hand, defines dramatic." Devashish gave his two cents.

"No one asked you," Aadarsh spoke into the phone.

"That's rude," Ruhaani muttered, hearing what her husband spoke harshly into the device.

"I agree!" Devashish exclaimed probably having picked up on her voice. "God, never thought I would live to see this day. Finally someone who can smash the mirror to your face, huh?"

"Shut up!" Aadarsh said once, but meant it for the both of them. He quickly walked past Ruhaani, his left hand not failing to lightly smack her backside.

"There better be a good reason behind why you're calling at this hour." Aadarsh spoke, glancing over his shoulder to find Ruhaani gaping at him. He winked and walked towards the guest room for some privacy. The smile never left his lips.

"Yeah, there's finally some progress on figuring out who is the bastard sending you those threats."

Aadarsh closed his eyes momentarily. It was both relief and frustration. He was glad they finally made some progress towards solving the problem. He hated the timing. He really just wanted to be with Ruhaani right now. They were finally moving ahead in their relationship.

"I told you, whoever it is will make some mistake and that will be the start of his end. Meet me at Red Lion Club in an hour. I need your approval to carry out some plans to solve this problem, if we're lucky we can do it tonight."

"Devashish," Aadarsh interrupted. "Not tonight." He pinched the skin between his eyebrows. He hated how he was being impractical. However he knew he'd rather spend time with Ruhaani and solidify all that they had said and they felt for each other, instead of going out on a mad hunter chase, which would lead to more questions from her and inadvertently another matter of concern in their relationship.

He didn't want to be in a position where he had to either tell her about it or lie to her.

"After weeks we finally have some intel we can act upon. You won't be disappointed."

"I understand. But it can wait. I ...I want to be home. It's been there for all these days, so a little time more won't hurt. We'll talk tomorrow." Aadarsh concluded with an air of finality.

"Umm, sure." Devashish uttered on the other side.

"Bye." With that Aadarsh ended the call. He took a deep breath. A weight was pressing on his shoulders.

It had been a long day. He didn't want to think about his father's birthday celebration that was probably going on at the moment in his Badi Bua's house or this nuisance or think if he should take Mukti to a doctor and get her an injection or worry over the Faridabad project which was stalled because of the construction workers going on a strike.

He settled on the bed, and slumped back on it. He was tired really, drained of mental energy to deal with anything. His mind was overcrowded with loud visitors.

He closed his eyes, trying to bring out a pleasant memory of the past, to cherish a good time. It wasn't Siddhi or his mother or his good old happy childhood days this time. It was a memory with Ruhaani.

He remembered the night they had all gone clubbing for the first time. The night he had actually enjoyed Ruhaani's company. The night they had danced together, carefree and happy. The night he had realized that his liking for her had deepened, that the attraction he felt towards her wasn't trivial.

It was then followed by the memory of the night before her birthday in Manali.

After spending some minutes alone with memories he treasured, he got off the bed and went out. Maybe he just needed to be with her, to let her hold him and wait for his troubles to disappear.

He entered the TV room area and stood by the partition. Ruhaani was seated along with the kids on the carpeted floor. She had apparently joined their game. Pari sat on her lap, resting her head against her chest. The little one's eyes were heavy with drowsiness. He walked over to her.

Ruhaani looked up at him, as he approached. He gestured to her that Pari was sleepy and he should put her to bed. She nodded.

"Come Pari, let's go to bed." He said softly.

Pari looked up at him slowly and then at the game board.

"Mumma will finish your game. Go, Papa will put you to sleep." Ruhaani whispered to her, running a hand over her hair. The girl nodded and raised her arms towards her father. At once, Aadarsh bent down and scooped her up in his arms.

Ruhaani looked on as her husband walked around the sofa making his way out. His hand reached out to pull the hem of Pari's t-shirt down and he rubbed her back as she placed her cheek against his shoulder closing her eyes.

It was always heart-warming to see Aadarsh being a doting father.

Ruhaani entered her bedroom about forty minutes later. She had wrapped up the kitchen, made sure Dai Jaan had taken her medicines, tucked the twins into bed and kissed each of the kids good night.

The room was mostly dark except the light filtering in from the closet. The bed had been made. Aadarsh was already under the covers.

She walked into the closet. Her gaze fell on the box that she had placed amongst her things in the morning.

She slowly picked it up and settled on the ottoman in the closet. She pulled out the letters from the envelope which was dated the oldest.

• — • — •

Looking forward to read your thoughts on it.

Next : Sunday (hopefully)

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