The calls

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   I wake up not opening my eyes but breathing in jaces sweet smell. I guess he changed back after he noticed I fell asleep. My arms are wrapped around him. I turn around and flip to my other side. I open my eyes and look to see that it is 9:00. I have to work at noon.

I turn back over and look at jace still sleeping and say "morning" he opens his eyes and says "morning beautiful. I get up out of the bed and look down at him. "What are you planning on doing today?" He asks me. "Working unfortunately. That reminds me I need to take you back to the institute in puppy form because Luke and mom don't know you are really you." "Oh yeah. Wait can I go to the bathroom first" he asks. "No let me change then I will let you out" I say. He changes back to a puppy and stars pacing around the room like he has to pee. I change and go to the bathroom my self. I walk back in my room and see a yellow puddle on the floor. "Really?!" He looks at me both guilty and sorry. It's a good thing I have hard wood floors. I walk in the kitchen to ran some paper towels to clean the mess. "Hey clary. Why do you need those paper towels?" My mom asks me. "Puppy had an accident when I was in the bathroom. I will be right back for breakfast" I say and walk to my room. I walk back in and see the mess but no Jace. "Where did you go?" I ask. I see a little tail sticking out from under my bed. I clean the mess and grab his tail and pull him from under the bed. "You didn't have another accident did you?" I ask and he shakes his head. I open the door and we walk to the kitchen.

My mom puts some bacon on the floor for him to eat and puts 2 cinnamon rolls on my plate and I start eating. "I knew that puppy would be trouble. This is why I didn't want one in the first place." I look down at jace and smile. He is looking at me wagging his tail. I pass him another piece of bacon.

Someone calls my phone. I answer saying "hello?" "Clary? It's mrs. Atkinson" I walk out of the kitchen. Luckily nobody follows me. "Hi mrs. Atkinson what can I do for you?" "Clary I have some great news. Those dresses you designed for the fashion show. The pictures of them were put in a magazine and some exclusive designers saw them and they were amazed. They loved them. Two of the companies called the school and they want you to design their new line of dresses." "Oh my gosh I can't believe this! What companies?" "Oh just Sherri hill, and jovanni." "Oh my gosh you can't be serious. That is like the top designer dress companies in the world! Tell them yes yes I will do it for each of them! You can pass on my number so they can call me and I can find out what they want!" "I'll let them know. Congrats clary. I will let you get back to your weekend." "Thanks mrs. Atkinson I will see you tomorrow" I say and then she hangs up.

I go back into the kitchen excited. Mom looks confused and asks me "what happened?" "I just got called by two of the top dress designers in the world to design their next line of dresses!" I say overexcited. She smiles a huge grin and hugs me tight and says "oh congratulations clary! Those dresses were amazing and I'm sure Isabelle will be so excited for you too!" "That reminds me I have to take this little guy over to the institute. Alec and Isabelle wanted time with him. I also have to head over to work after. I will see you tonight mom." I hug her again with a huge smile on my face and pick up puppy jace and we walk over and take a cab to the institute.
We walk in the front door and he changes back. We get in the elevator when he turns and hugs me and say "congratulations clary. I can't believe you could be famous. You will be amazing!" I smile and give him a quick kiss then the doors open and we walk out.

"Did you really have to pee on my bedroom floor? You couldn't wait till I got back from the bathroom to take you out?" He looks at me and says "sorry I had to pee."

We find izzy and Alec sitting at the kitchen table. "Izzy I have some great news to tell you but I can't stay long because I have to go to work." She looks confused. "I got a call from two different fashion dress companies and they each want me to design their new line of dresses." Izzy squeals and runs up and hugs me. "Oh my gosh that's amazing! What companies?" "Sherri hill, and jovanni." Her face lights up and she squeals again and says "I love noth of them. I can't wait to tell Magnus he will be so excited too." "Yeah he will. Look I'd love to stay and chat more about this but I have to go to work at the pizza palace" I say and walk out and head over to work. Soon I might not even need this job because I could be rich. I have got to call grant and tell him the news. "Hello?" He says sounding tired. "Hey did I wake you up?" "Yeah but it's fine. What's up?" "I got a call from two designer dress companies. Apparently they saw my dresses in a magazine and want me to design their new line" I say  still so excited. "That's great clary I'm so proud of you. Those dresses really are amazing." "Thanks. Listen I just wanted to let you know. I have to go I just got to work I will call you later." "Okay bye" he says and hangs up. I walk in and click in saying I am at work so I can actually get paid.


This has been and long day but I'm happy. I walk over to a table and say "hi I'm–what are you guys doing here?" I say seeing Simon, izzy, Alec and jace all sitting there. "We got hungry and jace here was craving some pizza" Alec says. "Of course he did. Well what can I get y'all to drink?" Simon and izzy get dr. Peppers and and jace and Alec just get a waters. "Ok I will be right back" I say and walk over to get their drinks. I walk over and take other tables orders first then take them their drinks. "Y'all know what you want?" I get out my notepad and they say "we will just have a medium half pepperoni pizza and half chicken bacon ranch pizza" izzy says and I take their menus and say "ok I will put it in" I smile and walk away.

I bring back their pizza 7 minutes later. I take care of other tables and clock out at 6:30. Jace, alec, izzy and Simon left a while ago. On my walk home izzy calls me and says "clary?" "yeah?" "I need you to design my dress for the homecoming dance. I've been looking at different stores but I can't grind one I like" she says sounding a little panicked. I say "okay I guess I can do that. I'm sure a lot of people at school know already and will want me to do it too so I will have to charge you something because this job I have now doesn't pay much. I will charge everyone." "That's fine I just really want you do do mine." I say "okay I will have to take the measurements tomorrow during fashion class okay?" "Okay thanks so much. Your the best! See you tomorrow." I hang up and finish walking home.
"Clary is that you?" Luke asks me when I walk in the front door. "Yeah it's me"I say and set my keys on the table. "Hey clary I bet your hungry. Oh wow you smell like pizza" I laugh and mom asks "where is the puppy?" "Alec and Isabelle have him." "Oh good. Here is your dinner." She passes me a plate of pork. I hate pork. This is when it would be nice to actually have a dog to give it to. I eat it anyway. Luke walks in and says "congratulations clary. Your mom told me about the call this morning." I smile and say "thanks. Izzy wants me to do her dress for the homecoming dance." "Of course she does" mom says while doing the dishes.

I finish dinner and get a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" "Is this mrs. Clary fray?" "Yes" I say unsure who this is. "This is Rick Carlson from Sherri hill. We would like for you to design our next line. We saw your dresses on a magazine and were greatly impressed. We think you could be a famous designer one day." My face light up and I say "oh my goodness that would be amazing. Thank you so much. When would you like to have them in by?" "As soon as you can would be great. I will text you my number and email and you can just send the designs from there." "That sounds great! I will get right on it sir." "Of course. I know you have school too. You must know that with taking this job you will have to travel a lot." "Oh I hadn't thought of that can I get back to you on that and let you know as soon as I ask my parents?" "Of course I hope to hear from you soon." "Thanks again."

"Ask us what?" Mom asks as her and Luke turn to look at me after I hang up. "That was rick Carlson from Sherri hill about the dresses. He wanted to see if I wanted the job. I told him I would have to ask you both if I could take it. It would mean they would fly me all over the place. Can I do it please?" I ask and give them both my best puppy dog face. If Jace were here it would totally work. Mom sighs and says "I guess if it is something you really want you can. But you have to keep up with your school you hear me?" Mom said sternly but I am too excited to care. "Yes yes of course, thank you both so much!" I jump up off the bar stool and run and hug them both. "Yay I have got to go tell izzy she will be so excited!" I say and run to my room.

I call izzy and her the great news. "Oh clary that's amazing! I can't wait to see you tomorrow you will be very busy!" "Yeah I will. Will you be riding he bus?" "Yeah why?" "I want to try and ride with y'all because I will be attacked with people and even though we are shadowhunters we can't show it and I just need to walk in with you three." "Yeah of course I will try and get Simon to ride with us." "Yay! Thanks izzy! I will see you tomorrow. I better start thinking of ideas for those dresses." She hangs up. I pull out my sketchbook and start thinking.

I hear my phone ringing and say "hello?" "Is this clary fray?" "Yes" "this is Joanna Patterson from jovanni. We would like to have you design our new line of dresses. We understand you have school and that comes first and your parents would need to be told. Would you like to do it? We saw your dresses for your schools fashion show and were impressed." "Oh yes I would love to". "Great let me know when the dresses are done." "How many would you like?" "At least 7" she says. "Oh wow. Okay I guess I can do that but it may take me a little bit." "Of course. We know you have school and probably other stuff too so take your time." "Thank you so much I will get right on it." "Of course we can't wait to see your design. I will talk to you soon." She hangs up and I lay down on my bed and mumble "this is the best day ever" I change into some pjs and start in some rough sketches for Sherri hill.
I have to call Mr. Carlson and ask how many they want. "Hello?" He says."Mr. Carlson this is clary. My parents said as long as I keep up with school and my grades stay good I can do it. I forgot to ask you... how many designs do you want?" "That's great news to hear. I would say about 7-10 would be good how is that? Too much?" "Oh no sir I can do it. I will be busy." He laughs and says "yes. We will pay you too for this work. How does $500 per dress sound for a starter? Of course your pay will increase as you get up in the job." "That's wonderful. Right now my job only pays $3 an hour. Being a waitress doesn't pay much. Thank you so much again. I will get right on it. I will talk you you soon!" "Ok clary ,goodbye" he says and hangs up.

I go on both websites and look up their style and start drawing. I look over at my phone and see Magnus texts me. He says 'hey clary. Isabelle told me about your two designer companies. Congrats! If you are going to be doing that we have to have you looking the part too. Me you and izzy need to go shopping asap. Let me know when you are free and we will go.' I text him back and say 'I guess so. I'm going to be really busy and not have much time so I will let you know.' I keep sketching till I am so tired and drift off to sleep.

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