A day at the beach

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I hear my phone ring. I pick it up and see it's 8:30 am. I look over. Jace is fast asleep. I push up on my elbows and answer. "Hello?" "Hey clary" I hear I say "are you busy?" "Just sleeping. Hold on I will go on the balcony" I say. I slide off the bed.

I walk into the living room and open the deck doors. "What's up Tessa" I say. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" "Yeah but it's fine. I don't think you woke jace up." "Wait you're sleeping in the same room? Bed and everything?" "Uh" is all I say. "Please don't tell mom. She hates it when we do it. I promise we don't do anything it just makes me feel better and safer when he's with me" I say. "I understand. I won't tell her. Don't tell Jem this but it was kind of the same way for me too when I slept with both Will and Jem." "Wait you slept with both of them? Was this before or after you were married?" "Hold on I have to go outside."

It goes quiet for a minute. "Okay. So hah um... yes I did. It was before I was married to either one of them." "By the angel Tessa! Who was first?" She sighed "it was Jem. Before he asked me to marry him. Will was the second. Oh god now that I think about it the three of us had the weirdest relationship and problems. Please don't tell Jem" she says. I laugh. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone as long as you don't tell mom. Herondales must have a thing for girls like us."
"They must. The reason I called you is about the cake" she says. "Ooh this topic I like. What about the cake?" "How many do you want?" "Hm... I don't know. I love cake though. Maybe at least 4 so there's choices to choose from." "Okay. What flavor do you want the bride cake to be? What flavor do you want jaces cake to be?" "I don't know about Jaces you will have to ask him but I want mine to be lemon with raspberry buttercream filling and vanilla buttercream for the frosting." "That's quite the cake. Do you know what you want it to look like or do we need to go pick one out?" "I have a whole wedding board on Pinterest I will just pick out a cake from there and text it to you." "Okay that sounds good." "Thanks for helping Tessa" I say. "Of course! Enjoy the rest of your vacation. When you get a chance can you get Jace to call me so I can find out about his cake?" "Yeah sure. Thanks Tessa. See you later" I say and hang up.

My stomach growls. I walk back inside. It is quiet so everyone is still asleep. I open a bunch of cabinets and find a waffle maker. I take it out and plug it in to the wall. I will make waffles for breakfast. I get out the mix from the pantry. I pour it into the bowl and  get some eggs out of the fridge. I crack them and put them in the bowl. I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist. "Good morning jace" I say. "How did you know it was me" he asks. "Who else would it be. I'm making waffles." "I love waffles" he says with a smile on his face. "I know" I say. I get a spoon out of the drawer and start mixing the eggs and waffle mix. I pour the mix in the waffle maker and close the top. "You want to go down to the beach after breakfast" jace asks. "Yeah. Sounds good. How many waffles do you want?" "Four for right now" he says. I nod. Once the first batch comes out I open the lid and take them off. I put four of them on a plate and pass it to jace. I add more to the waffle maker and close the lid.
I leave the kitchen and knock on Isabelle's door and say "I made waffles come get breakfast." I go to Alec and Magnus' and say the same thing. I go into the kitchen and take all of the waffles out and stack them on a plate. I hear lots of feet come walking in the kitchen. I turn around. They all have bedheads except jace who seems is unable to get a bedhead. I take a bite of a waffle and smile. "Why in the Angels name have you woken us up" Alec asks sounding ticked. "Because it is 10:30 and you 4 need to get up. Now sit your lazy butts down at the table or the bar stools and eat your waffles"I command. "Yes mom" Simon says. They each grab a plate and stack waffles on it. They sit down to eat the waffles on the barstool next to jace. "Good. Well, I'm going down to the beach. When you five languid people get the energy to come down come on" I tell them. "Someone's using our big words today" Isabelle says sassy. "What does that mean" Magnus asks. "Look it up" I say and leave the kitchen area.
I go into my bedroom and look through my suitcase for swimsuits. I put on the first one I see.

I put a oversized shirt shirt overtop. I leave the bedroom and go into the laundry room. I feel them all watching me but I don't look back at them. I grab the beach bag and stuff a bunch of towels inside. I walk out of the laundry room and go back into the bedroom. I leave my hair down but brush through it. When I walk out I say "are you guys coming down to the beach?" "Yes mom. We need breakfast first. We are not like jace here who can pack in 4 large waffles in 2 minutes and still be hungry. Give us a minute" Alec says. "Fine. I'm leaving though. See y'all later" I say and walk out the door.
When I am in the elevator I have to make a lot of stops to let people off. When I'm alone the elevator door opens and those four idiot boys from yesterday get on. "Oh look guys we got ourselves the fiesty sassy redhead from yesterday" the dirty blonde says. "Where's your perfect little Jace now huh" one of them teases me. I just keep my mouth shut and try to ignore them. "Not talking huh, well thats rude you know. We don't like rude" one of them says. "Did I ask what you wanted. No, so top talking to me and leave me alone" I say. They laugh. "We like you, now come here" a brunette says. One of them grabs my arm. I flip him over. He lies on his back and groans. "Your stronger than we thought" the blonde says. "I just noticed all of those tattoos on you. I like them" the one with black hair says. Tattoos? I look down at my arms and my body and see the runes. That must be what he is talking about.
The door to the lobby finally opens and I walk out as fast as my short legs can take me but without running. I collapse when I get to the seats. I lay the towels down at my seat and the others can lay theirs down when they get here. I look back and make sure they didn't follow me. They didn't. I look at the C building and count up 17 floors. I look to where the room is and see someone looking down. I can't tell who it is. I take the long shirt off. I turn around and put my sunglasses on. I pull my stele out of my beach bag and put on a calm rune. Those boys really get on my nerves.

Jace POV
"What in the world is up with her" Alec says. "I have no idea" I say.  "Well we better find out soon. I love clary but I don't know how long I can take this" Simon says. "I'm with Sherman on this one. I love biscuit but we have to calm her down" Magnus says. "I know. I will talk to her" I say. "Good. Thanks Jace. If anyone can get to her and talk to her it's you or Simon" izzy says. I nod. "I'm going to go check to see if she is down at the beach yet" I tell them and walk out to the deck. I close the door behind me. I lean over the deck railing and grab my stele out of my pocket. I put on a sight rune and look down at the beach. I see a bunch of people. I look over towards where our seats are and see clary. She is looking up at me. I turn and walk back inside after she turns back around. "She's down there. I'm going to go on down. I will text you guys after I talk to her and tell you it's ok to come on down"I say. "Sure. It might be better if you talk to her without us there. She may not say anything" Simon says. I nod. I go into the bedroom and change into some swim trunks. I walk out of the bedroom. "I'm heading down I will text you when to come down" I say. "Alright" Magnus says.
I wait and get in the elevator. When I get in a group of girls get in. When they get in they can't stop looking at me. They giggle and whisper. I look at the group and wink. They giggle some more. I mean who doesn't like all of this. I mean look at me I'm HOT. I'm going to stick with clary. I have to talk to her.
When the elevator doors open I head out the doors and down the ramp to the beach. I walk down to the chairs and sit next to clary. "Hey" I say. She looks over at me. "Are you okay" I ask. "Yeah. I'm sorry I was snappy to the others. I'm just tired. Tessa called me and woke me up at 8:30" she says. "Why did she do that?" "She had to ask me about the wedding cakes. She asked what you wanted for yours but I told her I didn't know and that she would have to ask you herself." "Oh. I get it. You are stressed and tired." "Yeah." "Okay. So tomorrow you need to sleep in. Turn your phone off tonight and sleep in in the morning ok?" "Alright" she says.
I pull out my phone and text Alec. I say 'hey. I fixed the problem. Come on down. It's all better now.' "Oh. I almost forgot to tell you. Tessa asked for you to call her when you get a chance" clary says. I nod. "I will later. Right now I don't want to think about all of that" I say and take my shirt off. "Okay" is all she says before leaning back to tan.

"Hey clary," I say. She looks at me. "What does languid mean?" She giggles then says "we had to learn that word our junior year in English class. How do you not remember that?" "I didn't really pay much attention in that class or any classes" I say. "Well since you don't remember look it up. How were you good in that class but you don't remember what that one word?" "I don't know I'm good at everything" I say. "Of course you are. How could I forget" she says sarcastically. "Why do you have a calm rune on?" "Oh that. Um... in the elevator I had a run in with those boys from yesterday." "What did they do" I try to say calmly but fail. I swear if those boys touched her I will hunt them down one by one. "I handled it. In the elevator they started talking to me. I tried to ignore them but it didn't work. I said something and one of them grabbed my arm." My eyes get wide. "Yeah. Before he could do anything I flipped him. He landed hard on his back. It didn't sound to good either. Then the doors opened and I left them." "That's my girl. Looks like I taught you well" I say proud. "What can I say, your a good teacher" she says.
The others come down a few minutes later. "You sure"Alec whispers when he sits next to me. "Yeah. It's all good dude. I fixed the problem. We also have another problem" I say. "And what's the problem" he says. "We have a group of boys after clary. That just can't happen" I say. "Is it the same boys as yesterday" Isabelle asks. "Yeah. I told you I handled it in the elevator Jace" clary says. Now everyone in our group is looking at her. "Wait... what happened in the elevator" Simon says. Clary sighs then says "short story is in the elevator I ran into those boys again. They started talking to me. They didn't like that I was ignoring them. One of them grabbed my arm. I flipped him. Before any of them could do anything else to me the doors opened and I came as fast as I could down here." "Your lucky they couldn't have done more than that" Alec says. "Yeah I know. And I know they could have done much worse. There was also a camera in the elevator and if it got out of hand I would have tried to call one of you if I could have" she says. "Good. I'm not letting it get any closer to what had just happened" I say. She nods. "I can handle myself. I promise. I'm not the fragile little girl that you guys first met. I've had tons of training." "We know you have biscuit but we just don't want anything to happen to our pretty little clary" Magnus says. "I know. Thanks guys." "What could we possibly do for you in an elevator anyway" Simon says. "I'm not sure. But knowing jace here. He will find a way to get to me" she says. I smile down at her. "Knowing jace, if something happened to me he would turn into Liam Nesson from taken." "He just about did when you were kidnapped before because of the clave meeting" Isabelle says. "It's true. He almost lost it. He got so mad at mom for wanting to turn Tessa in after you were gone" Alec says. "Yeah you should have seen it. When we were showing the others his powers he took it all out on her. It was awesome" Simon says. Clary laughs. "I can just see it now" she says.
"Hey clary, can you send me Tessa's number" I ask her. "Yeah. I thought you had it" she says. "I should but I don't." "Yeah I can send it to you" she says and reaches down in the beach bag. She pulls out her phone and scrolls through her contacts. "Why do you need Tessa's number" izzy asks. "The wedding cakes" I say. "Ooh... get a chocolate one" she says excitedly. "Sure. But this is my cake not your cake. We will get you a chocolate one" I say. "Alright alright" she says. "You want jems or Tessa's" clary asks. "You have both" I ask. Honestly why does she have both of their numbers? "I know a lot of people jace." "Just send me both. Having both numbers might come in handy" I say. A few minutes later I feel my phone vibrate twice. "Thanks love" I say. "You guys are the cutest couple ever! I can't wait till the wedding and the crowning" izzy squeals. I roll my eyes. "The weddings what I can't wait for" I say.

"Oh I'm sure. And you made us have to hurry up with the planning since you can't wait and have to have it in September. You have the patience of a weasel" izzy says. "So now I'm a weasel" I say and raise my eyebrow. "Yeah pretty much" Alec says. "Not helping here" I say to him. "Well if I'm a weasel then why don't I turn into one" I say. "You wouldn't" clary says. I look at her and shift into a weasel. They all bust out laughing. I change back and Magnus says "I can't believe you. Actually you know what, yes I do. Will would have done something like that too." "You said he looked like Alec" I ask. "Yeah. Blue eyes and everything." "That's why someone looked familiar. When I died. I met my parents. I saw someone who looked like Alec but I saw Alec down here and I knew it wasn't him. I didn't know who it was but once you told me that Will looked like Alec I figured out it was Will." "You saw Will" Magnus says. "Yeah. Raziel had some trouble with the two of us. We got along better than we probably should have" I say. "I wish I could have seen him again" Magnus says. "How did you know him" Alec says. Magnus sighs. "We go way back. I helped him with his whole curse problem" he says. "Nothing better have happened between you two" Alec says.

"Will told me something important before I came back" I say. "And what did he tell you" Isabelle asks. "Two things. One is to make sure Tessa is happy even though I pretty much tell she is one of the happiest people in the world." "And the other thing" Simon asks. "The other is to keep the girl I love the most in the world close. He told me to spend as much time with her as I possibly can and to keep her happy no matter what" I say. Izzy covers her mouth. "Oh my gosh. Tessa was right" Clary says. Clary comes over to my chair and leans her small pretty little redhead on my chest. I wrap my arm around her. She's the best girl in the world and I wish I could give her the world. Unfortunately, my love is all I can give her. I don't think I can possibly live without her. She's the best thing in my world and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her.
  "What kind of cake did you get" I ask her. She looks up at me. "Lemon and vanilla." "I didn't know you liked lemon" I say. I should know but I don't. "I do. What kind are you going to get?" "Probably red velvet" I say. "You better let Tessa know so she can put in the order for two of the cakes. That reminds me I have to send to her what I want mine to look like" she says. "I'm not doing that yet. I'm on vacation. You go right ahead" I say. She rolls her eyes and picks her phone up from her chair. We are still laying in my chair. I'm surprised to see she has a wedding board on Pinterest. "You have a wedding board" I ask her. "Yeah. I have actually been thinking about my wedding day for a long time. Long before you even proposed" she says. I see her tap a tab that says cakes. It is lined with dozens and dozens of wedding cakes. She scrolls through a bunch of them. "I like his one" she says. It's a gold cake with four layers. "What do you think" she asks me.

"Well, it's not up to me but it's good. There's a lot of layers there love. You sure you need that many layers?" "Yes. It's my special cake and I want four layers." "Okay okay. I will tell Tessa what I want mine to be later. You go on ahead with yours now" I say. She saves it to her phone and texts Tessa. She sends the picture and says 'this is what I want my cake to look like.' She puts her phone up and back in her seat and lays back down with her head on my chest. I put my arm back around her.

Isabelle takes a picture and smiles. "Oh I can't wait a few more months" she says. Oh no, I'm kind of worried about what she is doing. I look at izzy. She says "oh relax. You will love the surprise me and Jocelyn are doing for you both." Now I'm really not sure what's happening. "Izzy can you tell the rest of us" Magnus asks. "Yeah let's go in the ocean. I don't want these two to hear" she says and they all get up. They go pretty far out in the ocean. She talks a while. I see the others eyes get wide. Simon says something I can't hear. She nods. They talk some more then finally come back.

"How's the ocean feel? I'm thinking of going in" I ask. "Feels great but I'm pretty sure clarys almost asleep" Alec says. I look down and it's true. My little clary is almost asleep. Guess I'm stuck here for a while. Once I know she is all the way out I look at the others. "The reason she was in a bad mood this morning was because she was woken up at 8:30. She is also stressed out over her job and the wedding and everything. I'm glad she's getting some sleep in. Even if it is right here" I say. "Why was she woken up at 8:30 Simon asks. "Tessa called her. Asking about something about the wedding." "Oh, poor clary. She has had so much put on her lately. I feel bad for her" Isabelle says. "Yeah me too" I say. I run my fingers through her hair.

"We should do something for her while we are down here you know" Magnus says. "We should but what can we do" Simon says. "I don't know but we need to find something to do for her. You know plan a day for her" I say. She moves a little and I look down at her. We all look at her for a while making sure she is asleep before we plan out he rest.

When we know she is still asleep Simon says "okay we have clarys day tomorrow. First, breakfast in bed. Who's making breakfast?" "I can" izzy volunteers. "Sorry iz, but we don't want to give her food poisoning" Alec says. "I can" I say. "Good. That's down. Then what's next" Simon says. "We can meet her in the living room and pamper her with whatever she wants" izzy says. Alec grunts but says "fine" "Well that's settled then what" Simon says. "Hm... oh I know we can send her on a scavenger hunt. You know with each stop a little something"Alec says. "That's perfect" izzy says. "In the middle of it we can have her meet us at the bar for lunch" Magnus says. "Yeah then we disappear when she's not looking and leave her another note to continue the hunt" I say. "You guys this is going to be perfect. Then after the hunt we leave her with a note and a dress telling her change into that and to meet Jace down at the beach when the sun goes down. And the two of you go do something special" izzy says. I smile and look down at clary sleeping soundly on top of me. "I love this idea of ours for tomorrow" I say. "This will be perfect. She will love it" Simon says.

She wakes up a while later. "Sorry" she says. She sits up. "Don't be. You were so cute. You want to go get dinner in a minute" I ask. "Yeah sure" she says. "I just found a great dinner place. I was looking up dinner places in orange beach. Louisiana lagniappe sounds really good. It looks nice but the food sound good" izzy says. "Let's go there then" I say. Clary moves over to her chair and starts putting the towels up. She puts the t shirt back on overtop and we all leave the beach and head back up to the room.

Clary POV
When we get to the elevator izzy says "can you please do my hair clary? You're so good at it." "Yeah I guess. Just come over to my room after you get changed and ready and I will do it" I say. "Okay" she says and the doors open. We go into the condo. Me and jace head back to our room while Magnus and Alec go in theirs and Isabelle takes hers and Simon takes the extra bedroom to get ready.
                     I go into the bedroom. "What do you want me to wear" I ask jace. His face lights up. He starts looking through what I brought. He pulls out a white and blue dress.

"This" he says. I smile "okay" I grab the dress from his hands and go into the bathroom and change into it. I come out and get a small black belt and wrap it around my waist. I sit on the bed and look up hair ideas. I find what I'm going to do.
                       I hear a knock on the door before I can do anything. I open it and see izzy. "Come on in. Head into he bathroom and I will do your hair. Jace I'm going to need you to get out. I will be out in a while" I say. "Why do I have to get out" he whines. "Because you're already ready. We will be out later bye" I say. He sighs and gets out of the bedroom. I hand izzy my phone and say "start picking out what you want. I need to do mine. It won't take long I promise." She nods and takes the phone. I start curling my hair. My hair is already curly but I need it to look better. I curl it all. I start braiding and a few minutes later I finish it by tying it.

"I like this one. Oh that looks so good" she says giving me my phone and seeing my hair. "Thanks izzy. Sit down. Did you already brush all the way through it?" She nods. "Okay then this shouldn't take long." I bush through her hair real quick and start curling. Next I wrap up a bunch of different strands so it's up and super cute. I hold it all down with a whole lot of bobby pins. "All done" I say. She looks up at herself in the mirror.

"This is so cute. You really are so good at this. I taught you well" she says. I give a small laugh. "Let's make a grand entrance" I say. She nods. I peek out the bedroom door and see the boys all standing on the deck and looking out over at the beach. "Okay. They are all out at the deck. You want to go meet them?" "Yeah let's go" she says. We both smile and walk out. We go out on the deck and they all turn around from hearing the door. Jace and Magnus smile. "You ready to go" I say. "Whoa whoa whoa, well yes, but first. Why did your hair izzy" Simon asks. "Clary" she says. "Clary did this" Alec says sounding surprised. "Always the tone of surprise" I say. Simon laughs. We high five. He gets it. "Let's go" Magnus says.

Me and jace ride in the silver comaro. Izzy and the others take her black Hyundai Santa Fe.

"How come y'all get the nice car" Magnus whines. "Hey" izzy says. "Because this is my car and I decide who rides in it" jace says. "Good enough now let's head down. I'm hungry" Simon says. We ride down the elevator and me and jace get off on P2. We get in his car and go down and wait for the others. We head over to the restaurant once they get in izzys car.

Once we start going down the road I say "you're welcome by the way." "For what" he says. "For getting you this car. Other wise you would be walking everywhere." "Oh yeah. Thanks" he finally says. We all get there at the same time even though me and jace are in the leading car. "You didn't have to get Isabelle a car too" he says. "Yeah I did. She needs one too" I say.

We all walk in and get seated. I just order a water to drink. "What did you guys talk about while I was fast asleep down at the beach" I ask. They all look at each other. "You" Simon says. Izzy reaches across the table and smacks his arm. "And what about me" I ask. "We were just talking about you and the wedding and how cute you guys are together" izzy says. "Okay" I say slowly. I think I better leave it at that.
-------------- an hour later -------------------------

I yawn. "You tired love" jace asks me. "I guess so" I say and stay quiet as he drives us back to the condo. "When we get in the room go ahead on to bed. I will be in later. You need sleep" he says. I smile. "Alright. I guess I will. Love you" I say. "Love you too" he says. He parks in our spot and we head up to the room. We are on the same elevator as Magnus, Alec, Simon, and izzy. When we get in the room I tell the others I'm going on to bed. They say okay and I head in the bedroom. When I get in the bedroom I untie my hair and change. I get in the bed and within a few minutes I'm out like a light.

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