a new friend

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I walk into the animal shelter and a lady is behind a desk. "Hi. How can I help you?" She asks. "I am looking for a trained dog that is also potty trained." "Okay. Follow me" she says and we head through some doors and down a hallway. We go in a room filled with cages. "All of these dogs are potty trained and have basic training." She tells me. I look down the row of dogs in the cages. I find a cute black and white dog that looks happy. It is wagging its tail.

"I like this one" I say and the lady comes over. "That is chrissie. She's a border collie." She lets her out of her cage. Chrissie comes over to to me and sniffs me. She wags her tail and looks up at me with sweet eyes. "Sit chrissie" I say and she does. "Shake" I say and hold out my hand and she obeys. "She's perfect" I say to the lady. "Good. I'm glad you like her." She puts Chrissie in her cage and we walk out of the room. "Do you need to buy do supplies?" I nod and we go into  another room filled with dog supplies. It has food, bowls, leashes, collars, and beds. I get everything I need which is one of each of these things. I go buy everything and she helps me put everything in my car. "You will also need a tag for her" she says and we go to the room and I make a tag for chrissie. I go pay for chrissie and the tag. She goes back to get chrissie and puts her new collar and tag on her. We put her in the car. "Thank you for helping. I appreciate it" I say. "My pleasure. Take good care of her." "I will" I say and get in the car and head home.

We get home and I lead her inside. She starts walking around and looks around her new home. I get everything out of the car. I struggle with the food though. Why is it so heavy? I set the her food in the kitchen along with two bowls. I put her dog bed on the floor in my bedroom. Chrissie walks in as I am making myself lunch. I pull out another few pieces of cheese for my lunch and give her one of them and put the others on the bread for my lunch. I add tomato and oregano on top and stick it in the oven. I pull out my phone and go to amazon. I order a computer for my office and some dog treats and toys for chrissie. I hear a nock on the front door and chrissie runs to it and barks.

That is weird. I'm not expecting anyone. I walk in the dining room and peek out the window. I look out and see izzy. What is she doing here? I go to the door and say "chrissie! It's ok." I open he door and say "hey izzy. What are you doing here?" I say and she walks in. "I just really need another girl to hang out with. Boys are annoying me. Why is there a dog here?" She says. I laugh and say "I understand, they annoy me too sometimes. Izzy, this is chrissie my new dog." Her face light up and she says "oh my angel clary! You got a dog?! When?" "An hour ago. I got her from the animal shelter not far from here. I just made myself some lunch. Do you want me to make you some?"

She nods and we go into the kitchen. She sits at the bar stools by the counter. I check on my lunch and pull it out of the oven. "What is that?" She asks me. "I'm not sure what to call it but it is bread, cheese, tomato, and oregano. It's pretty good." "Hm. I'll try it." I hand her a little pinch of one of my pieces and she try's it. "That's good. Can you make me some?" I nod my head and put my pieces on a plate and start making hers. "How many do you want" I ask her and she says 4. I start making hers.

I put them in the oven and I say "you know you could have just asked me to come over to the institute." "Yeah, but I really need to get away from them. They are annoying." "Yeah I know" I say and laugh. "What did you want to do?"I ask her. She shrugs. I hand her a piece of cheese. "What do I do with this?" She asks and I say "well you can either eat it or give it to chrissie, she likes cheese." She giggles a little and gives it to chrissie. My new dog is looking up at Izzy Wagging her tail.

We sit down in the dining room to eat lunch. "So izzy, I was wondering, what do you think if I quit my job at Sherri hill and start my own business?" A look of surprise comes to her face. "But don't you like Sherri hill? I mean I love the idea." "Yes I like my job at Sherri hill but it's become a lot lately. If you know what I mean. I think it might be good for myself to do something different. I will open my own clothing line and do something other than dresses." She thinks about what I said for a while. I finish my food. "I like that idea. You would be really good at it" she finally says. "Oh good. I'm glad you like the idea. If I do do it I would like you to work with me." Her face lights up and she says "oh my gosh really?! I would love to!"

We sit here at the table and talk for a while before moving to the living room. "Hey izzy? Can you take chrissie out to go to the bathroom please?" "Yeah. Does she have a leash?" "Yeah it's over hanging by the stairs. I would but with my leg it's hard." "Yeah, I will take her out." She goes and gets the leash and takes chrissie out.
I sit on the couch and prop my leg up. I pull out my phone and start looking through random pins on Pinterest. I get bored and start looking through my pictures. Looking through them all makes me smile.

Should I start my own business? I know it's going to be a lot to manage. Isabelle walks in and sit down next to me. "So are you going to do it?" She asks. "I don't know. I mean I know it's going to be a lot. Don't tell anyone though, I haven't made up my mind yet about what I am going to do. The only other one who knows is you and jace." "I won't. I know you will be able to do it clary. I think you should do it." I nod my head and smile.

"You know what you need, a vacation" she says with a big smile and excitement in her eyes. "Where would we go?" "The beach. We could all go down to Florida or Alabama and relax for a week. You have been working so hard and been so stressed lately. Even I've noticed." "That's a good idea. Yeah I have been stressed. It's all of these designs Sherri hill gave me. I've got an idea. Can you go get my sketchbook from my room and the pencil on top of it?" She nods and leaves.
When she leaves the room chrissie walks over and stands next to me. I realize I might need my stele too. "My stele too please" I yell. I start petting chrissie. She is so sweet and soft. Izzy walks in with my sketchbook, a pencil, and my stele. "What do you need all of this for?" She asks me. "I am tired of having my leg broken. I need to try to make a rune to fix it" I tell her. "Ok but please be careful. If you hurt yourself worse jace will murder me" she says and I laugh. I take the things from izzy. I close my eyes and think of broken bone. A rune appears. I start to draw. The pencil moving without me really doing much. I open my eyes once my hand stops moving. I move to unwrap my knee. It is still a gross color. I look at he drawing and draw it on my knee. I feel a tingle and hear a pop. That is so weird. I take my sock off and put the same rune on my foot. I feel the same thing.

"Lets see if it worked" I say and I stand up. I can actually stand. Izzy stands up too. I take a step and I can actually walk. "It worked! I can actually walk and do normal things now!" I am so happy I can move on my own and don't need the crutches any more. They were such a pain. "Oh that's so great. You had a broken knee and foot since you got back" she says excited. "I know. It's such a relief."
  "Now let's look for that beach trip" I say and get my laptop. We look up places in Alabama. We find a place called turquoise place. The rooms are beautiful and so is the beach. Then best part is the beach is right behind the condos. It's perfect already. "How many people should we bring?" "Look at the 4 bedrooms" she says and I click on 4 bedroom. "You want to go next month?" "Yeah. That gives us enough time to see who all is coming and to pack too" she says and I look up June 2nd through the 9th. 8 rooms come up. We look through them all and she says "ooh look at C1709! That's so pretty. Click it" she commands. I do and I say "it is nice. I like it! Should we book it?" She nods excitedly. I book the rooms for next month. "Okay we got it next month" I say. She squeals and says "I'm so excited!"
I get up and say "let's go play with chrissie." Chrissie hears this and stands up and wags her tail. We both get up and I grab the frisbee that I got when I bought chrissie.

We go outside. "You know there is only one problem with going to the beach. I can't wear a bikini with all of my scars" I say once we step in the backyard with chrissie following us. "Oh I forgot about that. Maybe it's not that bad" she says. "Really" I say sarcastically and show her my stomach. "I see what you mean. You will look fine though. We just won't mention it." I throw the frisbee and chrissie runs after it. She brings it back and me and izzy take turns throwing it for her. She comes back every time. It feels so good to be able to walk again on both legs and not have to rely on my crutches.

"You want to go over to the institute later and ask the others about the beach trip. Of course we will ask Alec, Magnus, jace, and Simon. We will have an extra room too. Since you and Simon will want to room together and Magnus and Alec together and me and jace" I say to her. "Yeah. We can go over in an hour or so" she says and throws the frisbee again. "Maybe I  can ask mom and Luke if I can leave chrissie with them. Luke liked it years ago when I brought jace home as s puppy. He wanted to keep him but mom wouldn't let him. He would like chrissie." "That's a good idea" she says and I throw the frisbee. Chrissie comes back tired. We finally wore her out.

The three of us walk back inside. "You want to go over to the institute now" I ask izzy. "Yeah lets go but we can take separate cars for when you are ready to leave." I put chrissie in my room since her dog bed is in there. "Lets go, but I need to go by Walmart first to make a copy of my house key" I say and we go out the front door.
We leave the house. I take my car and she takes her car. I go into Walmart first while she waits for me in the parking lot. I make a copy of my house key for jace and one extra incase izzy or someone needs to get in the house for some reason. After Walmart we both head all the way over to the institute.
We walk through the front doors and see Simon, jace, and Alec sitting on the stairs. "Where were you" Alec says to izzy. "At clarys. Y'all were being too annoying" she states. "Why are you all sitting on the floor anyway" I ask no one in particular. "Because we want to and we can" jace says. I roll my eyes.

"I'm actually glad you all are right here right now. All we need is Magnus but I guess we can tell him later. I booked a four bedroom place at the beach in Alabama. Do y'all want to come" I say. "Sounds like fun. I could get away from here, I'm in" Simon says. "Me too" jace and Alec say at the same time. "It's like you two are connected or something" I say not thinking. "We are. If one of us leaves the other can feel it. Come on clary you should know this" Alec says. "I knew that" I say. They roll their eyes and Alec says "I will tell Magnus. When are we going?" "Next month. The 2nd through the 9th. We may need to leave a day before though so we can fly down there and rent a car and drive over to the place. Or we can all just drive our cars"Isabelle says. "I like the first one better, it's less work" jace says.

He looks at me up and down. His eyes widen and he says "clary, where are your crutches" he sounds worried and panicked. "Okay before you all start going crazy just listen. I am so tired of having to rely on those stupid crutches. I got my sketchbook and made a rune to fix broken bones. My knee and foot were shattered so it may only work if he bone is so badly broken." "What did it feel like" Simon asks me this time. "I felt a tingle and a big pop I heard the pop too." They all look grossed out.

"So what did you two do today" Simon asks. "Oh not much. When I had enough of the three of you I left and went over to clarys and we at lunch and hung out. We booked the beach trip and played with chrissie" Isabelle says. "Who is chrissie" Alec asks and they all look so confused and lost. Me and izzy just laugh. "My dog" I say and we continue laughing. "What is so funny" jace says still looking confused. We stop laughing but grin like an idiot and can bust out laughing at any minute. "Your faces" we both say together and mimic what their faces looked like.

"Where's mom" izzy asks. "In the library there is something bad going on in idris. We figured we wouldn't go in since we still wish to live. We have no idea what's happening but we will find out soon enough" Alec says.

We go and sit with the boys on the stairs. I take the copy key out of my pocket and hand it to jace. "Here" I say. "Everybody in the library now!" We hear Maryse's voice say. We all look at each other. "From the sound of her voice this is both really urgent and not good" Alec says. We all nod and stand up. The five of us walk to the library.

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