A big suprise

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                             The week has gone by great. I am heading over to the institute for training practice. I was riding the subway with Simon. He looks over at me and laughs. "What is so funny?" Oh I'm just thinking about you. Ya know homecoming is coming up." Oh crap. I totally forgot about that. This is going to be crazy. I'm in love with 2 boys, jace and grant. Who and I going to ask to the dance? I get wide eyed and turn to Simon and say "oh no! I totally forgot about that." "You my friend, have got a really tough decision to make. I am taking Isabelle." He is right I do. What am I going to do? Maybe I could just pretend to be sick the week of homecoming and skip it. That most likely won't work even then because then grant and jace will most likely show up at my house to help take care of me and figure out I am not really sick and end up dragging me to the dance. What am I going to do?
                     It's a good thing we made it to the stop about a 3 minute walk to the institute in time. We both go in and I run up to my room and change into some light clothes. I put on some combat boots because I know if I don't izzy will kill me. My boots don't match my clothes but I won't worry about that now. I have to get down to the training room soon or Alec is going to make me do laps. I hate when he makes me do that. I lace up my boots and walk out. I walk slowly because I am tired, but not too slowly because I will have to deal with a super mad Alec and Isabelle.
                                I am walking down the hall of bedrooms when I pass Jaces bedroom. The door is cracked and I hear a weird noise. Not just any noise but one that sounds like wind that would come from outside not the air conditioner. I peek through the cracks and I see him standing there. His back facing me. I see large grey wings attached. How have I not seen those before? I see him take a deep breath and blow. A huge gust of wind comes and blows the chair in the corner and blew it over. "Cool, no mater how much I use these powers I always amaze myself. I knew all that begging will pay off" he said. He walked over and blew the door shut. Well so much for seeing his cool powers and wings. I wonder if he has any other powers.
                     I look at my watch and see it is... 12:30! Oh by the angel. Now I am going to be yelled at and have to do laps. I turn and run down 2 flights of stairs to the training room. I slam open the door. The first thing I see is a very angry Isabelle standing next to a very mad Alec. "Where were you?!? Simon has been here and he said you came with him" Alec practically yells at me. I look up and see Simon sitting on a beam. "I know I know I had to change then I got distracted." "Get to the wall and start doing laps" Alec yells. Ugh, I had this coming. I walk to the wall and start doing laps. 20 minutes later I am done and sweat is dripping from my forehead. We work on sword fighting, an am getting really good at this. I loose focus for 2 seconds and I am flipped over and land on my back hard on the floor with Alec's blade pointed at my chest.
                                  "So what distracted you that made you late?" "Jace. Not in the way you think though. I promise." He removes the sword and helps me to my feet. I hold my sword out and we go at it again. "Have you noticed any changes about him lately?" I ask him and he says "well our connection seems different but no. why?" "No reason. Just wondering." Alec teaches me how to block everything out of my mind and use my opponent as an advantage. Training goes on for another 2 hours. Alec and Simon walk out saying they are going to grab a snack.
                           I walk over to the shelf to put my blade up and get a drink of water. Suddenly izzy tackles me to the ground. "Hey! What was that for?" I ask her. I am so confused. She smirks and says "well?" "Well what?" "Two things. One: who are you going with to the homecoming dance? And two: why were you so late in getting here? It's not like you to be late for training." I knew she was going to ask me about the dance sooner or later. I wiggle out of her grasp and stand up. My short size comes in handy at times like these. "Well to tell you the truth, I don't know what I am going to do about the dance. I might just not go. I know you are already going with Simon. And for your other question, I told you I got distracted." We sit on the ground and she says "you have to go to the dance! It won't be that fun without you! Do you want to go with Jace or Grant?" "I don't know. I like them both so much that's why I am thinking about not going and just playing sick this week to try and avoid it but that plan has some downsides." Izzy thinks about this for a while then says. This calls for some help. I will be right back." She walks out of the training room.
                                Jace walks in and says "hey, I wanted to tell everybody something big but nobody is in here. Where are they?" "Izzy went out to call someone and Alec and Simon went to the kitchen for a snack." He walks to the door and sticks his head out and yells "hey! Everyone in the training room now!" He sits across from me.
                            Isabelle is the first to walk in, she is talking on the phone and says "thanks so much. I will see you soon. Ok clary she will be here in 3 hours. What do you want now jace?!" "I need Alec and Simon in here too." She sighs and sits next to me and we all wait for Alec and Simon. They come in both eating a bag of cookies. "Ugh..., what do you want?" Simon asks him. "Oh shut up daylighter, I was going to tell all of you something big but if you don't want to know I guess I can just leave and you all can guess" jace tells all of us. I hope if he is saying what I think he is, he is going to tell us about the wings and the wind power I saw earlier. "No no, I want to know" Isabelle says trying to hide the anxiousness. "Ya know, maybe this was s bad idea. Maybe I shouldn't tell y'all just yet" jace says trying to build up the tension in the room. "No!" Alec Isabelle Simon and I say all together at the same time. "Are you sure?" "Yes!" We all say at the same time again. Jace laughs and says "ok, it's really big news I hope you all can handle it. Here it goes."
                              He takes a deep breath and says "I have wings and powers." I knew it! I'm glad he told us now because how am I expected to keep a huge secret like this in for a long time. Simon looks excited like something from his comic books have come to real life because he says "no way dude! That's awesome! I want to see." Alec and Isabelle look like they don't believe it. "I don't believe it. Not one bit. If this is a joke I don't get it" Alec says. Jace looks confused. "I tell you I have wings and powers and you don't believe me. I can prove it." He stands up and takes his shirt off. He looks even more muscular are beautiful than before he died.
                        The next thing I know his big grey wings come out. We all look at him wide eyed. Even though I have seen them before I have to pretend like I have not. "Whoa! So you have wings. You said you have powers but what powers?" Isabelle asks him. "I have wind, water, and animal shape shifting" jace answers. "Can you fly with those wings or are they just for decoration?" Simon asks jace. Jace turns his back to us and start walking and his wings flap and the next thing we know he is in they air and is above us, not moving just looking down on us in the air. Now this I have not seen. We all look at him wide eyed again. "Wow!" We all say in sync. He laughs. "Now do you believe me?" We all nod our heads. He lands and folds his wings and sits in front of us. "Show us your powers!" Simon says excited. Jace laughs and rolls his eyes and says "I haven't tried out two of them yet but I guess now I can try them." He looks over to where the practice dummy's are and blows them over. "That's so cool" I say. He looks over and smiles that smile that made me fall in love with him and winks at me. I look down and blush.
                                  "Bring me a bowl of water or something with water" jace says and Alec just walks over and goes to the shelf to grabs a water out of the mini fridge. He walks back over and hands it to jace. He unscrews he cap and puts his hands around it and closes his eyes. We watch as the water starts moving inside the bottle. The next think we know the plastic has disappeared and there is suddenly a large bubble floating in the air in the middle of our circle.
                                   "Didn't you say something about animal shape shifting?" Isabelle asks him. "Yeah, only I haven't tried it yet. Raziel only told me he was giving me these three plus the wings. I just tried out the water for the first time." "Well try it out" "I don't know how it's not like Raziel sent me with an instruction book of how to use your new powers" jace said back to Isabelle. "Well I guess you could try concentrating and thinking about a certain animal and we will see if it works" Alec suggested. Jace closed his eyes and looked like either he was concentrating or he was really trying to poo.  The next thing I know there is a tiger sitting in the middle of the room. "Dude you figured it out. This is awesome!" Simon said excitedly. Jace turns back into his self.
                       "We can't tell anyone about this. Not the clave, not mayrse, no one. If we do something bad could happen. I am telling and showing you all this because I trust you. I trust maryis too but she would have to tell the clave and that can't happen. "We swear on the Angel we won't tell anyone" we all say. "Ok good. Now I want to try that shape shifting tying again because it's pretty cool."
                            We all get up and laugh. He turns into a cheetah. "Dude that's not fair. If we are going to go outside to race you you will win because you cheated." Alec leads the way outside and we all follow. This is going to be fun. We all stand outside and jace takes off. We watch as he disappears into the woods. "Where did he go?" Isabelle asks. "He will be back. He has no where else to go" Alec says. We stay outside for a while and we get tired of waiting so we all go into the institute and sit in the library.
                               "Wasn't he supposed to teach us French today after training" Simon asks me. "Yeah, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. He is too busy having fun with his new powers." So much for learning French today. I look out the window and see a cheetah come out of the trees. "I will be right back" I say and walk down to the basement and open the door for jace. He stays a cheetah and follows me up to the library. He changes back to his glorious self. "I just had the best idea for a prank for maryis when she comes back from Idris" I say. "What is it?" Izzy asks me. I go lay down on the couch and hang my feet over the arm rests and say " what if Jace turns into a dog and we ask maryis if we can keep the dog. Saying it's a stray. We don't tell her it's jace. We all swore on the angel not to do that." Jace laughs and says "I like that idea. That would be fun. I mean she does come back tonight." "Alright sounds good" I say.
                               Soon the doorbell rings. Izzy jumps up excitedly and says "come on clary. That is the help I called earlier." She takes my hand and drags me off the couch and out of the library. We go down to the front door and open it.
                                     Tessa and jem are there. "Thanks Tessa for coming. I figured you would be the best one to help clary with the situation she is in." Tessa smiles and says "no problem I haven't seen her since jace died. I'm sorry about that by the way.  I'm happy to help." Me and izzy look at each other. I forgot to tell them jace came back. "Yeah we got something to show both of you" I say and we all walk upstairs and I open the door to the library and see Jace Alec and Simon sitting on the floor taking and laughing. "How is he sitting there talking and laughing? I thought you said he died. Clary you were a wreck when we saw you" jem asks me. "That is a long story you will have to ask him. Right now I am going with Tessa cuz I need some help" I tell him and grab Tessa's hand and walk to my room.
                             We walk in and sit on my bed. "So tell me what's going on" Tessa tells me. "So after jace died I was a wreck as you know. I had Simon help me get my mind off things. School started back and that helped too. Over time I got a crush on this guy at school named grant. He is my boyfriend and has been for a while. Then Jace came back and I still love him. He came to school with me and met grant. They didn't get along first but now they do. Homecoming is next week and there is a big dance Friday. What do I do? I know you have gone through too. Help me Tessa! What do I do?" She smiles and says "yes I have been through it before. It's not easy, I will tell you that. Especially with a herondale. I've seen you and jace together. I see how happy he makes you. I know you love grant too. Will only told me he was in love with me after jem asked me to marry him. I know you are not that far in your relationship yet. Is grant a shadowhunter?" I shake my head no. "Hm that's a hard one. Well me and jem are not shadowhunters anymore so we don't have to answer to the clave so you can tell us anything and we don't have to tell them. It's against the accords to be in love with a mundane but I won't tell them. Well, I tell you what. If nobody asks you by Wednesday, you can just come with me and we can have a girls night. We can do whatever you want when Isabelle goes to the dance with Simon. We can see if your mom wants to come and not tell the boys. How does that sound? But if someone asks you you can go with them if you want." "I love that idea! Thanks so much for helping me Tessa. Now we better go back to the library before they burn down the institute." She laughs and we walk back to the library.
                                     We walk in and find jem sitting on the couch petting church and talking to Alec, izzy, and jace. "So jace tell me about how you are sitting here talking to everybody when you everybody said you died" Tessa said after sitting next to jem. I sat next to jace while he told the whole story about him in heaven and begging Raziel and coming back. "Wow, even dead apparently Herondales are still he same in heaven and on earth" she says and we all laugh. "Ya know personality wise you are just like will, but y'all look nothing alike." Jace smirks and says "so was he talented and the best shadowhunter in the world besides mwah." Jem and Tessa laugh and say "yep you sure are a Herondale. Same personality." We sat and talked for awhile till it was almost time for maryis to come back. Jem and Tessa walk downstairs and I hug them and say "thanks again Tessa for all the help." "Oh no problem and here is my number. Call me if you need anything else." I smile and they leave. It's good Isabelle didn't call my mom because I'm not sure she would be much help.
                                  We all run into jaces room and he asks us "we still going on with the plan?" We all nod our heads. He turns into a Doberman pincer puppy. "Aww you are so cute as a puppy" I squeal. He growls at me. "So we will come back to get you after maryis comes through the Portal" I say and put puppy jace on the bed and he curls up.
                           Alec shuts the door and we all walk down to the library and wait for mayrse. She comes through a portal 10 minutes later. "Hey guys how has things been around here while I was gone? Where is jace? " She asks us. "Things have been fine. Jace is at a friends house from school" Alec tells her. "Mayrse we have something we want to show you" I say. "What is it?" "Stay right here I will be right back" I say and leave the library. I run up to the bedroom hallway and over to jaces room. I open his door to see him still as a puppy curled up taking a nap. "Aww, come on jace get up. " he lifts his head, yawns, and looks up at me. I pick him up. I pet his little puppy head and we walk downstairs.
                              I walk into the library. "Where did that come from?" Mayrse asks us. Alec and izzy walk over to me and puppy jace. "Can we keep him please mom?" Isabelle asks. "Guys I'm sure he has a home and he just got lost" maryis says. "He didn't have a collar or tags" Alec says. "Guys I'm sorry but we already had church. Clary don't you have to go home in a few minutes?" "Yeah" I say and she continues by saying "can't you take the puppy home with you?" Jace looks up wags his tail and licks my cheek. "I don't know how much my parents would like this but I guess so." Alec and izzy sigh and look sad and we all walk out of the library.
                                Once we are out of earshot of maryis I say "I guess I am taking puppy jace home." "Or... he could change back and stay here pretending he came back from a friends house early. What do you want to do jace?" Alec says. Puppy jace snuggles in closer to me. "Good call I like this too" I say happy. "I guess we will see y'all tomorrow. Good luck with your parents" Isabelle tells us. I go down the elevator and we head home. I hold him the entire time.
                        "Hey guys I'm home!" I yell Luke and mom walk around the corner and stop when they see me holding a puppy. "No" my mom says. "Just for tonight I promise" I say. "It has to stay in your room. Is it trained?" Luke asks me and I set jace down. "Sit boy" I say and jace glares at me and sits. "Maybe it won't be a bad idea to have him for a few days" Luke says. "Yay!" I say and hug him and I say "come on boy" to jace and walk to my room. I hear tiny paws behind me so I know he is following me.
                        I close the door behind me and he changes back into his self again. "So I wasn't cute before I was a puppy?" "Oh course you are you're just even cuter as a puppy. I mean who can't resist a puppy" I say and give him a kiss. "Mm, maybe I should be a puppy more often" he says and smiles down at me. I change into some pjs and say "I'm going to the kitchen to get some dinner I will bring you a little something." "Ok don't be long though" he says and smirks. I roll my eyes and walk over to the kitchen. "Oh come on Jocelyn, it's a puppy. Why can't we keep it longer than tonight?" Luke asks my mom. "Because it's a dog. I know what kind it is, it's a Doberman pincer. When it grows up it will be big and mean and scary. And if I wanted to see a big furry animal I would just watch you change" my mom says. They see that I have come in and am getting some chicken from the plater and scoop some green beans and corn and sit down at the table. "Where is the puppy?" Luke asks me. "He is in my room" I say. "Well go get him. I bet he is hungry" he says.
                                I get up and go to my room. "That was fast and where is my food?" Jace asks. "Quick problem. Luke wants to see the puppy again. He thought he might be hungry." "Well good 'cause I am hungry" jace says and the next thing j know he is back as a puppy. I pick him up and bring him to the kitchen and set him down on the floor.
                                      I start eating and I cut off little strips of food and pass them down to give puppy jace. My mom doesn't look happy that me and Luke are liking the puppy. She looks to Luke and says something in French. He looks back at her and says "no you don't, you love me. I said only for a couple of days and clary would have to be the one to take care of him." She rolls her eyes and doesn't say anything for the rest of the time while we are here eating. I give jace my last bit of chicken and say goodnight to everyone and take jace to my room.
                                      He turns back and I say "what did my mom say?" He laughs and says " she said 'I hate you ya know that. We don't need a dog. I can't believe you are taking her side.'" It figures. "I'm sure glad your here to translate. Ya know we didn't have our French lesson today. I'm surprised they didn't bring that up." He smiles and I kiss him and he says "ooh what would grant think right now?" "Grant won't know because of your powers and you made me swear on the angel that I wouldn't tell anyone. He thinks since it is a Saturday that you are at your house wherever that is. Now change back I'm tired and want to snuggle with s puppy as I fall asleep." He sighs and says "I think you are taking advantage of my power." He changes back and I get in the bed and snuggle up with him and I fall asleep.

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