71 | past & present

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Chapter 71 : Past & Present

Dear Ruhaani,

This is your husband reporting from the most beautiful valley of Himalayas. It's rightly said that Kashmir is a piece of heaven on earth.

I wish you were here.

I hope things have been good for you back at home. I know my mother can be a bit dramatic, a lot orthodox and a tiny bit fussy, but she has a very big heart. Take care of her for me, please.

And take care of yourself.

Okay, I think I am not clearly good at writing letters. I am not sure what more can I write here.

I had my favourite Kashmiri pulao for lunch.

The weather is cold. Nights are even colder. The first snowfall of the season should be round the corner.

I hope you at least smile half of what you smiled when I gave you the first letter when you're reading this. Any tips for me to write more 'romantic' letters? Don't say read a book, I can't.

P.S. – I still think emails are a much better, faster and convenient way than letters to communicate, when I have access to internet . Let me know what you think.

Yours Truly,


Ruhaani smiled staring at the piece of paper. He took the time to write letters just for her. It made her heart feel heavy. She folded the sheet of paper along the original creases and slipped it back into the envelope.

She picked the second envelope and pulled out the sheet of paper from it. Surprisingly, a polaroid picture also fell out of it. It was a beautiful picture of snowfall in a valley that was already covered in snow.

Dear Ruhaani,

I hope you've read the letters in the right order. I wrote the dates on the envelopes, hope that helped. I didn't get a chance to post the last letter. I wrote to you in the previous letter that snowfall was around the corner. Guess what, the first snowfall came before I could post the letter.

I have attached a picture I clicked on Ojaswin's camera for you. You would have loved it here, it was a beautiful sight.

I have witnessed snowfall many times in my life. But each time it feels like the first time. There's a magic in the mountains. Maybe in a few years from now we could move to a quaint mountain town. Trust me, life in the mountains is beautiful. What do you think?

I am sipping on some really good hot chocolate as I write this letter. It's the best thing about winters. I am just enjoying the life in town until I am posted at the camp.

Three more days to my posting at the highest LOC. I am both thrilled and anxious. Major Kundan is known to be the most disciplined man. I am going to be reporting to him. I have always wanted to. You know it's said that those who thrive under his leadership turn out to be the best.

I liked a muffler in the market, I bought it for you. Sending it with this letter. I can't wait to hear back from you.

In my cupboard drawer you will find a diary. It has a list of birthdays and wedding anniversaries of folks in the family. Might help you with making first impressions. :) Also, I have my special hot chocolate recipe written in that diary. You could try it and tell me if you like it.

Okay, going to go sleep. Need to wake up at five. The only part that I really hate.

Yours Truly,


Ruhaani let out a soft sigh. She had found the diary when she was rearranging the cupboard. "Your hot chocolate is now my all time favourite, Harsh. And in that diary, I had also written my birthday and our wedding date."

She blinked the tears forming in her eyes. How she wished she had got these letters earlier and had written back to him!

She picked up the third and final envelope. A strong scent of saffron hit her nostrils as she opened the seal. He had put small strands of saffron threads in it. She smiled at his thoughtfulness. Harsh loved Kashmir and everything about that place. She pulled out the folded page, closing her eyes and taking a sniff of the natural scent.

She slowly unfolded the paper and frowned. The ink on the page had been blotted at spots and mostly wiped away. She could only read the starting half.

Dear Ruhaani,

Sending the most beautiful scent with his letter. I still didn't get time to post the letters. You'll get all these three letters together with the muffler. I will post it immediately after finishing this letter, promise.

I now understand how annoying it is to tease people writing letters to their significant other. I also understand why most of them prefer writing letters in the quiet of the night.

I . . . . . . .

Ruhaani sighed as the rest of the ink had faded away, just like he had. Abrupt endings were so heart-rending. She stared at the second half of the page. It was as though the letter had been soaked in water or something, eating up his words. She folded the letter and packed the contents back into he box. Her mind resurfacing the bits of her last memories of him. When she went to the bus station to see him off.

I will write you letters, don't worry.

Okay. You better bring me a gift when you return.

Ruhaani sighed picking up the muffler. Her lips curled into a painful smile as she felt the soft wool. "I wanted you to bring the gift." Tears streamed down her cheeks and she brought the muffler close to herself.

"You were a beautiful part of my life, Harsh. Short but beautiful. Your hot chocolate recipe is now my favourite. Thank you for being the friend I never had. And I am sorry, I could never stay around to take care of your mom. We never got along. I am sorry I couldn't love you in that short period we had. You were a wonderful person and you'll always be a wonderful memory. I will always be grateful to you for those moments of kindness and companionship you gave me while we were together."

She wiped her tears, placing the muffler back with the letters. She picked the box and put it back into the storage cupboard next to her books.

A strange realization hit her. It was the first ever time she was not bitter about everything that had happened. Mourning Harsh's absence had always been about her, about how life was unfair to her. She was never grateful for what life had given her.

Harsh was a wonderful person. He would always be in her heart as that friend who made her smile, as the man who wrote her letters despite not really being into writing.

Harsh was a flicker of light in between a long tunnel and Aadarsh was the open sky at the other side of the tunnel.

She had found her way out of the very long dark tunnel. There was no going back. Whatever was, was behind her. She had an adventure ahead with Aadarsh and she was going to focus on being grateful for that.

It had been a long and exhausting day. She quickly changed into a pair of t-shirt and capris and switched off the lights walking out, to the bedroom. She made her way around the bed and climbed onto it.

"What took you so long?" He mumbled sleepily, opening his eyes slightly; as he felt her presence. "Kids slept?"

"Hmm," She answered, simply shifting towards him.

"Is Mukti okay?" He asked in a drowsy voice as he outstretched his arm to accommodate her. Even in his sleep, he was concerned about his sister's foot. His care made Ruhaani smile.

"Yes, especially after she won Ludo." Ruhaani replied softly.

Aadarsh smiled, wrapping his arm around her. Ruhaani had a habit of losing to the kids every time, just to see them win. At first he thought it was stupid, but now he was the opinion that it was endearing.

Ruhaani took a deep breath snuggling closer to him. She pulled the blanket over herself all the way till top, while for Aadarsh she pulled it till his waist.

He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, "good night!"

"Good night!" she replied softly, her eyes darting up to his face. She smiled, resting her forehead against his chest.

He loved her! She had him right next to him. She had a family with him. A place where she belonged. There was nothing more that she wanted.

Maybe even Harsh would be happy for her.


The soft chime of the alarm on Ruhaani's phone pierced the morning silence, coaxing Aadarsh into the realm of wakefulness. He half-opened his eyes and sat up while Ruhaani slept soundly. He fumbled for her phone leaning over her to reach the nightstand on her side of the bed. He finally reached it and swiped the screen snoozing the alarm.

The gentle rustling of his motions woke Ruhaani up. Her eyelids fluttered open to the hazy sight of her husband in the dull light of the room

"What time is it?" she mumbled, her eyes closing back quickly to drift back into land of sleep.

"Six," he sighed laying back, his eyes looking up at the ceiling. He had slept really well. He hadn't even realized when he had slept off while waiting for her.

Ruhaani shifted closer to him. Her hand resting lightly on his arm.

"Five more minutes?" she whispered, her voice a tender plea.

He turned, his eyes meeting hers, sleep still lingering in their depths. "let's make it ten?" He suggested turning towards her, he lifted the blanket she was covered in and shifted under it. His arms wrapping around her.

"Hmm," Ruhaani hummed in approval, comfortable in his warm embrace.

It was a span of quiet, soulful moments.

Ruhaani's sleep slowly wore off. She loved this. Having someone to hug. Someone she loved. Someone who loved her back.

The quietude of the room was disrupted by the snoozing alarm from her phone, that Aadarsh had placed beside his pillow. He quickly reached out to it and dismissed the alarm. Ten minutes had gone by like ten seconds.

"Time to rise and shine, Ruh," he spoke, kissing her forehead. He slowly brought his gaze down to her eyes and immediately looked taken aback. She had tears glazing her eyes.

"Hey, what happened?" He said softly, his right hand gently touching her cheek.

"Nothing, it's just..." she dismissed his concern, sitting up.

"Well, don't say it's nothing. Just say you are not ready to share, next time." He said, slightly disappointed. Why was it still so hard for her to open up to him? Did he not give her the safe space to be vulnerable, like she gave him?

Aadarsh rolled on his side and sat up, dangling his feet down to the floor. He bent his head sideways and rotated it halfway, per his morning routine before getting out of bed.

"It's a bit of a hazy memory." He heard her speak. He didn't turn to face her.

"I never woke up with an alarm. My mother used to come to wake me up. And every time I bargained for five minutes more, she would slip into the blanket and sleep with me. Just like you did. The memory just... came out of nowhere."

He got off the bed and stood, slowly turning towards her. "Come here," he said softly.

She walked on her knees to his side of the bed and he took her into a hug. She sighed against his chest. "Just don't ever stop loving me, please."

"Never," he made a promise, holding her tighter. "It's not possible."

Ruhaani smiled.

After a minute passed, she pulled back.

"You're a hugger, aren't you?" she mused, as he ran his fingers through her hair, combing them down.

Ruhaani took the cue. Her hair probably looked like a hay nest. She quickly ran her own hands over it and tied it up into a swift bun.

"Why would you say that?" Aadarsh murmured, turning around to walk away.

"I have lost the number of times you've hugged me," Ruhaani spoke, following him determinedly. She was sure he was hiding something. She knew him enough to know that if he ran the other way instead of answering head on, he was escaping a conversation.

"Aren't you too chirpy for an early morning?" He muttered, as he strode through the closet towards the bathroom.

She held his hand, "Just say you're not ready to share, instead of dodging," she said.

He turned to look at her.

The hint of a smile loitered around her lips. She knew this would work. His eyes met hers, his lips curling up slowly.

"Between you and me, I am definitely the hugger. Now, are you looking to come with me to the toilet and see how I pee?"

"Yuck!" Ruhaani's face scrunched up in disgust.

"Well, you never know what sets a person off," he shrugged, holding back his grin.

"Sick, Aadarsh!" she murmured and ran to the bathroom and shut the door.

Aadarsh's eyes widened at her antics. He knocked on the bathroom door. "Ruhaani, I really need to pee."

"So do I!" He heard her yell.

"I was going first."

"But I got in first." She replied.

"You're annoying!" he muttered.

"I mean it," he shouted more loudly when he didn't hear her reply. "You're very annoying!"

He kept knocking on the door in every five seconds or so, until she finally opened the door and stepped out.

"You could try harnessing patience." She muttered.

He only glared at her, moved past her to the bathroom. He shut the door. "Now I am only coming out after peeing, brushing, pooping and bathing. Keep waiting!"

"Stop being a kid, Aadarsh." She yelled. She waited but got no response.

"My toothbrush is inside, Aadarsh." She finally yelled, knocking.

"Open up!" she demanded.

No response.

"You are double, triple.... Actually the most annoying person ever." She shouted then banged at the door for effect.

She walked up the ottoman and sat waiting for him to emerge. After five minutes she gave up and decided to go to the bathroom in the kids bathroom and use a new toothbrush.

Aadarsh could be sweet, romantic, loving and thoughtful but he was still that inflated-ego and stubborn-attitude arrogant man who loved to prove himself. Also, piss her off.

"Grow up!" She yelled after banging at the bathroom door some more.

Aadarsh smiled as he leisurely brushed his teeth on the other side. Yes, he loved her. But damn he'd probably never stop getting the kick out of annoying her. Served her well, cause frankly she drove him crazy too, in every way possible.


Aadarsh stood outside Devashish's flat. The latter had gone on radio silence. Not only was he absent at work but he was unreachable on call. When he didn't show up until the evening, Aadarsh decided to pay a visit to his residence after wrapping up work.

With frustration bubbling beneath his skin, he pressed the doorbell. His gaze fixated on the sophisticated security apparatus mounted beside the door frame – a camera and speaker poised to capture the outside world.

He was really mad at the man. After informing him of getting some lead, first—after weeks of relentless pursuit on the case, he had gone MIA. That was unacceptable behaviour.

Impatience compelled Aadarsh to press the doorbell once more, the chime echoing through the quiet corridor.

"Who is it?" Devashish's voice boomed through the microphone, accompanied by a subtle undertone of white noise.

"Your Boss!" Aadarsh declared, the impatience now laced with an undercurrent of anger.

"Shit!" The response crackled through the microphone before the speaker's soft buzz indicated the abrupt muting of the microphone on the other end.

The door creaked open, revealing Devashish standing there, a dishevelled silhouette of his former self. His usually composed and jaunty demeanour was replaced by the aftermath of a fierce struggle – wounds etched on his face and angry red rashes marring his arms, as though he had engaged in a brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Aadarsh's eyes widened, taking in the unexpected sight before him. Hs anger softened replaced by concern and confusion as he surveyed the battered figure before him. "What the hell happened?" he demanded, his voice edged with urgency.

Devashish's gaze met Aadarsh's, exhaustion etched across his features. "Just a rough night," he muttered, avoiding direct eye contact. Stepping back, he opened the door further, inviting him in.

Aadarsh stormed into the luxurious two-bedroom apartment that looked nothing different than a lazy bachelor's pad.

"What exactly happened? Who did you fight with? Please tell me this is not related to those threats. And why the hell are you not answering your goddamn phone?" Aadarsh shot questions as soon as Devashish shut the door.

Devashish let out a yawn, running his hand through his hair. He walked over to his couch and slumped onto it.

"I went to the Red Lion club last night."

Aadarsh sighed, settling on the wing chair. Something told him that this was not as easy as it looked. This was not a jealous boyfriend beating the pulp out of the well-built man before him. "Go on, tell me who that bastard is!"

Devashish slowly raised his gaze and looked at him with all seriousness. "Let's just say a skeleton tumbled out from the closet of our past."

"Who?" Aadarsh asked holding his breath. He had always feared this.


"Harry," Aadarsh repeated as though trying to remember who that was.

"The same contractor who was trying to stop MLA Randhwa's Faridabad factory project." Devashish added information to help him jog his memory.

Aadarsh sighed, "the one who died in the hospital, after the accident."

"Yep. His brother is sending you those threats. He slipped in his precautions. In the last note he sent, he left a fingerprint. The ex-cop I had working on the case, had backdoor access to a very powerful database of fingerprints. He ran it against it and we got a hit. Bappi Gautam. Brother of Haarith Gautam aka Harry."

Aadarsh blinked sinking in the facts.

About four years back, when he was still learning on the job the dos-and-donts of running a company in the construction business his paths had crossed with the MLA Randhwa. Randhwa had been the most powerful client they had ever had. The only catch was that the man was corrupt and had shady ways of doing business. But desperate for a profit, Aadarsh had gotten into the boat with him.

Aadarsh had somehow believed that Randhwa had chosen to give him projects because he had seen a capable person in him. However with time it became apparent to Aadarsh, that all Randhwa was interested in was having puppets who did his dirty work.

At first it was just showing contracts in their books to help Randhwa convert his black money as white; something that gave them a handsome easy-money in the process. Slowly, it became land and property acquirement from shady people and selling it to Randhwa and his relatives, recovery of loans from people in debt, getting involved with other people in politics and doing a lot of dirty laundry for them.

In a matter of three months, Aadarsh had realized that working with Randhwa could make him a billionaire overnight but it could also turn out to be the worst decision of his life. When he started to withdraw slowly and declined his requests things began to get tougher. Around the same time, he met Devashish who volunteered to help him out of the mess.

Together with Devashish, he had finally managed to navigate out of Randhwa's hold and be done with Randhwa for good. However it had come at a massive cost. Part of it being, taking Harry out of his way.

"You said the accident hadn't injured him." Aadarsh spoke, finally raising his gaze to look at Devashish.

His conscience was thrashing him. Aadarsh had always known that Devashish not only broke laws but he also did things that were morally wrong, things that hurt other people. However Aadarsh always chose to turn and look the other way.

"It hadn't." The other man in the room confirmed.

"Then why is his brother out to get his revenge on me?" Aadarsh replied annoyed.

Devashish lowered his gaze.

"Tell me, what had happened... I want nothing but truth." Aadarsh asserted.

"He died of an heart attack following the accident." Devashish replied. "I think his brother just found out that we made that accident happen."

"Yeah, an accident that was only meant to scare him to get him to give up on that land deal he was pursuing, the one that Randhwa wanted."

"And we did just that."

"But the man died."

"Not at the accident spot. He died in the ambulance and was declared dead at the hospital." Devashish explained.

"The accident gave him a shock?"


Aadarsh let out a sharp exhale.

"For what it's worth, more than a hundred people were happy with that man gone and one woman would even want to reward the person who took out the man."

"You don't get personal stuff into this, DV. Please tell me, you didn't mean for him to die."

Devashish took a deep breath. "I would have wished that fucker got a more nasty death. He was a rapist."

Aadarsh sighed looking aside. "Okay. Let's circle back to the present. What exactly happened last night?"

"I traced the brother, Bappi Gautam. He was at the club."

"And you decided to go confront him?" Aadarsh asked looking at the man before him in disbelief.

Devashish shrugged. "If there are threats that can be potentially harmful, you take them out as soon as you can. And revenge can be very-very harmful."

"I told you to wait for a day and not do anything impulsive." Aadarsh reminded him.

"I must have not heard it, network issues probably," Devashish replied coolly, seemingly unfazed by Aadarsh's pissed look.

"This is a serious issue,"

"We can't go to the police, Aadarsh. It's something we must solve on our own. I went in yesterday because I thought this problem could be solved."

"So well, did you solve it?" Aadarsh snapped.

Devashish sighed. "It just blew up okay. I was just trying to talk to him. Then he might have said something nasty and I thought he deserved a punch. What I didn't know is he had two bodyguards loitering around the club."

"And you ended up like this," Aadarsh muttered pointing to his face. "Did you show your wounds to a doctor?"

"Nope. I do a pretty good job by myself."

"Did you get badly hurt anywhere?" Aadarsh asked after a moment of internal debate.

"Nope. Just my face man. Why do bastards hit the face?" Devashish asked getting off the couch. "Coffee or whiskey?"

Aadarsh raised an eyebrow, as though questioning his offer.

Devashish shrugged.

"Go take a shower. I will order dinner for us." Aadarsh said, fishing his phone out of his pocket.

Devashish folded his arms looking at the man before him amused. "You're seriously going to have dinner dates with me now?"

"Shut up DV! I am hungry and we don't have any solution to the problem yet. We don't even have a plan. We need to have an action plan, something that has more brain and less muscles."

"Did you fight with Abhi again?" Devashish mused aloud.

"No, I did not. Why would you say that?" Aadarsh asked tossing hhuman incredulous look.

Devashish raised a shoulder giving a half shrug. "With Ruhaani?"


"Then why don't you want to go home?"

"What part of—we have a situation we need to find a solution to, as soon as possible—doesn't fit into your brain?"

"Calm down man!" Devashish muttered walking towards his room. "Some chilli chicken and hakka noodles for me from Manny's Pan-Asian. Also beer would be good since I don't think you'll let me have scotch. Oh and for dessert butterscotch ice-cream would be good." Devashish rushed inside the room and shut the door before Aadarsh had a chance to protest.


It was close to midnight. It was a second night in a row that Aadarsh was reaching home late. Tonight it was because he had to visit the Faridabad site to do some damage control and request the workers to get back on work promising an increase in their wages.

He pulled out the house keys from the pockets of his trousers as he walked towards the door from his car.

Before he could slip the key into the keyhole the door creaked open.

He raised his gaze surprised. His eyes met the familiar chocolate brown eyes of the woman he loved.

"Hi," he uttered, a smile playing on his lips instantly. Just gazing at her had knocked away half the exhaustion from the day.

"Late again?"

Aadarsh looked at his watch, "Oh I thought I was on time."

"It's ten minutes to twelve." Ruhaani deadpanned.

"It's a good thing that I am not Cinderella!" Aadarsh replied. "Now will you let me in?" he stepped forward.

"Not funny." Ruhaani remarked opening the door wide. He stepped into the mostly dark—except the light bulb near the staircase and one near the door that was left on—and completely silent living hall.

"Did you have dinner?" she enquired.

"Sort of." He muttered, glancing at her as she locked the door. "I ate at seven today. Had three meetings after that."

She turned to look at him. "Well, we had brinjal curry for dinner and..."

"I am not actually hungry." He said almost immediately.

Ruhaani simpered, "Well, okay, I thought I could make you some corn cheese grill sandwiches if you just want a light snack."

"Well, since you're insisting, I will have one." He immediately flipped his decision.

Ruhaani rolled her eyes. "Go freshen up, I will make one for you." Having said that she walked past him to the kitchen.

Aadarsh smiled. It felt so nice to come home to find her waiting for him. Last night she had been fast asleep on the sofa waiting for him. He had to pick her up and put her into bed.

However, today she was wide awake. It was a thoughtful gesture. He quickly marched up the stairs, to freshen up.

About ten minutes later, Aadarsh entered the kitchen to find her cleaning up. She had assembled the sandwiches and put them into the sandwich maker.

He crept up behind her and hugged her from behind as she was placing the bread box on the upper rack.

Ruhaani gasped initially, then smiled as he nuzzled against her neck. Her hands gently rested on his arms that had wound around her waist.

She slowly loosened his arms around her and turned to face him.

"Why aren't you asleep already?"

"So that you could carry me again to bed?" she asked smiling, looping her arms around his neck.

"You remember?"

"Distinctly. I also remember the kiss you placed here after putting me down." She pressed the tip of her forefinger on her lips.

Aadarsh's gaze lowered to her lips. "That was a peck not a kiss. A kiss is this," he murmured before pressing his lips on hers.

It had started off slow and gentle but had transformed into a wild needy kiss. His hands roved all over her body and she had her fingers weaving through his hair. It was as though they had both been starved of each other.

They broke apart when they heard the sandwich maker beep thrice to indicate the grill sandwiches were ready.

"Your snack is ready." Ruhaani muttered breathlessly. She had no clue how badly she needed his proximity until she had it. She would have never imagined that making out with Aadarsh in the kitchen at midnight would be such a turn on.

"I would rather have you," he mumbled, his lips venturing down the column of her neck, his hands squeezed her derriere.

Maybe you should refuel yourself first." Ruhaani suggested as her hands flattened against his chest, earning a grin from him.

"Looks like someone's needy tonight," he teased. "I can't believe once upon a time I thought that you would be all coy and naïve." He remarked, stepping back to fetch a plate from the upper cabinet.

Ruhaani eyed him, as he took the sandwiches out of the machine. Her gaze roved over his arms, up towards his chest. He glanced at her and then wore a knowing and proud smile.

Oh boy, half an hour ago, she wanted nothing other than to sleep. But here she was desperately waiting for her husband to finish his snack so he could get down to some of his husband duties.

"Are you going to keep staring at me like I am some sort of eye candy or are you coming here to share?" he asked as he settled on the stool.

She walked over to him. Instead of decently sitting on the stool, she climbed on to the kitchen island, and sat on the granite top, right next to his plate.

Aadarsh's gaze moved from his plate where he had poured some ketchup to his wife's thighs and eventually up to her face.

"You're wearing my t-shirt," he stated as he noticed she wore the printed t-shirt that Abhi had gifted him.

"Oh, you noticed. I was surprised to find printed stuff." She said glancing down at the enormous embossed print of a lion in grey on the black cotton material.

"Abhi gifted it to me." Aadarsh felt a direct need to explain why he had the odd thing in his collection, as he dipped the half of his sandwich into the ketchup.

"Did you ever wear it?" She asked.

"Once. On the sleepover we had on his birthday night. Good part, no one ever saw me in it." He answered guiding the sandwich to her mouth.

Ruhaani blinked, lowering her gaze to his hand and then to his eyes. Her heart performed a somersault. "Aww, look... this is what I was saying the other day . Sex makes you a different man. Just because I said we could have..."

"Shut up!" Aadarsh commented, cutting her short. "Just letting you have the first bite to make sure it's edible."

Ruhaani's jaw hung open. He took the opportunity and stuffed the sandwich into her mouth.

She narrowed her eyes at him taking a bite. She chewed vigorously. "You're mean." She declared, her voice a bit loud.

"Shh... everyone's sleeping." He admonished. "Is the taste fine?" He asked expectantly.

Her eyes further narrowed at him. "Eat and find out." She muttered, pushing his hand away, still chewing on the sandwich.

Aadarsh took a bite smiling at her. He was beginning to consider something was wrong with him. He shouldn't really be getting kicks out of pissing off his wife.

"Hmmm, this is... this is like the sandwich that Abhi makes." He commented as he chewed. "Hmm, this is good."

Ruhaani gave him a saccharine smile. "I learnt how to make that from Abhi. Apparently it's one of your favourite things. But don't expect me to make it ever again." She muttered, getting off the granite top.

Almost instantly his left arm curled around her, pulling her close to himself. He took a second bite of the sandwich, and then turned to gaze at her face that was inches away from his. Their gazes melted into each other's.

The fire in her eyes softened as she noticed the way he looked at her. Like... like...he was telling her how much he loved her.

"Thank you," he whispered as he finished swallowing the second bite. "It means a lot to me if you stay up and wait for me when I am late. It means a lot if you cook for me at midnight because I am hungry. It means so much to me, if you learn to make something I like to eat."

Ruhaani melted quite easily at his earnest admittance. Her skin tingled with the warmth his words radiated. She eased into his hold.

"But I am still going to tell you that you've put less salt in the filling." He added, swallowing.

Ruhaani immediately whacked him on the shoulder and he chuckled, making her smile. He pulled her closer, hugging her while he ate the next bite.

"I still love you, Ruh!"

Ruhaani smiled at him.

He raised an eyebrow waiting expectantly for her to say it back. "Go on, say it back." He said between his chews.

"I am not in the mood." She replied.

"Well, you either say it now or scream it later, your choice." He shrugged, eyeing her, as he fed her the sandwich.

"I..." Ruhaani bit into the sandwich. As she chewed and swallowed, Aadarsh looked on attentively.

"...will wait to see, how you would make me say it."

A smirk formed on Aadarsh's lips as he popped the last bit of the sandwich into his mouth. The smirk transformed into a heartfelt smile as she winked at him and then kissed his cheek.

It was the most beautiful thing ever, to be cared for, loved, cherished and above all, belong to a person. She didn't have to ever use words, her gestures screamed how much she loved him.

However, he was never known to be the one to back down from a challenge and he was not going to start now.

• — • — •

Particularly looking forward to read your thoughts on this chapter.

Next : 2024 (mostly 2nd week)

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