The beach

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3 days later
Clary POV

We are all in front of the institute. I dropped chrissie off at mom and Luke's house last night. "Okay so, the way this is going to work is izzy is going to go first and drive her car through the portal I'm about to open. Once you get there izzy I need you to call me to let me know when you have passed through. Once I get the clear jace you go through with Alec. Then I go through and close the portal. Got it?" I say. They all nod and get in the two cars. I open a portal and izzy goes through with Simon and Magnus. A few minutes later I get a call from Simon. "Hey we made it. We are heading over to the condo now" he says. "Okay great. I will send the others through now." I hang up and give the others the signal to go on through. Jace drives the car through. I wait a few minutes and then I walk through and the portal closes behind me.

I end up standing on a sidewalk. I see jaces silver comaro pulled over for me. I walk over to it and get in. "Thanks for waiting for me" I say. "Anytime" he replies and we start moving towards the big turquoise colored buildings.

I get a text from izzy saying 'I've checked in C1709 we are inside the room. We left the room parking spot open for y'all.' I text her back and say 'thanks izzy. We will be there soon. Do you know what level it is on?' I look ahead of us and I see the tall towers. I get a text back saying '2nd level'.
We pull up to the security gate and go in the parking. "Izzy said our spot is on the second level" I say and jace goes up the parking ramp. We find our room parking spot and get out of he car. We go up the elevator and knock on the door. Magnus opens it and lets us in. We take our bags to our rooms. I just leave it on the floor too lazy to unpack right now. I go in the kitchen and see the others. "So are y'all going to take the position in idris" Magnus asks. "Yeah" I say. "Good, it's about time for a change. I'm sorry but as much as I love dad and the clave I hate the decisions they have been making lately" Alec says. "I'm sorry to break this up but we have no food and I'm starving" Simon says. I roll my eyes and say "fine. Me and izzy will go get food." I turn to the others and say "I need your keys jace. And y'all please try not to burn this place down while we are gone. Is that too much to ask?" I hold out my hand and jace puts his keys in it. I grab the bracelet key off of the counter and put it on my wrist. "We will be back later" izzy says and we head out the door.
We pull up to the publix across the street. We get plenty of breakfast foods as well as snacks and other stuff. As we are waiting in the checkout line izzy turns to me and says "I want to go to the beach when we get back. It feels so good outside." "Me too. We can after we unload all of this" I say. We check out and get back to the room.

We bring them all in before unloading them. "Good grief. You two got enough food to feed an army" jace says. "Well I hope so. You guys eat a lot" I say. Me and izzy are unloading the groceries. "You going to sit there or help us" izzy asks looking back at them while putting a box of lucky charms in the pantry. "I'm good watching" Simon says and the other boys nod and keep watching us do all the work. I put the last of the waters away. There is nothing left.

"Well the two of us are going down to the beach" I say and go in my bedroom to change into a swimsuit in my suitcase. I find an orange and white one. I put it on and a pink cover up overtop.

I walk out of my bedroom and yell "you ready izzy?" She comes out in a cover up and nods. "Bye guys" I yell and we leave the room.
Me and izzy walk down the ramp to the beach. We find a beach boy and save our chairs for the week. We both sit down and relax by the beach. I take my cover up off. Izzy sighs and says "this is nice." "Yes it is" I say and put my sunglasses on and try to tan although I never am able to much.

We sit down here for a while then we feel the presence of others. I move my sunglasses on top of my head. A group of guys walk up to us. "Hey cute thing" one of them says looking directly at me. "Hey" I say and put my sunglasses back on. I put my head back on the chair trying to ignore the boys. I know the three are still there. "How did you get all of those scars? You look hot with them" another one of the group members says. Can jace just hurry up and get down here? I move my sunglasses again and look at them and say "you don't want to know." One of the boys raises his eyebrows and says "oh? I really do now." Izzy looks at them and me. She moves her sunglasses too and says "no you really don't. Now leave" sounding annoyed. "We got ourselves stubborn ones." "Yeah and feisty too" two of them says. "Can you guys just shut up! Y'all are annoying as all get out" I say really annoyed. "Not a chance hot stuff" the tall brunette says. "Don't worry izzy I'm about to call for backup" I say and grab my phone out of the beach bag I brought. The boys sit down on a pair of chairs we saved. "Um... those chairs are not for you" I snap looking at them. "Well no one is here but you two sexy girls so we are staying right here in these chairs" another brunette says.
That won't end well for them. I go to jaces number and text 'hey jace. Why don't y'all come down here with us. It's nice and feels good.' I get a text back immediately saying 'okay. We will be down in just a minute'. "What did the backup say" izzy asks. "Jace said they will be down in a minute." She nods and sighs a sigh of relief. We both put our sunglasses back on and lean back. "Who's Jace" one of them asks. We both laugh. "I tried to tell you to leave" izzy says.

Our boys will definitely get rid of them. We could ourselves but we don't feel like getting up. We both sit here in silence soaking up the sun. The boys are still there but they are at least quiet. A shadow comes behind the two of us. Me and izzy move our sunglasses and look up. We see Jace and Simon looking down on us. We smile at them. The boys sitting on the chairs look at them and their eyes get wide. They look at jace, Simon, and Alec and their muscles and abs. I think they actually look... scared. They get up and leave. Me and izzy turn to each other and high five.
Jace and the others sit down with us. Jace next to me and Simon next to izzy. Alec and Magnus have their own pair. "Who was that" Alec asks me and Isabelle. "We have no idea. They just came over and started hitting on clary. As soon as you guys showed up they looked scared and ran off. I don't think they will be back" izzy said. The boys smiles and I sigh a sigh of relief.

We sit there down by the beach for 3 hours talking, laughing, and relaxing. "So do we have to call you both your highness or your majesty" Magnus asks. "No. No you don't have to call us that yet anyway. We haven't even been crowned yet. Or married for that matter" jace said. "Speaking of the wedding clary, we have to figure out somewhere to do it" Isabelle says. "I will figure that out later" I reply. The subject changes many times. I look at my phone and see it is 6:30. My stomach growls. "Y'all want to go up to the bar and get something to eat" I ask the others. "There's a bar" jace asks looking surprised. "Yeah it's by the pool" I say. "Yeah I'm getting kinda hungry" Simon says.

We get up and I pack the beach bag back up. I put my cover up back on. We all head up together. Every girl who passes us stares at jace. When I get to the bar I get a BBQ chicken wrap and pina colada. The others order too. Guess this is dinner somewhat. I get my drink first and we all wait for our food. They send it all out together. It tastes decent enough. We all sit and hang out for a while. I order another drink. When I get it we head up to the room. I will drink it there.

When we get to the room I sit down on the barstool and drink my pina colada and design a wedding dress. "Izzy come here" I say. She does. She sits beside me. "What should the bridesmaids dresses look like" I ask her. "Your designing them?" "Yeah" I say. "Make them... long... and blue." I make them about floor length but a little shorter so they won't trip over it. I add a little white belt around the waist. "How's this?" "I like it. That will be so cute. Who is going to be the bridesmaids?" I haven't thought about it. I guess I will get izzy and Maia. "I guess you and maia. Y'all are the closest ones to me besides the guys and Tessa and mom." Izzy squeals and says "I'm so excited. That will be so great." I color the dress blue. I close the sketchbook. I got the bridesmaids dresses done. I will do the rest the rest of the week. I go to my room and change into some comfy clothes.

I go back out to the couch and watch tv. It's been quiet around here, that's so weird. I leave the tv on so wherever they are they don't know I'm trying to find them. I sneak past the kitchen to the other bedrooms.

I notice one of the doors are shut. I stand outside the door and listen. " what do you guys think I should do" I hear jaces voice say. "I don't know dude. You know her better than I do. Izzy where do you think she would like to go?" I hear Alec say and ask. "Well, I think she would like having somewhere nice but quiet at the same time." I realize they are talking about the honeymoon. I don't want to know where I am going but at the same time I do. I go back to the kitchen and grab a bag of goldfish. I go sit on the couch and eat the snack. I find the amazing Spider-Man is on. Luckily it has only been on a few minutes. I watch it for  awhile.
My phone rings in the other room. I see it's my mom. "Hey mom" I say. "Hey baby. How was your first day at the beach?" "It was good. It was so much easier and faster getting here through portal. We sat down at the beach not long after we got here." "That's great clary. I'm glad your enjoying it. You deserve it. I heard from Maryse you both are going to take the king and queen position. I'm so happy clary. You two will be great. I'm with the others on this, as much as I love the members of the clave I don't like the decisions they have been making lately. It's time for a change and I think we need someone younger to make better decisions. I can't think of two people who wouldn't be better for the position. So I was wondering when do you want to have the wedding? We need to reserve a place." "Well jace said he wants it tomorrow but I told him we can't possibly plan an entire wedding in one day or less. I said possibly September or next May. I don't know if he will be able to wait till next May though. You know how impatient he is." "Hmm.... I don't know if I can find a place that soon. I can try though." "Whatever works. We will be fine doing it wherever. Thanks mom." "No problem sweetie. I will find somewhere I promise. I will see if Tessa can too. I love you baby." "Love you too mom" I say and hang up.
I watch he movie. Simon walks in and looks hurt. "You are watching this without me? Why didn't you call me?" "Well because I figured you were busy" I say. It was true but he doesn't know I know what they were really doing. He comes and sits beside me and we watch the movie. It feels just like old times us watching superhero movies and being a nerd together. I'm going to miss not being able to watch movies or tv while I'm in idris. The movie ends at 11:25. I am tired. I tell Simon goodnight and go in my bedroom. I quickly unpack first. By unpacking I mean basically throwing clothes into drawers in the dresser. I brush my teeth and wash my face to get ready for bed. I get in the bed and fall asleep.

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